Yes, one absurdly long oneshot coming up! This could've been a multi-chaptered one, but I really didn't want to start another one when I have 'Crossing The Line' still waiting to be finished. So I just split it into two. Since I was facing a sorta writer's block, I took several circumstances that I or someone I know has been through, added more drama and came up with this!


Disclaimer: Not Mine. :(

Sometimes, its about what you want…

Harry Potter considered himself the unluckiest to have got the worst independent mission as an Auror. He had go to some godforsaken forest in North Britain and set up new security wards in it, and reactivate the old ones as well. At least that meant that some other person had done such a lame mission before him.

"Cheer up, mate" Said his best mate since school, Ron Weasley, "At least you're gonna start off your career on a brilliant note. It's a grade two mission and there's no chance you're gonna screw up ward activation."

Harry sighed, "I know I won't screw up, but I just wanted something more challenging! You have to conduct raids on various dragon keeps in Romania, now that's what I call fun!"

"You're mental, really…" Ron shook his head, knowing he couldn't make his friend see any sense. Even in school he somehow or the other managed to get himself in trouble. It was as though he was a trouble seeker. He got into the most controversial Quidditch matches, blew up the Potion's dungeons almost twice each year, had attended numerous detentions for sneaking out of school, the list of his misadventures were countless.

"Let's go meet Hermione…" Harry said, resigning himself to his fate, "I still have around two hours before I leave…"

Whatever he felt he'd need he packed in a small trunk, he rummaged through his house for a tent, sent Hedwig off to his parents(since it was grade two mission, he wasn't allowed to be in contact with anyone outside of his mission). Piling it all up in a corner, he apparated to the Aurum Pheonix Quidditch club's pitch to say goodbye to his dad and then to his Mum's apothecary to do the same. He then apparated back to his house, grabbed his stuff and apparated to the forest.

The first thing that Harry noticed was how eerily quiet it was. His senses that were used to being assailed by the hustle and bustle of London, reeled from the lack of noise and movement. Throwing his stuff on the spongy grass, Harry looked around, surveying his surroundings. The trees were spaced quite far from each other, moss climbing up their trunks. They were quite tall, as Harry craned his neck to look up, to find that the sky was barely visible through the branches. He picked up his trunk and set off to find a suitable place for setting up the tent. After about ten minutes of walking, he came into a glade, beyond which there was a small stream.

"Perfect, "Harry muttered, pulling out the tent and magically erecting it, "I don't think there's a better place to be insolated from humankind."

The tent was fully furnished. It had a living room with an attached kitchen and a separate bedroom with a bathroom. It even had a miniature Quidditch set, courtesy of his Dad.

Harry set up a small campfire outside; without magic, cause he didn't have anything better to do either way. He pulled out a piece of parchment and enchanted a map of the forest on it, so that it'd be easier for him to remember the areas he'd covered. Setting up protective shields around his tent, more because it was Auror protocol and not because Harry felt it was needed, he started warding the immediate area around his camp. He had been walking for a few minutes and then suddenly-


Excruciating pain shot through Harry's foot as something cleaved through it. Harry's knees buckled and he fell on the ground. Tears sprang to his eyes and he glared at the animal trap that had his foot in its vice. And apparently, the trap's blades were drugged with something as Harry felt his veins start to burn and his eyes feel droopy.

Harry pointed his wand at the trap, shattering it to smithereens. He then pointed his wand at the wound, casting a charm that would make the poison pour out with the blood. After a few seconds, the tip of his wand glowed red, indicating the toxins had leeched out completely. Sighing, Harry mended the wound and got up, wincing slightly at the pain.

"Bloody poachers, "Harry growled, scanning the area for more traps but finding none.

It was getting darker. There was still light, but the dense foliage of the forest made it seem less so. He was almost back at the tent-

A painful howl cut through the air and Harry jumped, wand aloft. Another wild howl and Harry was tearing through the trees, looking for its source. Harry hurriedly pushed himself through some bushed, earning several scratches in the process and then stopped in his tracks.

A pure-white wolf lay sprawled on the grass, a streak of crimson on its left foreleg, which was caught in a similar trap as Harry's had been. The drug was spreading quickly, as shown by the laboured breathing accompanied by soft whines.

Letting loose a string of swear words about poachers, Harry knelt down next to it, dissembling the trap with a tap of his wand. He then proceeded to use the same charm which caused the drug to leech out of the system along with the blood. It was only then did he realize the oddness of the situation. A wolf in these woods? Then he noticed the small platinum earring around its right ear. The most likely explanation-

An Animagus.

