A/N: Okay, before anyone questions or accuses me of stealing this fanfic from Inuyashagirl05 or whatever, id like to clear up that that was my EXTREMELY old login. I mean probably two or three years. So yes I wrote the stories of My Dear, Kagome and My Dear Miroku. I'm just now rewriting them. And maybe just maybe, making them longer. But I doubt it. As of right now after I put both of these up, I would love to continue my second uncompleted fan fiction. Which I know my fans are dyinggggg for. Sorry! I'll update as soon as possible. But for now enjoy this short two chapter story.

Don't hate on Miroku and Kagome parings!

Summery: Miroku writes a letter to Kagome about his feelings for her

Disclaimer: Much to my sadness, I do not own Inuyasha...


Dear Kagome,

I don't know how to tell you this. I thought about how I was going to tell you for so long, and all I could come up with is this letter to you. But before I say anything Kagome, I hope to Buda Inuyasha does not see this, or I'll be dead before you get this...but, here it goes.

Kagome…I love you. I've loved you from the moment I laid my eyes on you, and the moment you asked me to join you and the others in your travels for the sacred jewel.

I love to watch you sleep at night, to see your pretty face lightened up by the fire, your eyes glisten as you watch the stars, and the way you act so motherly to Shippo. I think you will make the best mother when you have children. I just wish that some of those children would be mine. But I know that won't happen.

I don't want you to be scared of me now that you know how I feel about you. I know you love Inuyasha, and I know that we could never become anything more then friends. Which I hope we still are?

To be honest I guess I am kind of stupid for hoping you might feel something more for me. Even if you decide to still be with Inuyasha after reading this, I understand. Though I'm not going to promise that I wont be upset for a while, and I can't promise I won't stop loving you, because that is impossible.

Kagome I wish I could show you how I truly feel about you, but I never really had that chance, and I'm positive I never will. Thank you for everything you've ever done for me.

Love you always,


(P.S. Now you know why I wanted this paper and pencil…)

As Kagome finished reading Miroku's letter, tears rolled down her cheeks. When everyone in the group woke up this morning Miroku wasn't at his usual spot up against the tree that Inuyasha was lounging in. As the others had gone searching near by for him, Kagome had looked around the camp site and found this letter. She remembered yesterday morning…


Kagome could hear footsteps falling near her, and she looked up as a shadow blocked out her sunlight. Standing above her was a smiling Miroku.

"Kagome, may I see a piece of that paper and a pencil, please?" He had asked her nicely.

Kagome was startled as to why Miroku would want to use normal things from her time, but she just shrugged it off as him just being curious, and handed him a piece of her lined paper and a sharpened pencil. "There you go Miroku. Can I ask why you wanted them though?"

"Oh, just to write some things down, that's all.." He replied with a shrug, and she didn't notice the faint reddening in his cheeks.

She just smiled, and then continued to work on her math work. Miroku then walked away to a nearby rock, and sat down, placing the paper up against it.

About an hour later, after Kagome had finished all her work, she had passed him a few times, and he was still sitting in that same spot, with a blank piece of paper and pencil in hand. She just shrugged, and smiled at the look of concentration on his face.

Finally, when everyone was getting into bed, Kagome saw Miroku start to write. He saw her watching him intently, and she could have sworn he blushed as he put the paper behind his back.

~End Flashback~

"Oh Miroku...come back. I love you too..." Kagome whispered into the wind, as one last tear slid down her face, and dripped off her chin.


A/N: Okay, chapter one is done. With only a few changes and adds. I hope you enjoy it! (: