Here's the next chapter for ATHTE, I haven't updated in like ages, but inspiration struck me and here is the result ;D R&R my pretties

**Peace and love**


Jimbo's POV

"Tell me something no one else knows about you" mused the red headed brat beside me, she had the blankets of the Lovejoy's bed pulled shamelessly about her waist, not caring that her breasts were bare and exposed for the world to see.

Something no one else knows about me…there's not really much to tell…"My real name is Corky" The lithe girl burst into laughter, her long messy red gold hair flowing forward over her naked torso, she looked up at me…her eyes for once sparkling silver blue rather than being cold flat stormy grey. "Fuck off" I inwardly groaned and tossed back my shaggy chocolate brown hair. "Tell me something bout you no one knows"

"Hmm" she propped herself up on pale slender elbows, cocked her head, her strawberry blonde locks hung down, pooling onto the mattress in rough hairspray coated strands. "I dunno…I made out with a girl before?" she chuckled lavishly, leaning back, digging her long purple fingernails into the pillow she lye on.

"Hot" I murmured with a laugh of my own, I tried to picture Tiffany sprawled on top of another girl, her tongue down the others delicate throat, fingers pressed into each others hair, pulling their faces closer. Hot indeed. She grinned seductively and lowered her hand beneath the blankets, beginning to jerk my length which had gotten painfully hard from her touch. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, an annoyed look crossed Tiff's face.

"JIMBO" called the muffled voice from outside.

I sighed and grudgingly pulled my boxers and jeans on, my boner was blatantly noticeable. I walked over to the door and opened it. "Oh" seeing who it was my eyes widened. "Laura" Laura Powers, army brat extraordinaire and my on again off again girlfriend. By this time Tiffany had slid back into her lacy blue undergarments, she sat on the bed and lit up a cigarette. "Uhh" I looked between the chestnut haired girl and the red headed brat.

"D-did I interrupt something?" Laura spoke incredulously, looking down at my obvious boner and then trying to shove past me.

"N-no" I smiled hopelessly, shoving my navy blue tuque back on my head.

A hard angry look appeared on Laura's face and she barreled into me, knocking me back against the wall. "YOU ASSHOLE" she screamed, her thin eyebrows bending, she strutted up to Tiffany and pulled her up by the chain leash that hung down from the dog collar round her slender neck.

Laura's red brown hair flew back as Tiff pushed her away. "Who the fuck are you" growled the strawberry blonde haired girl. Oh. Shit. This was bad, really, really fucking bad.

"I'm Laura Powers" said the brunette; lifting her chin arrogantly…usually Laura was such a guy about things, her being this haughty was uncharacteristic. "Who" she spat "Are YOU"

Tiffany had put two and two together and realized that Laura and I obviously had some history…a smirk formed on her full rose red lips, I gulped, and now she was going to put on one hell of a show. "Honey, I'm Tiffany Carla Simpson, and don't you be forgetting it" she patted Laura's cheek as if she were a child. "But you" she gave Laura a smouldering glance "Can call me Tiff"

"So you've been fucking Jimbo?" Laura asked with a too-sweet smile on her pale pink lips.

It had only been once but Tiff, that BITCH, would act like it had been going on for ages. "Obviously" she chuckled smoothly, tucking a strand of her jagged golden red hair behind one of her plentifully pierced ears. "So…who're you to him?" she picked a small circular mirror up off of Helen Lovejoy's bureau and began wiping away her smudged eyeliner, she fixed her choppy bangs and then smiled at Laura, they were talking as if I wasn't standing at the doorway looking utterly horrified.

"I'm. His. GIRLFRIEND" she shrieked, her grey green eyes looked positively raging.

"Oh" Tiff smiled again, she knew too well how to play this game, how to string along the usually un-trick-able Laura Powers, she was one manipulative little brat. "Well then" Tiffany put down the mirror and smirked "he was cheating on you?"

"So it seems" growled Laura, she was out for blood.

"And why do you think he did that?" Tiffany grinned cheekily, she was…diabolical.