Harry frowned but then the tip of his wand glowed red again and he went back to mending the wound. Harry levitated the wolf back to his tent, mind teeming with questions. Using magic to force the wolf to show its human form wasn't advisable considering its already weak state. So Harry decided to wait it out. It was a magnificent creature though, Harry mused, absently running his hand through its soft, silver fur. His Auror side told him to be guarded though, since he was with an unregistered Animagus in a magically isolated part of the country.

Since the wolf showed no signs of waking up anytime soon, Harry started making dinner. And he made enough for two…just in case.

He heard a soft whine and immediately whipped around, right hand gripping his wand. The wolf stirred, slowly opening its eyes, which were grey in colour. The wolf turned its head towards Harry.

Green met grey.

They held each other's gazes for a long time and then Harry spoke up, "Erm…you're gonna have to transform into your human self. In any case, I'm authorized by the Ministry to force you to show yourself if need be since you are unregistered."

Harry thought he saw a flicker of alarm in the grey eyes.

"But you're hurt and I really don't wanna do it. So if you'd please just comply…"

The wolf made to stand a low growl escaped as it immediately pulled the pressure off its front leg.

Harry couldn't help but take a step forward in concern, "If you transform, I could help better with the pain."

The wolf closed its eyes and Harry watched as its body elongated, the fur receded and in its place, sat a boy of around Harry's age. The boy was just as pale as the wolf, with smooth porcelain skin and white blonde, slightly long hair that fell over his eyes in a casual yet impeccable way. The eyes were the same though, two chips of cold grey ice.

The boy looked at the bandage around his left forearm, scowling.

Harry cleared his throat, "Er…identify yourself."

"What are you? An auror?" His voice was strangely mesmerizing. Soft, yet commanding authority.

Harry nodded, "Answer me please."

"I'm Draco…Draco Woods. Me and my family live in a village on the outskirts of this forest. We prefer being aloof from the rest of the wizarding world. There aren't many magical families out here anyway."

Harry sought eye contact, attempting Legilimency(although he wasn't that good at it). A flurry of images, of him and his house, him with two older people, him on a broomstick, a small village. Nothing suspicious or incriminating.

Harry smiled, "Alright then…I'm Harry Potter by the way. Work as an Auror, hence the questions…"

"So…am I in trouble for not registering myself? I mean…even my parents dunno…"

Harry frowned, he was actually obliged to report Draco to the Ministry, but he seemed like a plain village boy. And then, even his Father was an unregistered Animagus once.

"Well…I actually am supposed to, but…its not like you have been doing anything wrong." Harry said slowly, he could almost hear Hermione Granger going 'Harry at least try and follow the Ministry's rules. This is not Hogwarts now! Its your life!' in his head, "But it'll save both of us a lot of trouble if you go and register yourself as soon as possible. "

Draco nodded, unsmiling, "So…you aren't reporting me?"

Harry shook his head, "Not today, no."

"Right. So can I go now? My parents might be worried…"

"Well…I made dinner. Thought you'd be hungry…"

"No thank you. I really should get going."

Harry frowned at the cold and hostile tone, "Oh…okay. Erm, here" He handed him a glass vial, "It's a pain reliever…"

Draco's eyes widened a fraction of an inch and then he nodded, "Good night."


Draco apparated directly back to his room, feeling a mild jerk midway as the wards around the manor screened his Malfoy blood.

Back in his room, he rumpled the sheets on his bed and threw on a long sleeved robe instead of the now torn black one.

Deception was his forte. Fooling that Auror back in the forest had been one of the easiest though. The guy had been inexperienced anyway.

Draco let out a shaky laugh. He dreaded to think what would happen if he hadn't been able to cover up like that. He'd have to ask his Father to take care of matters. That meant numerous sufferings under the Cruciatus for being such a disappointment. It wasn't easy being the heir to the Malfoy empire. Especially when he didn't have the least but of interest in the dealings of the underworld.

Draco had grown up alone, with his only friends being his Father's associates' off springs. Until around eleven, he was the perfect, obedient son. Then, as his private education had started, and his understanding of the world grew, he started to think for himself.

He was thirteen when he was first subjected to the Cruciatus. At first, he had rebelled even more, but later he found that it was easy to just let go. No matter what he did, things weren't gonna change. He just had to accept reality. There was a limit to everything, even his endurance. He was more subdued now, choosing to passively listen to his Father, not doing anything at all.

Draco held his breath as there was a soft knock on the door, and Lucius Malfoy sauntered in.

