I never asked to come to this stupid school. I wanted to stay with my home schooling. No one actually cared if I didn't do the work. I didn't get detention. I didn't have to look like some fashion victim in this fug-ass uniform. But no, apparently my self-discipline has been lacking and I was in need of a good reality check, according to my parents.

So September came around and I was shipped off to Frenchwood Academy, only 20 minutes away from where I had moved to my 9th home in 8 years. My parental units chucked a Gabriella's mom and promised not to move again until I'd finished my senior year, so I was stuck here for at least the next 1096 days. Yipee.

I looked around at the boys and girls who all looked basically the same to me in their generic navy uniforms and vacant expressions. I'd been at Frenchwood all of two minutes and I'd already decided it was going to kill my soul. The school counsellor had confiscated my electric blue headband and scolded my multi-coloured fingernails. I'd been kicked out into the hall with a complicated timetable and a basic map that was no help at all. The warning bell had just rung and I was really started to freak out. To top it all of, some blonde chick barged straight into me because she wasn't paying attention to where she was walking.

"Watch it," I snapped, pushing my hair out of my eyes in a huff.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sor- Caitlyn?" The girl in front of me looked stricken.

"Tess?" my jaw dropped. "What… I mean, how…? You go here?"

"Unfortunately," Tess wrinkled her nose and flicked back a strand of golden hair, before popping her hip out and folding her arms across her chest.

"Great," I rolled my eyes. "Just what I needed. This school keeps getting better and better."

"Oh, whatever, Caitlyn," Tess scoffed in her usual fashion. I merely responded in my usual fashion, rolling my eyes and scowling.

"Wow, Tyler, bonding with the new kid already? You're turning her into a social outcast and it's only the first day back!" sneered a preening voice from behind Tess, and she visibly paled before her face tightened into a frown and she turned to face her verbal attacker.

"You look different this year, Whitney. New nose job over the summer?" Tess retorted.

"Ouch, did you think of that just now, or have you been working on it for a while?" the girl who was apparently named Whitney giggled, before raising an eyebrow at me. "Who's this?"

"This is…" Tess began, but I cut her off by taking a step forward and extending a hand to the thin, auburn-haired girl who was wearing way too much eye make-up in my opinion.

"Caitlyn Gellar," I said curtly, smiling in satisfaction when Whitney took my hand lightly and gave it a quick shake, not even bothering to disguise her contempt.

"I'm Whitney McGregor," she smiled insincerely. "Word to the wise, Tess Tyler here is a bit of a freak, so if you want a spot on the social ladder, it's best to just steer clear of her altogether."

I was taken aback for a split second, glancing between Tess's sour expression and Whitney's sickly sweet one, before answering uncertainly. "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."

"No problem. Maybe I'll see you in one of my classes later, hmm? Toodles!" she wiggled her fingers at me before sending a triumphant smirk at Tess and sauntering away.

I stared after her, not really sure what had just happened. Tess Tyler, the Tess Tyler, Queen Bee of Camp Rock and all around life-wrecking bitch just got shot down by someone seemingly inconsequential and nowhere near as famous as herself. I turned to Tess and blurted out the first sentence to form in my head.

"Did she seriously just say toodles?"

"Yup," Tess sighed.


"Tell me about it."

I laughed despite myself, and then abruptly stopped. Why was Tess being so freakily normal? Why didn't she tear apart that Whitney girl within an inch of her life? The Tess I knew would have obliterated her in an instant with a few choice words and that trademark sneer.

"Who are you, and what have you done with Tess Tyler?" I gaped at her.

Tess just smiled like she knew the most mysterious secret in the world, and gave me a small wave. "I'll see you later, Caitlyn."

She disappeared into the classroom on her left just as the bell rang. I swore and looked down at my timetable, before dashing off to a homeroom that I had no idea where it even was.

After my disastrous morning, third period Music was like a shining beacon in my near future. That is, until I walked into the classroom. Tess was sitting by herself next to the window, staring out of it in a daze. If I didn't think she was such a cow, I would have thought she looked quite pretty in her dreamlike state, in her own world where nothing from the outside even mattered.

