"Hello, family members/guardians. Welcome to Family Day. Some of you guys have been here before to know what we do here, but if not, I'll explain. Family Day is when the family members of the people here at Fuuka Asylum are able to see and how they are doing since they last saw them. The parents here also have the opportunity to hang out with their child by hanging out and having fun on the rides outside and eating some food here. Thank you, have a great evening," Reito announced over the microphone in the huge lobby.

The patients at the Fuka Asylums were hanging out with their parents/guardians who talked amongst themselves and told them how they were doing since the last time they met.

Everyone was having a good time.

Well, almost everyone, that is.

Shizuru and Haruka were sitting in two different seats on a round table.

"You think that Kuga chick will come?"

"Of course she'll come. She promised," Shizuru said, "What about that girl Yukino. Do you thing she'll come to Family Day?"

"Phht! No! She's too busy with school to come here," Haruka said folding her arms across he chest.

"You never know."

"I guess," Haruka grumbled as her and Shizuru heard someone saying from a distance....

"Mai! I want some food!"

"Not now, Mikoto. We have to find that girl."

"Heh. I bet mutt here doesn't even know where that insane chick is."

Then Shizuru heard a familiar voice yell, "Shut-up, Nao! I know exaclty where Shizuru is!" Making the rusty eyed girl get up from her seat and follow the voice.

"Oh, yeah? Then, where exactly is Fujino? Hmm?" Nao said raising an eyebrow at her friend Natsuki.

Natsuki and her friends were dressing up for Family Day this evening. Mai, Aoi, and Mikoto were wearing nice colorful dresses as Natsuki, Nao, and Chie were wearing tuxedos for the evening.

". . . . Well, uh. . . .she's uh-"

"NATSUKI!!" Shizuru tackled Natsuki to the ground rubbing her face against the dark brunette's chest singing, "Natsuki came, Natsuki came, Natsuki came." Making Natsuki's face turn red.

"Sh-Shizuru, not in front of my friends," The raven-haired teen said hearing Shizuru pout before getting off of Natsuki and helping her up. Natsuki cleared her throat and said, "Guys. This is Shizuru Fujino. The one I've been taking care of for three and a half months now."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Mai Tokiha," Mai introduced herself, "And this is my friend Mikoto Minagi."

"Hi," Mikoto shyly said behind Mai's back who saw Shizuru gently smile at the girl with spiky hair.

"Nice to meet you, Mikoto," The red-eyed teen greeted.

'This is the insane girl everyone was talking about? She's. . . . . nice,' Mikoto thought who was still hiding behind Mai.

"'Sup. I'm Nao Yuuki," Nao introduced herself to Shizuru.

"I'm Chie. And this is Aoi," Chie introduced seeing Haruka walk up to where everyone was.

"See, Haruka. I told you Natsuki would come. And she brought friends!" Shizuru happily replied.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Hey, I know you. You're that dyslexic girl who got tackled by ten people," Nao said.

"Eleven people, thank you," Haruka told the red-head.

Chie looked at Haruka closer before finally remembering who the blonde teen is, "Oh, yeah! You got hit by something when the people who pinned you down and where trying to knock you out. . . .But I can't remember what they hit you with though."

"Wasn't it a table or something," Mai said.

"It was a metal pole," Another familiar voice said making Haruka's expression change slightly annoyed , to surprised as the blonde turned around and saw her childhood friend Yukino walking in the lobby with a soft smile on her face.

"Long time no see, Haruka-chan," Yukino said seeing Haruka's still surprised look on her face before feeling the teen with purple eyes give Yukino a hug. The both of them didn't say or move to where they were as Haruka realized what she was doing and quickly ended the hug. Coughing awkwardly at what she just did.

"Uh...erm, um.....it's about time you came here and saw me," She said as Yukino chuckled at the blonde's behavior.

"Nice to see you, too, Haruka-chan," The teen with glasses said.

