Harry was done with almost half the forest in the next two days. He knew it would be more if his work wasn't interrupted by the arrival of a certain silver wolf. But what the hell, the Ministry had given him a whole month's time to finish the mission. In that much, he could do it thrice over.

"You'll be coming tomorrow afternoon?" Harry asked as Draco was about to leave.

"I think so. Why?"

"I'm doing the area by the lake tomorrow. I'll pack some lunch and we can have it there."

Draco nodded, "Alright."

Harry beamed, "Great. I'll see you tomorrow then."

Draco hadn't spoken all that much since that night. But he hadn't gone back to being all cold and uncivil either. Their conversations had become slightly more personal, with each of them expressing their frank views on whatever topics they talked about. Harry felt that at least after spending so much time with Draco, his desire to know him would be satiated. But it was not so. Because there were just too many sides to the guy! It was as if he never answered anything completely. Always left a bit in the dark. And it was that darkness that captivated Harry.

The following day was beautiful. The sun shone brightly in the sky, with a few wispy clouds. A light breeze was blowing, carrying with it the scent of forest. Draco bounded over to the lake in the middle of the forest, its clear water sparkling in the light. He couldn't see Harry anywhere, but there was a basket and a pale yellow cloth spread out on the ground. He padded over to it, knowing the Auror would return sooner or later.

His Father had asked where he'd been last night. He lied about some astronomical chart he was doing and he needed to check the position of the celestial bodies for that. His Father had been uncertain but had believed him anyway. Draco wondered if facing his Father's wrath was worth coming to meet Harry. But Harry was so carefree and didn't mind Draco no matter how he acted. He hadn't met many people but he knew Harry was different than the rest. Draco couldn't help but be drawn in.

There was a splash and Draco turned his vision towards the lake, from which Harry was stepping out. He was wearing a pair of black swimming shorts, showing off his nicely toned body which was tanned slightly. He spotted Draco and he jogged over, green eyes lighting up.

"You like being an Animagus, don't you?" Harry said, drying himself with a spell and pulling on a grey robe.

Draco transformed back, "Yes, I love it. So, is swimming something you learnt out of boredom as well?"

Harry laughed, nodding rapidly and spraying Draco with tiny water droplets.

"Stop fooling around and get the food out. I'm starving." Draco grinned nevertheless.

"Yes, your Highness," Harry said, bowing mockingly.

"Do not displease us, or you shall be beheaded!" Draco said loftily.

Their mindless banter continued throughout lunch and even after that. Then Draco said that he was gonna turn back into the wolf so he'd be spared the trouble of answering Harry.

"No fair!" Harry pouted, poking the wolf causing Draco to snap at him. Harry grinned, Draco was in a playful mood. A first since he'd gotten to know him.

Harry started putting back the utensils back into the magically enlarged basket. Draco's eyes were closed, Harry wondered if he was actually sleeping or just pretending to. In any case, Harry went about the neighbouring area, activating the secutiry wards.

He returned half an hour later to find Draco curled up in the same spot. So he actually was sleeping. Harry sat down cross legged next to him. He looked so serene sprawled on the grass like that. Harry absently reached out, stroking his silver fur.

What was he doing? What was he feeling? Harry didn't know. But at that moment, it didn't seem to matter anyway.

As for Draco, he just let Harry's fingers lull him to sleep.

They didn't acknowledge it, but they became more comfortable with each other after that. The occasional brushing against each other, a casual hand on the shoulder, knees touching when the sat next to each other. Harry didn't even realize as four more days rolled by. As for Draco, he was helped by the fact that his Father was busy with the dragon blood smuggle and hence didn't pay that much attention to Draco.

It was an odd bond they'd formed over a few days. They fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. They just accepted it as it was, never bothering to actually figure things out. But then, it couldn't be evaded forever…

Harry found Draco already waiting for him when he returned that day. Draco noticed the broad grin on Harry's face.

"The job's done! The entire forest is warded!" Harry explained happily, "My first ever independent job done!"

Draco smiled, "Congrats."

"Thank you! Thank you!" Harry bowed to an imaginary audience.

"We should celebrate, you know. You wouldn't have some drinks in there would you?" He jerked a thumb at the tent.

