Wow, I can't believe that it's the last chapter of F.L.R.
First of all, I want to thank each and every one of YOU.
Thank you all so much for simply reading my story. You don't know how much I appreciate you guys.
Thank you for reviewing my story, thank you for favoriting my story, and thank you for alerting my story.
Going in, I had no idea what to expect. I didn't expect many people to like my story, my first story on this site, and I didn't expect it to get nearly half as many reviews as it did.
However, I'm extremely convinced now that I worried for no reason beause most of you guys have been reading since the first chapter and that must mean that you like it, right? :D
Anyways, eventually I do plan on writing more stories, so make sure to look out for those. :)
And lastly, I want to once again sincerely apologize for the hugee hiatus. I hope you guys can forgive mee!
Please enjoy chapter fourteen of For the Love of Roxas, I hope it doesn't dissapoint. Once you finish reading I strongly urge you to review so you can tell me if you guys liked it or not! Please & Thank You :)
Until next time,
Sincerely Sora
For the love of Roxas
Monday, April 21st 2008
The slits on Roxas's windows allowed the morning sun to illuminate his room. It was sure to be a beautiful day in Twilight Town, and Roxas awoke happily. He made his way to the shower, where he turned on the frigid spray of water, and he peeled himself of his clothes and stepped onto the wet tile.
Roxas took the soap bottle and squeezed some into his hand. He rubbed the soap all over his wet body until he came to the scar on his forearm, and he paused as the remembrance of the evening when he first received the scar was relived.
It had been the night when his mom and his little brother had died. It was a day like any other, except of course the accident, but it began normally.
Roxas had gone to Sora's house to play video games, and his mother and his little brother stayed home. Later that evening, Roxas's dad returned home from work completely wasted and began throwing things around. Roxas's mom panicked, and she took her son and attempted an escape.
She drove off from the house with Roxas's little brother and was making her way to Sora's so that she could pick up Roxas and so that they could get away from her husband as fast as she could.
In her frantic driving, she ran a red light and another car smashed into the side of them and both of them were dead almost immediately.
When Roxas returned home later that night, his father was still drunk and he told Roxas what had happened. Roxas was devastated and he began to bawl, and in his father's anger he exploded and threw Roxas down their stairs.
Roxas could remember it all so perfectly, as if had happened yesterday. He spent a few extra seconds scrubbing that part of his arm as if he could just clean it off and rinse away all the pain that he had to endure.
Roxas wished that he could just rinse away all of his scars, both physical and emotional, so that he could come out of the shower shiny and new. But his scars made him who he was. They were part of his being now, and each scar told a different story. The scars on his body were from his abusive father, and each scar made him stronger, made him harder. The scar on his heart was from the time he spent away from Sora, and this made him vulnerable and weak. However, by the very definition of scar, it was something that was a lasting emotional injury and also a mark left by a healed wound. It was something permanent. And it was something that reminded him that the past was real.
Roxas stepped out of the shower and he looked into his mirror after whiping away the water vapor with his hand. For the first time since April 5th, he could clearly recognize himself staring back at him, and he smiled.
Roxas dried off before putting his clothes on, and he finished getting ready before he walked over to his dresser and opened the drawer with all his boxers in it.
He pulled out his most favorite pair, which were also the same pair from the very first time Roxas and Sora had fornicated, and he grabbed his car keys and his backpack and made his way outside.
When he opened his front door he saw Sora sitting in his car, waiting to drive Roxas to school. Roxas walked up to the passenger side and sat in the car and leaned over and placed a kiss on Sora's soft lips.
"Happy birthday, Sora."
Sora smiled. "You remembered," he noted.
"Of course I did," Roxas smiled back. He set his favorite pair of boxers on Sora's lap.
"What are these?" Sora asked. He knew they were boxers, but he didn't know why he had just been handed them.
"I owed you a pair of boxers, remember?"
Sora took a moment to remember the night that he had run across Roxas's street naked and he smiled.
"They're my favorite pair," Roxas told him. "And I want you to have them."
