This story turned out to be a little more humorous than I had originally planned.
So if this is your first time reading it, be prepared to laugh.
I started this story because Chapter 11 of A New Life is going to have a lot happening in it and it's going to take me some time to write it out properly.
While you all waited, I thought you would enjoy a cute short story!
In all honesty though, I don't know how many chapters it will end up being.
A little note: This doesn't go directly with the timeline… of course, what fanfic really does?
But all 5 sailor scouts are present, they are still searching for the Moon Princess, they don't know who Tuxedo Mask is, etc.
Disclaimer: Don't own Sailor Moon
Mistaken Identity
Chapter 1 - Costumes
Her heart beat rapidly. Tuxedo Mask was leaning down to kiss her! Finally, after so many battles and after so many times he saved her, he was going to kiss her… HER! Serena's eyes started to close and her lips puckered subtly as she started to stand on her tippy-toes to meet his lips.
Her eyes snapped open. Serena!? She looked down to see if she had detransformed. No, she was still Sailor Moon! How does he know her name?? She looked up as his gorgeous black hair started growing into long brown hair and his eyes grew wide and angry.
"AHH!" Serena lifted her head up abruptly, the motion causing her to fall off of her chair. "Umph! Owwww!" She wailed as she tried to untangle her legs and finally looked up into her teacher's angry eyes.
"Why do you always sleep in my class?! Am I THAT boring to you?"
Serena sniffed as she rubbed her bottom, "Sorry, Ms. H… I didn't get a lot of sleep last night." After all, it's not her fault if she's called out to battle at 2 in the morning!!
Ms. H just had one word for her, "Detention!"
Serena adjusted herself back into her seat and sighed. She looked around the room and saw Amy and Lita looking at her sympathetically. After all, they knew she wasn't lying – they were there with her, fighting by her side.
After detention, Serena sluggishly made her way to the arcade. The only thing that would brighten up her day, aside from a nice warm bed, would be ice cream… and of course, Andrew. She opened the doors and dragged her feet to the counter, mumbling and groaning as she sat on the stool and subsequently dropped her head onto the counter.
"You okay, Serena?"
"ICE CREAM!! Must… have… ice… cream…"
Andrew laughed and turned around to get her usual.
"Fail another test, Meatball Head?"
Serena stood up suddenly, "Darien! You are SO vile and- oh…" Serena realized she had gotten up too fast when she started to get light headed and her knees gave out. The room turned black and she expected to collide with the tile floor when there were suddenly strong arms around her waist. She looked up into Darien's eyes.
When Serena had almost fainted, the strangest feelings flashed across Darien's mind and heart. They were the same feelings he experienced as Tuxedo Mask when Sailor Moon was in trouble. The second his arms were around her waist though, the feelings disappeared. He shook his head to clear his thoughts, as Serena couldn't possibly be Sailor Moon, and looked down at the girl in his arms.
When Serena wasn't falling flat on her face, throwing her low-score test papers at him, crying like a baby, yelling at him while making insane arm gestures, or stuffing her face full of anything edible… She was actually beautiful and almost looked mature.
Serena didn't know what to do. Darien had saved her from an ungraceful plummet and now she was in his arms, staring deeply into his eyes. Without him calling her names, making fun of her, or being a jerk… he was actually extremely handsome and suddenly being this close to him made her heart start to race.
"Uh… Did I miss something?"
Darien quickly straightened and released his hands from around Serena's waist as he looked up at Andrew. "Nah, she was about to fall again and I didn't think her brain could take much more abuse."
"What do you mean?! I don't abuse my brain!"
Darien raised an eyebrow, "Every time you fall flat on your face, your tiny brain is banging against the sides of your skull. If you count how many times you have fallen, imagine how much damage that has done. At this point, you probably really do have meatballs for brains!"
Serena put her hands on her hips, accentuating her tiny waist. She was about to come back with a sure-to-be witty reply, but as her mouth opened she heard a beep. Serena glanced down at her communicator and sighed.
"Forgot about your Brainless People Anonymous meeting?"
She glared at Darien before turning back to the counter and swallowing her ice cream whole. Andrew and Darien both blinked at her. They should have been used to her insane eating abilities at this point, but it never ceased to amaze them just how much she could stuff in that mouth of hers. (A.N. I couldn't help it…)
"Thanks, Andrew! Gotta go! Bye, Jerk!" Serena ran out of the arcade and flipped open her communicator to hear Raye's voice: "TEMPLE! NOW!"
Serena ran as fast as she could. She can't believe she had forgotten about the Scout meeting. Raye sounded SO angry!! "OOF!" Her thoughts were interrupted as she collided into someone and they both went crashing to the ground. Serena landed in a rather compromising position on top of a VERY cute guy with black hair and blue eyes. She started to wail, "I'm so sorry! I was just in such a hurry!!!"
The man beneath her put his hands over his ears, "It's okay!!"
Serena sniffled and looked down at him, "Really? You're not mad?"