Harry shook his head, "Nopes."

"Alright. I'll go get some then. See you in a few!" Draco disapparated.

Even now both of them were evading. They knew they'd have to face the issue sooner or later. But both of them preferred later than sooner.

Draco got the firewhiskey bottles by himself. He didn't trust a house elf to do it. And he purposely didn't get any of the more exquisite drinks. He knew they'd be missed.

Harry had nice fire roaring when Draco got back. Harry patted the grass next to him and offered Draco a platter of sandwiches. Draco sat down and took one. They munched on silently for a while as the sky darkened and the first few stars twinkled into existence.

Draco opened two bottles of firewhiskey and gave one to Harry.

"To your first independent job!" Draco said, raising his bottle.

Harry laughed and clinked his bottle's neck against Draco's, "And here's to you for making it so much more enjoyable!"

Draco gave him a lopsided grin. No one had ever actually appreciated him for anything.

Conversation was to a bare minimum. None of them felt the need for any words that night. The forest was uncannily silent, the cackling of the fire was the only sound heard. Harry fell backwards, laying outstretched on the grass. He pulled Draco down next to him as well. They lay side by side, looking up at the canopy of stars scattered above them.

"So," Draco began quietly, "You'll be going home tomorrow?"

Harry didn't answer immediately, he knew where this conversation was heading, "Yeah I guess. My work here is done…"

There was silence for a while after that, then Harry sat up and said, "I'll apparate you to my place. Then you can drop by anytime you want."

There. Harry had laid out his intentions. That he wanted…this…thing to continue.

Draco smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Nah, its better I don't."

And as Harry had expected, Draco had refused…


Draco blinked in surprise at the slight agitation in Harry's voice.

"Why do you restrict yourself so much?" Harry continued, alcohol loosening his tongue, "Why do you restrict yourself from doing what you want? From how you feel? Why are you so cold and secretive? Why- why do you want to end this?"

Draco sat up to face Harry. There was hurt and anger in those green eyes.

"I don't, Harry," Draco smiled sadly, "You don't understand. You're naïve. But then, I guess that's why I like you so much. You've had a great life. Wonderful family. Great friends. You've always gone and got what you wanted. You haven't let anyone dictate your life. You haven't been forced to live it."

He paused, "I'm not like you Harry. I'm ensnared in this life I lead. There isn't anything else I can do except obey my Father. If I try to defy him…even though I'm his only son…if I turn out to be too much of a disappointment…"

Harry's eyes widened, "He- he's your Dad…what has he done to you?"

Draco laughed bitterly, eyes squeezed shut. Harry placed a hand on his knee, only to find it trembling slightly.

"You don't know what its like to be me Harry. What it's like when you can't do anything but accept things as they come…"

"Oh, Draco…"

Draco unbuttoned the top buttons of his robe, baring smooth pale skin below. He then took a deep breath and cast off the glamour charm.

Harry gasped softly as the scars etched on Draco's skin became visible.

"Your Dad did this to you? For going against him?" Harry tentatively reached out and traced a thin scar above his collarbone.

Draco inhaled sharply at the touch because not only did the cut still sting slightly, but Harry's fingers ghosting over his skin sent electricity tingling down his spine.

"Draco, who are you really?" Harry asked slowly, now realizing that Draco wasn't an ordinary someone.

But the next moment he found Draco's lips upon his, kissing him desperately and passionately. Harry's hand involuntarily went up, tracing Draco's jaw line as he found himself kissing back.

"Draco…" Harry whispered, eyes half closed as they broke apart.

"Don't say anything. For once,' Draco's voice was bitter, "For once, let me have what I want."

Harry entwined their hands and brought them to his lips, "I do not understand anything…"

Draco leaned in to kiss him again, "Its better if you don't…"

Harry stirred and his eyes flickered open. His head was throbbing and there was an arm slung across his naked torso.

A frenzied tangle of limbs as they hurried to get out of their robes and get into the tent at the same time. Bodies intertwined in the overwhelming heat and raw passion. Lips upon lips, skin upon skin…with Draco in complete control for once. His tongue swirled an intricate pattern across Harry's body-

Harry tore himself away from the night's memory as Draco shifted besides him, opening his eyes and looking blearily at Harry.