"Evening, Father…"

"Why weren't you at dinner?

Draco blocked his mind and said easily, "I'm sorry. I dunno…I just fell asleep…" he gestured at the bed, all the while projecting dark shapes and colours into his mind.

Lucius pursed his lips, "I see. Take care to see it doesn't happen again. Especially tomorrow since the Notts are coming over for dinner."

Draco nodded, "Yes, Father."

"Excellent. Good night, Draco."

"'Night, Father."

Lucius was at the door when he turned around and flicked his wand, "Just to make sure you don't forget…"

Draco felt something sting sharply at the base of his neck. He hastily undid the top buttons to reveal a thin long cut above his collarbone. A drop of blood trickled out of it.

Draco wiped it away, another scar to add to his collection. He healed it, and cast a glamour charm on it.

Harry sighed, frustrated as he wandered through the forest, activating the old wards and setting up new wards where he thought required. This was definitely not what being an Auror he'd thought would be.

Sighing, Harry decided that it was enough for the day. Sunlight was fading and he still had dinner to make. He marked the territory he'd covered on the map and apparated back to the camp.

He'd finished having his dinner and was brooding with his miniature Quidditch set when he heard his name being called out.

The dinner was horrible. The formality was stifling and Draco just wanted to bolt.

The questions about him, the mundane talk about some huge dragon blood shipment, made Draco feel suffocated. He was practically shoving the food down his throat. The only respite he had was talking to Theodore after dinner about Quidditch. But after that, Draco was excused and he was in his room and out of the manor in no time.

He changed into his wolf form, bounding from amidst the trees. The surroundings were a mere blur as he ran harder and faster. Sidestepping a trap, leaping from between the space between two trees, arching over a log. This was what he wanted, to run free without any damn care. He ran blindly and fast, his feet having a mind of their own.

And before he knew it, he was in the same glade he was the night before. Where the Auror was.

Draco transformed back, frowning. Why had he come to this place? The guy was an Auror and he was the son of one of the most wanted wizard. Plus, his behaviour the previous night had been anything but friendly towards him. Although the Potter guy was still surprisingly courteous

But then, right at that moment, Draco just needed the company of someone who didn't know him, who wouldn't judge him.

Hoping nothing bad would come out of this, he called out-

"Harry? Harry Potter?"

For a moment, nothing happened and Draco wondered if he had shifted.

Then a tent shimmered into existence and Harry poked his head out.

"Draco? Hi…"

"Hi…do you mind if I come in?"

"Of course not," Harry was puzzled but slightly grateful at the same time. There was only so much you could with mini Quidditch players.

"Hot Chocolate?"

"Mm hmm," Draco picked up a figure, "You play Quidditch?"

"Oh yeah, I love it!" Harry poured milk into two large mugs, "My Dad plays for the Aurum Phoenixes…"

"What? Hang on…Potter. Is James Potter your father?"

Harry blushed slightly, "Yeah he is…"

"He's an awesome player. One of the best really."

Harry went even more red, "So, how's your hand?"

"Its fine now. The potion really helped…" Draco paused and looked around shiftily, "Thanks…"

Harry waved his hand, "Don't mention it. Then, what brings you here today?"

"I was just wandering about again. Came across this place…was bored, thought I'd say hi…"

"Well, I'm glad you did. I was going insane here."

"Why don't you have a partner or anything?"

"Its an independent mission. Wait, lemme explain. You pass the auror exam, then you become an apprentice. After that come the Independent missions. Then you get a partner and then after that, you get your own apprentice. It's a long journey…"

"I see…"

Harry nodded, "What about you? What do you do?"

"Family business, "Draco muttered, "We trade stuff…"

"Nothing illegal I hope!" Harry winked at him and Draco forced a laugh.

They sat around for around twenty minutes more, making small talk when Draco suddenly felt his Father summoning him.

"Hey, I have to leave," he stood up quickly, "Thanks for the hot chocolate…"

"Err- yeah sure. Hey listen, can you do me a favour?"

"What is it?" Draco said impatiently.

"Since you live in the village, could you me some food supplies. It'll save me some inconvenience…" Harry said hurriedly.

Draco bit his lip, "Yeah sure whatever. I'll come by around again at the same time tomorrow."

"Thanks, Draco"

But he was already gone.

Harry picked up the two mugs, bewildered. Draco…was an enigma. A night ago, he'd been all rude and arrogant and today he had sought Harry all by himself. He didn't speak much, his expressions and body language were always guarded. But he had a charm of his own. An aura that made Harry want to get to know him better. To unravel the mystery. It wasn't a good thing, being taken by someone who he'd barely just met, but then, when did Harry start caring about that anyway.

