Alright very new story, very new point of view.
I think I started this story months ago, though I thought of putting it on for sometime now, I got freaked out and just continued writing until I thought it was absolutly ready.
Well, no need to continue my rants, so here's the story.
Her moment of freedom.
Yamanaka Ino stared wide eyed at the television that was showing the ending credits of the show she loved dearly.
She had missed it.
Now she'll never know what happened to Takuya and Rime, the star couple, fighting for their love. What had happened, did they really run away together as they planned in the last episode?
She'd never know.
And it was all thanks to Sakura.
She specifically remembered telling her housemates when she moved in that her job was tough, being the top interrogator in the police force of Konoha City, and she only asked for peace every two weeks between seven and eight o' clock or she'd give them the hell they begged for when they interrupted her peace.
"Ino, what's up? Were you listening?" Sakura said sitting next to Ino on the couch who was staring blankly at the T.V. What's her deal?
Sakura began to examine the scene taking place. She didn't get that sense of anyone trying to hurt them or break in the house. Not even hearing the sounds of glass flying and bullets being shot. But, what she did feel was the tingly feeling coming down her spine, indicating that trouble was coming near.
"Ino what is it?" Sakura said frantically patting the girls back to make her come to recognition. What had happened to her? Sakura thought for the moment, when she heard the last tunes to the ending credits of the show, that show.
Uh Oh. Sakura gulped, understanding the situation she was in while staring at Ino who was finally coming to realization. Ino was wearing usual outfit for this occasion, undershirt and pajama pants. She was settled in her same spot under the same covers, eating the same French Vanilla Ice Cream with chocolate syrup which was now melted.
Sakura knew Ino wasn't angry. She was infuriated.
Ino sat her ice cream on the table in front of the couch and kicked off her covers. For a moment she stared at her melted ice cream, the only sugar thing she ate every two weeks, it was supposed to be her sweet heaven moment when the first spoon full of went in her mouth. But even that didn't happen.
"Oiy, Ino, aren't you listening?" Sakura asked as the show began, crossing her arms.
"Yeah, but-" Ino stated, the spoon of her beloved ice cream just a few centimeters away.
"Ino." Sakura said giving a face that showed she didn't believe her.
"Fine," Ino said rather harshly, putting her spoon back down in her bowl, "Just hurry up and tell me, my stories on." Ino grumbled.
"Okay!" Sakura said cheerfully clapping her hands to and began her wretched nagging.
And did you know who she nagged about for that whole forsaken hour? Another housemate of Ino's, Uchiha Sasuke.
Sasuke. Sasuke. Sasuke. Sasuke. And oh, of course, Sasuke.
That was what the interrogator's favorite hour was filled up with.
Not that she didn't like Sasuke. She loved him. In a now friendly sort of way. That crush for the boy was long since over so she felt no jealousy what so ever over the girl that had won him. She just couldn't understand why she spoken the all mighty greatness of the Uchiha male to himself and not her, during her most precious hour!
Oh, Haruno Sakura was going to pay.
"Sakura," Ino said standing to face the girl, her face showing Sakura her own personal hell was about to rise over, "I'll kill you!"
"Ino-Onee-Chan!" Naruto yelled, his new reference of the girl since she had moved in, walking down the hallway to the living room with Sasuke following close behind.
"It's our turn to watch T.V..." Naruto said looking rather shaken at the action taking place in the living room.
The girls were thrashing around on the floor, living room furniture everywhere, some maybe even broken. Ino finally took their spin to an end and began raising her fist, a somewhat murderous look arousing her face.
Naruto gulp. Only one thing to do, he thought weakly, "Alright Sasuke," Naruto said rather meekly, "Let's just back away, slowly…"
Sasuke didn't though. He thought the fight was rather amusing, he had seen them have fist fights before that ended with giggles, and this one however looked as if it was going to end with a broken arm or a body part torn off.
The room was indeed a mess. The couch flipped over. One of the tables' legs was probably kicked off, even the rug was a mess. Ice cream on the walls. It looked like a battle field.