It sounded so stupid.

Harry ran a hand through Draco's hair, " So what now?"

Draco snuggled against Harry, "Frankly, I dunno…"

"Merlin, Draco! Just give me the whole deal already!"

Draco sighed and stood up, "Things are gonna change after I tell you the truth."

Harry shrugged, "Things aren't heading anywhere either way…"

Draco pulled on his robe and handed Harry his, "Okay then. I'm actually-"

The air around them vibrated slightly and both of them swore simultaneously and disapparated.

Harry had blindly apparated to the first place he could think of, and that was foolishly the lake. The vibrations were the wards he set up clashing with another one. Which meant, someone else was checking the forest for…what he didn't know. All he knew was to get out of that place immediately.

He was about to apparate to the Ministry when several people apparated in a circle around him.

"Stupefy!" All six shouted simultaneously.

As Harry fell to the ground unconscious, he wondered what had happened to Draco.

Draco 's heart was beating rapidly. He had recognized that ward. It was his Father's. Did that mean his Father knew about Harry? He couldn't ponder over it anyway, because there was a knock on the door and Lucius Malfoy entered.

One long sweeping look.

Draco braced himself.

"An odd thing happened right now, Draco," Lucius slowly pulled out his wand, "I just warded the forest in which the dragon blood is going to be traded. It's a good thing I did, cause the wards picked up two people. Now what's odd is that the wards actually recognized one of them." His voice was dangerously low, "You knew that the trade was going to place over there. Why didn't you tell me about him? What were you doing there in the first place?"

I knew the trading was going to take place there? Draco mentally berated himself for not paying attention while his Dad and Nott were talking. It was too late for that though. He had to handle the situation at hand or face the consequences…which he knew would be dire.

"I was trying to find out what he was doing," No, no, no, said a voice inside Draco's head, "I- Remember I'd told you I was doing an astronomical chart? I met him then. He's an Auror…" He hated himself for doing that.

"An Auror?" Lucius looked thoughtful, "Does the Ministry know?"

"No! He's just doing his routine work. He's been an Auror for just over a year…"

"I see. And why didn't you tell me about this before?"

Draco gulped, "I was just trying to…make you…proud."

Lucius looked mildly amused, "Oh? Well then, my son, what routine work was he doing in the forest?"

"He…he's setting up wards…"

Lucius laughed coldly, "Wards indeed! What is this charming fellow's name?"

Draco closed his eyes, defeated, he'd betrayed Harry's trust. But if he didn't say anything, Lucius would just torture the information out of Harry. And that he didn't want.

"Harry Potter."

Lucius was even more amused, "James Potter's son? Oh, this shall be very interesting…"

"What- what're you going to do to him?" Draco asked, voice flat but inside he was dreading the answer.

"Oh, I don't know. He's the son of a famous Quidditch player, surely he must be worth something…"

His father was long gone but Draco was still rooted to that very spot.

"What have I done?" Draco whispered, tears streaming down his face, 'I'm so sorry, Harry…"

Harry, meanwhile, had woken up in a decently large room. It was well furnished and the bed he was lying in was quite comfortable. He looked around, the room had no windows and he didn't have his wand on him.

"Where am I?" he asked out loud. He couldn't hear any sounds.

The door of the room suddenly opened and a tall man, with silver blonde hair sauntered in. Harry met his cold grey gaze.

"Draco…?" Harry said stupidly.

The man raised an eyebrow, "Not quite. Lucius Malfoy. I'm sure you must have heard of me. The person you addressed me as is my son, Draco Malfoy."

Harry blinked owlishly. Lucius Malfoy? Of course he'd heard of him. The guy was the most wanted criminal in the wizarding world…but he'd never seen a picture of him. And Draco was-


Lucius chuckled, "I never thought my son would be so good at deception. Harry Potter, isn't it? How is your father doing? We never really got along that well in Hogwarts."

"What? How… no…not Draco…" Harry's head reeled under the new information.

