A new tale of Kim. This one starting anew.

Kim Possible and all associated characters are copyrighted to their creators. The story line is mine.

Set before Graduation

I like getting reviews so feel free.

EDIT: Some character interaction in this chapter was just glaring out of character. Joe Stoppinghem, you are correct. It felt off, not sure what I was thinking. It had to be fixed. Fixing.


The contest had been a simple win for the cheerleaders of Middleton High. Kim settled into the seat of the car while her mother drove with a smile. "You were amazing out there sweetie." Mrs. Possible congratulated her daughter.

Kim blushed. "No big. If Bonnie hadn't improved at the end we would have lost. It is just as much her win as the rest of us." Kim played the win off on her co-captain.

The first thing Kim noticed as they passed through the intersection was the glare of headlights. Kim turned her head to see and the only thing she could do was to let out a strangled cry as the vehicle slammed into her door.


Kim opened her eyes and saw several heads floating above her. She felt pain all over. It was also hard to breath. Very hard to breath. She started to panic. She couldn't move either as she was soon aware, only increasing her panic. A gentile hand was laid on her chest. She felt a sharp stabbing pain in her armpit and a gentile hiss of air. Breathing became easier.

"Add a collapsed lung to the list Jerry. Head injury. Shattered scapula. Fibula is broken in at least two places." Kim heard a strong female voice listing injuries.

What were they doing down there. "Hey!" Kim let out an indignant cry.

"No paralysis." An aged female face filled Kim's vision. A bright light was shone into her eye. "Kim Possible?" Kim nodded. "Do you know what day it is?"

Kim inhaled sharply as another part of her body was jostled. Tears began to flow. "Wednesday."

The woman smiled. "Good. Kim you were involved in a severe accident. You have suffered many injuries. Your mother has some mild injuries and is currently being treated. She will be all right; it's you we have to worry about right now. I'm sorry, but I cannot give you any pain medication until we have you stable. Okay?" Kim gave a weak smile and nodded at the detailed synopsis that answered all of her questions in a matter of seconds. "You'll be all right. Just relax and let us do our job."

Kim nodded. Then something happened. The room did an immediate change into a swirling mass. Kim felt something pop in her head. She screamed just before the blackness took her.


Anne waited in pensive silence next to Ron and her husband. Monique had arrived a while before and was away getting coffee. She fingered the bandages on her hands nervously. A warm arm circled her shoulders. "Kimmie-cub will be fine. Dr. Lyle is a great doctor right?" Mrs. Possible nodded at her husband's question. "See, everything will be fine."

"I hope so. And doctor P." Ron laid his hand over hers. "If I know Kim, she'll be back on her feet in no time."

An older woman came in and sat across from Mrs. Possible. She folded her smock in her lap. Leaning back she let out an extended yawn and scrubbed her face with her hands. The name tag said her name was Dr. Lyle. "It's looking better."

"Is she okay?" Mrs. Possible asked with intensity.

Dr. Lyle blinked. "She is out of the woods with a long walk home."

"What's up?" Monique entered.

"Just give us a rundown doc." Ron said leaning forward.

Dr. Lyle leaned forward. "Okay. Shattered Fibula. A good sign is we stopped her internal bleeding quickly. Punctured Lung. Three broken and four cracked ribs. A shattered shoulder blade and orbital. Her right optic orbital is cracked, but intact. The one injury which truly worries me is the swelling in her brain. Her head was smacked pretty hard so this isn't a surprise. Troubling, but not a surprise. It seems to be okay for now. We really can't do any more surgery for now. The swelling doesn't seem to be a hemorrhage. I've ordered several more tests. When those get back we will know if we have to perform another surgery, but I'm confident it won't be a problem. That is all the major injuries. I won't lie to you, the next few days will be touch and go, but if..." She schooled the frown on her face into a pained smile. "When she makes it the next few days it will be much clearer how things go."

Mrs. Possible was crying. "Is there any way that I can help?"

Dr. Lyle shook her head. "You know that is against policy. You can visit, but I can't allow you to be involved in your daughter's medical treatment."

Mrs. Possible nodded gravely. "I know. Can we see her?"

Dr. Lyle nodded. "That, I can do." Dr. Lyle stood and left the room trailing the family and friends.

