Disclaimer: Characters rightfully belong to Stephenie Meyer. The song for which this story is named after belongs to Lennon/McCartney.

I Want You (She's So Heavy)

By Anna Diamond

Chapter One

I stood in front of the mirror in my bikini, prodding the soft skin of my stomach and let out a decidedly disappointed sigh.

What I wouldn't do for some nice toned girl abs like Rose and Alice. Well actually, I already knew what I wouldn't do – and that was spend hours at the gym on the rowing machine like they did, but that was totally beside the point. Wasn't it?

Summer had rolled on again, and I had just finished my second year of college. It was time for the Cullen's annual "Oh my god we don't have to study for the next three months!" pool party, because, you know "School's out!" is a little tired and overdone these days. Every year started with me locked in Alice's bathroom feeling quite inadequate about my appearance. Then, with a knock on the door and a "Beeeellllaaaa!" the next part of my night would begin– this year was no different.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be out in a second." I called back to Alice, before she could start trying to break the door down.

I screwed up my face with determination as I slipped my sundress over my bikini.

I nodded at the mirror, "We can do this!"

With a final tug on the dress, I stepped to the door and opened it to the expectant face of Alice Cullen – the mastermind behind the party.

"There you are! We haven't got all night! Edward and Emmett are hanging the last of the fairy lights. I need you to come downstairs and mix up the punch."

I could feel the blood draining from my face.

"Oh god Alice! You promised after last year that we would never have that god awful punch again!"

"It was a year ago, Michael. Let it go!" She quoted with a huge grin on her face.

I slapped my forehead. Ever since she did an exchange trip to New Zealand back in high school, she kept quoting pop culture references that none of us got because "we're totally not kiwi enough!" and would accuse us of being "beached ez".

It was only thanks to the help of YouTube and the nice kiwi girl that came back with her as part of the exchange that we were ever able to figure out what the heck she was getting at.

"Alice, please I beg of you. That punch does crazy things to people!"

"Yeah, thanks to that punch I managed to get up enough guts to ask out Jasper! It's love potion number nine, I swear to you."

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"No, it's a recipe for disaster! Or have you totally forgotten that thanks to that god awful punch I ended up making out with one of my childhood friends. I still can't look Jacob in the eye you know!"

"Pish, posh. Sometimes the potion doesn't quite get it right, I know. But it still got you two together for a night. Maybe this time you'll have a little more lasting luck."

I huffed, and I puffed. I knew that no matter how I much I argued, she would get her way.

She smiled at me smugly, and patted my arm condescendingly.

"I knew you'd see sense, Bella dearest."

I shrugged her hand off and stalked down the stairs. Music was already blasting out of the state of the art sound system.

If there was one thing you could say about the Cullen's as a family was that they never wanted for anything. They were all exceptionally good looking and very, very well off thanks to the successful amusement ride business they owned. It was that very reason that we were able to use the "Summer House" down in sunny California for the party, and a few days of R & R before we kicked off another summer around the circuit as bona fide carnies.

Rosalie - part of the "extended family" as I liked to call her, myself and her twin brother Jasper - was in the kitchen already putting the finishing touches on some appetisers for the guests. She was swinging her hips in time to the music.

I wandered over to join her and found myself bopping along to the music. The theme of the party tonight was "retro" – and I was blessed with the task of organising the music. I spent hours on the perfect playlist. I perfect mix of music from the fifties right through to 1999.

I caught her eye as she popped a piece of cheese in her mouth and winked at me, smiling as I walked over to the fridge swinging my hips as I got more and more into the music. I pulled out the bottles of punch mix and took them over to the bench, bumping Rosalie's hip in time with the music.

I ducked down to the liquor cabinet conveniently located underneath the counter.

Pondering my selection, I grabbed a full bottle of Malibu. If I remembered correctly this stuff was only twenty percent, as opposed to the ridiculously high percentage vodka that was in the punch last year. If I was forced to make the punch (and inevitably forced to drink it at some point) I may as well make it with something I could handle.

I mixed all the ingredients in the punch bowl and cut up a few slices of citrus fruit to float around decoratively on top.

