N/a. No, this does not mean I'm back from FF after a long period of absence. I kind ajust felt a moment of inspiration (?) when reading a series of reviews I got from another fic. It was very touching to still have a number of people's attention though I was being a lazy bum. Admittedly, it was more on Bleach, but hey... happiness is happiness. So, I warn you guys, I'm rusty at this. Writing and OC-ness and I'm afraid it's too fluffy. Blah.... okay. Time to cram information about genetics in the brain now. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass. Nor Shakespeare's sonnets nor Edna St. Vincent Millay's sonnet.

He was too pretty, CC concluded to herself, watching his lashes almost brush his pale cheeks as he read some book called War And Peace. It was late in the afternoon now, he was in his plush chair, beside their personal library. It had been a month since they settled in Barcelona, and so far, everything was completely and utterly normal. No plans for a revolution, no Knightmares or rebellion coups-nothing. Except for her and him, doing what they had missed out on in the last few years- relaxing.

Almost too much.

"Lelouch?" She heard her voice call out to him, and blinked in surprise. Why bother calling him?

He didn't take his eyes away from the page. And uttered a single grunt. He had been doing that lately. Reading. Intensively so. So much that when he finished up one book, he would pick up another, not moving until he finished a chapter or taking quick breaks. All while saying few to no words to her at all. Frustrating.

"Lelouch." She repeated again, this time with a little force.

No response.

Irritation quickly settled in her. What the hell. What. The. Hell. Was he that enamored with the book? Was he? Fine. Just great.

"Would you stop that?" She found herself snapping to him, looking at that book as if it was the most offensive thing in the whole wide world.

And then something miraculous happened, Lelouch moved his lips, "No." And then he turned the page.

She had it. Rising gracefully to her feet from her sofa that was adjacent from the chair he sat in, CC yanked the book away from him, glowering at him. The man sat for a minute- dazed, and then when realization hit him, he glared at her and opened his mouth to protest.

Only for his mouth to be silenced by her beautiful hands. "No." She hissed in his ear, dangerously slow, as if her voice could frost glass, "No, Lelouch. This time, you shall listen to what I have to say. Attentively."

At the sound of her command, his skin prickled and he drew a sharp intake of breath- bad mistake. Immediately, her scent invaded him, intoxicating him. He was almost drunk of it. When did he last feel like this? He wondered, bewildered.

Then slowly, she moved her hand away from his mouth, stopping abruptly when he caught her wrist with his hands. "Aren't you a little aggressive today?"

"Says the one who hasn't been acknowledging my presence for nearly two weeks." She shot back, her glare was absolutely terrified. And also a bit hurt. Mainly it was furious.

"Oh dear." He smiled coyly, guiding her hands to touch the side of his cheeks, immediately feeling static between their skin. "Did you feel lonely?"

"Stop with the foreplay, Lelouch." She snipped irritably. "Your going to sleep on the shed if you keep going on like this."

"Did I tell you you look absolutely beautiful when your vivid?" He smiled disarmingly, half panicked at her statement.

"Did I tell you how much of a liar you are?"

"Multiple times." He kissed her palm, wondering idly what the hell he was doing before to ignore the softness of her skin. "Whoever hath her wish, thou hast thy will."

"Were you not still my hunger's rarest food and water to my wildest thirst." she muttered crossly, still holding on to her grudge. "Were you not lovely, I would leave you now."

"Liar." He countered back softly, his lips chasing down her arm, sometimes teasingly brushing past her skin that she would sigh softly. "You lie. You wouldn't leave me for anything."

"Wherefore," she breathed, struggling for her head not to plunge into the feeling, "to be inconstant is no care: I have but to continue at your side."

Hs lips neared hers, their eyes, half lidded, and he whispered hotly at her, "Then give me welcome, next my heav'n the best." His kiss was hungry, starving for her response, and she did, good god, it felt like the first time she kissed him. And then, in the back of his mind, he wondered why on earth was his hands not always all over her.


CC really was beyond beautiful, watching her face as she concentrated on the TV. It was evening, and its been two weeks since she discovered the power of the television. Admittedly, Lelouch was feeling a bit put out. Then something occured to him, making him smirk slyly. Sliding down next to her on the couch, he began calling out her name.

Okay, about the story- for those who are wondering, I was curious how it would turn out if one of them actually gets jealous over an inanimate object. That and the result would be... an obvious fluff fest. Brilliant. (Im being sarcastic.)

PS. I might delete some really bad stories from this fic and replace them with new ones or edit the good ones. I dunno. Maybe...? Thanks, for the patience folks. :D