I looked desperately around the room for somewhere else to sit, and my jaw dropped as Whitney smiled and waved to me from the back of the classroom. I looked behind me just to check that she wasn't gesturing to someone else, but I was the only one standing up the front of the room. I hesitantly returned the wave, and my eyes widened when she pointed to the empty desk next to hers. I nodded timidly and started towards her. Tess turned and caught my eye, giving me a questioning look when she saw where I was headed. I shrugged at her incredulously; this was happening so fast I barely had time to register what was going on.

I'd asked around in my other classes, and I discovered that Tess Tyler was hated here just as much as she was at Camp Rock, except these people refused to let her walk all over them. And Whitney McGregor was the girl to be friends with. Every girl wants to be her; every guy wants to sleep with her. The homecoming queen. The Regina George. So the idea of this girl who could be friends with anyone she wanted choosing me to sit with her in Music was kind of a big deal.

"Hi, Caitlyn, right?" she smiled at me, revealing her teeth that were just a little too white for my taste.

"Um, yeah," I shrugged. "And you're Whitney."

I wasn't going to beat around the bush. She knew I knew who she was, so there was no point in trying to be all coy and feigning indifference.

"I thought I might save you from the worst seat in the house," she curled her lip up at the empty seat next to Tess.

"Thanks," I sighed. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who isn't her biggest fan."

"Wow, it's been what, three hours? What could Tess Tyler possibly manage to do to you in such a short time?" Whitney smirked conceitedly.

"Oh, I've known her longer than three hours," I growled.

Whitney raised a pencil thin eyebrow. "How so?"

"She ruined two of my summers at Camp Rock," I glared in Tess's direction, but she didn't notice as she was doodling on a notepad on the desk in front of her.

"Camp Rock?" a flash of surprise crossed Whitney's face. "You went to Camp Rock?"

"Yeah," I shrugged again, a little irked that Whitney seemed to find that hard to believe. "She doesn't like competition. She took me out of the running a couple of years ago, and last year she tried to ruin my friend Mitchie's life, because Shane Gray liked her and…"

"Shane Gray?" Whitney squeaked. "As in Connect Three's Shane Gray? You actually met him?"

"Well, yeah, he was an instructor," I tried to blow it off as no big deal. I didn't want people flocking around me asking if he was really such a jerk in real life, what about the rumors surrounding him having new girlfriend, and OHMYGOD WAS HIS HAIR JUST TOTALLY DREAMY???

"And Tess met him too?" Whitney's face was suddenly devoid of emotion.

"Uh, yes?" I replied uncertainly, and Whitney glanced over to Tess with an interesting look on her face.

I had the sudden urge to stop talking to her immediately. I did not like that look. Thankfully, she just turned back to me and asked if Shane was as cute as he was in the magazines.

The class ended before I had even realised it started, and Whitney left me with an invitation to sit with her at lunch. I collected up my things and started to follow her out the door, but a hand on my arm stopped me.

"Hey, um, Caitlyn?" my eyes widened at the timid tone Tess was using.

"What?" I said blankly, unsure how to react.

"Whitney isn't a nice person. You should stay away from her," Tess mumbled, avoiding my gaze.

"Excuse me?" I asked dangerously. Who did she think she was, the filthy hypocrite?

"It's like last summer all over again, except this time you're Mitchie, Whitney is me and I'm you, trying to warn Mitchie that I don't have your best interests at heart."

"Wait, so, she's what and you're who? I am being nothing like Mitchie at Camp Rock!" I protested indignantly.

"Chyeah, you are," she snorted.

"No, I'm not! I haven't lied about who I was or where I come from! I have done nothing but try and make some friends!" I replied heatedly.

"Exactly. You might not have lied like Mitchie, but you're certainly trying to fit in with the wrong crowd. Whitney is not someone you want to be friends with," Tess rolled her eyes.

"Why, because she actually stands up to you? You're pathetic, Tess, you really are," I sneered, turning on my heel and striding away.

"You know what?" Tess grabbed my arm and spun me back around. "I'm trying to help you out here, and you're just throwing it back in my face! So go and befriend whoever you want, okay? Don't say I didn't warn you!"

"Like that's going to happen," I scoffed, ignoring the uneasy feeling in the pit my stomach as I walked away.

