the Trouble With Pets
Chapter 4
Iruka had finished tossing a lettuce salad and put together things for the fish fry. When he walked towards the door, orange ears peaked over the couch in the living room. "Ruka who's that?"
"You'll see." The human chimed as he turned the knob. Behind the door was a tall man with shoulder length brown hair and a goatee. Behind him were three small figures. A wolf hybrid, bunny and dog domestic. They were all hiding behind the legs of their owner, noses crazy as they sniffed the air around them. "Hi Tatami!" Iruka smiled wide. "Come in! Oh they are too cute. Hey little guys!"
Sasuke came in the back door just in time to see guests arriving through the front door. He smirked at Konohamaru and greeted the hybrids' owner with a nod. He saw the anxious look on Naruto's face- he looked like he couldn't decide whether to tackle the wolf hybrid to play with him or hide from the strange human.
"That is just Tatami. He and Iruka work together for the KHPA. Tatami still works in the Nursery though- which is where I was born."
Naruto didn't look to the leopard, simply stared at the new group with wide eyes. He bobbed down, then back up to see they were still there. He saw from behind the tall male human was a young wolf. The fox saw he was doing the same thing behind his owner. But when Tatami moved forward the puppies lost their safe shield.
The wolf scrambled back to the human, his nervous eyes went to Sasuke and back to his owner. He whined a bit but Tatami wouldn't have any of that. He was a firm owner and knew they would need to get over their apprehension. He picked up the wolf who was the most anxious and brought him closer to the others. Tatami's face gritted a tad when claws grazed his skin.
Naruto jumped over the couch and went beside Iruka. He stood as tall as he could to see the wolf.
Sasuke was a bit irritated to note that he was more used to introductions with humans than he was with other exotics, but at least that meant he was calm. It was part of being a full time fighter for the last four years. He spent more time around unfamiliar humans every week than most pets would in a lifetime. "This is Naruto, and I'm Sasuke."
He licked the wolf's ear and smiled at the two domestics. "What are your names, since we didn't get introduced earlier..."
The bunny shyly looked to the side and murmured, "Moegi and that's Udon." The puppy hid behind Moegi not wanting to be scrutinized. But the wolf squirmed in the human's arms. "Tami, let me downn!" Konohamaru pouted.
"Okay, okay." The deep voice chuckled. Tatami put the wolf down and saw Naruto's eyes go wide.
The fox pawed forward and hesitated only a second before he bounded forward to roll with Konohamaru. He kya-ed loudly as the two squabbled into the large open living room. Knocked off balance by the playful fox, Konohamaru growled indignantly and struggled.
Knowing the new arrival was probably having flashbacks of being held down and groomed by him in the grass outside, Sasuke smirked. Udon and Moegi were huddled close together, by one of the chairs. Both were keenly watching the fox and the wolf, but Sasuke knew they were still wary of him too. He knew not to take it personally, they'd forget to be nervous eventually... He looked at the clock on the wall and wondered if Kakashi had decided to stay the night at home in Konoha or if he'd be back before dark.
Naruto sniffed at the wolf, his nose went over the cub. "Hey! You smell like Sasuke!" The blond exclaimed, "Why do you smell like Sasuke?" He wondered. The larger exotic licked at the wolf as he wiggled around.
"The wolf cub and I met outside and as my annoying older brother would say, he was distinctly unfriendly. So I volunteered to teach him some manners." Sasuke answered coolly. The wolf blushed and squirmed out from under the distracted fox. Sasuke rolled onto his side and arched one eyebrow. His tail twitched as the wolf backed away but growled at him. "You don't really want to try round two, do you, Puppy?"
"Then relax, maybe we should go outside while they fix dinner. You guys can wrestle out there without knocking over the coffee table."
smiled wide. "Let's go!" He pushed Sasuke forward as the
other three followed them rather reluctantly. He bounced down the
wooden porch steps and was lost in the tall grass.
