Chapter 20 –finale chapter
Uther had been locked
away for 5 days.
Every day a passing guard would tell him of the
changes Arthur made in Camelot.
On the 1st
Arthur was mad king.
On the 2nd
Arthur lifted the ban on magic.
On the 3rd
Merlin was made court sorcerer.
On the 4th
Lancelot returned as Arthur's head knight. The first thing he did
was marry Gwen.
On the 5th
in front of the entire court and everyone they loved Arthur asked
Merlin to marry him. Merlin said yes.
So now on his 6th
day on the cells Uther was brought to trial. He was placed on his
knees in front of his son the now king of Camelot. Looking up he
noticed the change in Arthur, he was no longer as joyful as he once
was and his eyes look tired. Try as he might Uther could not hide
from the fury that was burning in his sons eyes.
Looking down at Uther
in disgust Arthur began the trial.
"Uther Pendragon on Camelot
you are charged with rape, kidnap, treason and murder" Arthur
looked around the room "If I had my way you'd already be dead...
but under the advice and wishes of my court sorcerer and my fiancé I
have placed you under child, there really is no arguing with Merlin,
he'll just look at you with puppy dog eyes until you fall for it"
Merlin almost glared at Arthur but stopped himself "my advisors and
myself will vote on your outcome" Uther felt his body tense up.
"Let's start the voting them shall we" Arthur smirked "my
Lady Queen Helen your vote please" the crowd turned as a women
emerged from the crowd pulling the green clock away to show her
"So you're the man
who took my daughter away from me. You're the one who killed my
child and would be son" Queen Helen looked at Uther in pour hate
"I've heard much of you Uther Pendragon during my stay here, I
would have like to been able to tell people you were a good king
before you lost your way, but I have never cared for lying"
is your vote my friend" Arthur called
"He is a monster. I want
nothing more than to watch him burn" she growled
"so you vote
death" Queen Helen nodded at Arthur.
"Merlin what is your
vote" Merlin looked horrified
"I have none, I will not vote"
"Merlin you are the court sorcerer, my fiancé and most of all
you are the one he has hurt the most. You must vote in this" Arthur
"Merlin listen to me"
"no Arthur you
listen to me" Merlin screamed tears forming in the corners of his
eyes "you say he's hurt me the most and it's true. I was locked
away for I don't know how long, I tried to kill myself because of
him" Lancelot's eyes turned over to Merlin in shock, nearly all
the crowd stared at him, Merlin and Arthur had never told anyone
about this "He killed Adianna, the closest thing I ever had to a
sister and Callum he was one of my best friends, he helped me
understand things even you couldn't. That man tore everything I
love away from me I want nothing to do with him. If he lives he
lives, if he dies he dies I will not decide him fate" Merlin yelled
tears streaming down his face
"Merlin I'm sorry truly I didn't
mean to" Arthur tried to apologize
"s'ok" Merlin sniffed
wiping the tears away from his eyes.
Staring at Merlin for a
second loner Arthur turned to Morgona "what do you think Morgona?"
Morgona's face turned into an evil grin
"death is such a
waste, we could lock him up for the rest of his life, watch him die
slowly as each day passed"
"so you vote he is locked away"
Morgona nodded.
Arthur raised an eyebrow at Lancelot
Lancelot what is your vote"
"death" Lancelot stated
Arthur looked over at
Gaius "Gaius your vote"
"I agree with Morgona sire, Uther
should be locked away" Gaius didn't even flinch as his old
friends locked on him "Gaius... your my friend why are you doing
this" Uther stuttered, Gaius turned to look at him "for what you
did to Merlin I will never forgive you. Do not for one second think I
don't know what you did I was the one to treat his wounds, I saw
the blood and the scars. Be grateful I don't kill you myself" he
spat at the fallen man
"I should thank you Gaius you were always
so loyal to my father"
"I am loyal to you now my king, you and
Merlin will lead this kingdom into the golden age of Camelot" his
smile reflected the one showing on Merlin and Arthur's faces.
Arthur looked down at
Uther. He had once loved this man, believed his was a good father and
an even better king. Now all he felt was hate.
"So you life
hangs on my decision" he smirked "are you scared Uther to know
that you life is in the hands of your beloved son that hates you so"
he laughed as Uther tensed "you've taken so much from me. I
almost lost Merlin because of you, more than once I've had to watch
his die a little inside and slips away from me because of you" he
growled "what about Adianna the beautiful princes who only wanted
to meet the family she was marrying into. What about CALLUM he was
your son. MY BROTHER and you killed him. Your own son" Arthur rose
from his throne drawing his sword resting it on Uthers neck "I've
promised so many people so many different things. I've always had a
promise to myself though. I swore I'd always protect the people I
loved and make anyone that hurt them pay for it with their lives. For
what you've done you deserve more than death"
"what is your
decision my lord" Lancelot called, Merlin appeared at Arthur's
side taking one of his hands in his own
"kill him, I want to
watch him burn like they did" Arthur's voice echoed in the room.
They stood together on
the balcony and watched his death. Merlin held his hand as Arthur
watched his father be tied up the pyre.
"WAIT" Arthur ordered
"WHAT" Morgona and Queen Helen exploded
"I want to
light the fire myself" Merlin let go of Arthur's hand as he made
his way down to the pyre. Talking the torch from one of the guards
Arthur smiled at Uther "Goodbye Uther" he smiled and dropped the
torch at Uther's feet lighting the fire that spread across the pyre
within seconds.
They stood back as watched as Uther died and Merlin felt a little bit safer. Uther was gone he had nothing to fear anymore. He had lost so much but Arthur was always there with him. Arthur would always be there for Merlin and Merlin would always be there with Arthur in this life and the next. They were free to do anything and everything they had always wanted to do.
Wow I finally finished it. I don't really know what to say I've been writing this for who knows how long and it's finally done. I'd like to thank everyone who has read and reviewed this story from the start. There will be a sort of squeal this is I'll start it as soon as I can. Ily nimi1611 xoxox