YAY!!! The long awaited sequel to 'Spark'!!!
Thanks for everyone who gave me ideas, I could not have written this without your support :D
MASSIVE thanks to xXxDamienMaslinxXx who gave me most of my ideas!!!! Thank you soooooo much!!!!!!
Also, my friend Roza (Dimitri has the hots for me) has written a continuation of one of my scenes in 'Spark' so check that out if you get the chance :D It's called 'Spark Companion'
Anyway, enough of my babbling and on with the chapter!!!
'Bella, my love?' enquired a heavenly voice from beside me.
'Yes Edward' I giggled and turned to face him, propping my head up with my hand so I could get a better look at him. He smiled that crooked grin that I loved and I felt my eyes glaze over.
'Nothing, I just wanted to get your attention' he grinned before enthusiastically crushing his lips to mine. That's partly why I love my husband so much, he just randomly come up and kisses me for no reason at all. I returned his enthusiasm dropping the book I was reading and running my fingers through his soft bronze hair.
'Eww guys get a room' cried a voice from the doorway.
Edward groaned and turned to face Emmett 'We are in our room and so we can do whatever we want. So if you don't mind, could you close the door?'
'Gladly' Emmet said while bowing gallantry, before closing the door.
'Now where were we?' he said turning his eyes back to me.
I shrugged 'I honestly cannot remember' I said picking my book back up off the floor and beginning to read it again.
Suddenly I was lying on our bed with Edward hovering over me. 'I think I can remind you' he said with a smile in his voice.
'I can't wait' I said before pulling his towards me and crushing our lips together.
'Ready Bella' squealed the little pixie.
I took a deep breath 'As ready as I'll ever be' I replied.
'Don't worry you'll be fine' she said, rubbing my arm to calm me 'Do I need to go get Jasper?'
'No, no, I'm fine' I said hastily.
'Okay, wait 10 seconds and then follow me' she said, turning to face the direction of the music.
'Just enjoy it Bella' said Carlisle from beside me. 'Shall we' he offered, extending his arm.
'Thanks' I said placing my hand on his arm. It was not the warm soft arm I wanted but it would have to do. Charlie actually thought I was dead, so it would be impossible for him to be here.
Finally the wedding march began and we began to walk through the large oak doors. The small church only held a few seats because it was only Edward's family who were attending. I sighed at that thought but kept walking at the steady pace of the music.
At the end of the isle, stood Edward, with the largest grin I had ever seen plastered on his face. I couldn't help but smile back.
The family issue was the only thing that I was sad about but it was nothing compared to how happy I was. I was finally going to marry Edward and join his family forever. I would no longer be Isabella Swan, I would be Bella Cullen.
As Carlisle and I reached the end of the isle, he kissed my cheek and smiled proudly at me before handing me over to Edward.
'You look…' he muttered looking me up and down 'stunning'
'Thank you. You look…even more dazzling than usual' I grinned widely.
Emmett cleared his throat. And yes, he convinced us that he would be the best minister.
'Dearly beloved' he began 'we are gathered here today to join together this man and this woman in the bonds of holy Matrimony. I have known Edward for about...a very very long time, and I have never seen him as happy as he has been with you, Bella.'
As the service progressed, Edward and I stood there with our mouths gaping. We couldn't believe that Emmett could be so sensible!
'Edward, will you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?' Emmett asked.
'I do' he said adoringly.
'And do you Bella; take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?'
'I do' I croaked. If I could cry at all, I would be bawling my eyes out.
'If anyone has any reason, why these two may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or for ever hold his peace' Emmett asked, looking around the room.
I had had thoughts about what could happen at this moment. I feared that Tanya would burst through the doors and stop the wedding but nothing but silence echoed through the church.
Emmett nodded and continued 'Do we have the rings?' Alice and Jasper both walked up to the front and handed Edward and I our rings. 'Now Edward, repeat after me, I Edward'
'I Edward'
'Take this woman'
'Take this woman'
'To be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live'
'To be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live' he said before he placed the ring on my middle finger.
