Chapter 24 – Bonding
Hi folks, I know it's been years since I've updated the story, but due to writer's block plus the fact that other stories were more on my mind, I never got around to it until this month. I was going to give up on the story until I had a eureka moment two months ago, when I read another KnM story. I wanted to get a chapter out before the year and decade is over, and because of it, this story has only been reviewed once, and it was not by a beta-reader, so if you see any grammatical errors or mistakes, please forgive me.
Anyhow, thanks for waiting.
February is such a short month, yet a lot has happened to the mikos. Two deaths, a downgrade in living standards, and a strain in the relationship between Noriko and Reiko all happened in that same month in 2005, and there was still one week of February left. Plus, this does not take in account the upcoming finals for the end of the school year. It was a lot to take in for Himeko and Chikane, and it was also a lot to take in for Noriko and Reiko. Taking care of two teens along with their meager wagers was taken a toll on them.
However, there were still some positive things going on in their lives. Reiko was finally warming up to the girls, in her own way, as she admired Chikane for not being overemotional and dramatic, unlike Noriko. Also, she liked Chikane's dry sarcastic humor. In addition, Noriko and Himeko were bonding very well, even though Himeko did not have a lot of free time, due to the track program. Chikane was helping her out as much as she could, but she still struggled a bit when it came to non-art assignments.
It was around Thursday that Noriko and Reiko were discussing about the teenagers in their bedrooms.
"Hey, I was thinking that since Chikane is into music, I should take her to one of our concerts."
"Now?" Reiko questioned.
"Why not?" Noriko replied, followed with a shrugged. "The finals for them is coming soon, and this is one of their last opportunities to spend some time with them. Hanyaka will be having their Saturday school starting next week."
Reiko nodded. "Hmmm… Very true."
"We do have a concert Saturday night at the Guitar Club in Minato. I think this would be a great opportunity for Chikane to watch and see what we do."
"Yeah, it would be, but would they be allowed in? I know they have a 'no kids' policy" Reiko questioned. Noriko responded with a nod.
"Yes, Rei-chan. The age limit is 15, and they're both 16, so that won't be a problem. Plus, you can take Himeko with you to your job, so that she can get an idea of what you do. She's into art, just like you are."
Reiko was surprised at her partner's suggestion. She had second thoughts about it. "I dunno… I could get into trouble."
"Does your boss ever come on a Saturday?"
Reiko quickly thought about it before responding. "No, not really."
"Then what you got to worry about?" Noriko responded with an "It's no big deal".
Reiko was worried about her boss finding out. She could be fired if she brought in someone. It was very important as she couldn't afford to be fired at this moment. She and Noriko had very little savings. However, she also realized that Himeko's art skills were top notch, and since she's behind in a few projects, she could use Himeko's help.
"Ano… Okay."
Noriko elated with joy. "That's super!"
"But Nori-chan-" Reiko was trying to say before Noriko quickly interrupted her response.
"You're think too much. Nothing will happen," she responded back to her partner with an assuring pack on the back. "Just think of how excited Himeko will be when she gets there. Trust me on this."
Reiko simply showed a small smile, but deep inside, she was still nervous.
When the teens finally came home, they say Noriko and Reiko discussion their plan.
"Hi mama, what are you two talking about?" as Himeko.
"I hope it's not to kick us back into the streets, is it?" Chikane asked wearily.
Noriko chuckled while Rieko eyes jumped a bit. Afterwards, Reiko informed them, "No, nothing like that!
"O-kay…. So, it must be something?" Chikane questioned, trying to maintain an air of coolness, but deep down inside, she was nervous.
Noriko, wearing a warm smile, replied, "Well, we were discussing about our jobs, and so were thinking that it's time that you see what we do."
"Ano… I think I got an idea of what an office lady does." Chikane said.
Noriko had a bewildered look at Chikane and responded, "No, no, no, no! I'm talking about my occasional night job. My group, The PMS Club. We are going to perform at the Rock Club in Minato. Chikane-chan, since you are into music, this is something you might enjoy."