Draco apparated back to the manor. His Father had called him to bid farewell to the Notts. Now back in his room, Draco was thinking about his meeting with Harry. He knew he shouldn't be associating himself with the guy. There would be hell to pay if his Father found out. But he couldn't help but wonder how easily he'd carried a conversation with him. Generally, Draco preferred to stay aloof and didn't like to talk much. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that Harry was the first person he'd met who didn't know about his lineage and hence didn't preplan his behaviour around him. And why the hell had he agreed to do him a favour anyway? Draco didn't want to meet the guy again…there was something about meeting him again that unnerved him. Draco had a very troubled sleep that night.

The next day, Lucius wasn't at the manor. That meant Draco had to stick around the whole day to take care of affairs. Which meant he couldn't go and give Harry supplies even if he wanted to. Not that he needed an excuse…he wasn't going to anyway. It was a very tiring day and Draco collapsed on the bed straightaway at night. His mind had wandered to a certain Auror several times during the day, only to be shoved back on track again. Why was he thinking so much about it anyway? After an hour of tossing and turning restlessly in his bed, Draco got up, frustrated. He ordered a house elf to get him random food materials in a bag. When the elf returned with it, he threw on a robe and apparated to the glade.

He could see the tent now. Draco shook his head in disbelief, what sort of Auror would charm his protection wards to recognize a complete stranger? He pulled the flap open, placed the bag inside and was about to disapparate when his whole body suddenly froze.

"Oh…its you…"

Draco felt the body binding charm lift, "That's some welcome, "he snapped.

"How was I to know it was you?" Harry said, lighting the tent with a flick of his wand, "Anyone entering except me sets off the trigger."

"If you're so concerned about security then how come the shields around the tent recognize me, someone you've just met?"

"I just- nevermind. What's the worse that could happen anyway? Anyhow, thanks for getting the supplies…what took you so long though?"

"Family matters," Draco muttered. He was astonished. What was the worse that could happen? Which Auror in his right mind would say that?

"Oh…I hope everything's alright."

Draco couldn't help but snort derisively, "Oh yeah, absolutely smashing. Anyway, its late. I'd better get going."

"Good night."


Harry went back to sleep. If anything, today's encounter with Draco had just increased his inexplicable desire to understand him.

Draco scowled, he still wasn't getting any sleep. As he'd expected, meeting Harry had just filled him with an unexplainable nervous restlessness. He couldn't comprehend why he was feeling that way. Hell, he couldn't understand what exactly was he feeling. Burying his face into the pillow, Draco drifted off to an uneasy sleep.

Harry waved his wand around in a large arc, activating several wards at once. He yawned, rubbing his eyes. Boredom plus lack of sleep weren't exactly a match a made in heaven. He decided to stop for the day although he was barely out for two hours. He'd end up missing several wards if he worked in such a distracted state.

Harry made himself some tea, maybe he was just thinking too much. Maybe he was trying to make something out of nothing because he had nothing better to do. Ron and Hermione always said that Harry ended up getting in messy situations because he just couldn't stay idle.

He'd come outside then. He settled against a tree, thinking. He perpetually needed something interesting. If he didn't get it, he'd just create it. With these thoughts, he slumbered off.

Grey eyes stared at the sleeping form of Harry through the bushes. Draco wondered how he could just nod off like that, without a damn care. He trotted closer. The guy looked so peaceful while he was asleep. Draco didn't think he'd slept that calmly even when he was a baby.

Green eyes popped open, "Hi…"

Draco stared back coldly, not transforming.

"Er…aren't you going to change back?"

The wolf shook his head.

"Oh…alright then…"

A few seconds of silence, wherein Harry wondered about the oddness of talking to a wolf, then Draco padded over next to Harry and curled up besides him.

Harry blinked in surprise. But then the wolf had closed his eyes, so clearly no conversation was in order. Harry smiled softly and closed his eyes as well, dozing off once more.

Draco waged an internal war about what he was doing. His Father was happy about how he'd handled things the previous day, so Draco was free to do whatever he wanted. Generally he'd go to a quaint little library or something. But today he found himself coming back to the glade in the forest. Then he'd seen Harry sleep with such ease that he just wanted to go and curl up next to him and see if he could do the same.

Maybe Harry had inched slightly closer to Draco, because Draco could feel the heat radiating from him. After a point of time, he lost his trail of thought and sleep overcame him.