I don't know why Tess was acting so jacked up, but if she thought she could trick me into blowing up my new social life she had another thing coming.

I took a detour into the ladies room because I hadn't relieved myself all morning and my bladder doesn't perform well under stress. As soon as I had emptied it and prepared myself for the second half of my day, I heard the bathroom door open and a group of girls walk in, or more like, I smelt them walk in. The stench of their expensive try-hard perfume overpowered even the most pungent of school bathroom odours.

"Who was that random chick you were with in Music, Whits?" a girl with a giggly voice that irritated the heck out of me piped up.

"I know, right, did you see her hair?" said a girl with a much huskier voice started. "I mean, hello, ever heard of a little thing called conditioner?"

"Caitlyn Gellar? She's alright, I guess. I saw her talking to Tyler, and I just couldn't risk it," the unmistakeable voice of Whitney hit my ears and I froze, my underwear still around my ankles.

"Risk what, Whitney?" Husky-voice asked.

"Letting Tess Tyler have a friend," Whitney laughed condescendingly. "I mean, come on, I'm doing both girls a favour. Tess can keep up her reputation as a total loser, and Caitlyn doesn't have to be associated with a total loser. It's win-win!"

"And what if she turns out to be a total drag?" Giggles mused.

"Then we ditch the bitch," Whitney sighed. "No biggie."

My ears turned bright red in fury and I hitched up my panties before opening up the cubicle door. "Hello, Whitney," I muttered through gritted teeth.

Whitney spun around, obviously surprised and a little embarrassed to see me there, but showing no remorse for her words. "Oh, hi Caitlyn."

The two girls who I assumed to be Husky and Giggles exchanged awkward glances and I silently washed my hands in the basin, and continued to re-apply their lip-gloss.

"So… you sitting with us for lunch, Caity?" Whitney made an attempt at small talk while she primped her hair in the mirror.

"My name's Caitlyn," I snapped. "And I think I'll pass."

"Oh?" Whitney looked down her nose at me. "Well, you're not going to get any better offers, trust me."

"You think you're the best option?" I let out a slightly hysterical laugh. "Really? I thought Tess Tyler was horrible, but you, you're a piece of work, Whitney."

"Tyler, horrible?" Whitney cackled, obviously amused at my apparent naivety. "Tess Tyler couldn't be horrible to anyone if she tried!"

"Are you serious?" I huffed. "You said…"

"I said she's a freak. A nobody. Just because her mother has glitter in her veins doesn't mean it runs in the family," Whitney sniped. "She's one apple that fell way too far from the tree."

"What are you talking about?" I spluttered. "Tess Tyler is the nastiest person I know!"

"You mustn't know many people then," Whitney rolled her eyes like she was talking to an infant, while her two lackeys giggled mechanically. "Look, I'm only going to say this one more time. Tess Tyler is a talentless hack with no personality who doesn't belong here. So you can either go and join her in the dork club or actually enjoy your sophomore year with us."

I glanced between the Whitney's smug look, to the delighted expression on her clones' faces, to the exit. I took a deep breath before replying.

"I think I'll take my chances," I shrugged, and left the three girls with a smile of self-satisfaction spread across my face.

But inside my mind, my thoughts were racing. I had always wondered why I hadn't heard Tess's names in the tabloids more often, knowing her penchant for drama and attention-seeking that she displayed at Camp Rock. But the Tess that Whitney described was nothing like the one I had experienced for the last three years. The Tess I knew was obnoxious and insufferable and talented, and she knew it, using every opportunity she could to flaunt what she had that everyone else wanted.

As I walked into the cafeteria my eyes told a different story. Tess was sitting by herself at an empty table, while surrounding students threw furtive glances at her, which she ignored. I sighed, and went to collect a tray and whatever delicious menu options that this school offered. Glancing around for a seat, I sighed and admitted that I should probably at least try and make amends with Tess. She did try to warn me about Whitney's artificiality, after all. I approached her table reluctantly and stood silently until she looked up at me petulantly.

"Can I sit here?" I tried to smile, but I think it turned into the sort of face one makes when they're about to sneeze.

"Suit yourself," she shrugged, focusing her attention back on her macaroni.