Chikane paused a bit, thinking about it before responding. "Hmm… I might, but don't you do any type of practices before the concert?"
"Oh yeah! We practice at a storage unit near Ayame-sama's house."
"Who's Ayame-sama?" Chikane asked.
"Oh, she's our drummer."
"Oh okay." Chikane answered. She really had nothing else to say.
Then Reiko told Himeko, "And Hime-chan, I would like for you to come to my work on Saturday, so you can see what I do."
Himeko got excited quickly. She thought it would be a great opportunity to see some neat artwork. "Really?"
"Yes." Reiko answered. She was a woman with a few words.
"That will be great!" Himeko elated. "I would love to see what you do!"
A smile grew on Noriko's face. "Well, it sounds like we have a plan for Saturday," she said. Reiko simply nodded.
"Thanks for telling us that, but I got some homework to do." Chikane informed as she quickly head to her books on the kitchen table.
Himeko looked at the couple and asked, "Can anyone of you help me with my homework? Chikane-chan is already swamped with homework."
Noriko and Reiko just looked at each other, before Reiko spoke up and said, "Sure, I'll help you."
Friday night at the storage unit, and the band was there. There was Noriko on lead guitar, her co-worker Sachiko on keyboards, and Ayame on drums. Chikane was there as well, as she sat on the chair, looking at the room around her. However, the bass player was missing.
"Where is she," fretted Noriko. "She was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago."
"Maybe she got stuck on something?" Chikane brought up.
"That's not her. She would have called us or something."
Noriko, as well as the rest of the band, was losing her mind. How could their bass player bailed out in preparation for an important concert? About a few minutes later a call came through Noriko's phone.
"Hello, who is it?" Noriko answered.
"Ohayo, may I speak to Kurusugawa Noriko?"
"This is Kurusugawa."
"This is Officer Saito Kaito of the Tokyo Police. We are here to report that Raiuchi Harumi is currently in the hospital. She was in a car accident."
Noriko was shocked. "What?!"
The other members and Chikane was startled.
"What's going on Nori-san?" Sachiko asked, as she was examining Noriko's facial expression to get any hints.
Noriko decided to put her phone in speaker and informed them. "Harumi-san was in an accident and now she's in the hospital."
When the ladies heard that, they too fell into a shock. Noriko then told the officer to continue.
"Continue on, officer."
She was fearing the worse as the officer continued.
"The good thing is that none of her injuries are severe."
Noriko and everybody else let out a sigh of relief.
"Thank Kami officer, that's great to hear. So, what's the bad news?"
"Well, she told me that you guys were planning to have a concert tomorrow, right?"
"Unfortunately, her injuries will prevent her from attending. She has a fracture on both arms, so she wouldn't be able to play her guitar. She will have to stay at the hospital for the weekend."
"Oh no." said Ayume. "This is not good, Nori-san."
"Sorry to tell you that, but it is what it is."
Noriko shook her head in dismay after hearing the news. "No, thank you for telling us that. The most important part is that she's okay and will live. We'll be there in an hour. Thank again and see you later."
"No problem. Take care."
Noriko got off the phone and face the rest of the bandmate, as well as Chikane.
"Well ladies, we have a hospital visit to attend to."
Everybody nodded as they had to the band's van.
As they arrived at the hospital, they found their bandmate laying on the bed, with a cast on both her arms.
"Harumi-san, are you okay." Noriko asked.
"I'm okay. I just have a small fracture on both of my arms, and a small cracked rib, but I'll be fine."
"Yeah, the officer who called me told us."
Harumi signed a bit before responding. "I should be able to recover in a few weeks, but they're keeping me in the hospital for the weekend." Then a disappointed look on her face appeared. "Sorry I won't be able to make it to the concert."
"I know, the officer told me that too." Slightly disappointed, Noriko was still able to show a small smile. "That's okay, all the matter is that you are okay. We'll just postpone it, since I doubt that we will find a bass player so soon."