As much as it was entertaining to watch, he knew he was the one that had to stop the fight, knowing Naruto was hiding behind the shrub in the hallway a few paces away.
Sasuke faked a cough for awhile until he got the girls attention.
"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura whimpered, sadly though it was indeed an act.
"Sasuke…" Ino said her face still fierce, her words covered with annoyance.
What did I do?
Ino quickly examined the room for a moment, not really caring of the look of it, she'd clean it either way, knowing for a fact that the others would adapt to the mess, not caring of the messy look of the front room.
"Ino get off of Sakura." Sasuke said simply.
Ino looked down at Sakura for the moment, her expression saying, 'you are so lucky!'
Sakura gulp, as Ino got off of her not bothering to help her up. Sakura sat up looking at Sasuke intently, Sasuke glancing at her for a moment before asking the question he's been dying to figure out, the girls had just been rolling around on the floor, who wouldn't want to know what cause of it, "Why were you two fighting?"
Ino frowned, her annoyance suddenly taking over.
Damn it, I need to get out of this house. Ino thought angrily. Now that Ino thought about it the only one that really didn't give her much annoyance was Uzumaki Naruto, who she thought mainly as her twin, someone she could confide in. Ino really didn't feel like talking to the couple of the house and frankly they made her feel repulsed at the moment. Yet, she knew she wasn't going to get out of this without Sasuke getting answers though. She breathed in and said, "This relationship is really pissing me off." Ino said strongly her words hard.
Sakura blinked and looked rather…thankful of Ino's response.
Sasuke had a solemn face on, but something in his eyes sparkled.
Ino's frown deepened, "I'm going out." Ino announced before going down the hallway, passing Naruto who was looking at her with a look of confusion and relief that the fight was over. He got up off the ground wiping his jeans from dirt before sighing and looking at Sakura and Sasuke before walking down the pathway behind Ino. He was pretty much annoyed with couple also. They talked about each other so much it was giving the blondes a headache. He went to his room to get his jacket already knowing where the female blonde was headed.
Ino's door closed and in a matter of seconds Ino was out fully dressed, wearing worn out jeans and a dark purple regular trench coat jacket that ended at her thighs. She had on makeup and her pony tail was perfect unlike the messy ponytail she had before.
Naruto stood at her door, jacket on, ready for the venting that would soon come.
"Let's go." He said grinning his regular grin already knowing he would be coming with the blonde during the night trip. Ino slowly smiled at him before picking up her light purple purse and started to walk with the living room, sadly being the only way out of the house.
As they entered the room, Ino noticed they had picked up the couch and somebody must have glued the table's leg back on. Sasuke and Sakura were both in deep conversation before turning to the two blondes.
Sakura looked distressed, "You're going with her Naruto?"
Naruto merely shrugged and said, "It'd be better than staying here."
Sakura frowned, "What's so wrong with being here?" She asked suddenly crossing her arms defiantly.
"Well you two probably would want some time alone anyway." Naruto said with a slight frown, what's with the sudden attitude?
"O-oh," Sakura said looking down for a moment.
The blondes scurried to the door and slipped on there shoes before exiting the house.
Cold air hitting Ino's face she sighed in sheer bliss. She needed this.
"The usual?" Naruto asked his eyes closed enjoying the fresh air by the smile on his face.
"Yup." Ino said with a sigh. Ever since the couple was formed in the house Naruto and Ino have gone drinking to keep there annoyance of the two down. If it wasn't for the sake they drunk the two might've boiled over and practically strangled the two. What Ino didn't know is that Naruto face the same annoyance she did which was part of the reason he went on these sake trips with the girl he called his sister.
Alright, some might expect Ino to be friends with Gaara in the first Chapter.
Nope, Sorry.
In fact, in this story Ino doesn't even know who Gaara is, she only knows his sister, Temari, who she'll be great friends with in the story.
Anyway this is the very first chapter, so I won't be surprised if I have some confusion and spell mess ups.
Anywho, reveiw if you please.
Leathally Yours,
Gum Gumz