Okay so this is the epilogue!! I did not send this to my beta just for the sake of not keeping you all waiting. Eh, whatever, I brought another main character into the author's notes…give a nice warm welcome to Runo!

Runo: Um, hi

Me: Hey Runo! How does it feel to be 'severely injured' in my story?

Runo: Well, it's nice to know that I can make dan cry in more ways than one…

Me: yeah nice to know…on with my masterpiece!!!

Runo POV

Knock knock

"Ah! Come in!" I said in a low voice

Dan entered the room with his usual semi-emotionless face. Poor guy, he had to see the whole thing. He's probably still traumatized by the incident. I wouldn't blame him though. He sat in the small chair beside my hospital bed and looked at me solemnly. In his eyes I see genuine concern and sadness. I've been in this hospital for over a month now and he still gives me the same look every freaking day.

"How was the funeral?" I ask, trying to break the ice

"Which one?" he replies dully


"Alice is devastated"

"Figures…she loved him so much" I felt the tears making their way down my face silently.

"Dan?" I choked


"If I were to…you know...-"Dan cut me off before I could even finish

"No! Don't say that! I am not about to let you bail out on me!!!" I stifled a gasp as he gripped my shoulders tightly; it wasn't until now that I noticed the tears that ran down his face like waterfalls. Even though I can hardly remember the incident, Dan remembers it perfectly. I can only remember him telling me that it was a miracle that I lived.

"Runo…promise me you will never even consider that happening" he said as he touched my cheek gingerly

I could feel the tears coming faster and harder. Finally, I looked him straight in the eye and replied.

"I promise"

He gave me the most sincere smile as he bent down and met my lips with his

own. I could feel him give the smallest smile against my lips as he stated in a low whisper…

"I love you"

And I couldn't help but reply…

"I love you, too"

Alice POV

I sat in the grass and simply stared at the mound of fresh soil in front of me. I never wanted this to happen, I wish I could've done something…no. Shun doesn't like it when I put the blame on myself.

I suddenly feel a warm embrace around me. I turn around to see who it is, but to my disappointment, there is no one there. Shun must be happy to be buried next to his mom. At least he's with someone who loves him now. I can still feel the warm embrace, almost as if, someone is holding me. I can only think of one person now…


Julie POV

"Julie!! C'mon! We're gonna miss the big sale!" Daisy stormed into my room and stared at me expectantly. I just sat on my bed sulking and staring at the picture of me and Billy when we were little. Nothing has been the same since the wreck.

Daisy POV

Wow, Julie has been really out of it since she got back. I mean, she loves shopping! I mean, I know Billy meant a lot to her and all, but seriously?! Shopping is her favorite activity!!!

Now all of the Brawlers -minus Shun- were gathered in Runo's small hospital room. If you looked hard enough, you can see the small amount of excitement in their eyes.

"Thank you all for coming, but this really isn't that big of a deal…" Runo explained

"Runo are you kidding?! This is a HUGE deal! You are finally gonna try walking!!" Julie squealed.

Normally, Julie's squeal would annoy all of them, but this time was different. Her squeal was music to their ears, seeing as she hadn't done anything but mope around since Billy's death.

Runo giggled ever so slightly at Julie's remark. True, it was going to be her first time walking in two months, but it's not like she's never walked before. She felt Dan grip her hand as he looked at her reassuringly, as if promising her that he'll always be there with her.

The nurses walked in, a little taken back by the amount of people in the room. They just blew it off as the physical therapist walked in, not seeming to notice all of the people. He went to the bedside and helped Runo sit on the edge of the bed.

"Alright, on three you will stand up okay?" Runo nodded "Alright, one…two…THREE!"

Runo wobbled a bit at first but soon caught her balance. She stood straight up and looked up. A look of excitement shone in her eyes as she smiled proudly. The therapist smiled as well.

"Okay, remember, standing is the first step. Don't get too confident." The physical therapist -Dr. Walker- explained

Dr. Walker held one of Runo's shoulders as Dan held the other. Runo shakily lifted one foot and placed it on the ground once more. She shifted the weight to that foot and brought the other foot forward. She continued this process –also called 'baby steps'- until she reached the wall.


Then, the brawlers burst into applause. Runo eyes were glazed with tears of happiness. Dan hugged her tightly.

"You did it Runo!" Dan exclaimed

"I did, didn't I?"


He he, yeah… I just love all the DanxRuno fluffiness! Sorry for you ShunxAlice, I know I didn't put a lot of that in there. So, what did you think? Review!