Hearing that, Chikane knew how important the concert was. Also, since she had experience playing the bass guitar, she decided to speak up. "Maybe I can be of assistance."
Harumi raised up from her bed and asked, "Who are you?"
"My name is Himemiya Chikane, and I live with Kurusugawa-san."
"Oh, nice to meet you. Do you know how to play bass?"
Everybody was looking at Chikane, questioning her due to her youth. "I do. In fact, I can play over five different instruments."
The group just looked at each other simply nodded, astonished of her musical talents.
"But you couldn't be any older than 17, how do you know so much already?" Sachiko asked.
Chikane said, "I have learned how to play the piano since I was four and mastered it at nine. I have played the flute, the guitar, the drums, the sax, and even the harp."
The expression from the others were mixed. Some were in astonishment, and others were in skepticism. However, Chikane wasn't finished.
"And I attend Hanayaka."
Now everybody besides Noriko was in amazement.
"Get out of here!" Ayume responded. "Impossible! I tried to apply to them when I was young, and they rejected me."
Chikane then reached for her wallet and pulled out an ID card. It was the one for Hanayaka. When the bandmembers saw it, they were totally floored.
"So, you really do go to Hanayaka? Wow! I had dreams of going there, but I too got turned down." Harumi said. Chikane simply nodded.
"How fast can you pick up music?" Noriko asked. "I know we jammed back at home a few times, but I don't know much in depth about your music skills."
"Well, people have called me the human recorder, because of my ability to play music by the ear."
Noriko grinned. "Well, that's great to hear."
Harumi smiled. "So maybe the concert won't be cancelled after all?"
Everyone was in smiles, "Maybe not at all. Thank Kami!" Noriko elated.
Harumi then said, "You girls get back to the place and practice your asses off! Don't worry about me."
"Are you sure?" Sachiko asked.
Harumi smiled. "I'm sure."
After their visit they went back to storage unit. Luckily, there was a spare bass guitar. Chikane examined and then tuned it up. When that was done, it was Chikane's turn to shine.
"Okay, Himemiya-san, so us what you got." Noriko commanded.
Chikane started to strum her bass. She was playing a groovy bassline from a classic city-pop song while singing the lyric.
Ayume was surprised to hear it from a sixteen-year old. "Oh wow, you know the bassline to Kadomatsu's classic!"
"Actually, Anri-san sang it first." Chikane noted. It is true. Anri recorded it in 1982, while Toshiki Kadomatsu did it in 1983.
"Fly By Day Viva California Time
Ryōte ni sora o dakishime
Fly By Day Viva California Time
Subete o wasurete
Fly By Day Viva California Time
Ryōte ni sora o dakishime
Fly By Day Viva California Time"
"So, what do you think?" Chikane asked.
"Hey, you singing is quite good as well, do you want to take lead as well?" Ayume joked. However Noriko gave her a dirty look. Ayume smiled back and said, "Just kidding!"
Ayume looked at Sachiko and said, "Do you object?".
"Not at all."
Noriko elated, "Great! Well it's settled! Chikane, welcome to the PMS club!"
Chikane smiled. "Thank you."
"Now let's get to work! Chikane, here's our sheet music. We'll go slow at first, so you can follow."
As they got started, they showed Chikane the cords needed for their songs. Luckily enough, as Chikane stated, she was a quick learner and they were able to practice all their upcoming songs.
By the time the practice was over, Chikane had pretty much mastered what she needed to know.
Saturday afternoon. Himeko was returning from school, since she was in the Fast Track learning program. It's mandatory for Fast-Track Learning students to attend school on Saturdays. She was tired, but she still wanted to keep her promise and go to Reiko's job.
"Ota-sama, where's mama and Chikane-chan?"
"They went out and get some stuff for their guitars, from what I've heard." She responded as she was looking through the refrigerator for a drink.
"Oh okay."
"Besides, don't you remember we are going to my workplace today?" Reiko reminded her.
"Yeah, I remember. I can't wait to see it!"