Once the wolf
was a few steps into the grass he didn't see the fox. Konohamaru
froze, ears pricked and alert as he padded carefully through the
Moegi and Udon had the sense to stay up on the deck and looked curiously down from behind the railing. Sasuke meanwhile was back in his Catalpa tree, his long black tail dangling contentedly behind his sprawled form.
He sniffed the air but as the fox's scent was everywhere in the grass near the deck, the young wolf whimpered. He didn't like being this vulnerable in unfamiliar territory again.
Naruto watched the wolf with keen blue eyes. He could see everything the pup did, never taking his eyes off of the new exotic. His behind rose, shook and then stopped moving all together. He let the natural instincts inside his body take over. The fox sprung forward, leaping into the air and pounced on the wolf. His body rolled with the force and he landed on top of the wolf. Naruto was full of giggles.
Konohamaru found himself bowled over
again. But the fox was giggling and he couldn't help grinning back as
he twisted his body and squirmed around, trying to gain the upper
Wrestling with Sasuke had been scary- and the leopard
wasn't even angry! Naruto was older and stronger than he was too, but
the fox was also in a playful mood. Konohamaru nipped playfully at
one orange ear and used the distraction to pounce on the fox this
From the tree, Sasuke snorted. "He's not balanced at all, Naruto. Grab his knee and lower leg while you push up with your hips. You can toss him right over your head that way."
Naruto followed Sasuke's direction and the wolf flew over his head. With a loud roar Naruto pinned Konohamaru on the ground. He was on top of the wolf's back and nibbled on brown fluffy ears. But soon he licked gently to groom. The fox purred and licked the back of his new friends head. Konohamaru was going to growl, but he huffed instead and decided to squirm around so that he could groom the fox's tail instead.
"Alright everyone, dinner is ready!" Tatami called out.
Naruto's tail flicked into the wolf-pup's face, teasing him. The fox giggled playfully and rolled off of his playmate. When the call for dinner came though he jumped up and ran onto the porch. He could smelled the fish they caught earlier and wanted some bad.
Iruka had put down his supplies and set up his table top fryer on the cooking bench. They were there in the cabin so much out of the year he had a bunch of gadgets like the fryer. When he least expected it though, he felt arms wrap themselves protectively around his waist. He only had to barely look down to see the yellow hair and black tipped orange ears to know it was his kit.
"Are you getting along with our guests Naru?" Iruka asked softly before the others bounded onto the wooden porch. He kissed the top of Naruto's head as he felt the tail curl around his leg. The fox nodded positive and burried his face into his human's belly. Naruto purred a bit before he untangled himself from his owner and sat down at the table.
Sasuke stretched and yawned as he thought about joining the others. A flicker of movement caught his eye and realized that from his perch, he could see the edge of the road that linked the cabins in this area. Two cars with tinted windows rolled slowly past the cabin and Sasuke's tail curled curiously.
He got distracted though when a gust of wind made his stomach growl as he tasted the scent of Iruka's cooking.
With the mysterious cars now out of sight, he dropped out of the tree and took an empty seat next to Naruto at the picnic table. The fox had a leaf stuck in his hair so Sasuke pulled it out and then groomed the yellow strands neatly back into place.
Naruto watched the other pups carefully, blushing a little as the leopard purred and kept licking him. The other pets were grouped around their own owner, Tatami. They giggled as Sasuke kept licking the fox. But the human coaxed them to sit down too.
"Sasuke, could you pass the..." Iruka grinned watching the cat grooming his fox. "Sasuke!"
Naruto finally nudged him with an elbow. Still purring, the cat glanced at the human lazily. "Sasuke, I think maybe you should sit on the other side of me while we have our dinner since you already forgot about the food..."
Across the table, Tatami's eyes widened. "So it's true? I mean okay, I guess if he were mine I'd be worried too. But man, is Kakashi nuts? Changing collars on Sasuke while he's- you know..." Sasuke stood up from the table quietly, but rather than move to the spot Iruka scooted over to make for him, the cat left the screened porch and went upstairs. Tatami hadn't noticed the cat was gone, and continued. "Sure, Sasuke's the best fighter out there, but it will still hurt his stud value if his cubs are anything less than as perfectly bred as he is."
