Alright, This is my first Star Trek story, Please forgive me if I've made a critical error. Don't hesitate to give suggestions. I welcome them. :D
He let his fingertips vicariously stroke the soft curves of her cheeks, as she slept soundly beside him in his bed.
"Never was there someone more beautiful" he whispered quietly to himself, as he continued to stroke her cheeks. "My beautiful Nyota."
Suddenly, Uhura groaned and turned in her sleep, away from him. Spock's eyes conveyed the slightest hint of pain at her unconscious gesture, but he quickly reasoned with himself that she had no knowledge of what had occurred and that thought pacified him.
His father once told him when he was young that emotions ran deep in the Vulcan race, even more deeply than in humans. That's why they needed to suppress them as much as possible. He, being a very intelligent child understood that concept then, but now it was even more clear than it ever had been.
For he knew that since he fell in love with Uhura, he wasn't quite himself. His emotions, usually deeply buried were floating to the surface more frequently now. He also had acquired a strange new protective and possessive nature towards her.
For he knew if anything were to happen to her, he'd never be able to recover.
Spock sighed, and finally decided to rest. He shut his eyes, and let the sound of Uhura's deep, even breathing carry him off into slumber.
"Spock…" Uhura cooed as she tried to coax him out of his almost comatose sleep.
His eyes slowly opened and upon seeing the beautiful face that awaited him, he scolded himself for not opening them sooner.
He sat up and gently kissed her forehead. She smiled and hummed a purr of contentment.
"Are you hungry?" he asked, standing up.
"Very, I'm actually really craving-"
She didn't finish, instead, the ship jolted violently and she fell to the ground.
Spock rushed to her aid, but as he helped her up the ship jolted again. Then he heard the com,
"Kirk to Spock."
"I'm here Captain, what's happening?"
"The ship seems to be entering some sort of spatial anomaly, I need you on the bridge."
"Right away captain."
"We should go, are you alright?" Spock said, as he helped Uhura up.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go." she said.
They both quickly dressed and headed to the bridge. The ship was on full red alert.
"Good, you're here," Kirk said, Spock and Uhura nodded to him, then he added "hope I didn't interrupt anything." his face twitched into a smile.
Uhura glared at him, "Maybe you wouldn't mind telling me what's happening here Captain."
"Indeed" Spock added.
"Well," Kirk started, "at approximately 0656 hours we came across a spatial anomaly, it's causing the ship to jolt every so often."
"So if it's just an anomaly, why is the ship on red alert?" asked Uhura.
"Just a precaution, incase it turns into something more, it happens." Kirk explained.
"Captain, are we currently running scans to find out the exact specifications of the anomaly?"
"We've tried Commander, but we can't get a clear reading. The disturbance seems to be affecting the ships censors." Explained Kirk, in an exasperated tone.
"Curious.." remarked Spock with a raised eyebrow, as he went to his station.
"Captain! Captain!" Chekov stammered, almost yelling.
"I'm picking up a small shuttle craft! One life sign, although it is very weak."
"You know the species?"
"The censors are not working well sir,"
"Very well, Beam the sign aboard,"
"Yes, sir."
"Kirk to McCoy, prepare to receive a patient."
"Jim?" Bones questioned,
"We picked up a life sign in distress, just prepare to receive."
"alright, but you're probably beaming some sort of pandemic carrier-"
"Kirk out." and the com ended. He smiled, good ol' bones.
"McCoy to Spock" the Doctor called a few minutes later.
"Yes, Doctor?"
"Come to sick bay, right away. Uhura too, you might want to see this."
Spock raised an eyebrow, "Right away Doctor."
"If my scans are right, which they always are… it seems like you're parents." Bones explained while he led the duo to the patient.
"Parents?" questioned Spock, taken aback.
"You, and Uhura."
"How…?" Uhura questioned, wide-eyed.
"Well, I'm not sure, I'm a doctor, I ran scans, and it showed that she is one quarter Vulcan," he nodded to Spock "and three quarters human" he nodded to Uhura. "and has a combination of your genetic makeup's."
"Excuse me Doctor, did you say she?" Spock asked,
"Yes, she. A little girl, about four years old I'd say."
"I want to see her." Uhura said, Spock nodded in agreement.
Please Review, and I'll continue, Thanks for Reading. =)