OK all of you have voted for me just telling you the ending, so here it is:
Bella shows up at the old abandoned ware house with Victor waiting of course. But unlike Twilight he is holding Rogue and she is dying. Victor taunts her saying "All you have to do is touch here and she lives. But then I will kill you so, you're life or hers?"
Bella makes the choice to touch Rogue but she is weakened by her touch of course. For those of you who don't know Xmen, Rogue has the ability to absorb your lifeforce which makes you very weak. If you're a mutant she absorbs you're ability. She absorbs Bella's healing ability and lives but Bella is no longer strong and while dying, she slips the note to Logan into her pocket and tells her to run. Rogue barely escapes, and runs back to the x mansion. Logan reads the note and goes to save her but the Cullens are already there. He then finishes off Victor himself because we all know he deserves that. Victor proclaims that it's almost biblical. Victor dies but so does Bella. They take her back to the X mansion. Edward, of course never leaves her side. He is horribly depressed because he knows she has beated her last heartbeat and they are about to announce her dead when Edward hears a single thump. It gets faster and faster when he realizes that its Bella's healing ability acting. She wakes up and she tells Edward that if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have a reason to come back. So she says that she will stay in Forks, and finish high school. Then she and Edward will live out their lives together. They're not sure exactly how but they don't care.
And they all lived happily ever after
The end
And for those of you who are curious, Victor kills Bella by breaking a mirror and shoving a broken piece of glass into her head. Carlisle takes it out of her head, but she doesn't heal until later.
And for those of you who say that this was not my idea first, maybe you are right, but I was the first one to write it down. If you find a story very much similar to mine that was written before the publication date of mine, pm me and I will apologize to you and the author of that story.