Brian and Me

Rated: T for Teenagers

Chapter 1: The Meg's and Brian's worst day ever

(This chapter begins in James Woods High School; Meg was putting her books in the locker until Connie and her friends comes to Meg)

Connie: Hey Meg.

Meg: Connie?

Connie: The guys and I were talking, and as is the day of my speech to the audience, I want you to do it for me.

Meg: Forget it Connie, everyday you put me a trap to get me humiliate, and I won't fell it this time.

Connie: Ohh, too bad, I thinking if you speech in front the class this day, I can name it my official friend.

Meg: No thank you, I have dignity and I won't turn it into humiliation.

Connie: (Begging) Please Meg! My reputation of the most popular girl of school is in game and you are my only hope! Please Meg, have heart to me this time!

Meg: (Annoyed) All right! All right! I'll do it if you promises me not humiliation, got it?

Connie: Thanks Meg! I knew it I could thrust you.

Meg: Don't forget! Not humiliation!

Connie: I promise. (She crosses her fingers in her back)

(Meanwhile, Brian and Jillian (In my fanfic, they still dating) were in the park)

Brian: Jillian, this last months with you was the most fantastic months of my life.

Jillian: Ohh Brian, you're the cutest guy I ever met.

Brian Uhh…I'm a dog.

Jillian: Brian! Don't say that! You're not a dog, you're a man.

Brian: Anyway, I make a reservation in an Italian restaurant; I know you love the Italian food.

Jillian: Yes I love the Greece food!

Brian: Uhh…yeah, well, see you in the night.

(In the Audience, everything is in dark)

Meg: Connie, why everything if dark?

Connie: Is a surprise speech, well, go on. (Meg prepares the speech)

Meg: Dear students of school, I said sometime very important to this: That was a Brazilian and Spanish who they were talking each other, the Brazilian was talking to him until the Spanish says 'Cállate sudamericano, ni siquiera sabes hablar español' (Translation: Shut up South American, you don't even speak Spanish), then a Chinese ask a Japanese to open the eyes, and the Japanese says 'I don't have it closed damn Chinese, you made me this expensive glasses', what's the difference between an Iraqi and an Iranian? Iraq is for Sadaam Hussein, but Iran is for Iwanna Bigdick. Wait a minute, this isn't a speech; there are so many racists' jokes that could offend foreign students. (The lights appears and the audience is foreign students who they so pissed off) Ohh…sh*t (Then everyone attacks her, making laughing to Connie and her friends)

Connie: (Laughing) our plan was a perfect success!

(In an Italian restaurant called 'The Romero', Brian and Jillian looks they enjoying their dinner)

Jillian: This place is fantastic!

Brian: I'm glad you're enjoying it Jelly-Bean, and I also give you something very special.

Jillian: What is it, a cat? I love cats!

Brian: What cats? (He barking until he laughs for joking) I'm kidding, but serious: Jillian, I love stay with you, now it's time to make this official. (That scares Jillian)

Jillian: (Gasps) you will broke up with me?

Brian: (Shocked) What?! No! I don't mean it...

Jillian: (Upset) you know what? F*ck you! (Everyone here listening this) And you don't dump me! I leave you! (She walks away from here, but she slips from an ice cube, to the kitchen where she crashes against the oven in flame, the Brian's propose finished with a tragic failure)

(An ambulance comes for Jillian and she's was covered with a blanket, Brian was so very sad for this tragic night,

he cried all night for this.)

(After school, Meg was so beat out from the foreign students, Brian for other side, the Jillian's death affect him so much, he's now in the bar drinking 7 martinis)

Meg: (Thinking: I thought the bad things only happen to the bad people…but now…I don't know.)

Brian: (Thinking: I thought I finally met my girl of my dreams…but now…I lost her forever…)

Meg: (Thinking: My family hates me…the school hates me…everyone hates me…)

Brian: (Thinking: I hate my life…I hate everyone…I hate everything…)

Meg: (Thinking: My life is awful…)

Brian: (Thinking: I can't take it anymore…) (They were planning to commit a suicide: Meg tried to hang herself with a rope, and Brian points himself with a handgun)

Meg/Brian: (Thinking: Good bye…cruel world…) (She kicks the chair to get choked, but the rope cuts itself and she just falls; at same time…Brian tries to shoot himself, but the handgun doesn't work, so he throws away, killing a person who he didn't notice)

Meg: This is so great…

Brian: I don't even commit a suicide…

Meg/Brian: God hates me…

(Chapter ends)