Naruto's ears drooped as he pouted. Where did the moody cat go? He had the urge to get up and follow him but stopped. The look on Iruka's face told him to stay put. A small whine gurgled up from his belly but his attention was taken when the smaller wolf pup pawed at his knee. The fox looked back for a second but batted the paw away. He was worried about Sasuke and didn't full understand what just happened. Some of the conversation were things he didn't know about, and it confused him. With a heavy sigh, Naruto waited patiently for his fish fry. He would probably bring some to the moody cat later.
Iruka shrugged at his guest. "Sasuke isn't mine, I don't control his fights or things like his collar. It's out of my hands. You should ask Kakashi when he gets back if you want a better answer." He wasn't worried too much about his cat, Sasuke would brood and then be back later when things were on a different topic. "Pound for pound, he is the best fighter in the world, and his cubs will be beautiful. I don't think the product of him breeding will be whats important to him or the people in his life. We're more focused on his mental and emotional well being right now." Iruka said kindly. He and Tatami had been friends for a long time, and he knew the other pet owner would understand.
Tatami grinned sheepishly and nodded. "Oops, sorry. This is why we shouldn't bring our work to the dinner table. But we hardly ever get to talk anymore, you've been so busy lately. I guess I'll have to apologize to Sasuke too- I forgot he's so smart and sensitive. So you took your new boat out today? Sounds nice, you sure caught a lot of great fish."
Iruka nodded and smiled.
Konohamaru spoke up, "Hey? I don't get it... You guys are both talking about that cat? He's not big enough to be a good fighter... and I'm a purebred too you know."
Tatami ruffled the cub's brown ears. "You've got a lot of growing up to do, little one. Now eat your lunch," he added.
Naruto pouted again. What were all these words, he didn't understand at all. He pawed at Iruka's tan arm. "Ruka, What's a purebred?" He asked sincerely. Iruka turned to his fox and pet the top of his head.
"A purebred is an exotic that comes from a line of purebreds. Like Sasuke, his parents are both purebreds and so on. He has papers that talk about his lineage, his family tree. So does Konohamaru." He pointed to the wolf pup.
Konohamaru nodded as Tatami petted him. But Naruto still didn't understand. "What if you're not a purebred?"
"Non purebred exotics are called mutts. They are still prized among owners but some are not as looked after."
" I a purebred?" He asked a little hesitant, afraid of the answer. He didn't want to be different, be a mutt.
Iruka looked for the right answer, he didn't want to sugar coat things but he wanted Naruto to learn about his background. "Naru-kit, when we found you, your papers were not there. But we are trying to find them. We know the farm only held purebred exotics, but they hid your lineage papers." He pet the fox's blond hair. "You are a purebred, even if we don't have your paperwork."
Tatami nodded, smiling at the fox. "He's right. Foxes were pretty much bred out, by crossing them with other strains of exotics to make cubs with quicker reflexes. So you are even more rare than the smaller great cat types like Sasuke. If you really are one of Kushina's cubs like Tsunade thinks, then once Iruka has your papers, you'll be in demand too someday."
Konohamaru growled. He didn't like being the only exotic at the table that was being ignored. His ears tipped back and his tail twitched unhappily. Moegi put a tiny paw on his arm. "It's okay, Konohamaru! When you're older I'm sure you'll be famous too! Wolves make great fighters. Just look at uncle Asuma!"
The exotic owner frowned as he reached out to pet the wolf. His fur was soft and fluffy beneath his fingertips. He pulled gently on an ear to play with the child. "Buck up pup. You'll be awesome. You have a great master to guide you." Iruka smiled over to Tatami and a light blush formed over his cheeks. Iruka was somewhat tired of waiting so long for Sasuke's owner with his aloof nature.
