I Don't Want To Be Evil Anymore!


What if Trigon had raised Raven instead? That's my story plot. Raven has two brothers. They are twins. Their names are Damon and Zack. They're identical. Like most brothers they like to bug their sis. And like most sisters she's always trying to get back at them. Raven is 15. Her brothers' are 13, two years younger.

Teen Titans show up in later chapters.

Chapter 1: I'm Your Worst Nightmare

Raven lay on her bed. She was reading from one of her countless spell books that her father would get for her whenever he went somewhere. Her violet eyes followed each word. She stopped reading, but continued to stare at her book. She could feel her brothers. They were up to something. After a second Raven jumped up and whispered Azarath Metrion Xinthos. Her brothers were immediately visible. She threw them against her wall with her black energy. "Get out" she yelled. They both just starred. "Now" screamed Raven.

As Raven began to scream at them Trigon appeared home. He had just gotten back from another daemon's dimension. Hearing his daughter's screams he smiled. He knew the boys were in trouble. Instead of being a normal father and breaking up there fight he listened. The boys' will never learn he thought, and now they're going to pay the price. Raven was defiantly his favorite of the three. She was fearless, the most powerful, and she didn't screw around.

Raven's eyes were slightly red. "Stop it" she said. The boys didn't stop yelling at her. "STOP IT" Bellowed Raven, her eyes turning all the way red, "GET OUT BEFORE I KILL YOU TWO". The boys shivered. They hated it when their sister got this mad at them. They were starting to get scared. Damon clung to Zack and vice versa. They both ran screaming out of her room. Raven simply stood there and laughed evilly. She loved it when she scared them. They were such babies.

I think I'm going to get them back tomorrow thought Raven as a sly smile spread across her face. I think I'm going to go into their dreams and scare the hell out of them. Tomorrow night will be so fun. She floated back over to her bed and picked up her book and began to read it again.

Raven woke with her head atop her book. It was still dark in her room. It never got very bright. That was the way she liked it. She rolled of and mumbled to her self " gotta practice, test at noon". She closed her eyes for a few more minutes waiting for her body to wake fully. She slowly sat up then eventually stood up. She floated over to her closet where she striped down to her underwear. Her hand picked up a black mini skirt and a tight black shirt with a white skull on it. She pulled on her black boots then wrapped her dark blue cloak around herself. Breakfast would be soon she knew. The girl brushed her long violet hair till it was soft and silky. Then she pulled it back into a loose ponytail. She didn't bother with makeup. There was no point since she was just going to ruin it when she was tested on her newest skill, splitting her soul in two and being able to fight. She had been practicing hard everyday. The boys seemed to be way behind her. They could just barely raise their souls from there bodies. Maybe they could do more if they didn't screw around and actually work hard thought Raven. She knew she was going to pass her test make daddy proud and the boys would either fail and make him angry, or barely pass and again make him angry. Either way they were going to be in trouble, like they always were. She was never in trouble; she was always doing everything right. Maybe the boys should follow me she thought, they'd sure be in better shape if they did.

Raven phased through her door and started to walk down the hallway. She entered the kitchen and found her brothers arguing. She rolled her violet eyes then knocked them both down to the floor. "Will you two ever stop arguing?" asked their sister. They both looked up and answered "no, of course not". She again rolled her eyes, "one of these days I'm going to kill you two". "Well why not now" said Zack, "that way you can take us out of our misery before we flunk our test". The girl laughed, "put you out of your misery. Ha, I don't think so. I think I'll enjoy watching you two buffoons get a beating of a live time". She threw her head back and continued to laugh maliciously. "Well he may fail," said Damon, "but I'm going to pass". "You are not," shouted Zack, "you're gonna fail like me". Then the twins began to strangle each other. Their sister continued to laugh hysterically at them.

After a moment Raven had had enough. She separated them and yelled, "ENOUGH, control yourselves". The boys glared at her, but didn't say anything. Her eyes continued to glow white for a second longer. She released them then started to make her breakfast. She ignored them for the rest of the morning.

She meditated a little, not to control her emotions. She didn't need to keep them locked up. No, she wanted to be calm and let her power grow within herself. "Azarath Metrion Xinthos", she repeated dully. She didn't like to meditate. But she performed better when she was calm and her power was at its peak.

