Disclaimer: I own nothing and if I owned the clique there would still be Massington.
R&R Please :)

I wake up the next morning to the smell of lime. I guess they cleaned the room. I turned my head to the left to see a fresh glass of ice water. I realize that the IV is gone from my hand and I'm feeling 100 percent better. Not to mention I can actually lift my head today.

"Good morning Claire." Izzie walks into my room.

"Good morning Izzie." I reply with a small smile on my face.

"So you remember me? Looks like you've came out of your post traumatic amnesia."

"My what?!" I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Oh don't worry. It's common after serious head injuries." Wow I must of really smacked my head on those steps.

"Would you like anything to drink?"

"Um some ice tea would be good."

"I'll go get that for you." Izzie leaves the room and a slim woman that looks to be in her fifties enters. She has aqua eyes and straight blonde hair with a few gray hairs. She looks familiar but at the same time she doesn't. Wait a minuteā€¦that's mom. What happened to her? It looks as if she aged overnight.

"How is she?" my mom asks Izzie as she returns to my room and hands me my ice tea.

"She is doing much better and is starting to remember things." Izzie smiled.

"Oh good. It was like talking to an insane person yesterday."

"Claire is not insane, she just had a head injury. She can understand everything being said."

Although I can understand everything being said, I'm not even listening. I keep staring at my mom. She looks like she aged overnight! Is she sick? No that's probably not it, she just needs some anti-aging cream. I'll buy her some as soon as I get out of here.

"Hello Claire! It's Me. Your mo-ther," she spoke slowly and loudly, as if I was mentally challenged and couldn't understand a word she was saying. "I brought you some shampoo to wash your hair. God knows you need it." mom said looking at my hair. Thanks.

"Anyway I have to be going. I need to take Cookie to the vet." Mom was already walking toward the door.

"Cookie?" she's taking a cookie to a vet? What?

"You know Cookie. He's one of six kittens that Grace just had." Mom had cat? Since when was she a cat person? Something is really wrong.

'"Oh before I go, Amanda told me to tell you to get well soon and she can't wait to meet up with you when you're feeling better!"

"Who?" I never knew anyone named Amanda.

"You know Amanda! My next-door Neighbor. She's your age. Whenever you come to visit you two hang out." I had know idea who she was talking about.

"Well I must go now, but I'll be back with Todd and Josh later." She said while leaving the room. Josh? Now who the hell is that? Oh my god! Is mom going crazy?!

My thoughts are interrupted when a doctor that looks to be in his mid-fourties with light brown hair, walks into my room followed by two other nurses.

"Hello Claire," He said politely. "I'm Dr. Kirby, a resident neurologists. This is Janelle," he pointed to a tan girl with long blonde hair. "She's a specialist nurse, and this is Casey," he pointed to a young, petite girl with dark brown hair. "How are you feeling today?"

"Fine, but my right hand feels weird." I lift it up to show him and can't help but look at my manicure again. I can't believe my nails look so amazing.

"We'll take a look at that and get your hand back to normal. But before we do that I have a few questions I need to ask you. Some of them may be really obvious." He said to me and smiled. "First what is your full name?"

"My name is Claire Faith Lyons." I told him and made a note of something in his folder.

"When were you born?"

"July 17th 1981."

"Great!" He made another note in his folder. "When you crashed your car, you hit your head against the steering wheel pretty hard. There was some swelling to your brain, but nothing to serious. You seem to be very lucky, but I still need to do somemore checks." He holds up a black pen. "Now I'm going to need you to look at the top of this pen while I move it side to side." Why don't doctors every let you get a word in?

"Excuse me!" I shout out trying to get his attention. "I think you've mixed me up with another person. I didn't crash my car. I don't even have a car! I was out with my friends and it was raining and I slipped down some steeps trying to hail a taxi." The doctor and nurses looked at each other and then back at me.

"It was definitely a car crash. Two vehicles, side-on. I was down in the ER when they brought her in. The other driver only had a broken leg." Izzie told Dr. Kirby.

"But I don't have a car! I don't even know how to drive!" I tried to stay calm.

"So you don't have a..." Dr. Kirby flips to a page in his folder and looks at the writing."A red 2008 XLR platinum Cadillac convertible?"

"A Cadillac? Platinum?" I say in between laughs.

"But that's what it s--"

"Okay how about this. I'll tell you what a twenty-five year old sales associate earns and you can tell me if I can really afford a platinum Cadilliac convertible."

Dr. Kirby was about to speak, but Casey pointed to something on the folder and Dr. Kirby looked through the folder with a grave expression. I started to get nervous. I've seen Grey's Anatomy. That look means something bad! Oh my god! I didn't lose a leg did I?

I felt through the blankets. Both legs were there. Thank god. But what was wrong then?

"Okay Claire, can you tell me what year it is?"

"What year it is?" I repeat amd look up at him confuesed.

"Don't worry. Just tell me what year you think it is." he said ressuringly.

"It's 2006," I finally say.

"Claire, today is May 8, 2009." his face is serious and so is everyone elses face.

Wait a minute! This is a joke. It's not really May 8, 2009.

"Very funny. Did Massie make you do this. Come on. You don't really think I'll believe that it's really May 8, 2009." I roll my eyes.

"Claire, I'm being serious. Today is May 8, 2009." Dr. Kriby says handing me The New York Times. "Look at the date on the top of the paper."

I read the date on the paper and it says: May 8, 2009. Then on the paper there's an avertisement for Transformers 2 and a picture of Shia LaBeouf.

"Transformers 2? But there wasn't even a first one! And Shia LeBeouf looks different." just like mom. Oh my god! It really is 2009! "So I have been in a coma for the last three years!" I can no longer stay calm.

"No. You were only brought here four days ago." Dr. Kirby said.

"So you mean I came here four days ago in 2006 and now it's 2009! Am I dreaming or hallucinating?!"

"No. We thing you have retrograde amnesia. In this case you only forgot three years of your life." Dr. Kriby explains. I just sit there in shock. "Are you okay Claire?"

I don't answer. I've lost three years of my life. It really is 2009 and that means...I'm twenty-eight. I"m old!

Okay so I hoped you liked that chapter! oh and I changed the car from being a Mercedes convertible to being a Cadillac convertible because Yesterday I saw the most amazing red Cadillac convertible! I'll post the link to show you what it looks like on my profile

Anyway sorry I haven't really been updating my stories lately but I've been busy with pre-big brother 11 season things. What would you think if I made a new story : Big Brother: The clique? Does anyone else watch that show? Well I'm going to try to update Block's Anatomy as soon as I can.

Also what did you guys think of 'Boys R Us'? I didn't like it...I like Massington lol:)

Plz R&R