"Oh yes," Lucius stepped closer to Harry, who had swung off the bed and was standing now, "He just told me everything right now. I've trained him quite well you see. Now…" Lucius tilted Harry's chin up with one slender finger, "What shall we do- Oh dear, are you crying?" He laughed, high and cold, "Not used to betrayal, are we? Or were you that close to Draco?" He frowned then, "Now that doesn't bode at all…"

Harry slapped his hand away and glared at him, "You aren't getting anything out of me."

Lucius caught his arm and raised it above, "Oh, I don't need to get anything out of you." He pulled out his wand and ran it down Harry's arm, from wrist to elbow.

Harry winced slightly as a blood trickled down on the floor.

"But you're James' son…so I wonder, what shall I do with you?" He gave Harry a smirk, and was gone in a whirl of robes.

Harry sank to his knees. Draco had betrayed him. After everything…after…

Harry angrily wiped away the tears. He had been played like a fool by that bastard. Harry hated Draco. And Harry hated himself. He'd acted like such a fool.

It had been three days. Three days since Harry had been captured. Three days since Draco hadn't left his room. He felt miserable. He knew where Harry as being held, but he couldn't bring himself to go visit. What good would that do anyway? Harry probably hated every inch of him by now. His Father visited him occasionally, asking questions about how they'd met and especially about the nature of their acquaintance. So Harry wasn't speaking and Draco was grateful for that. Because he knew that their stories wouldn't match. And then he'd be screwed. That just made Draco more miserable. Even in captivity, Harry was the master of his will.


Draco jumped at the sound of his father's voice, "Yes, Father?"

"I've been wondering. I could ransom the boy, but we don't really need it. I could kill him(Draco's stomach flipped at that) but I personally don't like murder. I haven't tortured him all that much but he keeps getting insolent by the day. So I think, I'll just keep him for a few more days, alter his memory him and let him go…"

"Why?" The word was out before he could stop himself.

Lucius narrowed his eyes, "Excuse me?"

"He knows nothing. He can't do any harm…" Draco said recklessly, "Just…let him go.'


"You shall not speak to me like that." Lucius said, his voice low, arm still raised.

Draco touched his cheek, "Yes, Father."

"And tomorrow, you're going to use the Cruciatus on that boy. That'll make it clear what he actually is to you. Worthless, honestly. It's a shame you're my only son."

Draco slumped against the bedpost. A disappointment. That's all he'd ever been. To his Father. To his associates. To Pansy. To himself.

And to Harry.

What was the point of carrying on then?

He stood up slowly, making a decision. He picked up his wand, quietly left his room and made his way to where Harry was held captive.

Draco took a deep breath, one hand on the polished wooden handle and pushed the door open.

"What now? Oh- its you…"

Draco flinched at the cold tone and hostile gaze.

"What do you want?" Harry asked, looking away, not being able to meet those grey eyes. So similar to his father's…


A pause and then Harry laughed mirthlessly, "You're sorry? You lie to me, deceive me, betray me and hand me over to your father. You're the heir to the largest wizard criminal empire and I'm an Auror. You expect my forgiveness? Wow, your audacity astounds me!"

'I- I had no choice-"

"You never do, right? You've been trained right and proper by your father. So, what were you supposed to do anyway? You haven't kept me as hostage nor have I got inside Ministry information. So, what could you possibly get by- by whatever you did…"

"See! I didn't do anything because I was told to. My Father had no idea. I met you because- because I wanted to-"

"Then did you not make a choice, Draco?

Draco shut his eyes tightly and didn't reply.

"Don't lie anymore. Don't make it any worse than it already is…"

"I swear Harry," Draco sounded miserable, "I didn't think it'd end like this. I wanted to- I- I'm sorry-"

"Don't ask me for forgiveness, Draco. Its all my fault anyway. I was the one who trusted you. So, please don't. It hurts more because I know I won't be able to…"

Draco shut his eyes, a tear sliding down his face.

"Alright," Draco said softly, stepping closer to Harry, "I can see you don't believe me and I don't blame you for it. My Father has no purpose for keeping you here. He'll just torture you for satiating his cruelty, Obliviate you and hope that the Ministry will suspect something and prod so deep into your memory that you'll go insane. I- I acted stupidly today…and well, he's going to make me torture you tomorrow and I do not- cannot do that."