Naruto couldn't stuff any more food into his mouth. He was sad and wanted to be like the kits at the table and most of all Sasuke. They were purebred and had their papers to prove it. Before he had his papers he wasn't much at all but Iruka's fox. Ear fell a bit as he swallowed the food down his throat. It hurt as it went down and made his eyes water. With both clawed hands he took a glass and big gulp of water to ease the pain. He was different and he knew it.
Sasuke knew Tatami didn't mean his
words the way they came out- but they still stung. He was a friend
and companion to Kakashi but more than that he was still a
Unlike most pets, Sasuke understood what that
meant. He knew he was lucky to have such an understanding owner, most
exotics whether they were fighters or not, were not so lucky. Night
after night while he and Kakashi traveled on the fighting circuit,
the TV news talked about hybrids being beaten and even starved to
make them more vicious in battle or bred without proper registration
for the sake of illegally selling their babies.
The people who worked in the KHPA were doing all they could to protect the hybrid population, but good owners and trainers were outnumbered, and not enough police cooperation with prosecuting cruelty cases made their job even harder. Naruto was lucky to have been found and rescued. He felt a strong urge to go to the fox and make sure he was safe. The human part of his mind told him that he was being ridiculous, because Iruka wouldn't let anything happen to his beloved fox- especially at the dinner table. Still... it was all but impossible to argue with instinct- it just didn't listen to reason. Especially where it concerned his mate. It seemed he was destined to learn about mating that the hard way now that he wasn't getting his shots or any other hormones from his collar either.
Thankfully they were still at the table eating, and he sat beside Iruka. "Sorry..." He grumbled.
"So am I," Tatami said warmly. "I haven't seen you or Kakashi in a while and I guess I forgot to mind my manners. So that press conference today is for real? You're not fighting anymore this year?"
Sasuke nodded slowly. "That's what Tsunade and Kakashi decided."
Tatami smiled. "I'm just glad you came out of the match okay, everyone at the Agency was really worried."
"Thanks," Sasuke said quietly.
Naruto swallowed the food in his mouth and looked past his master to the leopard. "You were in a match? Are you okay?" His voice was worried. What had happened to Sasuke? Ears turned and pushed down against his head to show the concern. Blue eyes looked around to the humans for answers but didn't see anything in their expressions that revealed any answers.
As Naruto was worried, Konohamaru looked a bit disgruntled that conversation was steered away from him. He wasn't a total attention whore but his nose was scrunched and the food lost it's flavor. Well, only slightly. He would never turn away food.
"This is good, Iruka," Sasuke said taking a bite of the fish. "I've been in a lot of matches but I still had to get a new collar... that's why I keep trying to mate with you, Naruto."
Iruka stared at the leopard and his mouth hung open slightly. "Uh..thanks Sasuke. You- you've had this kind of fish before, but I guess it has been a while." He looked over to his fox and put a hand up to his shoulder to rub at it. He thought what Sasuke said was a little too blunt, but from the look of it Naruto wasn't fazed.
"Sasuke, you didn't answer my question." The fox said. "Are you okay?"
Sasuke nodded. He was glad that Naruto was worried about him so the end of his tail reached behind Iruka and stroked the length of Naruto's tail. Sasuke snorted bitterly at the memory though, "I wasn't hurt by the stupid shark. It only hurt when my collar shocked me for attacking him..."
"That sounds awful." The touch on his tail felt nice but he was still somewhat confused. He didn't know what to think about Sasuke fighting. It made him excited but it was also unnerving. On one side Sasuke could have been hurt badly from the other fighter or just the collar as the leopard said. But Naruto wanted to see his future mate fight. It made his body tingle, and he wanted to roll around like they had earlier. His legs felt hot just from thinking about it.
"I can't stand the thought of losing so I won't ever give up- but I don't want to kill anyone either. Sometimes it's hard to stop myself..."
"Alright I'm sorry I brought that topic up now," Tatami said softly. "You don't have to think about it anymore now, Sasuke. Have you been swimming in the lake yet?"
Sasuke wrinkled up his nose in disgust. "No!" He growled, "There are fish and crabs and weeds living in that water..."