She opened the hospital door onto a scene that made all assemble sigh in frustration. The once athletic and healthy body now stood stark pale and frail against the hospital sheets. Needles protruded from several parts of her body. Her upper thigh was ringed with pins to straighten the shattered bone. She was propped up in a sitting position to prevent the pins and rods protruding from her back from being disturbed. Some of the gauze wrappings were still seeping blood.

It was Ron who moved first and grasped the pale hand. "Can she hear us?"

Dr. Lyle frowned, "I don't know. She is sedated and unconscious. She may arise and she may not. We don't know.

Family and friends crowded around the bed and looked on helplessly. Mrs. Possible collapsed into her husbands arms in tears. "She has several more surgeries scheduled for later. She is stable now, but we wait at least a day before moving her up. I believe she can make it. The only thing we can do for her is be patient."

The room was silent with the doctor's words. After an uncomfortable silence Ron spoke up. "I'll take first watch. You guys get some sleep. I'll stay with her for the night."

"Ron, visiting hours are over I can't let you stay." Dr. Lyle spoke sadly.

Ron looked up at her with a feral grin. "Try and make me leave, Doctor." Dr. Lyle backed down.

"Oh, Ron. We couldn't just leave you here." Mrs. Possible wiped the tears from her face.

Ron half-heartedly laughed. "No big Doctor P. I am pretty sure these hospital chairs are fairly comfortable. I'll manage. You get some rest. Honestly, I am sure I'll see you in the morning." Ron smiled.

Mrs. Possible nodded. "If anything happens you call us, okay?" Ron nodded.

Mr. Possible led his wife away through the door. Monique handed Ron the spare cup of coffee in her hand. "Stay awake, Ron. If she wakes up, call. I'll be along in the morning to let you get some sleep." Monique left.

Dr. Lyle turned off a set of the overhead lights. "Good night young man." She left.

"Hey, Kim. You're not looking so well right now are you?" Ron gave a half hearted laugh interrupted by by an almost contained sob. He got his voice under control. "Sorry. I'm so sorry." He reached out and tenderly settled his hand under hers. "I know there's not a damn thing I could have done. I wish I was with you though." He inhaled shakily and looked up to the ceiling smiling. "So stupid." He squeezed her hand gently. He stood and gently kissed her forehead and let it linger before sitting back down.

Kim gazed out from... somewhere. She knew she wasn't supposed to be aware. "Its definitely not stupid you lovable goof."

"Such caring. You mortals amaze me with your feeble emotions." A dark female shape emerged from the darkness before Kim.

"What are you?" Kim asked.

The female swiped a hand behind her and it turned into an image of Kim in her hospital bed. She saw Ron leaned over her holding her hand. "This is where it gets good. The attempted passing of a soul is very interesting to watch. Just the reaction of the mortals around the action is entertaining. Their feeble attempts to make the soul cling to the body."

"What are you talking about?" Kim felt a wave of fire ripple through her body. The doctors had given her plenty of drugs to mask the physical pain, but this was deeper. This was a fire in her soul. "What the hell?"

"The body giving up. I've been told it is a most exquisite pain." The woman turned from the image. She knelt down next to Kim. "Most call me the Mistress of Death." She held out her hand.

"What is happening to me?" Kim clutched her chest in pain as another wave passed over her.

"You are dying Kim." The Ron in the image stood abruptly and Kim could hear him shouting. "Not really. Your time is not yet up, but it will be several minutes until they start your heart again. Until then we have time and matters to discuss."

Kim gasped at the pain. "Discuss what?" She said breathlessly.

The Mistress knelt before Kim. "I need your help, Kim. You see I need an acolyte in this world."

"An acolyte?" Kim asked confused. "What do you mean?"

"I have plenty of priests and followers, but I lack a direct voice in this world. Someone to act directly upon my interests. Don't worry, Kim. I am willing to make it well worth your while."

"I don't understand."

"What is brewing to envelope this world is far more dangerous than any of your so called super villains. The gods are to wage war in your world through their acolytes. Devastation the likes of which no mortal has ever witnessed will devour your world." She smiled. "Unless of course my acolyte is triumphant."

"Why?" Kim fell to her knees.

"There are many gods, child. Only one may hold sway over your world. To shape it in the image they so desire." She turned her gaze to the scene of the hospital room. "You mortals consistently find ways to amuse me. It truly disturbs me that any of the other gods should wish to be rid of you, it truly does." She turned back to Kim. "Changing this world from what it is, is not my desire. The others, however, will not see it that way."

