First chapter! (:
"Morning!" Sonny exclaimed as she entered the classroom of little five-year-olds. They all beamed at her, smiling.
Ms. Monroe was a favorite teacher at the elementary school near Hollywood. There were groups of a few kids at twelve small tables.
"Hi, Celsey!" Sonny flashed a smile at the quiet little girl. She was very timid and shy. The little girl flashed a smile.
"Alright, class, please raise your hand when I call your name and say, 'Here!'!" Sonny was still her peppy, old-self.
"Celsey?" The little girl raised her hand gently from the place it was from. Sonny finished the list of kids for attendance. Sonny arranged some papers sloppy clipped together, and grabbed a stack on papers with a paper clip holding them together.
"Now, kids, it's time for parent/teacher conferences! So just have Mommy and/or Daddy sign these slips and let them know when's a good time for me to meet with them! Now-"
"Good morning, students! Let's say the pledge, shall we?" A voice from the AP was heard.
The kids in Sonny's class had rose, put their hands on their hearts, and, in their tiny little voices, said:
"I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, and for justice and all."
The little five year olds sat back down.
"Kids, guess what? We're gonna be reviewing our shapes, and doing a small project! Sounds fun, huh?"
"YAY!" The whole class shouted. Celsey perked a little smile, rarely ever seen. Sonny smiled at the little girl.
Ms. Monroe walked over to the dress erase board and handed out little chalkboards for the students. She even had colored chalk– a favorite among many of the students, especially Celsey.
Celsey always picked the same piece of chalk– how she depicted it, Sonny didn't know. All she knew was it was purple.
"Okay, now, can you guys and gals draw me a circle?"
The class did as they were told. Sonny looked at them approvingly, and the little girls and little boys of Ms. Monroe's class went on with their lesson.
It was now almost the end of the day, and it was lunchtime. The little feet had scurried to get their little lunch boxes with Hannah Montana and Camp Rock on it and happily devoured the small sandwiches and cookies, crusts trimmed.
Celsey sat next to the same two boys everyday. She'd play with them at recess, and sometimes her other little friend, Sarah would join them.
Sarah joined the threesome and looked at Celsey. Sonny overheard the conversation.
"Cwelsy, where is yo wunch?" Celsey looked around. She shrugged.
"I-I-I gwess my Daddy forgot…"
"Tawt 'bout yo Mama?" Sarah asked. Celsey looked down this time.
"Oh. Um… I don't gots a Mommy…" Sonny stepped over to the table and knelt down next to Celsey.
"Celsey, take my sandwich, you like peanut butter and jelly?" Sonny asked. Celsey looked excited and cracked a little small smile.
"Tawn you. Mwiss Mwonroe."
"No problem, sweetie." Sonny smiled graciously at the girl and walked back to her desk as she went through some files. She found Celsey's.
Celsey's Emergency Cards and Contact Cards only had her father and aunt written on them. Sonny was shocked. Celsey didn't have a mother, and a father that barely cared.
Among her students, Sonny's favorite was Celsey overall. Celsey was a very sweet, caring girl. She was polite, and been blessed with manners, and was as cute as a button.
The bell had rung for the students to be dismissed. Ms. Monroe walked her class of twenty-two students into the school's front courtyard and saw the numerous students either traveling by bus or parent.
One of the little boys Celsey was with hugged her and waved goodbye as he climbed into his mother's arms. Celsey's lip quivered from bits of jealously.
"Sweetie, where's your Daddy?" Sonny asked. Celsey shrugged.
"I twink he fwogot." Sonny rolled her eyes. She held out her hand.
"C'mon, sweetie, we'll call your Daddy, okay?" Celsey agreed as they walked down to the Main Office. Sonny was furious. How could a father be such a horrible– father?!
Sonny glanced at the cards and dialed the number. The phone started to ring.
"Hello, yes, this is Ms. Monroe, Celsey's Kindergarden teacher, I think you forgot to come and pick up your daughter?"
"I'm busy now. Call me back in, say, an hour?"
"Sir, please come and get your daughter!"
"I'll be there in fifteen minutes, gosh." Sonny put the phone back in it's receiver.
"C'mon. We'll wait for your Daddy outside."