Disclaimer: Don't own the song or the series.

Author's Note: Recently saw an advert for season two posted on the Kuro LJ. Mix that with the fact that I just re-visited episode 24 for my Film as Art paper, and you get this: a reprisal of "Kiss the Boy." (In any case, it's good practice for my planned Kuro Christmas Project. :D) And BTW-- you can find an mp3 download of this song (and the original "Kiss the Boy") on my livejournal. C:


Kiss the Boy:

An(other) Ode to Season Two


Now we see them

Upon merchandise everywhere

Their ratings have gone through the roof since the day

That the finale aired

And the producers know

That they've hit fandom gold

So they won't let it go


Just one problem

The fact that Ciel sorta died

He was shot and then dropped and then drowned and yet now

We're to believe he's alive?

(Somehow alive)

But though the screen went black

They're gonna fudge the facts

Meaning they're claiming that:


Sha la la la la la

My oh my

You fangirls needn't cry

Sebastian kissed the boy

Sha la la

I guess his master's soul

Wasn't his only goal

It seems he kissed the boy


The final moment

Or so we were lead to believe

To assume that the Isle of the Dead meant "the end"

I guess was kind of naive

'Cause popularity

Beats continuity

And all morality


Sha la la la la la

What the fuck?

SquareEnix is pushing their luck

To use "he kissed the boy"

Sha la la la la

Plot holes abound

Even if we found

That Sebby kissed the boy


Sha la la la la

I guess we'll buy

(Though it's a lame reason why)

To say he kissed the boy

Sha la la

We didn't see him chew

So there's a season two

He only kissed the boy


That's right, he kissed the boy!

He had to kiss the boy!

Of course he kissed the boy!

He really kissed the boy!