Naruto's eyes shined. "I've been in the lake! It's great! The water feels great, and the fish nip at your toes. It really tickles. Don't listen to Sasuke, the lake is the best." The fox exclaimed. He would know, he liked going in the water.
Konohamaru's face frowned. He liked water but the lake sounded big and scary. But if that stupid fox loved it so much, what was the big deal. "I wanna go." The wolf pup said.
Sasuke growled, glad that he was still too busy eating to be asked to go with the other pets. He knew he was still wearing his swimming trunks from their outing on the lake, but he still wasn't about to get wet. Being out in the rain this morning had been quite enough water for one day.
Iruka smiled at the excited faces and wagging tails of the younger hybrids. "Alright, go on. Sasuke you should go with them."
Sasuke growled but didn't protest as he took the last scoop of potato salad in a paper bowl and followed the little ones toward the lake.
Naruto had bounded through the tall grass and trees to the lake he loved so much. The wolf was not far behind him calling out, "Hey fox! Wait up!" He would grumble, "My legs are not as long as yours!"
"Too bad!" Naruto called over his shoulder but a low bush almost tripped him and Konohamaru caught up to him. The pup laughed at the fox and nipped at an ear when Naruto wasn't looking. "HEY!" Naruto whined, growling at the pup. After a few more episodes like that they were at the lake.
Sasuke was already unhappy that he was going back toward the fish infested water, and watching the wolf and the fox playing tag all the way there was making him even more irritable. He growled watching the playful pair, every time Konohamaru touched Naruto, Sasuke had to focus on staying calm, reminding himself that the wolf cub was still several months too young to breed. It should have also helped that he and the fox had been so close that morning, and that Naruto wasn't attracted to the wolf but Sasuke just couldn't help growling. His ears were pinned back and his tail thrashed restlessly by the time he skulked up to a nearby tree and settled on one of its branches.
Naruto was getting pissed off now. The little shit was jumping on him non-stop. "Come on, the water is fine. Get off me." He growled, finally getting in the water. He paddled back to see that Konohamaru was anxious about getting in the water.
"But what if a crab pinches me?" The wolf called out as he trotted back and forth on the shore.
"Then bite it's head off!" Naruto called from a few splashes out.
Konohamaru bounded into the water toward him with a splash, drenching himself and the fox. "You're right!" He laughed as he came up sputtering. "The water is nice here! Moegi, Udon get over here! Hey! Where are you guys?"
Once the oblivious pair reached the water they were more interested in swimming than pushing each other around, but Sasuke knew that his new collar had already given him a small dose of tranquilizer to control his aggression. He'd been ranked a priority one hybrid since he was six months old and that meant his collar would do everything in its power to keep him from losing control and displaying any violent behavior. It hadn't had enough time to get used to him yet so it would not know that he was not angry enough to attack anyone. Still, he decided it wasn't all bad. The small tranq had taken the edge out of his hormones and now he was ready for a nap.
"Come on you scardy cat!" Naruto called out from his rock. His clothes were soaked and his fur drenched. The fox shook it all out and laid down on the large rock. From the shore the wolf howled a little uncomfortably. He put a paw into the water and took it out to shake the chilly water off. "It's cold!"
"But you get used to it!" The voice carried into the wind. "Scardy pup, scardy pup!"
Konohamaru growled, "I'm NOT a scardy cat or a pup! I'll show you!" He jumped into the water and a loud squeal rumbled as he swam out to the rock. "I'LL GET YOU!" He yelled.
"Scaredy cat??" Sasuke picked his head up and snorted arching one eyebrow. He growled a little louder but sighed and his tail wasn't twitching as much as it had been earlier and his ears weren't pinned back as far as before either. He could bulldog both of the idiots right now but he wasn't going to- mostly because that would mean getting wet...
Moegi and Udon had noticed Sasuke had calmed down too, and finally the tiny bunny came close enough to put her toes in the water. Udon scampered a few feet in, and then came back for her.
