SOSOSOSOSOSO sorry for the wait.

I was in Paris and I forgot to tell ya.


Anyway, extra long chappy for you ;)


Massie jumped on Derrick's bed. "We have to get Dylan & Josh together."

Derrick groaned, "I hate playing matchmaker."

"They seriously like each other!" Massie insisted, "Plus when we get home we can go on triple dates."

Derrick groaned again, "Do we have to?"

"If Dylan is going out with Josh, I don't have to keep her preoccupied, which gives us time to do stuff together."

"Okay, so what's the plan?"


Massie: hey joshie, sup

Josh: nuthin rly...

Massie: so watd u thnk of my friend???

Josh: she was amazing

Josh: i mean rly cool

Massie: u shuld ask her out

Josh: i just met her. besides she prob duznt like me

Massie: she def does. just take the risk, josh!

Derrick: ask dylan out dude!

Josh: u 2 now?

Derrick: wat? shes hot. n totally ur type. plus shez rly nice.

Josh: ru sure?

Massie: def

Derrick: positive


"Ehmagawd, Mass, do you think he likes me?" Dylan asked, bouncing up and down on Massie's bed.

"Yeah! I think so. I mean what's not to like?"

"What if he doesn't like redheads?" Dylan questioned.

"I think he told me he does."


"Yeah, I'm pretty sure."

"He's too hawt. I'm sure he doesn't like someone like me?" Dylan sighed.

"What do you mean, Dyl? You're gorgeous."

"I have thunder thighs!"

"No you don't, Dyl. You need to be more confident. Boys like confidence."

"Suddenly you have a boyfriend, so now you're a boy expert? You never got anyone before." Dylan snapped.

Massie widened her eyes in shock that Dylan would say that.

Dylan sighed. "I'm sorry Mass. I'm just nervous. I didn't mean it. I just really, really, really like Josh. I don't think I've liked someone this much before."

"What about your Derrick-obsession last year?"

"Nahh. I just liked him because he was popular. With Josh, I just feel a connection. Is that weird? I mean I've only known him for a day, but I just feel like something is there."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. With Derrick it was kinda like that. Even though we hated each other, there was something there. I think we were just too ignorant to see it."


"And anyway, I texted him and he seemed like he really, really liked you."

"This is weird. I mean I just met him. Do you think it's going to fast."

Massie giggled. "Dylan, you worry too much. Just let it be. I think it's meant to be."

"Okay Massie. Thanks."

Massie smiled. "No Prob."


"Derrick, Are you sure I'm not rushing it. I just got out of a relationship!"

"Josh, God, stop worrying it. I think you guys have like a connection."

"Yeah. I can kinda feel it."

"I kinda had that with Massie, it just took a while for me to get it."

"Are you supposed to get it?"

"Trust me, I'm the chick guru. If it feels right, the feeling is all good. I mean sometimes you get that from looking at a girls boobs but most of the time it's cuz it's right."

"Chick guru?"

"Yes, chick guru," Derrick snapped, "I'm very good with the ladies."

Josh rolled his eyes, "Dude, you are so egotistical."

"But look at me. I have every right to be."

Josh picked up a soccer ball plushie and chucked it at Derrick's head. "Sure."

"Whatever, Hotz." Derrick growled, "At least I am man enough to make a move."

"You know what, where's Dylan?"

"In Massie's room, why?"

"I'll be right back." Josh said through his teeth.

Josh opened Massie's door without knocking. Dylan sat on Massie's bed criss-cross applesauce.

"Dylan, will you go out with me."

Dylan blushed a scarlett red. "" she stammered.

Massie reached over and pinched Dylan on the arm.


Josh smiled. "Great. I'll see you tomorrow, Dylan."

Massie cleared her throat.

"And Massie."

Massie smiled.

Josh shut the door and walked back to Derrick's room.


"Huh?" Derrick looked up from his issue of Sports Illustrated with Naomi Campbell on it.

"I asked her out." Josh said simply.

Derrick widened his eyes. "What?"

"I. Asked. Her. Out." Josh said slowly, like he was talking to a 3 year old.

"Good for you, dude."

"You don't think I'm going too fast?"

"You sound like a chick." Derrick informed him. "And you can never go too fast."

Josh nodded. "Okay well I'm tired. Later."

"Later." Derrick said, barely looking up from his magazine.


"I'm going out with Josh Hotz! I'm going out with Josh Hotz! I'm going out with Josh Hotz!" Dylan bounced up and down like a little girl.

"Calm down, Dylan."

"Sorry. So what's next? I mean sure we are going out, but what do we do now?"