As I bent to pick the bowl up ready to carry it over to the serving table, I heard someone shout "No! Stop!"

I looked around and saw Edward, Alice's older brother, coming towards me.

"Go away Edward." I said as he approached me, the irritation evident in my tone.

Edward and I had never really seen eye to eye. As kids we were always bickering and pulling pranks on each other trying to one up ourselves against the other. It all came to a head last when he put a video on YouTube of Jacob and I drunkenly making out at last years pool party. That ended in a bloody round of fisticuffs, with Emmett, Jasper and Carlisle having to separate us. I managed to land a few decent blows. He wasn't too impressed about the shiner that lasted for a week and a half. I was however – it gave me a feeling of smug satisfaction that justice had almost been served. Since then we couldn't even be remotely civil to each other. It made for an interesting summer circuit. And by interesting, I mean that I accidently made a small child cry when he over heard one of the names I called Edward.

"Hold up Swan, the BTKA issued a public service announcement strictly prohibiting you from ruining the night by spilling the punch. Not when there are more video's to be made." He grinned evilly, holding up the offending video camera.

"The BTKA can kiss my ass." I said, putting the punch down and lunging for the camera.

"Now, now. The 'Bella is a Total Klutz Association' would be very disappointed to hear you say that." He leered, taunting me by dangling the camera just out of my reached.

"Assward, give me that goddamned camera now or so help me, I will take you to the gun show. I've been practising my technique you know? Next time your panda eye will last two and a half weeks, and that comes with a money back guarantee."

I scrunched up my fist threateningly and started pounding it into my palm to prove my point.

"Okay you two, that's enough. The night hasn't even started yet and you're already going at it like two male bucks in heat." Rose said, coming to stand between us. "Edward, put that camera away and take the punch bowl over to the table. Bella, come with me. The show is about to start!"

I nodded meekly at Rose. She was the only one who could get in between our little spats now, only because Edward and I both knew she could definitely punch much harder than I could, and didn't have any issues with punching girls.

I glared one last time at Edward and he smirked at me. I did one last fist-palm and raised my eyebrow.

He stalked off to take care of the punch bowl as I turned to follow Rose.

Just as we walked into hall to see Alice bounding down the stairs, the doorbell rang.

The guests were here. We could finally start this party!


Three hours later and the party was pumping. The music was kicking ass, naturally, and everyone was dancing and chatting. I had yet to take off my sundress that was covering my bikini, but no one was swimming yet anyway. Of course I was sure I only needed one more glass of punch before I was ready for my big reveal anyhow.

I was fortunate not to have any more run-ins with Edward, and had managed to get over the awkward greeting with Jacob when he arrived.

"Alice darling, I must say! This party is absolutely spiffing! Top notch." I said to Alice, putting my arm around her neck.

"Bella! You're still wearing your dress! Come on let's go for a swim."

I held up a finger, and guzzled the last of the punch in my cup. I was already starting to feel quite tipsy and that was only my second cupful.

I set the cup down with a flourish and wiped the back of my hand dramatically across my mouth.

Yes, I think I could handle baring my body to complete strangers now. My warm tingly lips and digits were proof of this.

I reached for the hem of my dress and pulled it up over my head.

I felt the bottom of my bikini top catch, and a cool breeze waft across a place where I shouldn't have felt a breeze at all. Oh god. I was having a wardrobe malfunction.

As I was trying to right myself I swore I saw a flash of a camera through the fabric of my dress.

I managed to get it off and fixed my top up quickly. I glanced around and nobody seemed to have noticed, nor was there any body with a camera.

I supposed I had to be drunk by a significant amount more than I had originally thought.

I dropped the dress on my sun lounger, next to my towel. Could I still call it a sun lounger even though it was almost fully dark now? Does it magically become a moon lounger at night?

Alice snapped me out of my deep thought by pulling me to the edge of the pool.

"You ready grandma?" she said, turning to me.

"Hell yes I'm ready!" We crouched down ready to bomb the empty pool when we were interrupted.

Emmett was standing on top of the diving board wearing orange Speedos and a matching gaudy towelling robe and holding a glass of scotch.