'Now Bella, repeat after me, I Bella'
'I Bella'
'Take this man'
'Take this man'
'To be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live'
'To be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live' I said as I slid the ring on his finger.
'I now pronounce you husband and wife. Now kiss her damn it!' Emmett chuckled, grinning from ear to ear.
Edward and I both rolled our eyes. It had been going so well. Edward cupped my face in his hands and lent in to kiss me passionately. Clapping and cheering erupted around us when we reluctantly pulled away from each other. Every one rushed over to congratulate us but our hands stayed linked the whole time. I sobbed tearlessly; I was now finally a Cullen.
***End of Flashback***
I flopped back on the bed, panting heavily.
'Did I do a good job of reminding you?' asked Edward while he brushed some strands of hair from my face.
'Oh yes, a very good job' I sighed and pulled his lips to mine again.
'Hey you two, I just wanted to remind you that we have sch- Whoa! I should have seen that one coming!' screeched Alice from the door way.
'Alice! Get Out!' Edward and I yelled at the same time.
'Sorry, but we have school in 10 minutes' she said while shielding her eyes from the sight of us in bed.
'Get out!' we yelled again.
'Okay, okay!' she said quickly before exiting.
Edward sighed 'No privacy in this house'
'You got that right' I agreed 'but we should be getting ready for school' I said, throwing my feet over the bed and standing up.
'No, no, not just yet' he said, pulling me back down with him.
'Do I always have to be the responsible one?' I sighed shakily. He had started to attack my neck and it was becoming extremely distracting.
'Do you really want me to stop?' he asked, still kissing my neck but slowly making his way further down my chest.
'No' I moaned and pulled his lips to mine.
'Victory' he mumbled against my lips. I instantly pulled away.
'Nope, you're not winning this. I'm going to go and get changed for school now and there's nothing you can do about it' I said tauntingly as I pushed away from the bed and skipped over to the closet.
'No you don't' I heard him mutter before I heard a playful growl erupt from behind me and I was knocked to the ground.
'Edward!' I squealed as I playfully hit his stone hard chest with my fists.
'Kiss me first' he said smugly. I shook my head and clamped my hands over my mouth. He simply pulled them off and held them above my head.
'Not fair' I pouted. He just chuckled and compressed his lips to mine. I kept my mouth shut until he used his tongue to coax my mouth open. That wicked tongue.
'Edward! Get off her or I'll send Emmett in, and you know what happened last time' yelled the pixie from behind the door.
He eventually groaned and forced himself off the ground. He helped me up and pulled me to the closet. I was just pulling out my clothes when Edward gripped me from my waist again and pulled me to him.
'Edward!' screeched Alice again. He death glared the door before kissing me forcefully on the lips. 'Okay Edward, Emmett's coming in!'
'Fine! We're getting changed!' he yelled back, poking his tongue out at the door. I giggled at his immaturity and quickly slipped into my jeans and low cut black top.
Edward was still a teacher at Forks High School and I was still a student, but I was under a different name. I was now Emerald Cullen. I had chosen the name because it was Edward's human eye colour. I was supposed to be the newest adopted child of Esme and Carlisle.
It worked out very well because I could drive home with Edward and no one would suspect a thing.
All we had to do was to hope that all the students at school didn't ask too many questions about Bella's death and Emerald arrival.
'Ready to go?' asked Edward, coming up behind me and running his fingertips down my spine. I quickly spun around and locked my arm behind his neck.
'Let's go' I said before locking my mouth to his.
'Bella!' Alice screamed. I groaned and Edward chortled.
'Now you know what it feels like' I pouted and that only made him laugh harder 'come on, we're going to be late' he quickly pecked me on the lips and dragged me out of the room.
Forks High School, here we come!
Sorry about leaving out the vows in the wedding but I couldn't think of anything to write there!! If you have any ideas about how they should go, review or PM me and I'll put it in :D
Remember my rule: more reviews = faster updates :D :D :D