"I wanted to apologise," I slid in opposite her and attempted to make her look at me again.

"Whatever," she grumbled, stabbing at the pasta ferociously.

"No, Tess, I'm serious. You were right about Whitney," I sighed, digging into my sloppy joe.

"I usually am," she sneered.

"But you tried to help me. You were actually being nice. I mean, what the heck, Tess? Why would you do that?"

"You really want to know?" Tess dropped her fork and glared at me in such a way that it made my insides clench like I've never experienced before.

"Yeah," I breathed.

"Honestly? Mitchie wasn't the only one lying about herself at Camp Rock. Back home I'm not Tess Tyler, Queen Bee. I'm Tess Tyler, friendless freak. Nobody's busting their butts to it with me at the lunch table. They're either too scared of what Whitney will do to them if they're associated with me, or they believe the rumors she's spread about me," Tess wrinkled her nose.

"Rumors?" I wrinkled my nose as I leant in, clinging on to her every word. This completely different Tess I was seeing was utterly intriguing.

"If everything Whitney McGregor said about me was true, then by my calculations I should have given birth to about fifteen illegitimate love children in the last year, been to rehab nine times in six months, suffered from every kind of eating disorder, and oh, and the story of the day is that I let Shane Gray do me in the keister at Camp Rock," Tess shrugged.

"Gross!" I gagged, trying to suppress my laughter at the ridiculousness of it all, before guiltily thinking back to my conversation with Whitney in Music, suspecting that what I had said had been a factor in the construction of that little piece of gossip.

"I know, right?" Tess cried. "I only gave him one stinkin' blowjob!"

I abruptly stopped laughing and gaped at her. Oh no, Mitchie would be so heartbroken if…

"Sarcasm, Caitlyn," Tess rolled her eyes. "I made a joke. This is the part where you el oh el."

"Okay, you are seriously freaking me out. You're making jokes, being friendly, acting the complete opposite to who you are! I know who you are, Tess! This isn't you!" I exclaimed.

"Or maybe you just thought you knew me," she shrugged, picking her fork back up and shovelling some more macaroni into he mouth.

"You're eating carbs!" I gasped. The Tess Tyler I knew wouldn't go near food with a high GI if her life depended on it.

"Crazy!" Tess's mouth twitched in amusement.

I sat in silence for a moment, trying to take in this completely new person in front of me. "So why are you such a bitch at camp?"

"Look, Caitlyn, I don't expect you to understand, and I certainly don't expect you to forgive me, but I can't really give an explanation," she bit her lip. "It's the one place I can go where I'm in control of what people think of me."

"So… let me get this straight. You're a total bitchface for summer, but for the rest of the year, you're actually relatively normal?" I stared at her in disbelief.

"Pretty much," she shrugged again. Her indifference to the situation was infuriating.

"That's stupid!" I burst out. "Why wouldn't you just be yourself?"

"Because being myself is shit," Tess snapped, glaring up at me. "Look around, Caitlyn. You honestly think I enjoy this? If you had the chance to go someplace where no one knew who you were, wouldn't you just try and be someone completely different? Anyone you wanted?"

I raised an eyebrow at her, and she sighed. "No, of course you wouldn't."

"There isn't anyone I want to be but myself," I shrugged.

"Well, not all of us are lucky enough to be that comfortable in our own skin. I didn't think anyone would ever find out, so I just thought of how Whitney seemed so happy, and basically just acted like her, except I toned it down a bit."

"That was Whitney toned down?" I choked

"Oh yeah. You have no idea what she's capable of."

An uncomfortable silence settled over the half-finished meals, apples and chocolate puddings, and I decided that was my cue to leave. I had a lot to think about anyway. So I coughed lightly, and stood up, picking up my pudding whilst dexterously 'forgetting' my fruit, and gave Tess a sort of half-wave.

So, I guess I'll see you round?" I posed it more as a question than a statement. I still wasn't sure if this Tess was the real deal, and wouldn't go back to hating my guts tomorrow.

"I'll be around," she smiled up at me, and that was when I realised I was stupid for even considering that possibility.

This started out as a one-shot but just got so unbelievably out of control that I changed it to a three-shot. The next two parts should be up in the next day or so, once I've put on the finishing touches.