
Demimonde Noun: 1: A class of women on the fringes of respectable societies that are supported by wealthy lovers 2: Prostitutes 3: A group engaged in activity doubtful of legality or propriety.


Barricade and Frenzy were enroute to where Starscream's distress signal was coming from somewhere outside of New Orleans.

"Hur-rry, Cade!" Frenzy urged and the mustang sped up, turning on his lights and sirens. They began searching and noticed several humans huddling around something in an alley.

Pulling up to the alley they spotted their new commander, Starscream, lying in the alley, jet form covered in ice that was quickly melting in the Louisana heat. Standing next to the heap of metal was a holoform and Barricade had to reboot his optics at the sight.

It was definitely Starscream. Jaw length strawberry blonde hair, a sleek, slim figure and blood red eyes smirking along with full lips. Starscream's holoform was similar to the other men surrounding him. Most were black skinned, but several were Caucasian with sly grins and greasy fingers fondling the silk tube top Starscream was wearing, running over black clad thighs or pinching the redhead's ass. Starscream spotted Barricade and brushed off his admirers, walking over to the police car and running a manicured hand over the hood. Barricade surpressed a shudder, rolling the window down so that Starscream could lean on the window and smirk at him.

Barricade activated his holoform while Frenzy folded into his stereo alt-mode, looking at Starscream. Barricade's holoform was a broad, strong male with spiked black hair with a white streak at the widow's peak that formed at the bangs also. Red eyes watched from a sharp angled face that would have been quite handsome if not for the scar running across the left corner of the mouth to the underside of the chin.

"Better get ready to be friendly, copper, cause the Autobots are coming to pick me up for repairs." Starscream's holoform reached out to run a red nail over Barricade's scar, the redhead smirking as he moved closer. "I quite like this new alt-mode of yours, its not as awe inspiring as mine, but its cute."

"You've contacted the Autobots." Barricade's holoform stated nonchalantly, even though a flash of anger seethed in his optics. Starscream sighed and nodded.

"None of the other decepticons have responded to my messages and right now they are our only choice so far as repairs and fueling go. The war is over with anyway and if we want to survive we'll have to surrender to them or offline." Starscream pulled back at the sound of other engines, looking around to see a familiar yellow camaro along with a certain Search and Rescue vehicle and topkick. A strange red car was also there and Starscream quirked an eyebrow as he looked over the sleek red form. Now that was a good looking alt-mode.

"Starscream, Barricade." Ratchet's holoform activated and stepped out of the hummer. It was an older male of about forty with jaw length, sandy blonde hair pulled back in a… what did the humans call it? Horsetail? Zebratail? No… Pony… A ponytail. Anyway, Starscream shrugged that thought off and looked over Ratchet. The doctor wore a pair of jeans and a white jacket with a Cybertronian red cross on the arm. Ironhide's holoform also stepped out of his alt-mode and looked over at the men now beginning to look over Starscream's jet form that had crashed in the alley.

"Show's over boys, now git." The large veteran walked over, one sight of the numerous scars on the square, angular face and the huge, muscular body and the humans were gone. Bumblebee didn't activate his holoform, but the new arrival, whatever his name was, did and Starscream quirked an eyebrow.

The car had not been able to activate a human holoform and so was trying to create one by working on his cybertronian holoform. The image was about five foot seven with a fire red paintjob and looking almost identical to Bumblebee. Slowly the holoform began to change, gaining a messy red hairstyle, a fairly muscled and tanned body with a scowling face that looked suited to a sixteen year old boy. Blue eyes glittered angrily and Starscream looked over the form appreciatively, moving forward and circling around the mech.

"Well, well, well… Did I happen to ever see you in Vos?" Starscream asked as he stood before the smaller male, a hand cocked on his hip.

"Frag off, Decepticon."

"Oh, still holding a nasty grudge?" Starscream let out a dramatic sigh. "You can drop it now, though. Without an army or even a proper squad the Decepticon cause is lost." Starscream looked pointedly at Ratchet. "And without the Allspark the war has truly come to a complete end."

"How do we know that you will not betray us the way you betrayed Megatron?" Ratchet asked warily. Starscream quirked an eyebrow.

"Barricade, Scorponok and Frenzy are the last of the Decepticon Army as far as I know, I have been unable to contact any others so all I can think of is that they are lost to space.