A/N: I thought about doing this after reading Sunrise. I believe Hollyleaf deserves a second chance in life, and so I've posted this. Please read, this is the summary:
Sumary: A new threat has arose in ThunderClan. Now with only two of Firestar's kin, there is nothing from stopping the darkness. But one kit may change that all. She was chosen by StarClan to become a cat from a past, a past that would forever haunt the Clan.
Leader: Bramblestar - dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
apprentice, Mosspaw
Deputy: Brackenfur - golden brown tabby tom
Medicine Cat: Jayfeather - gray tabby tom with blue eyes
Squirrelflight - dark ginger she-cat with green eyes
Cloudtail - long-haired white tom with blue eyes
Sorreltail - tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with amber eyes
Thornclaw - golden brown tabby tom
apprentice, Leafpaw
Brightheart - white she-cat with ginger patches
Spiderleg - long-legged black tom with a brown underbelly and amber eyes
Whitewing - white she-cat with green eyes
apprentice, Kernpaw
Birchfall - light brown tabby tom
Berrynose - cream-colored tom
apprentice, Muskedpaw
Hazeltail - small gray-and-white she-cat
Poppyfrost - tortoiseshell she-cat
Lionblaze - golden tabby tom with amber eyes
apprentice, Cragpaw
Foxwhisker - reddish-tabby tom
Icestorm - white she-cat
Toadfur - black-and-white tom
Rosefoot - dark cream she-cat
Bumblestripe - very pale gray tom with black stripes
Blossomleaf - pale brown she-cat with a dark stripe along her spine
Mosspaw - gray tabby tom
Cragpaw - pale gray tom with white paws
Leafpaw - dark brown she-cat
Kernpaw - small dusky brown she-cat
Muskedpaw - dark brown tabby tom
Millie - elderly striped gray she-cat, mother of Graystripe's kit: Rainkit
Cinderheart - gray tabby she-cat, mother of Lionblaze's kits: Hollykit(black she-cat with green eyes) and Lynxkit(light brown tabby tom)
Briarleaf - dark brown she-cat, expecting
Longtail - pale tabby tom with dark black stripes
Dustpelt - dark brown tabby tom
Sandstorm - pale ginger she-cat with green eyes
Leader: Russetstar - dark ginger she-cat
Deputy: Dawnfrost - cream-furred she-cat
apprentice, Flowerpaw(tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat)
Medicine Cat: Flametail - ginger tom
Rowanclaw - ginger tom
Smokefoot - black tom
apprentice, Brindlepaw(tabby she-cat)
Toadfoot - dark brown tom
apprentice, Lichenpaw(mottled dark brown tom)
Crowfrost - black-and-white tom
Kinkfur - tabby she-cat with fur that sticks out in all angles
apprentice, Snakepaw(dark brown tabby tom with unusually long claws)
Whitewater - white she-cat with long fur, blind in one eye
Tawnypelt - tortoiseshell she-cat
Owlflight - light brown tabby tom
apprentice, Pinepaw(small gray-and-white tom)
Shrewfoot - gray she-cat with black feet
Scorchfur - dark gray tom
apprentice, Lizardpaw(pale tabby she-cat)
Tigerheart - dark brown tabby tom
Snowbird - pure white she-cat
Ivytail - black, white, and tortoiseshell she-cat, mother of Cloverkit, Mintkit and Stormkit
Olivebranch - tortoiseshell she-cat, expecting
Oakfur - small brown tom
Cedarheart - dark gray tom
Leader: Ashstar - gray she-cat
Deputy: Whitetail - small white she-cat
Medicine Cat: Kestrelwing - mottled gray tom
apprentice, Branchpaw(golden brown tabby tom)
Crowfeather - dark gray tom
apprentice, Rustpaw(ginger tom)
Owlwhisker - light brown tabby tom
Gorsetail - very pale gray-and-white she-cat with blue eyes
apprentice, Creekpaw(pale gray she-cat)
Weaselfur - ginger tom with white paws
Harespring - brown-and-white tom
apprentice, Sparrowpaw(dark brown tabby she-cat)
Leaftail - dark tabby tom with amber eyes
Dewspots - spotted gray tabby she-cat
Willowclaw - gray she-cat
Antpelt - brown tom with one black ear
apprentice, Specklepaw(tortoiseshell she-cat with ginger paws)
Emberfoot - gray tom with two paws
Breezepelt - black tom
Sunmask - tortoiseshell she-cat with large white mark on her forehead
Thistletail - long-haired white tom
apprentice, Rapidpaw(black tom)
Swallowflight - dark gray she-cat
Sedgepelt - light brown tabby she-cat, mother of Hawkkit(tawny-colored tom) and Mousekit(small sand-colored she-cat)
Heathertail - light brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes, mother of Breezepelt's kits: Brownkit(brown-and-cream she-cat), Sagekit(pale gray tom) and Eaglekit(brown-and-white tom)
Webfoot - dark gray tabby tom
Tornear - tabby tom
Leader: Mistystar - gray she-cat with blue eyes
Deputy: Voletooth - small brown tabby tom
Medicine Cat: Willowshine - gray tabby she-cat
Reedwhisker - black tom
apprentice, Shellpaw(blue-gray she-cat with white paws and a white underbelly)
Beechfur - light brown tom
Graymist - pale gray tabby
Dapplenose - mottled gray she-cat
Pouncetail - ginger-and-white tom
apprentice, Coalpaw(smoky black tom)
Mintfur - light gray tabby tom
Icewing - white she-cat with blue eyes
Pinefur - short-haired tabby she-cat
Rainstorm - mottled blue gray tom
apprentice, Sandpaw(light brown tabby she-cat)
Duskfur - brown tabby she-cat
Pebblenose - mottled gray tom
Minnowtail - gray-and-white she-cat
Mallowwhisker - light brown tabby tom
Nettleclaw - dark brown tabby tom
apprentice, Drizzlepaw(ginger she-cat)
Sneezepelt - gray-and-white tom
Robinwing - tortoiseshell-and-white tom
Beetlefur - small white tom
Pricklenose - tortoiseshell she-cat
Petaltail - light brown tabby she-cat
Grassfang - white tom with green eyes
Mosspelt - tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes, expecting
Copperstripe - dark ginger she-cat, mother of Brightkit and Bouncekit
Blackclaw - smoky black tom
Swallowtail - dark tabby she-cat
Stonestream - gray tom