"Konohamaru? Look! What's this?" She asked, picking up something shiny that had been half buried in the sand and rocks.
The wolf swam towards the shore and squinted his eyes. "What is that? Is it a toy?" He went out of the water and stood over the bunny to see the item. "Ohh it's a toy soldier. It's neat." He dripped water onto the soil and created a puddle. Before he could look over the toy, Naruto burst in between the bunny and wolf and took it.
"Wow, what's this?" He asked, holding it up to the light. "Cool!"
Moegi looked around. "I wish there were more of them. Then we could all play with them together."
"I know!" Konohamaru said, "Everybody pick up a stick and we'll use them as swords. We'll be the... Guardians of the Lake."
Moegi wrinkled up her nose and shook her head, but her ears drooped timidly. "But Tami doesn't like it when we play fight..."
Konohamaru sighed. "Don't worry Moe. We won't be fighting anyone for real, we'll all be a team! Like the Power Rangers- but better!"
Naruto stared at them with a confused face. He didn't know what a sword was or Power Rangers. He held up the toy and ran around a bit as if the toy man was flying. What he wanted was to play with Sasuke. When the cat lounged a bit and eyes closed, Naruto saw the majestic tail swoop down from the perch. He pawed at it playfully, smiling up at the cat when a disgruntled face looked down at him. "Sasuuu..." He whined a little. "Come play with me?" He asked.
"Aren't you supposed to be swimming or something?"
Naruto only whimpered again and pawed at the tree trunk. Sasuke sighed because he liked it that the fox wanted to be with him- especially when he was already surrounded by playmates. Warily, he dropped down from his perch, he was tired, but he still wanted to be close to his fox.
He yawned and stretched. "Well, I'm not getting in the yucky water, but what do you want to play..."
Naruto's playful eyes glistened and he put his hands over Sasuke's careful eyes. "I want to play hide and sneak." He jumped excitedly and purred. "I go hide and you sneak me! Kay, count to a billion and I'll go hide. No peaking!" he said and ran off to hide from the beautiful leopard.
Hide and seek, he could deal with, but a billion? Sasuke wasn't sure how many that was exactly, but he knew it was a really big number... He counted for a while, until he got tired of it at two hundred, and then he started to look around. His long tail twitched as he tasted the air, casting for scents.
He was a pretty fair tracker but his quarry was clever. He lost Naruto's scent at the water so he paused to look around. Sasuke checked in the nearby rock piles and glanced at the nearby trees. He checked the edge of the water for tracks but with Konohamaru and the two domestics around, all the scents were too jumbled together. This was going to take a while, he had a feeling.
Naruto had ran off into the forest while Sasuke counted. He chuckled to himself as the leopard wandered further away from him. He watched from far away and he climbed a tree much like Sasuke would and waited.
After a while, he didn't see Sasuke anymore. He yawned and used his claws to sharpen on wood bark. Naruto wanted to be found and maybe pounced. He giggled to himself.
Since Konohamaru and the others were playing together in the water and didn't seem to be paying attention to him or Naruto, Sasuke decided the fox must have left the water completely or he'd be picking up some kind of a scent from him.
He moved lightly through the woods, still tasting the air as he walked. He knew the fox would usually be hiding in the underbrush. But Naruto was used to Sasuke lurking in trees so Naruto was probably not going to hide from him on the ground. He was smart enough to know he'd be caught there too easily. He wondered for a moment if the fox had gone to hide in the cabin, but he doubted that too. This game was Naruto's idea that meant he'd be too easily trapped once he was found if he was already indoors.
He'd be waiting for him somewhere high, where he could see him coming. Sasuke's tail twitched again. He tasted the wind as he walked, keeping his eyes on the tree limbs. His ear twitched unhappily as he decided this game was going to dry out the roof of his mouth. The scent of his mate finally teased his senses again and Sasuke growled quietly as he swung toward it.
Eager blue eyes peered down from a nearby tree limb and Sasuke jumped into the tree to join him.