Harry woke up when a ray of the setting sun directly splashed across his face through a gap in the trees. He squired uncomfortably, squinting his eyes tight. He opened his eyes slightly only to be blinded by a flash of golden upon white. As he tried to blink away the spots dancing before his eyes, he didn't even notice when Draco transformed back.

"Hi…" he said.

"Slept well?" Harry asked, getting up and stretching.

Draco gave a small nod, getting up as well, "You?"

"Mm hmm. Didn't really sleep well last night."

"Yeah…nor did I…"

The silence that followed was very awkward.

"Come on in," Harry said, wondering whether the answer would be positive or negative this time, "I'll fix us some sandwiches and tea."

Draco nodded slowly, "Okay…"

Midly surprised, Harry walked inside the tent followed haltingly by Draco. He settled himself on the couch while Harry busied himself in the attached kitchen.

Another few minutes of silence followed during which both of them cast around for subjects to speak on.

"You're father has a match tomorrow…" Draco said quietly, thinking that something was better than nothing.

"What? Oh yeah! Against the Silver Serpents. That's always fun to watch. Pity I can't go…"

"Oh yeah…"

Again they lapsed into an uncomfortable silence. Both of them knew that normal conversation would not take place unless certain things were cleared.

"So, what exactly happened last night?" said Harry when at the time Draco said, "About this afternoon…"

They both paused.

"Well, I have to do the explanation anyway," Draco said, rapidly creating one in his mind, "Its just that things are rocky at home. And I- I really don't wanna talk about it." Draco couldn't believe it. He had a brilliant lie cooked up in his head, but instead he chose the easier way out.

Harry nodded," I'm sorry. Its my fault. It was highly rude of me to intrude."

Draco just shook his head, he didn't know what to say anyway.

"Anyway, here you go," Harry placed a cup of tea and a plate of sandwiches on the table and sat down next to Draco.

"Thank you," Draco stirred one spoon of sugar into his tea and raised it to his lips, "You're quite adept at cooking…"

Harry shrugged, "You wouldn't believe half the things I've learned cause I had nothing to do. Although I could've got much better NEWTs had I spent all that time studying!"


Harry nodded, "You?"

"Privately educated."

"Ah…any other interests?"

"Mostly Quidditch. I actually wanted to go professional, but things didn't work out."

Harry grimaced, "That must've sucked. What happened?"

"Family issues again," Draco mentally slapped himself. What was he doing? Why was he telling all this to some unknown Auror?


Draco sipped his tea, "You don't play Quidditch?"

Harry grinned sheepishly, "Won the cup for my House at Hogwarts six years in a row…"

"Impressive. Didn't think of pursuing it as a career?"

"Nah…Dad's already a pro, I wanted to do something different. Being an Auror seemed really interesting and challenging. Although this mission is anything but!"

"What about your Mum?"

"She's a Potion's master," Harry shuddered, "Its really surprising how badly I suck at Potions."

"Was that pain reliever hers? It was really good. Even I find brewing potions fascinating . I do so for my Father…"

"Good for you. Mum never lets me into her Apothecary, she knows I'll blow it up!"

Draco smiled faintly as Harry grinned goofily. The conversation moved seamlessly, with Harry doing most of the talking and Draco listening and adding a few tidbits of his own, but never giving out complete information.

"Merlin! I can't believe you actually said that," Draco chuckled as Harry finished narrating an incident involving him and his two best friends and one Argus Filch.

"Fourth yeah was so much fun!" Harry exclaimed, "And whoa! Look at the time!"

Draco glanced at his watch, "Ah…I should get going now."

Harry nodded," Alright…"

"G'night then…"

"Mm hmm. Night…"

Harry didn't purposely ask Draco to come over the next day. Although he wasn't hostile towards Harry anymore, Harry wasn't sure what would be crossing the line of their bizarre…he didn't even know whether to call it a friendship. So…he'd just wait and see what would happen.

Draco was glad Harry didn't ask him if he'd return tomorrow. For one, Draco didn't know it himself and he didn't want to be obliged to return. He wanted to do so…of his own will. True, he'd enjoyed Harry's company. He didn't even remember how long ago it was when he'd so openly and freely conversed with someone else. But he was scared of the repercussions of his actions. He was afraid of the degree of torture his Father would subject him to if he found out.

The 'if' being the key word in Draco returning the next day. He came after dinnertime and he and Harry sat around the fire, drinking hot chocolate again. Draco gave Harry a detailed account of his Father's match, which Harry was ecstatic to find they'd won.