Kim shook her head as if trying to shake off a fog. "This is too much. How do I know this is real?"

The Mistress smiled as several nurses and Doctor Lyle arrived and began prepping a machine while Ron stood to the side helpless. "You see, you will live through your injuries, however, you will be permanently crippled. I can heal your body, make it whole. A deity requires belief to function properly. If you believe in me, all you have to do is wake up and tell that doctor to cut you off of any pain medication. The pain will be tremendous, but the pain is a path to the strength you'll need to succeed." She stood. "Or you can disregard what I tell you and live as a cripple, unable to help your friends and family as they are consumed."

Kim felt a jolt as they restarted her heart. "Mark my words, Kimberly. The decision is yours. If you choose to follow me, I will send a representative to set you on the path." The Mistress faded from Kim's vision.

Spluttering, Kim crawled her way back to consciousness. Dr. Lyle backed away from the still flailing form of Kim Possible.

Kim coughed and using her free hand wiped the spittle from her lips. She looked around with tears in her eyes from the splitting headache. "This is new." She said breathlessly.

Ron rushed forward. "You're awake!"

"And Alive I think." Kim laid her hand on Dr. Lyle's arm. "Doctor." Kim seemed to struggle with a choice. "Doctor, I need you to take me off of all pain killers."

The Doctor looked shocked. "I can't authorize that."

Dr. Lyle began to try and explain something, but was interrupted by a cold stare from Kim. "Who can?"

Dr. Lyle spluttered. "Your guardian I suppose, but why?"

The nurses fled. Ron spoke up. "Yeah? Why would you want to do that?"

Kim seemed to flutter on her consciousness, but regained her composure. "I no longer wish for my mind to be clouded by drugs. Pain can clarify what drugs cloud. Just do it for me please? I'm really tired. I'll talk to you later Ron." With that Kim's eyes rolled back into her head and she passed out.

"Good choice, Kim." A small voice sent Kim off to a very comfortable darkness.


Mrs. Possible pulled up short as she entered her daughter's hospital room. Sitting at the foot of her daughter's bed was a very large man. He noticed her and stood to greet. "Good afternoon ma'am." The severely bass voice matched the near seven foot tall black man who greeted her.

"Mom, I would like you to meet Mr. Bundy. Mr. Bundy I would like you to meet my mother, Dr. Anne Possible." Kim introduced the two.

"Well hello Mr. Bundy. Who are you?" Her mother took the chair next to her daughter's side.

Mr. Bundy sat down as well. "I was simply explaining some of the benefits of choosing to attend our school."

"Oh?" Mrs. Possible looked at her daughter quizzically.

Kim shifted where she sat. "The Maleficent school is offering me a full scholarship. It's a private school in Norway. I already have Wade checking up on it."

"I guess its never too early to start looking into colleges." Mrs. Possible commented.

"We offer a seamless transition from high school to collage. She will earn her high school education and then begin her collage classes at Maleficent itself. A master's degree in pretty much any field she chooses is quite feasible at our school." Mr. Bundy smiled.

"You mean go there before she finishes High School?"

"Yes, Dr. Possible. It is not uncommon with our students."

"Why are you talking to my daughter? Why have I never seen any fliers?" Mrs. Possible asked trying to shuffle the conversation along.

Mr. Bundy coughed. "Maleficent is extremely exclusive. To facilitate that, we send an instructor from the school to talk directly with the prospect and their family. We have found that this is far more effective than any fliers, and it directly cuts down on the amount of undesirable applicants."

Mrs. Possible relaxed. "So what do you teach, Mr. Bundy?" She smiled.

"Physical education is the title. More accurately hand to hand combat, wilderness survival, and tactical small group warfare." Mrs. Possible's eyebrows rose. "Does that surprise you?"

"Why, yes." Kim said.

"Many families tend to find that odd. I don't know why. Young people need to be able to protect themselves in any situation. In my opinion that is the point of physical education." He seemed to clear his mind. "In any event, I take great pride in my students. Judging by her television coverage, I doubt that Kim would have any trouble with my class."

"So what is your final like?" Kim asked genuinely interested.