"I don't know" Laura's voice was a monotone, cold and pissed off. "Do you?"

"Hmm" Tiff placed one long finger on her chin, the dark purple fingernail shining in the light emitted from the lamp I had flicked on earlier. She looked beautiful in the light of the lamp; the cigarette in her mouth, her curvaceous scantily clad body taking on an orange-ish tone beneath the light, silky grey smoke surrounded her hazily. "I guess it's because…you're" her grin widened "a lousy fuck" she blew acrid milky smoke in Laura's face and chuckled haughtily.

The Powers girl was fuming. "You" she poked her middle finger into Tiff's chest "Are a bitch"

"And you" Tiffany smiled saccharinely, placing a comforting hand on Laura's shoulder "Have to come to terms with being a lousy lay"

Laura's lips twisted hatefully, her eyes narrowed; she grabbed Tiff by her leash and in the process also snagged a clump of her long red gold hair. She began barreling forward, Tiffany in tow, out of the Lovejoy's bedroom, down the hallway, oh fuck, was she planning on dragging Tiff down the stairs like that? My eyes widened. "L-Laura" I stammered, running after her. "I'm sure we can talk this out"

"FUCK OFF JONES" she yelled at the top of her lungs, bedroom doors flew open, wondering what was causing all the ruckus.

Third Person POV

Raine LaChance, wearing only a pair of black lace boy shorts accompanied by Evanlee O'Brecht in just boxers leaned out of one room. "Oh shit" Raine said, her pale green eyes going round as saucers.

Evan shook his head of gorgeous platinum blonde hair "Why am I not surprised that Tiffany is the cause of all this" he laughed silkily.

Out of the room across the hall emerged Sadie Grimes and Dolph Starbeam. Sadie in nothing but Dolph's oversized army green t-shirt and auburn haired Dolph wearing just his ratty blue jeans. "Simpson and Jones" Dolph rolled his cool green eyes "Of course they'd be the ones to cause a scene" Sadie, Dolph, Raine and Evan all pulled their clothing on and followed the angry procession to the stairs.

"What's going on" Jessica Lovejoy burst out of her bedroom, her thick raven black waves cascading behind her petite body as she hightailed it after the group of older teenagers. "HELLO" exclaimed the spoilt girl, her emerald green irises shining. No one took notice of her or what she was decked out in; a violet lingerie corset and a haphazardly pulled on mini skirt. Kearney was visible sitting on the younger girl's bed in only boxers but Tiffany Simpson and Laura Powers were the stars of this show.

Laura yanked Tiff forward and she let out a little screech of protest as she was pulled roughly down the spiraling stairs. Laura led Tiffany through the twining dancing teens on the main floor, not caring if they bumped into anyone and up onto the podium set up by Faye, Cody and Aiden only hours before. "TURN OFF THE MUSIC" Laura commanded into the microphone, Martin Prince shifted uneasily and then flicked off the brash techno music much to half the crowd's disappointment.

"Let go of me you psycho" Tiffany snarled, every word spoken was amplified a million times for the whole teenage population of Springfield to hear. Tiff seized Laura's wrist and pried her hand off of her chain leash. The redhead still wore only her lacy ice blue bra and matching g-string, Raine and Sadie cringed for her but Tiffany seemed not to care about how exposed she was.

"YOU'RE A FUCKING BITCH" Laura screamed, most people had stopped what they were doing to watch the girls go at it, one in nothing but her sexy undergarments and the other in short shorts, a tight white tank top, an army jacket and black high heels.

Tiff turned her nose ring thoughtfully and then placed her hands on her jutting curvaceous hips. She leaned forward, so her full breasts were quite visible, her lips fell open scandalously and she grasped the microphone. "Laura Powers" spoke the wild redheaded seventeen year old "Is a lousy lay" this statement was followed by a rush of silky smooth chuckles. She stood straight again and tossed her backcombed strawberry blonde mane back. Yes, Tiffany Carla Simpson put on one hell of a show.