Raven opened her eyes. It was almost time. She dropped the ground, her face emotionless. She was most defiantly ready. She would pass with spiraling colors. She always did. She walked down the hall calmly. Her mind was going over each thing she had to do and how to do it perfectly. As she passed her brothers room she could hear them cramming for their test. They're both dead Raven thought. They'll never be as good as me, Never.

She stopped at the door. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. This was it. There was no turning back; not that she would even think about it. She opened the door and walked gracefully in. she stopped in the middle of the floor and waited for her father to appear. A second later Red like smoke appeared. As it began to clear Trigon was revealed. His four red eyes shone in excitement. He was interested in how well his daughter would do. He knew she would do excellent, but exactly how excellent.

Raven waited for his command to start. When she heard it she started. She rose into the air with her eyes a ghostly white. She sat in meditation position then began to say a spell. Her soul rose from her body. She swayed above her body for only a half second then began to split herself in two. It only took another half second to do this. It started at her head then went all the way down her exact middle to her feet. For a split moment there appeared to be two pefect halves of Raven's soul. Then blackness surrounded her and the halves were completed. Two of her was left floating there, both pair of eyes glowing that white. Raven didn't even have a second to make sure everything was correct when her father's minions appeared. All she had to do was kill them. They would only be destroyed for 48 hours before their souls came back to her father and there bodies began to appear. There were 100 of them. 50 for each half of her soul. She constructed each half to turn and face these monsters. This wouldn't be too hard. But Raven didn't want to do it too quickly. She wanted to show her father what she could really do. Not kill them on the spot but make them suffer each precious moment of the life they had left. Her demon half was anxious. She wanted to kill. To feel that satisfying feeling in her demon half's gut.

The minions attacked. The right half's eyes turned slightly red. She disappeared from view with an evil smirk on her face. The monsters eyes rose, trying to find her, trying to sense her. She rose up from the ground behind them. Black like lightning flew from her hands. It pierced threw the hearts and brains of several of the monsters. They shrieked in pain. Then they fell flat to the ground and began to disintegrate; one body part at a time. It was a gruesome fight. Meanwhile the left half floated in the air with a shield around her. She was chanting a spell. At the end she yelled out Azarath Metrion Xinthos. The monsters looked at her in horror. 10 of them were plunged into the wall and Raven began to slowly, gently tear their limbs away from their bodies. Their wanting to die couldn't be greater. They couldn't have experienced any more pain. Even from their master Trigon, they hadn't felt this much pain. They shrieked and begged for mercy. Raven simply threw her head back and laughed. "You should certainly know by now that I am not the mercy type," she said.

Blood covered the floor of the room when she was finished. Only a few of the monsters lay on the ground crying out in pain as they began to die and disintegrate. Raven ignored them. She flew over to her body; let her halves become one then sank back into her body. She breathed in deeply. If felt wonderful to breath real air again. She opened her eyes then dropped elegantly to the ground. She looked at her father. He had a wide smile plastered against his face. His pairs of eyes showed amazement. Of course he knew she would be excellent. But every time she took her test she passed with what he thought would be impossible. He was pleased, very pleased indeed. "Well done my daughter" he said, his voice deep and proud. Raven gave a small bow, "Thank-you father", her lips spread into an immoral smile.

As she walked down the hall way to her room she stopped by a door. The door was covered in iron bars. There was a sign above the door that read Do Not Dare Enter in the demonic language. This was where her father kept the souls, the helpless souls that came to him after death, because they did not deserve and good. Raven let her hood fall back. She walked right through the door. She thought she deserved at least a couple souls for her thirst. She had done verry well in her test after all and plus new ones would replace them. Someone was always dieing somewhere. Her eyes turned red as she looked upon the covering souls. She grasped three of them with waves of her black energy. They were then pulled beneath her cloak, into her. They tasted delicious to her and she consumed three more before leaving. Blackness surrounded her as she passed through the door again.