The tree branch bounced with the new weight on it but Naruto smiled. "You found me!" He walked towards Sasuke and rubbed his face underneath Sasuke's neck. "Want to play again?" He asked with mirth in his voice. When the leopard laid down on the branch to nap he frowned. "You don't want to play again?" A heavy paw jutted out and caught him around the waist. He yelped softly but was pressed against the strong chest. A loud purr erupted from the cat's throat and he mewled happily to be held so close.
Sasuke was just glad that Naruto hadn't simply run off and made him chase after him again. That was what he'd been expecting from his rather obstinate mate, but if the fox wasn't complaining, Sasuke could be content with being close to him. He probably would've gone straight to sleep too thanks to the tranquilizer from earlier, if it wasn't for a stray leaf in Naruto's hair. Sasuke couldn't resist pulling the leaf out and then grooming the golden strands back into place. He breathed a contented sigh, still holding Naruto and took a nap.
The first thing Sasuke noticed when he woke up, was that it was already dark outside, and they were quite a distance from the cabin... The next thing he noticed, was that other than the lake water, Naruto smelled good. The fox carried his scent and Sasuke found the combination so oddly arousing that he couldn't stop himself from stripping and licking the shell of the sleepy blonde's ear.
Grumbling, Naruto wiggled a bit in Sasuke's embrace. But the lick at his ear made him moan, opening hazy blue eyes. Naruto focused on his mate and ears pulled down as he moved against the leopard. A pink tongue darted out of the fox's mouth to run up Sasuke's long throat. "Sasu," Naruto started as the heat bubbled in his belly. It didn't help that he was half asleep and they were laying in the trees, all alone.
A sneaky tail curled around both of them and wrapped itself around Sasuke's own long and luxurious tail. The tip rubbed against his rump and teased the Uchiha. Naruto's eyes were hooded and his breathing was labored. He raked a clawed hand down the bare chest to tease a nipple. Over come with emotion, he leaned forward to run his wet tongue along the hard nub.
Sasuke arched his back, moaning a little but he didn't want to be teased again or worse- interrupted. He took advantage of Naruto's receptiveness and pounced right on top of him. He straddled Naruto's hips but very gently, he nipped the fox's bottom lip before sucking on it slowly while purring. The fox moaned, grasping his hips tightly- as if desperate to feel more of his body against him. But he also cocked one ear up at him curiously.
Sasuke smirked, still purring and leaned down to nip his ear and then he whispered, "Don't stop..."
A deep shiver coursed through his body. Naruto's hips rolled underneath the leopard, his clawed hands moved from powerful chest, down to lean abs. Naruto sucked in a breath and started to pant. Electricity spurred through his body and pulling Sasuke's face down to his own, he began to devour his mate's mouth. Tongue prodded into the wet and slick cavern.
"Ahhh..." He groaned a bit as his erection pressed into Sasuke's riding leg. A trickle of pre-cum dripped out of his cock and the fox saw his lover move on top of him. His hand went to rub against Sasuke's arousal.
Instinctively Sasuke bucked against Naruto's hand- again it felt delicious but this time he wanted more than being touched there. His body was demanding release and he was very tired of fighting it. He reached back for his mate's hard cock, slathering the length of it with precum. Naruto moaned and before the fox could protest, he guided it inside him. It slid in easily and it felt strangely good having his mate inside him. Sasuke's purring deepened as he rocked his hips back and forth, not even noticing when his head tipped back, exposing his throat to the fox. As he moved, he liked the way that Naruto panted and gripped his hips more and more tightly- he wasn't protesting now, Sasuke thought smugly.
Moaning deeply, Naruto bucked up into his mate. The leopard was writhing on his long shaft and bounced wantonly. "" He half mumbled, taken by the feeling of being inside. Naruto's clawed hands held Sasuke's hips down and he rolled them in deep circles. But what caught his eye was the luscious bare neck that was open to him. His body moved on it's own as instinct took over. Leaning up in a swift arch, the fox bit down with force onto Sasuke's throat. It was hard enough to break the skin but not rip out anything vital. A small trickle of blood seeped into his mouth from the wound. Naruto tasted the metallic nature of the blood and growled. This was his mate, and no one would take Sasuke from him. Relentlessly he pounded in and out of the Uchiha.