"Of course I'm not mad… It's not every day I get knocked over and straddled by an attractive girl."
'Attractive? He thinks I'm attractive!!! He is rather cute and... Wait, 'straddled'?' Serena looked down and pushed herself up immediately, her cheeks blushing furiously. She focused on her feet as he stood, not able to meet his eyes because of how embarrassed she was.
He chuckled softly, "My name is Matt."
"Umm… I'm Serena…" She slowly looked up at him and saw he was smiling at her.
"Weren't you in a hurry to be somewhere?"
"OH!" She turned and started running, waving her hand above her head, "Nice meeting you!! Sorry, again!" She dashed up the stairs and burst through the doors of the Temple. "I'm soooooooooooooooo sorry!" There was a loud screech and Serena looked down to see that she had stepped on Luna's tail. "Sorry, Luna!"
Luna glared at her while she hugged her tail to her body protectively.
"Honestly, Serena! Amy and Lita told me you got detention, AGAIN, but even with that you should have been here half an hour ago!!" Raye couldn't believe how irresponsible Serena was.
"I couldn't help it Raaaaayeee," Serena whined, "I was SO tired and I needed ice cream so I went to the arcade. Then I ran into that JERK and he said I was abusing my brain!" She couldn't bring herself to tell them about what happened on her way here.
"WHAT brain!?" Raye crossed her arms and glared at Serena.
"Now, Raye," Luna stared at her disapprovingly, "I'm sure Serena has a brain in there somewhere."
"Why you good-for-nothing fur ball!" Serena started chasing Luna around the room
"Silence!" Mina shouted after a moment, causing everyone to look in her direction. She glared at Raye, Serena, and even Luna. "Now that I have your attention and now that everyone's here, we have something VERY important to discuss!" Mina looked incredibly serious before she suddenly grinned, "The Halloween Ball!"
Amy, Raye and Luna twitched and Lita started laughing. Serena jumped up for joy and clapped.
"Um, Mina… Don't you think we should spend this time wisely by talking about Beryl?"
Mina waved off Amy's concern, "Beryl already has a costume! 'WE' don't! Now, I suggest a theme, like the 7 deadly sins. I'll be Lust!"
Serena popped up behind Raye, "I think Raye should be Wrath!"
Raye glared behind her, "If I'm Wrath than you're Gluttony because you EAT ENOUGH TO FEED A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY!" Serena stuck her tongue out Raye as they started to duel it out in a tongue war.
Mina stared at them for a moment before shaking her head and turning back to the others, "Lita can be Envy, Amy you can be Greed…"
Amy clearly looked uncomfortable with this idea and cleared her throat as she turned to Mina, "Aside from the fact that I'm not sure I like this, there are only 5 of us…"
Serena interrupted the tongue-war, "Molly can be Pride and…" She looked around the room and snatched up the unsuspecting cat, "Luna can be Sloth!"
The girls all laughed at the expression on Luna's face. Mina sighed, "Okay, maybe that wasn't such a good idea." She ignored Lita's side comment, 'You think?' "But this is a serious problem! We only have a few days!"
Luna hissed and growled causing Serena to drop her on the floor. As Luna tried to compose herself she threw out another suggestion, "How about dressing up in your Princess forms? After all, as Sailor Scouts you are the Princesses from your planets."
The girls barely had time to digest the idea before Serena jumped up, "And I will be the Moon Princess!"
They all jerked their heads towards her.
Raye glared, "Don't you think the REAL Moon Princess would be a bit offended if YOU, of all people, dressed up as her and gave her a bad reputation?!"
Serena crossed her arms and did her best to glare, though she couldn't help but feel a bit hurt. "We'll deal with that problem IF the Moon Princess shows up to the Halloween Ball! Seeing how that is NOT likely, I don't see why I can't pretend for one night!"
Lita nodded, "She has a point. Besides, if we are all going as the Princesses, what else would she have to go as? She can't exactly go as Sailor Moon."
The girls sighed as they agreed, all thinking about how their Princess forms looked. Serena sat down next to Luna, "Luna… What was the Moon Princess like?"
Luna smiled as she thought back to a distant past. "She resembled her mother in every way. She was graceful, elegant, poised, knowledgeable, patient, kind, and beautiful." She paused and sternly looked at Serena, "Which is why I find it hard to believe you think that you can pull off being her for Halloween!"
Serena pouted, "You don't think I can be all of those things? Not even for one night?!" Her lower lip trembled and the girls covered their ears as Serena started to wail.
Luna covered her ears as well, "See what I mean?! The Moon Princess would NEVER wail like a baby! And as we all know you can't even go one hour without wailing! What makes you think you can go a whole night?!"
Serena sniffed softly as her wailing ceased. She took a deep breath and everyone peeked over at her, slowly taking their hands away from their ears in case her wailing started up again.
If she really wanted to be the Moon Princess for Halloween, then she would just have to prove to them that she could do it.
If at any time in this story you smiled ONCE, you are obligated by The Smile Law to review!