Disclaimer: I Do Not Own the Clique or any of the Clique characters. This is a trailer for a potential story probably not going to upload a lot on this one because I have other stories before this one that need some uploading but I will upload as much as I can.

Derrick describe Massie Block for me? asked Mr. Newton

She is a hardcore baskteball player who knows only one thing that is how to play the game

Anything else you can say about her? asked the psychology teacher.

Yes she hates me girlfriend, she hates me, she is a complete LBR although she doesn't look like one, she is stuck up and conceited

Have you ever had a one on one conversation that doesn't included all the arguments you both have had?

Well no but she's not worth it any way

Derrick may be you should read the book first before judging it by its cover

Sorry teach I don't read

I absoulety hate Dylan Marvil, Alicia Rivera, and of course Derrick Harrington

Massie why do you hate them so much

Kuh-Laire you can't tell anyone this but I used to go to Bairwood Girls and Boys Prep School

what? Does Kristen know about this secret?

Yes we both went there together until-

What happened Massie?

Harrington called me a boy in front of the whole enter class-oh it gets better not only did he say that he called me conceited and then he asked if it was possible that I was really a 'boy' and not a girl

Why do you hate Dylan and Alicia then?

They didn't defended me instead they laughed at me and now Marvil is with Harrington after she kissed him in the sixth grade and well Alicia was really never my friend she just back stabbed me

So after all of this you transfered to OCD?

Yes and this is the first year I am ever going to see their faces again

How are you going to destroy them?

Simple humiliate Harrington liked he did with me

Isn't that too harsh?

Uh, no Kuh-Laire it is called playing the game duh!

Okay I understand why you hate Derrick so much but are there any other reasons to make you go to this extreme?

Fine! Here it is we were dating in the sixth grade but one day Josh Hotz came up to D-Harrington and asked him if I was a guy so Harrington being the LBR he is said what I already told you then he went over to Dylan my supposedly bff and kissed her in front of everyone

Mass I'm so sorry

It's okay just don't tell anyone

I won't I promise

Mom can you go over there and tell Harrington to go somewhere else I have to go to school and I'm not going unless he is OUT of here

He is our neighbor try to be nice

He hates me why should I be nice to him?

Because that will show how mature you are

Whateva I'm leaving for bball practice bbl

Ew it's Block

Shut up Harrington at least I have a life

Because I don't I mean playing soccer, being an alpha, dating Dylan, having friends isn't having a life

Puh-lease stop torturing me already; haven't you done enough to make my life miserable?

Stop being a tomboy then consider yourself off my list

I have stopped being a 'tomboy' since two years ago

You still look like one

Bball practice duh

Even better quit bball and then you will be off my list

Hell no

Then get ready for more bullying

G2g play ball btw you're so D2M

Massie Block: Hates Derrick Harrington with a passion because of the wrong he did to her but secretly she finds herself wanting him. So one night she stood on her balcony and saw a shooting star she wished that Derrick Harrington would finally see what it is like to walk in her shoes.

Derrick Harrington: Next door neighbor of Massie Block but the one problem he has is finally being able to accept he likes her. Massie is the only girl who would stand up to him, call him names, be brutally honest with him, but there is one problem he blew it in the sixth grade now he is miserable and dating Massie's enemy Dylan Marvil. Sick of moping around about his stupid mistakes he looks outside his big bay window to the stars above. He sees a shooting star and wishes that Massie Block could finally see what it is like in his shoes.

Both Derrick and Massie sigh and crawl into bed thinking nothing of their wishes because they doubted what they wished for would ever come true. The next morning the wake up like they always do but something is wrong Massie soon realizes that the room she woke up in is not her fluffy purple girly room instead it is a navy blue dirty boy room; she runs over to the bathroom stares in the mirror and almost drops dead right there. This is not her face she doesn't have shaggy blond hair, her eyes aren't this color brown, she doesn't have any facial hair-oh no Massie soon realizes that she is in Derrick Harrington's body. Derrick wakes up and is confused where he is because this tight and clean room is not his; he runs over to the mirror behind the back of the door and can not believe his eyes. His hair is a long chocolate brown all curly, his eyes are a caramel color, his hands are small and smooth but there is no way he could have switched bodies with Massie Block right?

Now the two sworn enemies will have to live in each other's shoes; will they finally see what it's like in the other shoes? Will they develop strong feelings for each other? Is this a dream or reality? What will happen when Biarwood gets flooded and all the students have to come to OCD? Will this finally bring up Massie and Derrick together or will it tear them even further apart?

Be careful of what you wish for.