The day after that Draco came only for around fifteen minutes, that too in the afternoon. His keen wolf senses helped him locate Harry and it was then that he found out what Harry's mission was. He didn't have much time to think about it though, his Father wanted him for preparations for the upcoming Dragon blood shipment. He did return again at around midnight. Harry wasn't asleep, he was just lying outside on the grass, staring up at the sky. The fire had died down. Draco rekindled it and sat down next to Harry.

"What's on your mind?"

Harry shook his head slightly, "Nah…nothing."

Draco gave him a deadpan look, "Don't be such a girl. You're clearly engrossed in some thought…"

"I was thinking about this girl…" It was true, Harry had suddenly been reminded of Ginny. It was a similar night, with stars shining down upon them when they'd first kissed.

"Your girlfriend?" Draco said uncertainly.

Harry laughed bitterly, "Ex actually. She's Ron's sister. It was a good thing that we just sort of fell apart, no ugly fights or anything. That way I can still be on good terms with Ron and the other Weasleys."

A few seconds of silence followed in which Draco didn't know what to say and Harry was too spaced out anyway.

"You're seeing anyone right now?" Harry asked, glancing at Draco.

"I'm betrothed to someone…"

"What?" Harry spluttered, sitting up and facing Draco, "Really?"

Draco smiled in slight amusement at Harry's reaction, "Yeah, since I was thirteen," he let Harry splutter in disbelief for some more time, "Its more like an agreement between two families. I didn't really have a say in it."

"So…" Harry said slowly, "How is she?"

"Pansy? She's horrible, truth be told. I used to try and avoid meeting her somehow. I once had to spend the night with her…where she practically forced herself on me," Draco shuddered at the memory, "I guess that just put me off women completely."

"Put you off women…Oh!" Harry's eyes widened slightly in comprehension, "So then what? You told your parents? How'd they take it?"

"Nah, they still don't know. And I'm still engaged to marry Pansy." Draco didn't add the fact that Lucius would practically kill Draco if he found out that the Malfoy line would end with him anyway.

"But- but that's just wrong. You can't be forced to be with someone you don't love. Its not fair to either you or the other person."

Draco shrugged, "Its pointless to talk about love with me. One night stands with random men picked up somewhere doesn't really count eh?"

Harry frowned deeply.

"You seem to be taking all this really well. So either you're extremely liberal….or you've done stuff as well…"

Harry answered after a brief pause, "My first relationships were with guys. Both ended disastrously. Then in a drunken stupour, I slept with Bill…Bill Weasley…"

Draco arched his eyebrows, "Have a thing for the Weasleys do you?"

"Its not funny!" Harry snapped, "He was already seeing Fleur at that time. I was really messed up after that. And well, when Ron acted like a prat when I wouldn't tell him what was wrong, Ginny came along. One thing led to another…but that didn't last anyway. Something or the other seemed to go wrong each time, but Ginny and I just sort of fell apart. There didn't seem to be any obvious problems, everyone thought we were perfect together. But I- I just felt as if something was missing, that something didn't feel right. And well…now I'm wondering if I'm even capable of sustaining a stable long term relationship."

"Wow, you really are a girl to think so much," Draco commented and Harry smiled faintly, "But seriously, you're thinking too much. If there's one thing I'm sure about you, its that you're a free spirit. The moment you feel something is restricting you, or tying you down, you're gonna get out of it. Maybe that's what happened, maybe you felt that being with those people didn't give you room for yourself. Maybe you felt suffocated in those relationships. In any case, it means that they weren't right for you. When the right person comes along, you won't feel the need to get out. Because that person will understand how you feel and let you be just the way you are..." Draco trailed off, realizing how much he'd spoken. He knew part of what he'd just said came from how he felt. From what he'd wanted, but what he'd suppressed because he knew he couldn't have it.

"Wow," Harry said softly, green eyes gazing wonderingly at Draco, "that was- extraordinary coming from someone who has known me for just a few days. "

Draco ran a hand through his hair, "I guess I spoke too much-"

"No no! It was perfect. I'm just unnerved at the accuracy, that's all."

Draco averted his gaze, "I'm tired and its getting late. I'll head back now."

"Oh, alright…" Harry said disappointed to some extent because he was impressed by how easily Draco had managed to read him, "G'night then."

"'Night. See you later…"

Draco was already gone by the time Harry's face lit up with a grin as he realized the change in the parting line.

Next week, next part.

Reviews are appropriately squealed over.