By: PhantomTwilighter2009

I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THIS! (wish I did but unfortunately...)

WARNING!!!! : This is my first fanfic and I'm debating on making this a one shot or a couple chapters so bare with me okay? Good now lets get this show on the road!

Love's Music

Christine felt herself run down a dark, cold tunnel.

Why am I doing this? She thought. Why was she going back to the man who nearly killed her and her fiancée? She replayed the conversation with Raoul over and over again in her mind:

"Christine, darling, what is the matter?" Raoul asked as she turned around to take one last look at the Opera Garnier; her home, her life, and her school.

"I want to go back." she whispered.

Raoul stared at his soon-to-be-bride in shock. How could she go back to that...thing?

"You mean you want to..."

"I'm sorry, Raoul, but it is the only way I'll live with myself. He needs me. I love you, don't ever forget that." Christine smiled sadly and ran straight for the Rue Scribe entrance. She heard her name called out multiple times in anger, fear, and lastly agony.

"Forgive me, Raoul. I shall forever be your Little Lotte, but he has stolen my heart too." she muttered, hoping against all hope that he would hear and silently she slipped into the entrance.

Now all Christine had to hope for was that the Phantom was still down there, waiting for her return.

Unknown to Christine, the Phantom was still there, crying bitter tears over his loss.

You alone can make my song take flight,

Its over now the music of the night!

He shouted and began to smash every mirror with his reach. He smashed everything with his bare hands and soon felt dizzy from the lack of blood in his veins.

"Damn." he choked out, feeling the pathetic sobs welling up once more.

Why did she have to leave? He told her how many times he had loved her, but she still choose that damned Vicomte! He suddenly turned his head to the sound of his gate opening once more.

Probably the mob. He thought and quickly rushed to one of the broken mirrors, but stopped when he heard a small cry,


Erik's heart was going a million miles an hour: she had come back? She left that fop to come back to him? A demon?


"Angel! You are here!" she cried happily, but soon was replaced with a loud thud. He ran out to she the fainted form of Christine Daae on the stone floor of the lair. He chuckled as he picked up her feather weight body like he had all those months ago. Once he reached the room, he gently placed her on the swan bed, but her eyes immediately snapped open.


"Yes, my dear?"

"Do you have a real name?" she asked shyly, her cheeks turning bright red.

"Erik. My name is Erik, but now you must go to sleep. We may talk more in the morning," he sighed and turned to walk out, but Christine didn't want him to go.

"An-Erik, can you sing me to sleep, please? Like when I was small."

Erik couldn't believe his ears! She wants him, not her lover, but him, to sing her to sleep!

"Of course. What do you wish me to sing for you?"

"Mmmm....your lullaby." a small smile spread across her lips. He hadn't sang Christine her lullaby since she was a little child, 8 or 9.

"As you wish."

So small, so afraid,

those soft tears that gleam.

Don't shed them anymore,

I am here to take you to your dream.

Lonely is your world now,

but the Angel has come,

and here is my vow:

I shall protect from hurt,

protect you from fear.

To hold thee with song,

To dry every single tear.

So small, but not so afraid,

those soft tears stop to gleam.

You have ceased to shed,

Come, your dreams await in thy bed...

(PT2009: Sorry that was bad!)

Erik held the last note as the angel in the bed slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

"Le bon Ange du soir." He squeezed her hand and soon exited the room; his coffin awaiting his return.

Okay so I need input on how this sounds. It shall be a one-shot deal or a whole story. It is up to you reviewers. The power for me to continue my writing or to stop is entirely up to you. Now that I am done ranting, this is my first fic so be gentle, but I do appreciate criticism. There will be French in this story and what Erik says at the end is "Good Night, Angel."

Thanks again!