Mr. Bundy too seemed excited. "If you ask. We have forty square miles of woodland that includes all forms of terrain. I throw a dart at a map to mark the drop point and another to mark the pickup point. The students have an unmarked topographic map, a compass, and their wits. Make it from drop to pickup within twenty four hours through the wilderness with an unknown number of unarmed foes." He leaned back in the chair. "Very exciting."

"That's insane!" Mrs. Possible exclaimed.

"That's no big. Sounds like an average mission for me." Kim commented.

Mr. Bundy looked at his watch. "Anyway. My apologies, but I have to be off. All I ask is that you consider my offer."

"I will consider it carefully, sir." Kim did her best to bow to the man as he stood.

Mr. Bundy walked to the opposite side of the bed from Kim's mother. He blew a quick puff of air into his closed fists then rubbed his open palms together and held his hands above Kim. He spoke several words in an unknown tongue. He nodded then left.

As he shut the door behind him Mrs. Possible turned to her daughter. "What was that?"

Kim thought for several moments. "If I remember right that was a prayer for good heath. If I didn't know any better I would think he is an actual witch doctor. Impressive."

Anne took a deep breath. "We will have to discuss this 'not finishing High School' scenario at great length with your father."

Kim turned to her mother. "I know, mom. Wade should be getting back to me in a while on that guy and his school. So how was work today mother?" Kim grinned.

"You know how much I like not working. It is detestable. How is the pain?" Mrs. Possible still did not approve of her daughters choice, but she has never questioned her choices before and this was no different.

"It comes and goes. Its not too bad at the moment." She smiled, "I'm getting used to it."

Ron entered from the hallway. "Who was that? He was huge!"

"My future teacher, if everything goes right." Kim stated.

"Only after we weigh several options." Mrs. Possible looked directly at her daughter.

Kim smiled. "You're right, but I really like the idea. It is a full scholarship."

Mr. Bundy re-entered the room. "My sincere apologies. I forgot." He pulled out a telephone book sized binder from his briefcase. "This is the grounds pictures as well as the course syllabuses. For your perusal, ma'am."

Anne took the binder, marveling at its weight. "Thank you. My husband and I have much to discuss with my daughter before accepting such an offer though."

Mr. Bundy nodded and smiled. "But of course. The Maleficent school has authorized me to supervise your daughter's physical rehabilitation so we will have plenty of time to discuss matters."

Anne's smile faded. "What?" Ron, too, frowned.

Mr. Bundy's smile faded slightly. "You didn't think that we wouldn't give Kim every aide we can offer would you? I am a certified Physical Therapist and with me as her Therapist the cost to you will be cut by almost 80%."

"What's the catch?" Ron asked. Kim frowned at the completely un-Ron comment.

Mr. Bundy laughed. "Just the costs for the facility use here at the hospital which would normally be charged to you, but now you don't have to pay a therapist."

Anne squinted hard at him. "So, there is no obligation to send Kim to your school if you do this?"

He laughed again. "I give you my word, Mrs. Possible, that my being her therapist has absolutely no bearing on her joining our school. Think of it as a good faith gesture for all the good she has done."

Anne relaxed. "I suppose we can make the arrangements with the hospital."

Mr. Bundy laughed nervously. "No need. The arrangements have already been made including a generous donation to the Middleton Hospital coffers. Well I must really be going."

Kim coughed. "Thank you, sir."

The genuine smile returned to Mr. Bundy's face. "You're welcome. You will not like the diet changes I have made, but eat every bit. Trust me." He exited the room.

"He made himself your trainer without talking to any of your family?" Ron asked, clearly indignant.

"He asked me." Kim stated coldly.

"Why didn't you talk with me?" Anne was clearly angry.

Kim smiled. "Grown up decisions, mom. I need to start making them. Have faith mother. I'm not exactly a little girl anymore."

Anne smiled and released a long breath. "You're right. Do you need anything?"

"I wouldn't mind some more ice."

Ron leaped to his feet eager to please. "I'll get it."

Kim stopped him. "Nah. Mom could you get yourself some coffee too, I have to talk with Ron?"

Quickly glancing between the two she slowly rose. "Sure honey. I'll be back in a half hour."

"Thanks mom." Anne left leaving a bewildered Ron. Kim winced as she shifted her position.

"What's up KP?"

Kim held up her good hand to him, tears threatening in her eyes. Ron took the hand in both of hers. "I don't want her to know how much it hurts. C'mere." She gently pulled Ron into her. He gently wrapped his arms around her and she buried her face into his shoulder and she screamed, the sound muffled by his body.

