Disclaimer- I do not own any of the Fruits Basket characters. They belong to Natsuki Takaya.
Hey everyone, this is my first yukiru fanfic! It's a twoshot.
Sohma Yuki, everyone's beloved prince, sat at his desk pondering on the incident that happened earlier. I still can't believe she stood up for me like that. She is definitely the most amazing, thoughtful, selfless and smartest girl I've ever met, oh! and the cutest! Yes definitely, she is very cute.
Earlier...Akito found out that Yuki was the new student body president and was very angry. He hated the idea of Yuki becoming even more popular in school and furthermore, Yuki neither consulted nor informed him of his decision. This maddened him and thus, he decided to do what he did best- threaten, insult and demean Yuki.
Akito went to his school and publicly criticized Yuki for becoming president. He accused him of being very weak and unreliable, stating that he made stupid choices all the time, only to end up with everyone hating him.
"You're ruining not only your life but mine too! And I will make you suffer because of that! I will—"
Suddenly, Tohru was standing in front of Yuki, as if warding off any threats thrown at him.
She looked hotly at Akito and shouted, "How dare you say such things to Yuki when he's just trying his hardest to be the best he can be! He has undoubtedly given this a lot of thought and consideration and he was strong enough to overcome his hesitation and fears in order to accept this responsibility. "You should be proud of him instead of being a hateful, jealous, self-centered a—"
Before she got any further, Hatori put his hand on her shoulder to calm her down and turned her towards him, "That's enough, Honda-san." Tohru's opened her eyes widely, shocked as it just occurred to her what she had done. But Hatori pat her head and assured her, "It's ok. Go along now." She nodded blankly and sauntered.
Her head was spinning. What just happened?
She blindly walked into Yuki, still very dazed. Yuki held her hands, "Are you okay?"
"Y-yes," she stammered, "I'm sorry if I caused any trouble."
Yuki shook his head and smiled sweetly, "No, not at all. What you did was very brave." He pulled her in and hugged her warmly. Then he placed a light kiss on her forehead, whispering, "Thank you…Tohru."
The startled girl blinked, her mind in even more confusion. Yuki chuckled at her lost expression and held her hands to go to class.
This incident kept lingering on Yuki's mind as he stayed back in class for a while. Tohru had really surprised him. It's like she could tell what was going on my mind and she spoke for me. I was moved to hug her. He blushed at the memory and then remembered how she said 'Yuki'. It was the first time she said his name without attaching a suffix.
Yuki however, put away any romantic thoughts that might have been on his mind, thinking that's there's no way that she'd think like that. He took his books from his desk and made his way home.
That day, Tohru was really embarrassed at her behavior towards the Sohma head. She was surprised at how angry she was at Akito's treatment to Yuki and she was even more surprised to find herself blushing when she remembered how she vehemently defended Yuki and tried to protect him. She wondered what he thought and she blushed even more thinking about his words, their hug and his kiss. He even called me Tohru! He always says 'Honda-san'.
Anyway, I have to stop thinking about all this and try to get some sleep. Try as she did, Tohru could not get Yuki out of her mind.
Tohru got up early the next morning and busied herself preparing breakfast and doing some chores. Yuki walked in, "Good morning." Tohru spun around and Shigure caught her blushing, but the girl immediately covered it with her usual bright smile and returned the greeting. Thankfully, Yuki didn't notice Tohru's slight delay in response because Kyo walked in at that moment and exchanged his usual cold looks with Yuki.
They sat at the kotatsu and Tohru was about to join them when Shigure mischievously intercepted her, "Still thinking about yesterday, huh?" caught off guard, she gasped, grabbed a rice ball and fled upstairs.
"Where did she go?" Kyo asked in confusion. Noticing Shigure's amused smile, Yuki slanted his eyes, "What did you say to her?" "Nothing!" Shigure exclaimed a bit too innocently, "I just asked her if she was still thinking about yesterday!" Yuki's eyes widened.
"Huh? What happened yesterday?" the naïve Kyo wondered. "It's nothing, you stupid cat!"
"Oh yea, you damn rat? Well why do you look like the heat's getting to you? You're sweating a bit and your face is all red!"
Yuki's cheeks reddened much more, but he simply cleared his throat and rose. "I'm going ahead to school now."
"What? You start a fight and you think you can walk away just like that? Come back here, you damn rat!"