"Ladies and gentleman, can I have your attention please! I've just been handed an urgent and horrifying news story. I need all of you to stop what you're doing and listen!"

Everyone turned to him, giving him the full attention he had commanded.

He paused for a long moment for dramatic effect, then flinging his scotch glass back into the bushes, jumping into the pool screaming "CAAAANNNNNOOONBAAAAAAALL!!"

The whole crowd screamed and started jumping into the pool. Alice and I looked at each other, then turned back to the pool and shouted the same battle cry as everyone else.

I always loved the feeling of jumping into the pool. So recklessly and free; I never felt more alive than I did on nights like this. Here with my closest friends, having the time of my life.

When I resurfaced I found a full out splash war had ensued. It was girls versus guys, and I found my opponent heading straight towards me with what looked like a bucket.

"No, no, no, no, no! No you don't! If you come any closer you are consenting to sacrifice your gonads and strife! Are we clear?"

Edward didn't say anything; he just smiled wider and lifted the bucket up higher, preparing to dump it on my head.

In my inebriated state, lying somewhere south of the border of Tipsy Ville in Drunk-assland I thought of the only counter attack I could.

I pounced at him, jumping at his chest and latching on with my arms around his shoulders.

I was going for shock value and I think it worked a little better than I anticipated.

Well, as a shock-factor at least it did. It didn't really prevent the bucket of water from being dumped over my head, but luckily Edward received the brunt of it. He dropped the bucket and started to fall backwards into the water. This all happened in the space of about a second and a half.

I found myself wrapping my legs around his waist so I could hold on better. This plan wasn't very well thought out, or executed for that matter.

I could feel the water rushing into my nose and my forehead bumped forcefully into something equally as hard – Edwards's forehead I presumed.

He pulled us back up to the surface, one hand tightly on my hip, the other rubbing the excess water out of his eyes.

"You are deranged!" He accused.

"You were trying to attack me, it was self defence!" I retorted.

He put his free hand onto my other hip and pulled me up against him because I was slipping.

A sudden electrical surge pushed through me at the sensation of.. well.. really - my crotch rubbing against his.

We both looked at each other, shocked. Why we were still like this I did not know. I disentangled myself and turned to move away when I felt his hands grab my hips again and lift me up, this time, up over his head. He then proceeded to throw me into the pool. Stupid male! Just because he was larger and stronger than I, did not mean he could cheat and win like this.

Of course I didn't get a chance to formulate a retaliation strategy, as I felt my wrist come into contact with something hard, then start to bend the wrong way. I felt the sickening crack echo through my body before the pain started.

I kicked up and felt fresh air on my face. I took a deep breath before screaming in absolute agony, clutching my suspected broken wrist with my good hand.

Edward turned, and smirked.

"Pull the other one why don't… oh shit." His face fell when he saw the bruising already appearing on my wrist. He splashed over to me as everyone watched on. Picking me up bridal style he led me over to the edge of the pool where Emmett was waiting to take me.

I was sobbing uncontrollably. Usually I had a pretty good pain tolerance, but this was easily the worst pain I had ever experienced. Ever.

"Oh god Em," Came my muffled sob, my head buried against his shoulder.

"Shh, shh now. It'll be okay my little ballerina." He mumbled against my head. I could feel my consciousness starting to slowly slip away as the pain increased.

I heard muted, yet panicked voices all around me. Shapes and colours were blurring together, till eventually it all settled as a great big mass of shapeless black.

I woke up what must have been a few hours later in the emergency department of the hospital. I (thankfully) had a drip in my good left hand pumping what I assumed to be some damn good painkillers into my system. My wrist was broken, a clean break with two small fractures. I would be in a cast for the rest of summer.

My summer of hell.

A/N – Yes, I know.. starting another story when I haven't updated the other in weeks is despicable. I'm sorry, but I needed to get my creative juices flowing again somehow. I'm really excited about this story. Please review if you'd like to see more. Ten reviews might just get you an update TOMORROW! Now how flash is that?!

Bonus points, by the way, to anyone who can name some/all of the little references I've put in here. Some are obvious, some aren't. Happy hunting!