Ron rested his cheek on the top of her head and he stroked her hair his own tears threatening. It wasn't long, but she clutched at him. Each wave of pain echoed with a muffled scream.

Ron was still holding her when Anne returned. She tried asking what was wrong. Neither answered.


The Kimmunicator beeped its distinctive tones waking Anne from her shallow sleep. Picking it up she escaped the room before it could wake her daughter. In the hall she sank into a far less comfortable chair and activated the device. "What's the scoop Wade?"

The chubby teen opened his mouth then closed it and squinted at the screen. "Oh, Mrs. P. Hello. I have that info on the Maleficent school for Kim."

Anne nodded. "She's asleep for now. I can tell her when she wakes up."

Wade shrugged. "Okay. Well, everything checks clean."

"What do you mean?"

Wade sipped from his cup. "It's legit. Fully accredited in, well, everything. Their staff is like a whose-who for geniuses. Everything from Political science and hand to hand combat to advanced chaos theory, Quantum physics, and Robotics and AI theory. They also have an impressive animal husbandry course."

Anne huffed. "Underwater basket weaving?" She asked sarcastically.

Wade answered completely seriously after perusing his screen. "Yep. Basic to advanced mixed gas up to 300 feet."

"Really?!" Anne was understandably surprised.

Wade nodded. "That guy wasn't lying when he said anything. And the Alumni are just as impressive. I mean, Mr. Hench who owns Hench co Industries mastered in Business there." Wade continued down the list. "DNAmy, Monty Fiske, and those are just the villains that went there."

"Wait, wait. So this is a villains school?!"

Wade shook his head. "No, like he said they seek the gifted. At least 75% of the Alumnus went on to dominate their field once they graduated. Three of them work with Mr. P. Only a handful went on to be villains, but you get the point. It has a fraction of the students as Colleges half their size. Its campus covers almost 300 square miles in northern Norway. Currently they have 200 students enrolled."

Anne sighed. "Okay, maybe you can fill me in on some holes in this 'brochure' they gave me. It doesn't mention holidays or parent visits anywhere."

Wade grimaced. "Cause there are none. Once a student enrolls they stay at the campus for the duration of their studies or until they quit or are expelled. It's run more or less like a monastery. The students are completely isolated from the outside world with the exception of handwritten letters. The sacrifice for success I guess."

"But that's barbaric." Anne commented.

Wade tilted his head and shrugged. "You can't refute their system though. With the success they have their system must have something to it."

Anne sighed deeply. "Would you go there?"

Wade stared at the screen. "Seriously?"

Anne nodded. "Seriously."

"If I was selected, I would go at the drop of a hat. Students don't pay a dime to go. The school thrives on donations from its alumni. For the opportunity alone Kim is about the luckiest person I know. In all honesty this is possibly the greatest opportunity of her life and if she was denied it I would hurt the person who denied it to her, myself."

Anne met the determined gaze as long as she could. "You really do care about her don't you?"

Wade rubbed the back of his neck. "Who doesn't?" Wade said sheepishly.

Anne smiled. "I'll send her your wishes."

Wade smiled. "Thanks. Sleep well Mrs. P."

"You too, Wade." Anne deactivated the device.

"Pretty good recommendation, eh?" James Possible Startled his wife.

Anne answered after her breath recovered. "Yeah, it is."

"Sounds like its far better than Middleton College doesn't it." James took a seat next to Anne.

"But nothing but handwritten letters for what six years? Eight if she goes for her masters. God knows how long for her doctorate."

James put an arm around his wife. "Small price to pay isn't it? Our little Kimmie-cub is growing up and she needs to leave the nest some time. Even after something like this." He absently waved a hand around at the hospital environ. "I don't want to. I want to keep her close and safe, but I know I can't. I can never truly keep her completely safe, and if I tried I would just smother her until she resented me. That I cannot do, we cannot do."

Anne turned her head to look at her husband who was staring at his open palms. Anne smiled and decided to break the gloom. "All right, who are you and what have you done with my husband."

As expected James smiled with a short laugh. "Funny." His smile faded. "We don't need to do anything just yet. There's at least six months till she can leave the hospital. So until then I say we smother her as much as we can." His last statement brought a smile to his face as he looked at his wife.

Anne nodded. "Agreed." She sealed the deal with a quick kiss.