Author's Note: Since I wasn't happy with Mac's return, I decided to redo and repost this chapter. Hope you guys like the rewrite! This is in both Stella and Mac's point of view, I hope its not too confusing.
As Flack and I step off the ferry, we can't help but look up in shock at The Statue of Liberty. Whoever did this definitely has our attention now. "It's your call Stell. What do you want to do?"
I don't have to ask what he's talking about, but I take a moment to think before answering. As much as I don't want to see him right now, I know that with Danny stuck in the lab we're going to need the extra help. "Call him."
He nods but doesn't move "What are you going to tell him?"
A sigh escapes me as the meaning behind his question becomes clear. "The truth."
As the pilot announces the final decent into JFK, I watch out the window as New York City comes into view. It's been ten days since I last saw my city or my team, and I must say that I've missed them both. I assume nothing has happened since I haven't heard from any of them. Then again, I'm pretty sure that the world would end before Stella interrupted my vacation.
Before I can fasten my seatbelt, the flight attendant informs me that there's an urgent call for me on the plane phone. Curious I follow her to the front of the plane, taking the receiver from her. Flack's voice greets me, letting me know that there's a crime scene at the Statue of Liberty and there'll be a helicopter waiting on me when we land.
As the helicopter is heading towards the Statue I can spot what Flack was talking about. What looks like red paint is streaming down Lady Liberty's face, but I'm almost certain that it's blood instead. Flack comes to meet me as we land, but only offers a short nod as a greeting. "Any clue what this is about?"
He shakes his head, "Got a lot of guesses, but nothing's confirmed. And Lady Liberty isn't our only victim." With that he turns, moving to the entrance as I follow him. There's something odd about him, but nothing I can pinpoint.
The crime scene is on the observation deck in the crown, and Hawkes is already there bent over the body. "What have we got Sheldon?" He looks at me for a moment before glancing at Flack who is now behind me before answering. The vic is a security guard, with Don now giving his preliminary theory on what happened. Hawkes outlines COD, another testament to how handy his medical expertise is in a situation like this. We learn that a second security guard is missing, which could explain the vic and her missing weapon.
A question about evidence of the missing man leads me to my partner, who is perched on the torch. Climbing the stairs I can't help but notice that Hawkes' behavior wasn't normal either. But I shake it off, in search of the woman I will soon learn is now my boss.
"So what are we looking at Detective?" Mac asks from behind me. I paste on a smile as I turn around, allowing myself to fall into our usual banter for the moment. The torch wasn't the best place to reveal that I had been promoted over him. Particularly when the fight that would most certainly follow may result in me throwing him off.
After processing the torch I head back down to where the body is, not caring if Mac is behind me or not. I had hoped that we would have some time to talk once he got back, but apparently whoever decided to vandalize the statue had other ideas. Never thought that there would be a day when I was upset to see someone I had considered a best friend. Carefully I head over to where Lindsay is straddling Liberty's nose, taking blood samples. "What do you have kiddo?" I call down as Mac joins me.
She looks up and casts a glance at the man beside me. "I've taken twelve different samples that all come back as blood. But there's no way this is the vic's blood, her's is inside, Hawkes verified."
"Send it back to the lab, let's see if it's human." Mac instructs, causing Lindsay to look to me for verification. I nod, heading back inside to examine the scene again.
Another member of my team acting odd. First Flack and Hawkes giving me the cold shoulder, now Lindsay looking to Stella for orders. Surely I haven't been gone so long that they don't remember that I'm in charge. We continue to process the scene, thankfully whatever is wrong with them hasn't affected their abilities. I hear Lindsay on a video call with Danny while Stella and I head down to search around the base. It seems that she's the only one who hasn't been affected by whatever the others have.
Before I have a chance to ask how things have been in my absence, Flack informs us that there are no witnesses nor surveillance due to the security system being shut down for upgrades. There is some good news though, no bomb was found on the island, meaning that this isn't a terrorist threat. So who could be responsible for this?
A uniformed officer draws our attention to one of the viewfinders, leading us to our second victim. We clear the scene and I catch a ride with Stella back to the lab. Apparently the indifference shown by the others has rubbed off on her as well, because now there's an uncomfortable silence between us as she navigates the streets of New York. "Something wrong?" I ask, only receiving a headshake by way of an answer.
We reach the lab and part ways, she to her office and I to mine. Or at least, what I thought was my office. All of my awards, metals, and pictures are missing from the walls and bookcase, which is also different. After a moment I realize that all of Stella's things have taken up residence in my office. I've left her in charge before, but she's never done anything like this.
