I don't own Shugo chara or any of its characters no matter how cute they maybe (lol)


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

"Uh, who is it and why are they calling at 5 in the morning" said Ikuto shuffling around to face me.

I reached out to find my phone on the bedside and saw it was Aki calling.

"Why are you calling this early?" I asked answering the phone not bothering to say hi.

"I'm scared about the exam today, I got up early to revise, what if I fail" he said.

"You won't fail" I said answering back.

"But what if I do?"

"You got your music career so it's not like you'll become poor and end up on the streets"

"But what if it doesn't work out?"

"Why won't it?"

"Loads of musicians only last for a while then become forgotten"

"Well you won't be and if it doesn't work out then you can become a model or something. I'm sure that doesn't need any qualifications"

"But I'm not good looking"

"Yes you are loads of girls think your hot"

"Do you really think so?"

"Of coarse I do, I think you're pretty cute and hot"

"Thanks Amu, I think I'm going to be ok, I'll be around your place at 7 so we can go together because I don't really want to get lost and be in the middle of screaming fan girls"

"Ok, now go back to sleep it's better then stressing yourself so much, it's bad to revise to much before an exam, sleep"

"Ok bye"

I put the phone down and turned around to face Ikuto to see him glaring at me.

"What now?" I said sighing.

"Who was that?" he asked.

"Aki, why?"

"So you think he's cute and hot" I should have known he would start asking me this.

"You know I don't like him like that so there's no need to get jealous"

"I'm not jealous"

"Sure, now let me sleep" I said turning around.

"You do think I'm much hotter and cuter don't you"

"You're not going to let this go, are you?"

"I'm only saying, but I am aren't I?"

"Yes, now let me sleep"

"You're just saying it to make me shut up aren't you?"

"I do mean it now let me sleep"
"So say it like you mean it then"

"Ikuto you are the hottest and cutest boy I know, actually in the wide world" it started off normal but ended out coming in pure sarcasm.

"You never said it like you meant it" he said it with a huff.

I got up and climbed on top of him with my arms and legs on either side, looking right into his eyes I could tell he was somewhat jealous and slowly leaned in kissing him straight on the lips. We stayed in that position for about 2 mins until I pulled away.

"Happy now?" I asked him.

"I already know that you love me I just wanted to know if you think I'm the hottest and cutest person" he said chuckling, ending it with a smirk.

"You are my boyfriend so of course I'm going to think that"

"So I am hot and cute then?" he asked again.

"Forget it, let me sleep I got an exam tomorrow" I said releasing all my weight on him and lying on top of him nuzzling my face in his neck. I looked at the clock and saw it was six o'clock.

"Fine" he said kissing the top of my head where my hair is, wrapping both his arms around me pulling me closer to him. "G'night or morning, sleep well"

"Ikuto let go of me, I'm getting up" I said pulling away from him.

"Why aren't you going to sleep? You just said let me sleep" he asked me.

"It's six o'clock, I got to get ready Aki's getting here at 7" I said walking towards the walk in closet. I looked for some nice clothes to wear since I am going back to school but as a celebrity, but it will be nice to see all my old friends again.

"So were back to him again" I could here him saying whilst I was walking back in the room towards the bathroom. (It's an en-suite remember)

"Ikuto drop it will you" I turned around glaring at him. "When he gets here you better not act like this"

"So you care about him more than my feelings?" he questioned.

"Since when do you talk about feelings?"

"I do have them you know, I'm not a cold heartless person you know"

"I know and I'm going to the shower now so please when I come out can we go back to normal and forget the whole conversation from the morning"

"Maybe only…"

"Only what?" I know he's going to say something perverted.

"Only if you let me come in the shower with you" he said smirking.

"NO YOU PERVERT" I shouted at him.

"Don't you love me, don't you want to see my hot body, you do think I'm hot right?"

"Are we really going back to this again?" I asked not wanting to go through this whole conversation again.

"Please Amu-tan" he said with a sad kitty look, he never calls me that. "You do love me right?"

"You know I love you so why do you want to go in the shower with me so badly?" he just wants to look at me naked under the water I know it.

"Just" he said grabbing his clothes placing them in the bathroom and walking back towards me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"If I let you then you'll drop this whole thing about being hot and cute, won't you?"

"Yeah I will" he said pushing me towards the bathroom, kissing my neck at the same time.

He turned the shower on letting the water warm up and started stripping off my clothes and his own whilst kissing me. He slowly pushes me towards the shower and pulled us both in. By the time were out of this shower I know that my lips are going to be purple and I won't be able to walk straight.

~~ TiMeSkIp ~~

I was now talking to Rima in the living room. She decided to come before school started because she wanted to come with me. She told me that Nagi would meet us at the gates. Aki came not long ago, but when he came I couldn't help notice Ikuto looking at him coldly and I guess Aki noticed himself because he was staying way out of hells way of him.

"Amu-chan do you know why Ikuto is looking at me so weirdly" he asked.

"Not a clue" I answered back at him. I wonder if Ikuto is jealous. Nah that perverted cat doesn't get jealous.

We were just about to leave so I went up to Ikuto giving him a nice big hug and a little kiss. I noticed he was sending daggers towards Aki so I whispered in his ear, "Will you stop staring at him like that, he's getting freaked out by the second and wondering what he's done wrong"

"Looking at him like what" he asked all too innocently.

"Stop it now, when we come back your going to go back to nothing has happened and the conversation we had this morning never existed" giving him a stern glare knowing that if he doesn't listen I'm not going to be very happy.

"Fine" he pushed me against the wall planting his lips hard against mine, trailing his lips down my neck and biting against it hard leaving a huge hickey.

"Ikuto!" I shouted pushing him away.

"Just to let others know you're taken" he said whilst smirking and walking towards the bedroom. "I love you; have a nice day at school"

I know I haven't updated in ages, but I went on holiday, got stuck in another country for 2 weeks, came home to distress about exams, and had to get a summer job to pay things for personal reasons. From now on I'll try to update as soon as I can.

Hope you liked the chappie though :-) please review