A/N: Thanx to those who reviewed, you rock! Well, it all comes out here, in this chapter! ^_^
Chapter 12
Carmen's POV
Two days later, we arrived at the island for our farewell party before all three of our ships go their separate ways. I wasn't in as good a mood as the girls in my crew were. I was confused. I had never been in love before.
Actually, I had it better than most people. I knew that Rags loved me, and I loved him, but it was just instinct. Back in Tortuga, men told me that they loved me just to get into my pants. I knew Ragetti was different, but I couldn't help it.
And what of Barbossa? Could I hurt him any more than I already had?
Yes I could. By falling in love with Ragetti.
And what about me? Would I be happy without Rags?
No. Who would listen to my endless rants? Who would protect me no matter what? I had to think about myself as well. Why would I make everyone happy while I am miserable? It wasn't fair to me.
I would go to the party and tell Ragetti how I felt.
Four Hours Later...
The party was in full swing when I came out of my ship. Rum was being sprayed everywhere, music was playing, and people were dancing(not appropriately, might I add). As soon as I set foot on land, Jack swept me up, and we started to dance.
He looked at me, as if he was reading something. Finally, he said, "What's troubling you?"
I put on a fake smile, "What? Nothing is wrong? Why would you ask?"
Jack shrugged, "Yer me sister, I know ye. Now, tell old Jack what's wrong."
"I...I fell in love, Jack," I said, looking into his eyes, "And Jack, I know this is hard for you to understand, but I'm not a little girl anymore."
He nodded quietly, "Who?"
Once again, Jack nodded and looked off into the distance, "Do you really love him? Do you know if he loves you? What do you plan that the two of you will do?"
"Jack? Why are you askin' all of these questions?"
"I dunno," he said, "Maybe it's 'cause I'm yer big brother, and I love ya."
I smiled up at him, "I love ya too, Jack, but I'm a grown woman, you have to let me make my own decisions and mistakes."
For the third time that night Jack nodded, then pressed my head against his chest. He whispered in my ear, "Go get 'em luv."
I smiled, pecked his cheek, and ran off to where Ragetti was sitting in the sidelines. Pintel, who normally was with him all the time, was dancing with my boson.
"Hello, Rags," I said, blushing. We hadn't talked since that night when I fell in love.
He looked up, surprised, "'Ello, Carmen."
"Would ya like to dance?" I asked.
"Sure," he said, blushing.
We held hands and swayed around, "Listen, Rags, about the other night," I started, "I wanted to tell you how I felt."
This caused Rags to trip over air, which sent the both of us tumbling down to the ground. Luckily, we were in a pretty secluded area, so no one was watching us. I fell on to of him, so I kissed him, and to my great pleasure, he kissed me back, "I love you, Rags. I love you I love you, I love you!" I said, tears rolling down my face.
Then, he said those words, "I love ya, Carmen. I've loved ya for ova a year, an' for so long I've wanted a girl jus' like ya." He stroked my hair.
I grinned at him seductively,"Well, Rags. What should we do now?"
Ragetti's POV
Finding out that Carmen was in love with me was the best thing that had ever happened to me. When she asked me what we should do, I was kind of skeptic, "What abou' Jack? Won' 'e be mad?"
She shook her head, "No, he's decided that it was time to let me go. Besides, I'm a grown woman. I can make my own decisions."
"Are you okay wit' doin' this?" I had to ask. Knowing her past, I wasn't sure if she wanted to do this.
She nodded, "Yes, I'm sure. I love you after all."
I grinned, "Okay."
We ran to her ship, then to her cabin. I gently started to kiss her, but she crushed her lips against mine, so I kissed her harder. She was a great kisser. My hand gently rubbed her thigh, and we moved toward the bed.
It was going to be a thrilling night...
The next morning, I woke up, and smiled at the events that happened the night before. I turned in bed to find Carmen sleeping soundly. I got up, and got dressed quietly, then I looked out the window. There were people still asleep from the night before.
I heard Carmen wake up, I turned around and smiled at her, "'Ello, me love. How was yer sleep?"
She grinned, "I hardly got any thanks to ye." I smiled and jumped on the bed, and started to kiss Carmen hardly.
She pulled away and giggled, "Rags, what are you doing?"
I shrugged, "Well, ya know...I just thought that since yer clothes are already off, we could..."
"Could go for another round?" she asked, and I nodded. She smiled, "Rags, maybe later, but we need to go down to the beach, remember? We're gonna say goodbye to everyone."
"Oh, right," I said blushing.
She winked, and got up. She got dressed, and we walked out of the cabin to say goodbye to our friends and family.
Carmen's POV
Saying goodbye to Jack was hard, we hugged, and promised to meet again in Tortuga in a year's time. Gibbs told me to behave and I told him to get rid of his old teddy bear.
Then, I said goodbye to Barbossa.
"You love Master Ragetti, don't ye?" he asked.
I nodded, "Yes, Hector, I do."
"Then I just have one question to ask of ye,"
"Are you happy?"
I nodded, "Yes, I am."
"Then I'm happy, Carmen," he said, smiling down on me. We hugged.
I was happy, everything was back to normal.
I stepped aboard my ship, and yelled to my crew, "Hoist anchor! Heave to, and take in sail!"
Ragetti came up behind me, and I turned to him.
"Now, bring me that horizon," I said before Ragetti leaned down to kiss me.
A/N: Sorry for the bad ending! Yes, I have concluded this story, but I promise that there will be a sequel! In fact, if you have any suggestions on how the sequel should go, please tell me! Your opinion matters! ^_^