"Natsuki, can we go on the rides outside?" Shizuru timidly asked Natsuki.

"Just a minute, Shizuru."

"But I wanna go on the rides now!" Shizuru whined.

"I said wait. The rides will be there all night so don't worry about it."

Shizuru pouted as Nao lightly laughed at the sight between the raven-haired teen and the honey-haired Kyoto-ben. "Geez, Natsuki. I never knew you cared so much towards Fujino."

"Shut-up, Spider Queen!" Natsuki exclaimed.

"She's like a little kid to you."

"I said shut-up, Spider Queen!"

"There are rides outside!? Mai, I wanna go on the rides, too!" Mikoto said pulling on Mai's arm and pointing outside to where the rides are.

"In a minute, Mikoto," Mai told her.

"Please, Mai? I never rode on any of the rides before. I wanna play those games they have and win you something," Mikoto whined while jumping up and down as Mai sighed in defeat.

"Fine. We'll go."

"Yay!!" Mikoto pulls Mai out of the lobby and outside.

"Do you still want to go on the rides, Natsuki?" Shizuru asked.

"Yeah, since it's boring in this place."

"Horrah! Natsuki's gonna be on the rides with me! I'm so happy!" Shizuru hugs Natsuki with a cat like smile on her face.

"Shizuru!" Natsuki said blushing behind it as she felt Shizuru pulling her towards the rides with Chei, Aoi, and Nao following behind the two girls.

But Aoi saw Chie stop walking.

"You coming, Chie-chan?" Aoi wondered.

"Uh, yeah. Give me a second." Chei runs to where a group of women were talking. "Hello, ladies. Having a good day at Family Da-Aahh!!' She feels Aoi pulling on her the dark-haired woman's ear.

"Let's go, Chie."

"Awww!! I was gonna score some hot moms!"

"Hey, Mai."

"Yeah, Mikoto?" Mai said while getting on another ride with Mikoto.

"I like Shizuru. She's nice. And funny."

"Yeah. She doesn't look as unstable as the rumors were told about her. She seems very childish when she's around Natsuki hugging her and all," Mai said eating her cotton candy.

"Do you think Shizuru will come out of this place? I wanna play with her even more."

Mai smiled and ruffled Mikoto's spiky hair. "Of course. She just needs some time at the asylum."

"Well, okay, Mai. Come on, let's go on another ride!"

"Ehh? Aren't you getting tired of getting on different rides?"

"Nope. I wanna ride the Twister next!"

'Aw, man!'

Somewhere else, Haruka was on different rides with Yukino holding hands. They were now walking behind the rides they rode a while ago. During their little walk, Yukino saw that Haruka had a calmer look on her face since the last time she saw the Fuka Asylum. Yukino also saw that Haruka didn't yell or scream at anyone who were looking at her oddly or made any side remarks the blonde teen over heard.

This made Yukino happily smile making Haruka ask, "Why are you smiling?"

"....You've changed, Haruka-chan?"

"Changed? What are you talking about?"

"I mean, in a good way. You use to get easily angry at people because of you having dyslexia. And you would also attack someone if they make you mad, too. But now, you're just calm," Yukino said as Haruka's face turned red.

"I don't feel like I've changed that much," The blonde said as Yukino slightly lifted a few strands of Haruka's hair.

"You let your hair grow. Before, you hated having long hair because of it being for whimps and hippies."

"And I still do. I wanted to cut my hair short again, but the people have wouldn't give me any siccors because my short temper when I was first going my short temper when I was first going to the asylum and almost hurt someone before I went to anger therapy."

Yukino remembered that from when someone called her from the school day who began stroking Haruka's hair. "But I like you hair when it's long, Haruka-chan."

"Eh, whatever," Haruka muttered as Yukino chuckled and gave her childhood friend a kiss on the cheek.

"You've never changed."

"Natsuki, I wanna go another ride. Please?"