Sasuke felt the bite but it only fed his pleasure. He leaned back more, putting his hands on Naruto's legs, changing the angle of penetration. Sasuke knew he was teasing his mate because he wasn't as deep now but he wondered how long it would take the fox to get frustrated and roll them over.
The view was great. Sasuke was getting sweaty, his ears pulled back and tail twitched. Growling, Naruto saw what Sasuke was doing. He couldn't get as deep with a hold on his thighs. His cock bobbed a bit neglected as he thrust down onto the fox. Grabbing the shaft, he pumped the leopard's erection. A thumb smeared the glistening drops of cum that beaded at the top. "That's right cat. I know you want it..." Naruto cooed out.
With one leg, he swung it underneath his mate and turned Sasuke onto his belly. Naruto growled loudly into the leopards cupped ear. "I'm going to make you beg for more." His tongue darted out to wet the fur and he nipped it as tan hips lined up with Sasuke's quivering backside. Shoving in again, it was deep and hard rhythm.
Sasuke wanted to snort but he moaned instead. Of course he wanted this- he'd started it consistently. Still, the fox's husky tone turned him on even more so he decided to point it out later. He backed into Naruto's every thrust for a while but decided he still wanted more.
He got comfortable in the fragrant grass, lying almost flat on his belly. He opened his legs wider and propped himself up a bit on his knees where he could stroke his cock. The position probably looked ridiculous, but he arched his back wantonly anyway, relishing the incredible pleasure that was building within him. "Yeah, " He purred, squeezing the muscles deep within his body. "Fuck me harder..."
Flicking his tongue out, Naruto tasted the air unconsciously. He breathed in and tasted theirs scent of sex and fluids. Groaning at the stimulation, his claws dug into Sasuke's hips and swung them towards his own. His cock glided in and out with a sweetness that he had never felt before. Even when they inserted the machine into his body to make him have babies, it was nothing like this. Never in his life had the fox believed there was anything that felt his good.
Leaning over the more defined body below him, he panted into Sasuke's sleek ears. "Nngg...Sasuke." He bit Sasuke's other shoulder, finding more strength in the possessiveness he reached around and fondled his mate's already pumping cock. Naruto smacked the leopard hand away with a growl. Replacing the pale hand with his own tan one, he gripped the feline's member with a strength not to injure but own. This was his body, his mate, his! Never before had the fox been this possessive.
Sasuke would never let anyone else treat him like this, but he had already chosen Naruto as his mate. His body was made for rough play and although he could reverse this at any time, he wasn't going to. Naruto needed the freedom to follow his instincts in order to begin accepting what Sasuke already knew; they belonged to each other.
"Yeah..." Sasuke purred low in his throat. Even though he'd never done this before, instinctively he knew he was close. "So good, Naruto."
Kissing and biting along the leopard's neck, Naruto can feel the most breath catching feeling deep with in his body. It was better than when they played before. So much better. His hips snap in a less rhythmic pattern and his hand pumps Sasuke's cock harder. "I...can feel something." Naruto panted out to the cat. "You feel so good around me." The fox's ears turn backwards and he grunts more as the feeling intensifies. "Ung...ahh...ahhh!" Naruto started to growl and make noises he never knew could come out of his mouth.
Sasuke could feel how close Naruto was by the tension in his body. They were both panting heavily and he felt that same sensation of tightness in himself too and he didn't fight it. He let it happen and was left seeing stars as the tension melted out of his body. That was amazing and for a while, Sasuke just laid there feeling happily dazed as Naruto's erratic thrusts finally settled into exhaustion too.
He turned over onto his back and nipped the fox's ear. "Now you're mine," He purred against his mate's neck.
"I'm happy," Naruto sighed sleepily as Sasuke's long tail looped around him.