Reiko didn't show it, but she thought that Himeko's excitement was cute, though she also thought it was a bit naïve. "Well, there's nothing exciting about it, but at least you get to see what I do for a living."
"Yeah, but I'm still excited."
Reiko finally revealed her smile. "Well then, I'm glad you are. Let's get going."
Thirty minutes later, they arrived at the office building. As she got to the building, she was still nervous. Inside, she was praying to the kamis that nothing will happen to her. Furthermore, there was a security camera at the entrance, so she knows that she will be spotted with Himeko.
She entered in the building nervously, thankful that the guards are not around today. Then she took Himeko to the 5th floor, where she worked.
But as she arrived in her office space, she noticed someone at their desk.
"Nakamura-san, what are you doing here?"
Nakamura responded while still looking at the monitor screen, not noticing that Himeko was with Reiko. "I have the huge deadline coming up next Wednesay for the Hitamushi Park ad. So, I got a lot of editing to do through all these b-rolls."
"Well I'll leave you alone." Reiko said. Afterwards, she and Himeko went to her desk. Her desk was very much clean and organized, with her works in shelves and folders. There was a sketch board nearby, along with a few drawings hang on a pinboard. Himeko grabbed a seat and sat next to Reiko, as she was preparing for work.
"So you do a lot of drawing by hand?"
"Yeah. I usually do a lot of my drawings on paper, then I scan it and do the coloring and shade from there. Not everybody does it that way, but it's more comfortable for me."
"That's sounds cool!" Himeko said. "Who do you draw for?"
"Various companies. It depends on the project, since we are a contracting company. It ranges from no-profits to multinational corporations. We've worked with Sony, Nintendo, Softbank, Red Cross, Satamashi Pollo, etc."
"Wow, that's amazing."
Reiko simply responded, "I guess. Nothing fancy here, really. Most of the work I do is drawings for their ads in magazines, brochures, online, etc. On a few occasions I do some storyboard for a commercial, but that only happened like three or four times only."
"Wow. That's still cool."
Reiko didn't see it that way, until Himeko pointed it out. She guess she got used to doing it so often, she took it for granted. "Actually it is."
Then Himeko noticed something and asked another question. "How come you don't use a drawing pad? Since it sounds like a lot of your work is on computer?"
"I can't use the ones that doesn't have a screen on it, and we can't afford the ones that have a screen on it. Those are in the million-yen zone."
"Oh, I see."
Her question had Reiko though of a question for Himeko. "Hime-chan, are you familiar with Adobe Photoshop?" Reiko asked.
"I am somewhat, though I could use some more training." She responded. She didn't have enough training to respond confidently.
A plan came into Reiko's mind. "How about this, if you can help with some drawings for a draft I must do for a new project, then I can teach you how to use Photoshop? Deal?"
Himeko smiled. "Deal!"
They shake on it and Reiko showed her what needed to be done. For nearly an hour, Himeko was working on the sketches and Reiko was on the computer uninterrupted. Then Nakamura came up to Reiko, concerned.
"So, who is this?" She asked with some apprehension.
"Oh, this is Kurusugawa Himeko, my roommate's daughter." Everybody knew that she had a roommate, but nobody knew that she and Noriko are lovers. In fact, Reiko isn't out to her co-workers about her sexuality, though most of them knew already.
Himeko got out of her seat and gave Nakamura a polite bow.
"Hello there, ano…"
"Nakamura Fujiko, but you can call me Nakamura-san, or Naka-san. We're kind of informal around here."
"Glad to meet you, Naka-san. What do you do?"
"I am a Media Coordinator, which includes video and audio works. I not only do video and audio editing, but I also do some directing and a little bit of camera work as well."
"Oh great. Have you like ever made a movie or commercial?"
Fujiko smiled. "I haven't made a movie, but making commercials is my specialty, so I've made lots."
"Oh wow. I would like to see some of them." Himeko said with her usual sweet smile.
Fujiko was already charmed by the blonde. "Sure, If you ever come back here, I would love to show you some." She answered as she replied in the same way.
"That's great!"
