
Rating: MA for explicit sexuality and language

Disclaimer: Property of Gainax. No profit is being made.


This is a graphic and (intended to be) 'mature' work exploring the intimate relationship between two women. If any of these aspects disturb you, please do not proceed to read. Also, DO NOT READ if you are underage. I've included this page as sufficient warning. Ignore at your own discretion.

To provide a little context:

This is an offshoot of my WiP fic Cat's Paw (insert shameless plug), which is basically a "what if" scenario where Ritsuko and Misato became lovers during their early years and how it affects the canonical plot of Evangelion. At this point, that story is considered a very rough draft that I plan on finishing and revising.

Anyways, I had this idea while writing the original fic, but this didn't fit anywhere in the plot. This was kind of light -hearted while the other fic is more angsty. Still, it was too good to just let go of and not write. So here it is as a one-shot (with 3 planned chapters and an epilogue)--kind of fluff, maybe?

The story was inspired by the phrase, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder," and takes place about a year after Misato and Ritsuko have graduated from college and are now employed by GEHIRN, which will later be dissolved and restructured into NERV. Misato is off in Germany undergoing training that will prepare her to become Director of Strategic Operations; while Ritsuko is staying in Japan to work on Project E and help her mother polish the final specifications of the MAGI systems. In this alternate--but parallel--universe, Ritsuko has become a highly respected doctor in her own right while her mother is still alive. So that's the timeframe...

Lastly, I welcome (and am truly thankful for) beta readers, even on work that's 'finished.' Let me know if you're interested in helping me. Now, with nothing left to say, on with the show!