A/N: so if you are new to this series than welcome and glad to have you. If you are returning than you might notice that a few changes have been made. I rewrote some scenes and added a few details to flesh some stuff out, but for the most part everything is relatively the same. Anyway, enjoy!

The sun was blazing as I drove my convertible down a Texas highway. My life up to this point had been horrible and I had no idea it was about to get worse. I didn't know where I was going…I was just going. I put one of my favorite tapes in and blasted the tunes as I rocketed down the road.

After a while I noticed a car coming up behind me rather fast. As it got closer I noticed it was a late model cruiser. I pulled over to let him pass, but was shocked when he pulled in behind me. The cop got out of his car and walked up to the side of my car.

"Do you know why I pulled you over?"

"No, sir," I replied as I looked up at him and noticed that he looked to be in his late forties and his nameplate read Hoyt.

"Well, little missy, you were going over the speed limit," he said as if I should have already known this.

I didn't want to sound fresh and get this blown out of proportion so I replied with a simple answer. "I didn't know that I was speeding, sir."

"Oh, so now you're calling me a liar."

I was taken aback by what he said. "No, that's not what I meant."

"Get out the car."

"What?" I was shocked. I couldn't see why he was acting like this. All high and mighty like he owned the highway. I figured he must have just been having a bad day, but, shit, he had no right to take it out on me.

"You heard me. Get out the car."

I opened my door and stepped out onto the road, closing the door behind me. "Alright now turn around and place your hands on the hood of the car." I did as he said and turned around. I felt his hands move around my body and noticed that his hands seemed to linger on my butt. "Alright put your hands behind your back."

"What?!" He yanked my arm back and I felt metal hit my wrist. "What the hell did I do?"

"You didn't cooperate," he said as he pulled me towards the cop car.

"I didn't do anything wrong!" I yelled pulling against his grasp.

"Keep fightin' and I'll add resistin' arrest to the list."

I stopped "resisting" as he called it and sat quietly in the back of the car that he pushed me into. I glared at the back of the man's head as he drove off down the road. I really hoped that this would be a short car ride and fortunately it was. After five minutes of silent driving down the road, I spotted a large plantation-style house. It was the only building for miles and stood out against the desolate farm surrounding it. Hoyt pulled off the main road and headed towards the house. As we got closer, I noticed a man sitting on the porch watching the car drive by. I took me a moment to notice the wheelchair. He looked on with a slightly disgusted expression on his face.

Hoyt stopped the car in front of the house and yanked me out of the vehicle. He started pushing me towards the house, which made me really confused - I was expecting a jailhouse not an actual house. We passed the man in the wheelchair as we went in. He had a nasty scowl on his face as he looked at me.

Once inside I noticed that the whole place had a thick layer of dust. A horrible stench wafted all around the place. It smelled like rancid meat and the odor was only getting stronger. I felt my stomach start to shift, getting ready to void its contents. We approached a door and the smell seemed to be coming from wherever the door led. The moment Hoyt opened the door I thought that was the moment I was going to throw up, but before I had the chance, Hoyt tossed me down the stairs.

I tumbled down and hit my head off one of the stairs. When I reached the bottom everything was already going fuzzy. I was barely able to register the fact that someone was walking towards me before everything went black.