I'm still standing in the middle of what I think is my office when I hear a voice behind me. "Did you need something Detective?" There's no time to turn around before Stella comes into my field of view, taking a seat behind the desk.
"Where is all my stuff?" I hadn't meant for the question to sound suspicious, but it's too late now.
"Your things are in your office." She replies, before turning her attention to the file in her hand.
"Stella this is my office, and yet all of your things are here." I watch as she looks at me for a moment before rifling through the files on the desk. She holds out a piece of paper to me and says "Not anymore." I don't have time to say anything else before Lindsay knocks on the door. "Hey Stel, Sid's ready for us down in autopsy." Like on the Statue, she acts as if I'm not there.
"I'll be right there." Stella looks at me "That paper should explain everything." She says, following Lindsay down the hall. It takes a few minutes to process the letter I've been given.
"Detective Bonasera,
The Bureau of Internal Affairs has determined that it was not Detective Taylor who set off the bomb but a member of the Irish Gang. However, since that speculation has placed the crime lab in an unfavorable light, I am promoting you to Head Supervisor. Upon his return, Taylor will take the place of Co-head.
I expect great things from you Detective, do not disappoint me.
Brigham Sinclair
Chief of Detectives"
Numbly I walk down the hall to my new office which I share with Lindsay and Danny. As promised, all of my belongings are in a box beside the desk. I can't believe Stella didn't call me about this! The letter is dated almost six days ago, which means that she had plenty of time to inform me about my new position. It's almost understandable why she didn't call me about the scene this morning, but not letting me know about being demoted? That's inexcusable.
Grabbing the letter I storm down to her office and barge in without knocking. It takes a moment before I remember that she's still down in autopsy with Lindsay. Resigning myself to waiting, I take a seat on the couch. "Stella, what the hell is this?!" I ask, holding out the paper as she and Lindsay enter, discussing the case. "Sinclair promotes you to Head of the lab and I don't find out until almost a week later?!"
Her expression is neutral as she answers. "There was no need to inform you. It wouldn't have changed anything, so I didn't see a reason to mess up your vacation." She calmly answers, as if we're talking about the weather. Before I can say anything else she's back to the file that Lindsay is holding. I hear her give instructions to check something before she departs, leaving the two of us alone. Her full attention is now on me and suddenly I feel like I'm staring down the barrel of a gun. "I was not told to inform you; I assumed Sinclair had already done that. But I guess he only plays messenger when he feels like it. If you have questions that's fine, a lot has happened since you've been gone. But don't think for one minute that I will allow you to question me in front of the team." She snaps, daring me to argue with her.
Now is not the time for one of our infamous shouting matches, so instead I sigh and nod. "You're right. So what have I missed?" I ask, hoping she'll accept my peace offering. The fact that I can't tell what she's thinking is more than a little unsettling. Stella and I have always been able to read each other, though she's far better at it than I am. But now her face and eyes are blank, which scares me. I've only seen her like this a few times, mostly when a case hits too close to home for her. And right now I can't help but feel like her lack of emotion is somehow my fault.
"While we were here dealing with the robbers, Adam and Danny ran into the rest of the gang at the warehouse. Adam received burns on his hands and numerous cuts and bruises. Three fingers on Danny's left hand are broken, and he's got several cracked ribs. Both of them have been placed on modified assignment, and Danny is restricted to his desk for the next month. Your friend Jordan Gates is the one we have to thank for having the lab rebuilt so soon. Any questions?" She asks after her recount of the past ten days. I can't believe I missed all of this, and that no one let me know part of my team was injured.
"No one thought about calling and telling me about this?!" I ask, immediately regretting it when I finally see emotion in her eyes. Anger, and it's directed at me. Just quickly however it's gone, wiped out like it was never there.
"Considering how quickly you left, we assumed you didn't want to be disturbed. And you can't blame all of this on us either. Phones aren't just one way, you could have called too." She reminds me, looking past me out into the lab. I turn slightly to see Adam waving her over excitedly. He gives me a slight wave before turning his attention back to Stella. "Now, if there's nothing else, I've got a murderer to catch." With that she heads over to Adam's station to investigate what he's found.
Once again I'm left standing in the middle of what used to be my office. Stella's explanation has cleared up quite a few things. Such as why I didn't find out about any of this until today, and why everyone is practically ignoring me. When I left for London with Peyton, I hadn't worried about the lab or the team. I knew Stella would take care of everything, and she didn't need me looking over her shoulder to make sure things got done. But now as I realize how my actions have affected the entire lab, I start to wonder how I'm going to fix the mess I've created.
So, what do you guys think? It's been awhile, should I just scrap this into the unfinished bin or continue?