
Harry didn't know what drove him to Malfoy manor. There was his thirst to understand what happened before his time. He wanted, he needed to know how the world got to a point that they would turn on their own family. He had found out about his parents. Then his werewolf friend Remus Lupin, followed by his Godfather Sirius Black.

Theses people he knew well, the one person in the twisted tale of Voldemort, he still wanted to know, was Sirius's little brother Regulus.

Harry had gone to Andromeda Tonks, his cousin in hope of an answer. Andromeda couldn't help him, Regulus was still so young when she was thrown out of the Noble House of Black. She however pointed Harry in the direction of her younger sister, no other then Narcissa Malfoy. Which is why he sat awkwardly sipping tea from fine china.

He had asked to know about Regulus, sending Narcissa into deep thought. As she pulled herself back to the real world, she looked into his eyes, a slight question written across her lips. She didn't ask him, she didn't question it.

She spoke softly with a grace, he could never possess.

"I can't tell you much I am afraid because no one truly knows another person. I however will tell you my story with interlinked with my cousin. People often speak of dear Sirius but I tell you now, Regulus was the better brother, always." She smiled sadly.

"People often talked about him as the boy who got in to deep, that he couldn't handle it. He was spoken of, as the coward.

But those few that knew the truth, he was no coward. He was the unsung hero, he did what others could never dream of. He made the ultimate sacrifice, himself.

This is the tale of R.A.B."

She sighed. "From my point of view, at least. However, there are some secrets that will go to the grave with me, Mr Potter. Regulus trusted me with his life, as I did with him. I will tell you what I can, and I promise not to lie but some things must remain unsaid." Harry nodded. She knew everything, he was sure now that he was in the right place.

" So this is how the story goes….."