She smiled; her eyes red with power. She grinned at her brothers mischievously as they passed her to take their test. Their failure will be fun to play with, in their dreams Raven thought. Her eyes still glowed brightly. The red color was beginning to change to white. She read a book while she waited for her father to start yelling at the boys. The yelling began after ten minutes. Raven lifted her head and smiled. Her whole room was shaking. She began to laugh, "you guys may already dead, but I'm going to make you deader tonight". Her room stopped shaking after approximately five minutes. Raven floated over to her door to watch her defeated brothers stumble back to their rooms injured in every way manageable. Their faces couldn't be any more miserable. She gave a small smile. She felt no sympathy towards them. I told you you'd both fail. Zack was the only one who met his sister's gaze. "Shut Up" he said. Make me smiled Raven."Ugh, Zack just leave it" said Damon, "I've already had enough trouble for one day". You wish thought her.

Raven waited till it was around midnight. She knew her brothers were asleep. She could sense it. They were out. She gave a sly smile as she disappeared in blackness. She appeared above her sleeping brothers. Their beds weren't far apart from each other. Her smile grew on her face. You guys are so past dead she whispered. Raven landed quietly in between them. She rested one of her hands carefully on Damon's head and the other on Zack's. She quickly found their minds. She easily broke into them. Her hands lifted to just above both boys' heads. She entered their dreams at the same time. Raven made her undetectable. She decided to toy with them. She made their dreams exactly how they would want them which were basically them with some hot chick at a party. She put a bit more of sexual activity in Damon's. He was the type of boy who'd kiss any hot girl he saw. Zack was a bit different. He liked to get to know a girl first. Raven waited till they were each about to kiss the girl of their dreams to turn it into their nightmare. Zack's girl turned into herself. For some reason she actually scared him more than their father did. He had been very brave when he told her to shut up. Damon's girl turned into their father. Raven's eyes turned red with enjoyment. She hadn't had this much fun in a long time.

In Zack's dream her eyes were crimson and she had another pair. Flames of darkness sprang out from underneath her cloak. Blood spread across her front teeth. Dream Zack screamed and tried to run. Raven only laughed and pulled him back. "You can't hide from me" she yelled. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHH" screamed Zack, "LET ME GO"! Her voice was deeper. "I'm not letting go, ever". She paused to laugh, "aren't you going to fight me coward". He tried to fight but he didn't have a chance. His sister was beating the crap out of him. "Now" she yelled "to kill you Mhahahahah". Zack's eyes were wide with fear and horror. Raven began to kill him slowly (she'd most likely never kill him in real life, but hey this was a dream). She dug her energy into his left arm then tore it off. Zack screamed in agony. She only laughed wickedly. Then she did the same to the other arm and both legs. She looked at her brother piteously. "Say goodnight and goodbye forever" she said. "NOOOOOO" screamed Zack.

In Damon's dream Raven appeared next to their dream father. Raven spoke. "Me and daddy have decided you are useless, that you are nothing". "And we are going to get rid of you, unless you can prove yourself worth by winning" finished Trigon. Y"our wonderful brother has already proven himself" said Raven. A dream Zack appeared by Raven's side. He had a smirk on his face. "Hey brother, are you ready to fail". "I can't possible fight all three of you" argued Damon. "You most certainly will" smiled Raven her eyes turning red. Zack's did the same. Damon lashed out with all had. He felt betrayed by his so called twin brother. He tried to disappear but his sister stopped him. She grasped him with her magic then flung him into a wall. Zack took it on from there. He started to kill his own brother. S"ay goodbye" said Trigon roaring with laughter. "NOOOOO" screamed Damon.

Raven left their dreams with that. Them both screaming NOOOOO. She became invisible as her both her brothers woke up screaming. Zack flung himself into his brother's arms and they both went tumbling to the floor. She hid her laugh back. "Ahhh get off of me" screamed Damon, "you're gonna kill me". "What" yelled Zack "why would I…". "oh good it was just a dream" sighed Damon. "Well duh, I'd never kill you. Uh hey Damon, do you think Raven's gonna kill me?" said Zack nervously. "What are you talking about" said Damon. "Oh good that was a dream too" he breathed. Both boys clung to each other and shivered with fear. Raven smiled above them. I'm sleeping with you said Damon and Zack at the same time. They both curled up in balls in Damon's bed in fear.

Raven left them at that. When she disappeared and appeared into her room she burst into laughter." Oh my gosh. Their faces, the look of horror they had. Hahahahaha". She howled with laughter. "They were so scared. They actually thought it was real. Oh my gosh, I got them so good. They'll think twice about messin with me now. Oh yea".