Ten Years Later

I Don't Own The Sister's Grimm nor any of the characters. I just love Puckbrina. Please have pity, its my first fanfiction. Please review.


Chapter One: Good to be Home

Sabrina Grimm got out of the car and looked at Granny Relda's house. She had been away at college all semester and coming back after graduation made her see just how much things had changed. Her parents, finally convincing Henry to stay in Ferryport Landing, had moved into the house and added small but, noticeable things to the house.

Veronica, who was never able to have a garden in New York, had planted rose bushes in the front yard. Just smelling them would make anyone feel at home. Her father, who had always had a passion for motorized motels (Remember the model airplanes), had become the town's mechanic and built a work shop by the side of the house.

Sabrina made her way to the house. Henry and Veronica loaded boxes out of the car while the mother wailed about how all her children were growing up too fast. Sabrina couldn't ague with her mother. It seemed like just yesterday that Daphne and her first came to Ferryport Landing. Now she was twenty-two, had a bachelor's degree, and was ready to get involved with the family business.


Sabrina entered her old room rarely noticing the changes to it. Daphne had had the bedroom to herself for about four years and changed a few things about it. Now, pictures of animals and boy bands surrounded the room. Daphne was laying on the bed but, when she noticed Sabrina, she ran up and suffocated her with the longest hug possible.

"It's SOOOOOOOOOO good to see you again. I missed you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much. You hardly ever call anymore!"

"I missed you too Daphne and I called two days ago," Sabrina smiled. It was good to know that her sister missed her and it looked like she was happy.

Daphne was going to be eighteen in four weeks and it was hard to accept that Daphne wasn't her "baby" sister anymore. Daphne was a woman. She was almost as tall as Sabrina and had long dark hair. Though, Sabrina had a feeling that Daphne would cut her hair short soon, like it was when they saw themselves in the future.

"It'll nice to share a room again even if it is just for a month and a half" Daphne said helping Sabrina move her boxes in the room.

"That's right," Sabrina said, "You're going to Orientation soon."

"Yep, I'm going to be the next Grimm to go to NYU!" she said enthusiastically.

This would be there last summer together before Daphne went to college. It had to be memorable. And, hopefully, it wouldn't be because one of them fell into a tub of one of Puck's concoctions. Speaking of the ugly freak baby……………………

Sabrina went down the hall and into Puck's room. The Room was enchanted to be about ten times as large as it should have been. There was a full forest, a roller coaster, a boxing ring with a kangaroo in it, and anything else that was in a boy's fantasy land. She found Puck by the forest with his army of monkeys, err…chimpanzees. They were very sensitive on that subject,

Puck had gotten taller. He still had his fair, blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. He wasn't as dirty as he used to be but, he still looked like he hadn't taken a bath in a month. He stood in front of the lined up chimps with a small stick in his hands as if conducting an orchestra.

"And a one…and a two…and a three…okay!"

The Chimps went nuts! They screamed harshly and Sabrina thought it would never end. Until, finally, Puck cut the noise with a wave of his stick.

"No, No, no. That was all wrong." Puck bellowed, "It needs to be so ugly that I'm shaking. Do you see me shaking!?"

The chimps laughed in their screeching manor. Puck glared at them.

"Oh, you think this is funny do you?" Puck snarled, "Johnson, are you laughing at me? Front and center!"

One of the chimps stopped laughing and walked over to Puck. "Let me hear you scream maggot!" Puck bellowed. The chip screamed and hollered until Sabrina couldn't take it any longer.

"Are you trying to make me go deaf?!" she screamed making Puck and the chimps go silent.

"Sabrina?" Puck asked, "You're back."

"Yep," Sabrina said smiling. It was good to see Puck again. They had gone out in high school when the hormones finally made their way though to them but, Sabrina didn't see much of him when she was in college. Puck never went to college because Ferryport Landing didn't have a college. So, Sabrina didn't really know what to make of their relationship.

"So, "she said, "what are you doing?"

"I'm whipping these maggots into shape. This is to practice their war cry."

"Is a war cry really that important?" she asked laughing.

"Oh yeah," Puck answered with a smile, "A war cry is essential for every soldier,"

"I see,"

"Kids! Dinner!" Granny Relda shouted from the kitchen.

"I guess that's our cue" Sabrina said.

They walked out and as the monkeys started to disperse, Puck yelled, "I hear noise that makes me quiver in fear when I get back!" Sabrina wasn't sure but, she thought she heard a sort of monkey groan behind her.

As Sabrina got to the ends of the steps she heard Puck.


"Yeah," she said, turning around. When she turned around, Sabrina was shocked to see her lips touching Puck's lips as he stood right in front of her.

"It's good to have you back," he said smiling as he unfolded his wings, flying over her to get to the meal.

It would be interesting being back home again Sabrina decided.


Well that's it. Please review.