Sora returned Roxas's kiss, however this time it was more than just a simple kiss. It was a promise.
"I love you," Sora said after he broke away from Roxas's face.
"The feeling is mutual," Roxas said with a smile.
"Guess what?" Sora asked. "The nightmares, they're gone. No more waking up crying and sweating."
"Good," Roxas said as he nodded. "That's really good. And I hear Selphie's condition is looking better and better every day," Roxas said.
Sora nodded and smiled before he put the car into drive and took off from the curb.
"Oh and I've decided," Sora began, "starting today, we're no longer friends."
Roxas looked at Sora like he was crazy, since a few moments ago he said he loved him and now all of a sudden they weren't even friends.
"Starting today, we're boyfriends. I don't care what anyone else thinks—we're not going to pretend any longer."
Roxas looked at Sora like he was even crazier. "You don't have to do that for me, Sora. We can pretend for all eternity as long as I'm with you."
"I'm not doing it for you," Sora said. "I'm doing it for us." They exchanged smiles and Roxas's heart swelled up in his chest.
Sora pulled into the student parking lot and left the boxers on his seat as he and Roxas exited the car and walked over to The Usual Spot.
"Hey guys," Sora and Roxas said as if they planned to synchronize their words.
"Happy birthday, Sora!" the group screamed in unison. Kairi, Riku, and Naminé uncovered a huge present.
"It's from Roxas," Naminé said with a smile.
"For the love of…Roxas!" Sora whined. "I thought I said I didn't want anything big!"
"Just open it," Roxas convinced.
Sora tore the wrapping off and he came to a box. When he opened it, there was another box. This kept going for a minute while the group laughed at Sora until he finally got to the last one. It was tiny, so Sora knew it wouldn't be anything big, literally.
And then he opened the final box to find a key.
"What's this?" Sora asked.
"It's a key," Roxas began, "to my apartment. I moved out, because I'm done with my father."
"You're giving Sora a key to your apartment?" Olette asked. "Why?"
"Well because, he's my boyfriend and I'm madly in love with him."
The group went completely silent, and they all looked to Sora to validate Roxas's claim.
Sora cleared his throat before speaking.
"It's true," he began. "Listen, everybody, there's something that Roxas and I need to tell you. We haven't been completely honest with all of you. And we thought now would be a good time to tell you all that we're… in love."
More silence, so Sora continued to explain. "We've been together for about a year and a half now without telling anyone and we're done pretending. All of you are our closest friends and we're tired of lying to you."
Sora stopped talking so that his friends could digest his words, and when he looked over to Kairi, Naminé, and Riku they gave him a thumbs-up.
"I had no idea," said Olette. "A year and a half is such a long time, how did I not realize you two were together?" she laughed.
"Whoa," said Pence. "I had no idea, either."
"That's going to take some getting used to," said Hayner, and the group laughed. "But listen, everybody, I've got a confession too."
The group went silent again as they waited for Hayner to speak.
"Olette," he said as he turned to her, "I'm madly in love with you."
Olette smiled as she leaned in and kissed him. "I know," she admitted.
Just then, Riku leaned in and whispered into Kairi's ear: "I'm madly in love with you, too."
Pence awkwardly looked over to Naminé, and she said: "Don't even think about it." The group laughed in unison, even Pence, who was secretly heartbroken.
"So things between you guys are good again?" Riku asked once Sora and Roxas sat down together hand-in-hand.
"Things are better than ever," Sora said. "And now that you guys are fine with us, Roxas and I are finally living in a perfect world."
"No more comas, no more break-ups, no more abuse, no more pretending, no more nightmares, and no more loneliness," added Roxas with a smile.
"I still have that traffic ticket though," Sora pouted and the group laughed at him.
Suddenly it was obvious to Sora and Roxas that the battle was over and they wouldn't have to keep fighting anymore. They were happy, and they were together. Nothing could stop them, and as far as Roxas was concerned all his previous suffering was worth it for the love of Sora.
The End