"You need to get to know each other. It's okay that this whole thing is going fast, but you can't go out without knowing each other. You should go on some dates, like dinner or something, and just talk."

Dylan nodded, like she understood completely.

"Doesn't Dylan Hotz have a ring to it?"


Dylan Marvil changed her relationship from single to in a relationship with Joshua Hotz

53 comments Like

Claire Lyons 3:57 AM


Alicia Rivera 7:57 AM

something is wrong with the world.

Olivia Ryan 8:12 AM

no fairs. hes hot.

Christopher Plovert 8:18 AM

kemps jealous.

Kemp Hurley 8:23 AM

no way. ur the jealous one. & ur a lier.

Christopher Plovert 8:26 AM

it's spelled L-I-A-R, stupid. and that's what you are. You are a jealous, stupid liar.

Derrick Harrington 8:31 AM

yeah. i told u i was the chick guru. & calm down dudes.

Olivia Ryan 8:44 AM

omg ur a indian chicken person?

Derrick Harrington 8:52 AM

wtf? what the hell is that supposed to mean.

Cameron Fisher 9:03 AM

it means olivia is a complete and utter idiot.

Show 43 more comments...


"Hey Derry." Massie said, walking into Derrick's room.

"Hey Mass." A mischievous glint shone in his caramel eyes.

"Dylan and Josh are on a date. And you know what that means..." Massie smirked.

Derrick pinned Massie to the wall and put his mouth on hers. Massie licked his lower lip. He smelled like chocolate Axe and tasted like TANG. Massie pushed herself off the wall and pushed Derrick on the bed with her on top. For some reason she was extremely horny... maybe it was the TANG? Straddling him, she ripped off his shirt while still kissing him and felt his hard abs. Derrick, in return, ripped off her shirt and squeezed her breasts. Then Derrick sucked on Massie's neck, leaving a hickey. Derrick kissed Massie all over from her lips to her cheek bone to her collarbone, giving her shivers. Massie sucked on his lower lip for a while and traced Derrick's spine with her fingertips. Derrick rolled over so that he was on top of her. He started kissing his way down her neck and down her tummy to her belly button. Massie turned over and squeezed him tighter to her. They started grinding fast and hard while kissing. Suddenly, Massie broke away. She already had done too much. Her shirt was off! She quickly got up off of Derrick, grabbed her shirt, muttered "sorry", then ran out of the room.

She felt instantly bad. They hadn't even been going out that long and he had seen her with her shirt off! Massie laid down and called Claire.

"I think I went to far with Derrick."

"What'd you do?"

"I took his shirt off and he took mine off."

"Mass, that's not that bad. I have problems of my own."

"Why, is something wrong with Cam?"

"No, it's not Cam, it's Danny."

"Danny? Your ex?"


"What's wrong with him?"

"He's like stalking me! He keeps telling me he loves me and all this. I mean he's really nice and all but seriously! It's creeping me out! And Cam found out and thinks I don't like him anymore."

"I would tell him I still like him. Sooner or later he's going to figure it out so it's better to just cut it off now with D. I mean sure, it's hard to do, but it's got to be done. Tomorrow at the latest."

"What if Cam won't believe me? Then I'll have no one."

"It's a risk that needs to be taken."


Meanwhile, Derrick lay in his room, thinking about Massie would stop so suddenly and run away. If she wanted to go slower, they would've gone slower. He couldn't understand her. Then a disturbing thought popped in his mind. What if she still liked Josh? Derrick shook the thought out of his mind. Massie & Josh had broken up so that Massie and him could go out. And Massie kept pushing to get Josh and Dylan together. So she couldn't possibly still like Josh... could she?

The more Derrick thought about it, the more it made sense. Massie was trying to get over Josh because Dylan liked him. Massie didn't even like him! She was just using him!

Derrick shook his head. That didn't even make sense. He'd better go talk to Massie about this. There was probably a reasonable explanation of why she'd run out like that. Just because she ran out, it didn't necessarily mean she had pictured Josh in her head. Had it?

Derrick opened the door and walked to Massie's room. She was talking to someone.

"Tell him I still like him. Sooner or later he's going to figure it out so it's better to just cut it off now with D. I mean sure, it's hard to do, but it's got to be done. Tomorrow at the latest."

Derrick walked back to his room and slammed his door shut. Massie still liked Josh. And she was going to break up with him.


Gasp! Poor D heard wrong!

Is he going to break up with Massie?

Or confront her?

Is Clam going to prevail?

What about Dylan and Josh?

How'd their date go?

If you want to know, review!

BTW this was 7 pages, which is a LOT for me!