"We already went on all of the rides they have. Three times. Can't we take a break?" Natsuki said sitting on the ground half dizzy from getting on the rides.

"Mou, Natsuki."

"Whatever. I already threw up three times from riding The Twister with you and I need a break."

Shizuru pouted, but decided to sit where Natsuki was laying her head on the raven-head's shoulder and letting out a long sigh.

"Hm? What's wrong, Shizuru? I thought you'd be happy to see me here on Family Day."

"I am. I'm just happy that Natsuki is here, too with me. And you brought your family here to see me also," Shizuru said, "I didn't know you had that many people who cared about you, Natsuki."

"Heh, heh, heh. Yeah. They're loud and annoying, but when I need them the most, they're there to back me up when I need 'em," Natsuki said with a hand behind her head and a smile on her face.

"Ara, ara, Natsuki has good friends if they'll be around when they need her," Shizuru aid snuggling her hand in Natsuki's shoulder, making the girl with lime eyes face turn red, "Including myself when I'm out of this place."

"Don't worry, Shizuru. You'll get out of this asylum soon or later. Yo're making great process and you'll probably get out by the time the games come around for you and Haruka," Natsuki said.

"Aww, Natsuki is soo sweet. Does this mean she'll finally give me a kiss?"

"For the hundredth, thousandth time, Shizuru, no!!"

Somewhere from afar, Nao was in a tree relaxing while listening to what Natsuki and Shizuru were talking about. Seeing the two girls talking about something before Shizuru wanted to play a nearby game an walked away as Nao raised an eyebrow while eating a bag of popcorn and drinking a soda.

"Well, ain't that sweet?" She said as below the tree she was in, Chie was taking a picture of Natsuki and Shizuru on her cellphone, "Chie, what are you doing?"

"Taking pictures. This stuff is good for the next newspaper coming out for school next week," Chie said with a smile on her face.

"You know, Natsuki's gonna be mad at you when she sees what you post it."

"I know. But I'm willing to take the risk."

Nao sighed and laid her back with her hands behind her head on the trunk of the branch she was sitting in while looking at the stary sky. ".....Ne, Chie."


"Natsuki seems really happy when she's around that Fujino girl," Nao said.

"Yeah. You're right. Natsuki does seem happy when she's around Shizuru-kun," Chie said putting her cellphone away, "Hard to believe that a kind-hearted person like her is in a place like this. After what she's been through growing up."

"True. I give the Fujino chick props for still standing after all of that crap her parents made her go through," Nao said "Ya think Fujino's gonna get out of this nut house?"

Chie shrugged. "Don't know. It's up to the people here if she's stable enough to go back into society again."

Nao agreed who drank the rest of her drink, threw it away, and let out a big burp afterwards. She had her back against the trunk of the tree Nao was still in who laid herself further against the trunk without falling. "Yeah. And plus, Natsuki's gonna be participating in the Fuka Asylum games."

"Fuka is going to be against the Windbloom Asylum. I heard that there's a girl named Tomoe whe's the strongest out of the soccer team."

"That Shizuru girl can take her down easily."

"That's true. I also heard that Tomoe has a huge crush on Shizuru."


"Yep. I don't know if it's true or not, but that's what I heard from someone at the school," Chie explained, "You thinking of going to the games that are coming up?"

"I dunno. I guess so since the Ice Princess has been my childhood friend for sometime, Nao responded jumping out of the tree.

"Where are you going?"

"To where Natsuki and Shizuru are. I want to know if Natsuki's really going to the games."

"Ah, I see. Jealous of Natsuki-kun having a girlfriend?"

"No! Can't a friend talk to someone without being judged?"

"Okay, okay. Sorry. You don't have to be so snippy about it."

"Whatever." Nao grumbled walking off..

A/N: Thank you so, so, so, so, sooooo much for waiting so long for this chapter. I'm still working on the other chapters. Don't worry. The other chapters will be posted later on.