Yuki, however, had no such intention. I can't believe I gave myself away so easily, especially to that cat! Damn Shigure, messing with my head. The poor boy's mind was clearly irritated and he wasn't exactly sure why. Hopefully my head will cool by the time I reach to school.
Back home, Kyo grumbled about "that damn rat walking away." On top of that he had to clean up all by himself. "How could they leave me here alone to do all the work? What's gotten into them?" he complained out loud.
"Hmm", Shigure thought quietly.
Tohru's day at school was much more fast-paced than usual. To her dismay, she found herself blushing anytime Yuki's name came up (and that was a lot of times!). Lunchtime was not any easier. The seven friends sat together on the school's picnic grounds to eat as usual- Arisa, Saki, Tohru, Kyo, Yuki, Hatsuharu and Momiji. Tohru, still unsure of her feelings, was most uneasy and she sat quietly, without saying a word or eating.
Some felt the tension but, not quite sure what was going on, said nothing. Haru, Hanajima and Momiji were the only ones who seemed unsurprised and unfazed. Uotani and Kyo were bickering again while Momiji kept bringing up different topics, quite cheerfully, and asking funny questions. The luchttime passed very slowly for Tohru.
Uo and Hana walked with Tohru to her workplace that afternoon. Her mind was obviously far as she didn't respond to anything her two best friends talked about. They stopped and looked at Tohru with concern in their eyes.
"Why are we stopping?"
"We've reached you're your workplace!"
"Oh! I didn't realize…" Arisa rested a palm on Tohru's shoulder, "Honey, what's wrong?" …Silence.
"Your electric waves say that you are nervous, unsure and uncomfortable about something," Saki reported.
"So what's bothering you?"
Tohru answered Uo with a wary smile, "Nothing. I'm fine. I was just lost in thought."
After a somewhat long pause, she raised her eyes to see her best friends staring at her intently with worried and caring eyes. They gave her a 'you can tell us anything, you know we are here to help' look. But Tohru shook her head and assured them, "I'm fine, really, nothing's wrong."
Arisa sighed that she hoped so and they left, reminding Tohru to take care and not to overdo herself at work. Both Uo and Hana knew that Tohru tried to be very independent and selfless, so it was no use trying to make her tell them anything.
As Tohru watched her friends leave, she felt a pang of guilt and sadness. I can't believe I made Uo and Hana worry about me! I've got to be strong and deal with this quickly and on my own. I don't want to burden them with my troubles. With that, she was determined to move forward once more and clear her mind of any fears. I'm going to be normal with Yuki again and give Uo and Hana no reason to worry about me.
Yuki entered his room that evening to find Haru sitting on the floor with one leg cocked, an elbow propped on that knee and his hand in his hair.
"Yo prez, I see you're finally home."
"What are you doing here?" Yuki sighed as he loosened his tie. "I came to check on you, to make sure everything's okay."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, between you and Tohru." …No answer. "She seemed very uneasy today," Haru continued, " I think she's still thinking about what happened yesterday."
"Did Hatori tell you what happened?"
"No, I was there. Momiji and I saw the whole thing. You didn't think I'd leave you to Akito all by yourself, did you? I was there from the very beginning and was going to stand by you when Tohru showed up. She appeared to be very upset and she really stood up for you. I was a bit taken back, but happy," Haru commented.
"Hmm yeah…" Yuki agreed.
"I also saw how shocked, relieved and happy you looked too….You really like her, don't you?" Haru probed.
"Heh, the more I think about it, the more I believe it. I've always loved her because she was unique, different and innocently charming. She was also the first person to enter my world willingly. I can't help myself, I think I'm in love with her," Yuki admitted.
"So what are you going to do about it?"
"…Nothing. She was quite upset about the whole thing and I don't want to make things worse. I'm not going to say anything for now."
"So you're just going to let her go and leave it there?"
"I have no other choice."
"No, no Yuki!! You're wrong!" an eager voice sang loudly, "We ALWAYS have a choice! And as the fine gentleman we are, we must do everything by the power vested within us to make the ladies happy!"
A surprised Yuki stared at his older brother, "Eavesdropping, are we?"
-What brotherly 'advice' does Ayame have for his younger brother?
-Who also appears in the next chap?
-Does Yuki confess his feelings to Tohru? How will she react?
Find out in the following chapter!
I'll update by this weekend. MAJOR FLUFF AHEAD!
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You may also include in your review –
(1) What you'd like to see in the next chapter.
(2) And any suggestions about where Yuki and Tohru's first date should be!??