Harry didn't reply.

"Look at me!" Draco turned Harry's face towards himself, glad that he didn't smack his hand away, "When I say I don't have a choice, I mean it! I don't want this anymore, but I don't have anything- anyone else! I have nothing of my own. No one to go to."

Draco smiled, "Meeting you has taught me several things, Harry. I wanted to stay away from you, but I couldn't. I guess I- nevermind. So yes, I did make a choice there and look where it landed you. But I can't see you get hurt just because of me. So…so I'm apparating you out of here. The wards only allow Malfoy blood through. You know nothing, so Father won't bother himself with you anymore. But you'll have to be on your guard from now on. And I'm so sorry for that…"

Harry's eyes widened. His hand reached up to the side of his face, over Draco's hand, "I- How do I trust you on this? How can I be sure you aren't doing because your father asked you to?"

Draco shook his head, "You can't. But for once, you aren't going to have a choice, Harry. I'm apparating you out no matter what."

Harry was silent for a while and then he said, "And what about you? What'll Lucius do to you?"

"I don't know and I don't really care. Guess you've rubbed off on me," Draco grinned, "The only thing that matters to me right now is you. Nothing more, nothing less…"

Harry bit his lip, "He- he'll torture you for days. And how can you be sure that this'll end once you've helped me leave this place?"

"Cause I've been raised to do the same. I know how he functions. Once you're out, it'll all be over…"

"So…I won't be able to see you again…?"

"Its better that way. I've gotten you in enough trouble already."

"Then I don't want it to be over like this!" Harry said angrily, voice rising, "Draco, I haven't felt so strongly about anyone and I can't just let it go!"

Draco gave him an exasperated look, "Harry, you can't always get what you want-"

"Come away with me!"

"Say what?!"

"The only reason you're staying here is because you have no one outside of it. But now you do. You can live with me! You're academically qualified. You say you're good at Quidditch so I can ask Dad to fix up some trials for you-"

"Harry, do you even realize what you're saying!?" Draco's own voice rose in pitch. If he weren't so annoyed, he might've even appreciated what Harry was saying. But it was just too ludicrous.

"I-" Harry faltered.

"No. Talk sensibly, Harry. You think my Father would just let me run off with you? He'll find me and then there'll be more trouble. This-" Draco just waved his arm around vaguely, "should never have happened! It just- mmph!"

Harry's lips effectively cut off Draco.

"So, this should never have happened?" Harry said, sounding colder than he wanted to.

Draco didn't reply. He instead closed his eyes and the scene around them shifted into some grassy field.

"You've defied Lucius once," Harry said, carefully measuring his words, not letting go of Draco's hand, "So make that once worthwhile…"

"What do you mean?" Draco said slowly.

"You're going back to nothing but pain and hurt. You refuse to come with me. Everything just because of one person. But…you can change that Draco. You can stand up for yourself. Earlier, you didn't have anyone else, but now you do. I've barely been with you for a week and yet I have this strange feeling. I- I think I do love you, Draco. And even if things don't turn out right like that, I'd still be your friend. I'll always be there for you."

Draco's chest contracted painfully, "I'd love nothing more than to come with you right now. But you have to understand, he'll find me and drag me back and you as well. Then…I guess he'll just- he'll kill you and make me watch you die. I can see it so perfectly. It scares me, Harry. I don't want it to be like that."

"So you're ready to spend your life in misery…"

Draco shrugged, "I've lived with it till now. Might as well carry on."

"Turn him in."

Draco was sure he misheard, "What?"

Harry took a deep breath, "Lucius. Turn him in. Come with me to the Ministry. Tell them everything. Create a portkey to your Manor. I have it all planned out. You'll be free…"

"You want me to turn in my own Father?" Draco said hesitantly.

"If you can call him that."

"You're insane!"

Harry made no reply, instead apparated them to his house and then back to some grassy field.

"Now you know where I live," Harry said, letting go of Draco's hand, "Think about it, Draco. I'll be waiting…"

And he disapparated.

