Friday, May 5th

5:00 PM

Massie sat on her bed glaring at the key dangling on her laptop. It had given her a great 8th grade year, but it was time to pass down to the next alpha, but it was too easy. Massie wanted to continue a new tradition. She wanted to continue Skye's tradition. She quickly dialed Alicia's cell.

"Hey Mass! I'll be there at 7. Is there a change of plans?"

"No. Just get Dylan and Kristin."

"Kay, you get Claire."

"Given." Massie dialed Claire's cell and she picked up on the first ring.

"Hey!" You could hear crunching S'mores in the background. Layne's latest obsession.

"Go somewhere alone, no Layne."

"Okidoke!" Layne screamed and stomped away.

"You alone?"


"Okay," Massie went back to Alicia. Kristin and Dylan were there. "Attendence, Alicia?"





"Here." Someone burped.



"Alright, guys, its time."

"What d- Ehmagawd!" Alicia clapped. You could hear her smile.

"It is way too easy to just hand it over to the 7th grade alpha, we had to work for it so they do too."

"What's the plan?" Kristin asked.

"That's why I called. You have to come up with an idea and make a presentation. Have it done by 7 and bring it over here."




"And done."

"Good. See ya then."

"Byee!" They all chirped.

No matter how long it took, Massie would make these 7th graders work twice as hard for the key as she did. New room. New rules. Her rules.