That brought a genuine smile on Fujiko's face. "But for right now, I need to see Ota-san."
Reiko was nervous, because she knew what Fujiko wanted to talk to her about. She responded back with a simple 'Hai' and followed Fujiko. As they stepped out of their office space and into the hallway, Fujiko turned about and looked at Reiko with concern.
"Ota-san, you know she shouldn't be here."
"I know, but I'm behind in a few projects and she's very good at drawing." She replied. Her face showed fear and panic.
"Yeah, but what if the boss comes in?" Fujiko worried. Her face showed concern for Reiko.
"It's the weekend, you know he's a firm believer in not working on the weekend. In fact, he hates it when we do."
"Yeah, but might be coming here today, since he's going to the big conference in Geneva. He might want to tie up a few loose ends before leaving."
Reiko cursed under her breath and then sighed before responding. "I'd totally forgot that."
"Yeah, so if I were you, I…"
And as if right on cue, the boss arrived. During their conversation, Reiko's back was facing the boss, so she didn't see, but Fujiko did. Instantly, she tapped on Reiko shoulders and signaled that someone was down the hall.
When she turned around, her face turned pale, as blood quickly left her face. Her worst nightmare has just happened.
Hiroshi Kazumi, the CEO of the company, knew both workers very well, since it was a small company and unlike most Japanese companies, there wasn't a lot of hierarchy.
Hiroshi approached the coworkers. "Ah, Ota-san and Naka-san, good to see you two. I know that you two has some upcoming deadlines to meet, so I'm not surprised that you two are here."
"Yeah, I still got to do some editing." Fujiko informed. "I was able to get about 80% done, so I should be finished in about 2-3 hours."
"I see. Well I'm glad to hear that you made some progress."
Fujiko smiled, but her face couldn't hide the fear that Reiko might get caught.
Then the boss looked at Reiko and saw the fear on her face, but didn't point it out.
"So, Ota-san, how are you doing?"
"Well… I have quite a lot of things to take care of, so yeah."
Hiroshi simply reassured her. "Don't worry about it, I know you will get it done." Then he told them. "I will be at my office, trying to finish up things before the trip. If you need me, don't be afraid to knock."
He left them and headed back to the office. When he was out of the view, Reiko let out a huge sigh of relief.
"Oh Kami! I'm totally scared now, Naka-san!"
"Yeah, you just dodged a bullet!" Fujiko responded. "You need to get that little girl out of here immediately."
"Say no more!"
Ota went back to her area and saw that Himeko had already done about 70% of the work. She was amazed.
"Wow, Hime-chan, you work well and efficiently."
Himeko simply smiled. "Thanks. I guess all those deadlines for the Art club really helped me."
"Well whatever it is, I'm glad that you got it done, but we have to get out of here immediately."
Himeko then asked. "Why? Because the boss is here, and I'm not supposed to be here?"
Reiko was surprised of her answer. "Wow, you're quite perceptive." Himeko simply smiled.
The two quickly waved Fujiko bye and left the building as soon as they came. Little did they know that Hiroshi was watching them on his desktop. He has access to the security camera.
"I will have a word with Ota-san about this."
When they got outside, they quickly headed to the car. As they were heading to the car, Himeko asked, "Don't you still have some work to do? I can take the train back home?"
Ota shook her head. "No need. You did a lot for me. I wanna go home and prepare for the concert."
When Himeko and Reiko got back, they both got a text from Noriko.
"Don't forget to meet us at the storage unit!"
Reiko shook her head. "How can I forget, I always meet you there before your concert."
"So are we going there?"
"Yeah, just get yourself ready. We'll pick up something along the way. And when I get there, I'm gonna share a piece of my mind to her."
Himeko saw how angry she was at her mother. "Ota-san, why are you angry at mama? Was this her idea?"
Reiko was even more stunned at how correct Himeko was. "Yes it was. Because she told me not to worry about my boss coming to work, and yet he did! Why can't that woman think things through?"
"I assumed that she probably thought it wouldn't be such a big idea that I come."
