A/N: This is for those of you who read Turpentine Baptism and wanted the background story on Edward's feelings for Alice.

I'm experimenting with a past and present format. This first chapter takes place in the past.


Mind Reader

Jasper sat at the foot of the bed with his book in hand and politely tried to ignore the sounds coming from Emmett and Rosalie's bedroom.

He was having a more difficult time ignoring the burning lust rushing down the hallway at him and, apparently, Emmett and Rosalie's activities were having an affect on Alice as well

because Jasper suddenly felt waves of desire washing over him from Alice. Jasper ground his teeth. He'd been reading the same passage over and over for the past five minutes.

"You could try reading something to take your mind off it," he told Alice.

Alice crawled toward Jasper and wrapped her arms around his chest.

"But I don't want to take my mind off it."

Her lips brushed against his ear and her breath tickled. Jasper closed his eyes and shivered.

Alice placed several open-mouthed kisses against his neck and tried to unbutton his shirt.

Jasper pushed her hands away. "Everyone will hear us," he whispered fiercely. There was simply no privacy in a house full of vampires.

God knew he had heard Emmett and Rosalie more times than he cared to count, and he and Alice had been living with the Cullens for less than a month.

And, although Carlisle and Esme were quieter and more discreet, he'd still felt and heard some of their intimate moments as well.

"Edward said everyone respects each other's privacy and tries not to listen," Alice said.


The mind reader.

Jasper bared his teeth briefly at the mention of the boy's name.

He felt an uncertain uneasiness, bordering on jealousy, concerning Alice's fast friendship with Edward.

And why was Edward speaking of something so personal to his mate?

Jasper got off the bed and sat in the chair by the window and opened his book. "But they still hear," Jasper pointed out.

Alice sprang from the bed and sat on Jasper's lap, nuzzling his neck. "I didn't realize you were such a prude, Mr. Whitlock."

Jasper gave Alice a flat stare. He was anything but a prude. He'd fornicated with countless newborns, the occasional human, and even the devil herself,

but he'd be damned before he would allow that mind-reader listen to him make love to Alice.

"I need some air." Jasper gently pushed Alice from his lap and quickly left the house.

Once outside, Jasper picked up on Edward's scent. He followed it.

It was time to put the boy in his place.

Jasper made no effort to conceal his approach, but Edward's stance was wary when he caught up to him.


He wanted him to feel a little afraid.

Edward's mouth twitched into a fleeting smirk and he stood up straight. "Good evening, Jasper."

Why was the boy amused? "Evening, Edward."

Edward watched him, expectant, but when Jasper said nothing more, Edward said, "Was there something that you wanted?"

Jasper cleared his throat. He suddenly wanted to give the boy the benefit of the doubt.

Carlisle and Esme both loved him like a son—he'd felt that--and they had taken in Alice and had, more importantly, allowed him into their home as well.

He would hate to hurt them by causing injury to Edward.

But he was prepared to fight him for Alice.

"Edward, Alice is my mate." There. He'd said it out loud. He'd claimed her as his own.

He felt annoyance from Edward, and the boy had raised his eyebrows at him.

He couldn't blame Edward for not knowing with certainty that he and Alice were intimate.

They did not touch each other in the presence of the Cullens, and the only reason he had agreed to share a bedroom with Alice was because there were no other rooms to be had.

Unless he shared with Edward and that had not seemed like a good idea.

"Alice isn't some piece of property that you can stake your claim on."

"What did you say to me?" Jasper had to force himself to remain still.

He wanted to strike Edward down for that remark, push that pretty face of his in the dirt.

He noticed Edward had bent at the knees slightly, as if he was anticipating some attack.

Jasper pulled back his anger.

"My interest in Alice is purely platonic," Edward said, "as is her friendship with me."

Jasper's nostrils flared.

He hadn't even given thought to Alice seeking out a more suitable mate, but it made sense.

"No, it doesn't. She loves you," Edward said.

Jasper's eyes widened. "Are you doing it now? Reading my mind without my permission?"

Edward exhaled. "It doesn't work like that. I can't help that I'm hearing everything that you're thinking.

And it's especially hard to block it out when you're standing less than three feet away from me."

Jasper locked his eyes on Edward's. I would appreciate if you would refrain from speaking with Alice about…private matters.

"I don't know what you mean."

"You heard me think that?"

Edward nodded. "Of course, but… what private matters?"

The bedroom.

Edward shook his head and gave him a look of distaste. "Alice and I don't discuss what the two of you do in the privacy of your bedroom."

You wouldn't have to.

Edward let out a long sigh. "Why do you think I'm out here instead of at the house?"

The same reason I am. "Emmett and Rosalie?"

Edward laughed. "They can get a little boisterous."

He should try having to feel everything…

Edward looked at Jasper with sympathy. "I hadn't considered how their activities might be affecting you."

Jasper nodded. "I had to leave."

A/N: Okay, a little animosity between Jasper and Edward, but what's a poor, scarred, penniless Southern boy to do when confronted with rich, urbane, handsome SINGLE Edward Cullen?

Can you blame him for feeling a little unsettled by Alice's friendship with that?