Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters, I believe those honors belong to Kishimoto alone.

"You tried words, you tried tears, Sakura you cant change him…this idea is ludicrous. It could even get you killed, face it Sakura…even if he comes back, it will be to kill the village or something like that."

"Naruto is the only one who can change him now."

"Even if you say that, why did you do this?! Its stupid Sakura…and its tearing you apart."

"I know I cant reach him, This isn't about getting him to come back,…his dreams…Let him have his revenge, and I will fight against him if I have to…But lets hope one day, this little boy will be the realization of his second dream…the least I can do, is let him know that 'we' tried, and in one way succeeded."

"That makes no sense Sakura…really it doesn't, you sound like you're deranged. Maybe you should see someone about thi-"

"He told me Thank you once…he said it right into my ear….just think of this as my way to say thank you to him…right Keiichi? You are my special thank you to Sasuke Uchiha…for giving me a real reason to be strong and to continue fighting."

"For you Sasuke…"

I was officially confused. This should have been a tear jerking, and completely heart binding moment, and yet all I could feel was anger and frustration at not understanding anything of this. Not one thing.

I opened my eyes and I was once again standing in the mists of one of Sakuras memories or was it?

"Do you have to go…Please don't….Keiichi, you'll die."

"I have to…good bye."

"Keiichi, …."


"I will be waiting" The woman clutched her stomach and watched as the man left. She then walked along the side of the house…the door, following him until he reached the road and there she watched as he jumped up into the trees. She let tears run down her face.

"oh love, I hate you for making me in love with the one man…I can never be together with…yet, …"

The memory faded to darkness.

"I will wait forever".

It was Sakuras voice again, this time I could see her walking towards a village. Three kids came running out, all jet black hair and beautiful onyx eyes.

"Sakura, Sakura!!!"

Their mother came out. She was an Uchiha, I recognized her. She wasn't a shinobi, a simple cousin to someone, I could only remember her when she had occasionally come to visit. It was said she had no Sharingan, and that she was kicked out because of it. Her hair was about her shoulders, raven and soft. Her eyes where as onyx as my mothers had been and she was obviously expecting another child.

Sakura stood and smiled.

"You have done so much for me…" She whispered eyeing the woman's belly.

"You forget Sakura, it was my clan also…Child number four…Chidori is expecting as well, though she is from the Hyuuga clan I have no doubts that the same effect can be expected…we can finally bring back the Uchiha line and its all thanks to you."

"What about that…vial"

The woman shook her head. She sighed. "the elder brothers vial worked fine as you know with Keiichi…Im afraid the younger however did not…im sorry." She looked like she too was sad about it.

"Its alright…this is enough…I just feel sad that none of them will ever know who their true fathers where…it must all stay a secret." Sakura looked happy and was watching as the kids continued to dance and sing around her feet regardless of the fact she was ignoring them.

"Tell me, was that vial of a child…I mean, a young man maybe in his younger teens…?" The woman seemed curious.

"Yes, why do you ask?" Sakura said bending down to play with a few of the kids as they handed her flowers and gave her smiles and shouted thing of no importance.

"that is possibly why it didn't work…he was too young. You must have gotten it from when they took the Chuunin Exams…do you have a later sample from any possible Jounin Exams?" The woman asked hopeful again.

"It was Sasuke's vial…he left before the Chuunin exams where over, how could I?" Sakura looked sad and patted on childs head.

"Hey there Keiichi…I heard you developed your Sharingan. You are 7 now...Im very proud, you harness those skills and one day I will take you all back to Konoha with me…and train you all properly" She smiled and stood up and turned to leave.

"Im sorry I cant stay longer Satori, next time ill be taking Keiichi with me…"

"don't worry about it, where are you going this time?!" the woman asked cautiously…

Sakuras answer was blurred out.

I got it now. I saw it all, why that kid reminded me of me. Sakura had gone all sentimental and delusional and in some small hope of being closer to me she took the sperm samples all Uchiha's had given at the exams as part of a mandatory medical and created a new clan. Now Sakura had gone to get the Oracle so that she could have a child with my vial. It made me want to laugh. Was she that desperate, like the wife who gets pregnant to save a bad marriage…that was just hilarious.

I awoke to find Sakura hovering over the boy. He looked fine and yet Sakuras body was once again shaking with a heavy fever. Sasuke could only bend down. She was too pathetic to even kill.

"I didn't do it to make you come back…so don't even start" She snarled as soon as I stood over her.

"hn." Was my only reply as I went to walk past her.

"The oracle…" oh right, why I was here. I flashed back letting my arm slam her once again against the wall this time leaning into it with my blade against the unconscious boys chest.

"Where is it Sakura?!" I soothed out.

"Inside me Sasuke…cant you see it with those eyes of yours…I disguised it as the chakra of a baby so that no one would notice it surgically implanted in my womb…I did it so I could get it and find a new way to hold surgical procedures…I am on the brink of a new discovery Sasuke…to change the world of medics, to make a mark for me…I wont let you have it" She was kicking and screaming, but the last burst of light had been the last of both their chakras. I had half a mind to snap her neck right there and then rip the oracle from her.

I rather her feel the pain as I cut her. She needed to be taught a lesson about dealing into messes not her own. I let my hand, still holding the sword, graze up her belly. Suddenly I pressed my blade into her soft skin and Sakura forced out a cough of blood. My hand slowly pressed into the deep cut finding the rock inside her with ease. She was breathing heavily and I noticed her body trying to heal itself. Sakura winced and I let her drop. She fell to the floor as I held in my hand the Oracle. I stepped over her and into the hall way.

There stood the kid. I had forgotten him….

"Live, and someday, grow to have eyes like me, and then….come and find me." Not the exact words but close enough. I felt like I was doing something right. I looked back into the room.