Still miffed at her partner, Reiko angrily replied, "Well, she should have thought better."
Himeko was now afraid that the two will explode over this. "Look, you two should talk it over after the concert. The last thing she needs is some negativity."
But Reiko knew something that Himeko didn't. "Not really. It might even help her in the concert."
The last statement gave Himeko a puzzled look.
"You'll understand, since you're quite a perceptive girl, but for now, let's get going."
As they arrived at the storage unit, Himeko saw a small black van with the graffit-painted words "The PMS Club" written in pink.
"That's their van?"
"Yeah. It was Ayume-san's old van before they made it the group's van. I remember when we painted it black. Your mama filled a small balloon with black paint in it and somehow put it in my back pocket. So when I sat down, it exploded!"
Himeko laughed.
"That's your mother."
After she stopped laughing, Himeko had a questionable look on her face. "Ano… Who's Ayume-san?"
"Oh, She's the drummer for the group. She pretty much funds the group."
"How's that possible?"
"Through connections, though no one knows, and no one asks."
Himeko didn't say anything after Reiko shared that information to her.
When they got to the unit, they saw the band. They were wearing black leather jackets with black jeans. It also looked like they just put on their make-up. The band was there, relaxing for a bit.
"Mama!" Himeko elated.
"Himeko!" replied back, as both mother and daughter hugged each other. "How as your day at Reiko-chan's office?"
"It was great. I get to see what Ota-san does and I was able to help out."
Noriko smiled, thinking her plan worked. "That's great to hear."
But as soon as she saw Reiko, she saw that her lover was not in a happy mood. Reiko angrily walked up to her and said, "Can I talk to you, privately?"
"Ano… okay."
There was no private area in the storage, so they went outside and Reiko was the first to speak.
"I nearly got in trouble, thanks to you!" She gritted.
Noriko was now getting nervous. "Look I didn't know that -"
"I knew it was going to happen, but you keep on insisting it. You can be such a fucking idiot at times!"
Noriko was now mad and boiling. "Look, we'll talk about this later, okay? I got a concert to worry about and I don't need this on me, so you shut the fuck up and leave me alone!" Noriko said as she angrily walked away from Reiko. Little did they know that Himeko and Chikane followed them outside. This was the first time ever that they saw Noriko getting upset at Reiko. It was usually the other way around.
When she turned around, she saw a stunned look on both Himeko and Chikane's face. She didn't say anything to them, just went right back to the storage.
When she got back, she got everybody in the group together and said, "Alright, we've been here long enough. Let's get outta here and get ourselves ready for the concert." Then she looked at Reiko, who just came it after her, and said. "Rei-chan, if you didn't have Himeko with you, I would have to you not to come." There was a dead eerie silence in the room as Noriko gave a death glare at Reiko as Reiko looked back at her, emotionless. "But since she's here with you, follow us." Reiko didn't bother to respond back, she just looked at Noriko with seething anger.
Just as everybody was about to leave, Himeko quickly pulled Chikane to the side.
"I just want to tell you, good luck. I know you'll do well." Himeko said, ending with a smile.
"Thanks, Himeko. That means everything to me."
They quickly hugged and Chikane joined back with the group to the van, while Himeko went with Reiko in the car.
The night could not have gotten better as the PMS club totally rocked the night. Noriko's anger at Reiko worked to her advantage, as she screamed and played furiously at their staple songs like, "I Can't Stand You", "Stop Lying to Me", and "Enough is Enough." Due to Noriko's anger, the band decided to play very little soft ballads, but in one of the ballads, "Distance Feelings", she nearly broke down and cried. The band had to take a break.
As for Chikane, she really showed her bass playing skills, and everybody was liking it. She did very well in the concert and the group was happy with her.
(I might expand this in the future.)
When Sunday came, the family was able to relax. Noriko and Reiko was able to put away their differences. Himeko was able to complete her assignments, and Chikane was able to nurse her right thumb. Playing bass can take a toll on a thumb. However, it was just for a short time, for the finals were coming up…