Draco stood rooted to his spot. His mind was spinning with the words Harry had just spoken. Ahead of him lay a choice, a choice that would make or break his life. But was he actually ready to put everything behind him and start over? Hadn't he wished that everyday of his life would be as the days he'd spent with Harry? And now that he was presented with such an opportunity, why was he hesitating. He'd never really considered Lucius as a Father anyway.

Draco laughed hollowly; he really was a coward wasn't he? He had to decide quickly. His Father would soon find out that Harry was missing. Then, he'd come raging to Draco's room. Now all Draco had to decide was whether he'd be there in the room at that time or not.

Could Draco return to that again when he knew he could have it so much better? Maybe what Harry had in mind wouldn't work out…what then? But things couldn't get worse than they already were.

And he wouldn't have to be alone anymore…

Draco disapparated back to his room.

Harry paced around his living room, waiting. Nearly fifteen minutes had passed. If Draco had to come, he'd have been here already. Harry wondered if he'd gone too far in assuming Draco would turn in his Father.

His head snapped up as a faint pop was heard.

"Sorry it took so long. Had to go back to the manor to get something. For the portkey, I mean…And your wand..."

Harry didn't reply, just stared at him with a stupid happy grin on his face.

"We have to act real fast. He'll set up wards the moment he realizes what's happening."

Harry nodded vigorously, "Yes of course. Must get to the Ministry. Have to take your statement, anonymous of course…but that can be done later. And-"

"Harry,' Draco cut through the nonsensical blabbering.

"Hm?" Harry looked at Draco.

"I think I do love you too…"

The stupid happy grin had become permanently fixated then.

The next few months were a blur for Draco. It all started with the raid on the manor. Within half an hour, a team of the most skilled Aurors had been dispatched via the portkey Draco had created. Lucius had first been arrested on charges of kidnapping Harry, which were later on increased to encompass all of his criminal activity. All his accounts were seized. His associates were apprehended as well. The Ministry never found out who tipped Harry off. Lucius kept on mentioning his son, but the Ministry had no criminal records against him. Hell, the Ministry wasn't even sure if Lucius actually did have a son. Narcissa Malfoy had to be arrested as well, though her sentence was less severe than her husband's. It was turning out just as Harry has said it would.

In the end, it was a good thing that Lucius had never allowed Draco into the wizarding world. Nobody knew who he was. A couple of months after Draco started living with Draco, people slowly started to know who he actually was. But it didn't matter then. The important thing was that the Ministry didn't have anything against him. In contrast, they were sort of grateful. Draco did get onto the Plantinum Moon Quidditch club, and he didn't even have to take Harry's help for that. He never did let his guard down though, lest someone was out for revenge on behalf of his Father, but apparently, Lucius wasn't really liked in the Underworld either.

Things were finally beginning to settle down.

One morning, Harry woke up, got dressed and went down. Draco was already up. He was sitting at the kitchen table, reading the newspaper.

"Morning," Harry smiled sleepily.

"Morning," Draco said and Harry immediately knew something was amiss by the tone of his voice.

"Whats wrong?"

"He- he got life imprisonment in Azkaban." Draco handed him the newspaper, where the full front page was about Lucius' trial that had ended the previous night.

Harry placed the paper aside and went forward to kiss Draco on the forehead, "You alright?"

"I-I dunno really…"

This time Harry kissed him softly on the lips.

"You will be."

But its always about what you choose…

Four years later.

"Hey, Draco…"


"Its almost been four years now…"

"Mm…four years since we met in that forest…"

"You've put everything behind you, have you?"

"Er…yeah I guess…"

"But you're still a Malfoy."

"What are you trying to say?"

"How would you like it to be Malfoy-Potter?"


"Erm…I'd understand if you don't want it to- Mmph!"

"Oh shut the hell up."

So, what say? I don't really hate Lucius that much, but well, it was necessary to make him so. Meh…And this does need more Slash, but I just cant bring myself to write an explicit scene -wails- I feel as if I'm outraging their modesty or something! lol

And yet again, I think the ending was rushed, but I really just wanted to end it. 10k words? Honestly!

At wIthOUt A nAmE, I'd already written the whole fic so I couldnt work on your suggestion :(

Reviews highly appreciated(lol I feel like a newbie again...)