Not all the clans are really filled out, simply becouse I lost my creative juices at some point. But I forgot to load up the alliances, so I am posting it now. Next chapter will be comming soon. I'll finish it either after I am done studying for finals, or after finals (school sucks, but it is almost over)

To Scorchwind: Yes, this is my first Warriors fanfic. I have been planning it for a while though, and I am glad you like it. I do take requests, just to let you know, and I am willing to accept an OC, if you'd like one you have to make an appearance. (special privlege, since you are the first reviewer for this fanfic)






Leader: Blazestar - Orange-Gold large, short-haired Tom with deep blue eyes.

Deputy: Braveheart - handsome tortie and white tom with one eye missing. Mate of Snowfur. Apprentice: Whitepaw

Medicine Cat: Mousefang - medium sized brown tabby tom. apprentice: Ravenpaw


Tigerstripe - Large black tabby tome with grey stripes. Originally of Moonclan. Mate of Sandtail. Apprentice: Smallpaw

Sandtail - Brown She-cat with a ginger tail. Apprentice: Dawnpaw

Lionclaw - Redish Gold tom with large paws. Apprentice: Dustpaw

Willowpelt - pretty light grey she cat with blue eyes.


Whitepaw - white, short haired tom with amber eyes.

Ravenpaw - small, black she-cat with a notch of her ear missing.

Smallpaw - Black tom with a ginger tail and unusually small front paws.

Dustpaw - brown tabby tom with dark flecks.

Dawnpaw - light orange she cat with blue eyes


Snowfur - pretty white, long-haired she cat with one green eye and one blue eye.

Moonflower - old black she cat. Oldest nursery Queen.

Leaftail - Light Orange she cat


OneEar - old tortie with one ear torn off. Oldest cat in Sunclan.


Bluekit - grey she cat with a white muzzle

Shadekit - Dark grey tom with a pale grey belly

Fernkit - light grey she cat

Starkit - albino long-haired she cat



Leader: Shadowstar –solid black tom with yellow eyes

Deputy: Batear – brown tom with unusually large ears

Medicine Cat: Featherpelt – long haired white she-cat. Formerly Sunclan


Leopordfur – unusually spotted grey tom

Sootfur – grey she cat

Shadepelt – long haired grey tom


Crowpaw – black tom with grey paws

Ravenpaw – long haired black tabby tom


Mothflower – long haired grey she cat with grey eyes

Mousefur – light brown she cat


Specklenose – brown she cat with a grey muzzle

LostFoot – old black tom with a missing leg


Nightkit – Dark grey tom with black muzzle, paws, and tail

Darkkit – grey she cat with a black right front paw.



Leader: Oakstar – Deep red tom with a missing leg, ear and eye.

Deputy: Fernpelt – light gray tabby she-cat with a white muzzle

Medicine Cat: Raincloud – light grey she-cat with amber eyes. Sister of Fernpelt


Ashfur – Light grey she-cat

Ragedclaw – redish brown tom

Shadefoot – gray tom with black paws

Brokenfoot – brown tom with a broken-looking front paw.


Cinderpaw – orange she-cat


Raintail – misty gray she cat with white paws and belly

Speckletail – light grey she-cat with a speckled tail



Robinkit – pretty light brown she cat with a white belly.

Hawkkit – Brown tom with grey paws.



Leader: Tornstar – Broad brown tom with a scarred face

Deputy: Mudclaw – long haired brown tabby tom

Medicine Cat: Stonefur – light grey short haired tom


Boulderleg – brown tom with a grey leg

Stoneclaw – long haired dark grey shecat

Brightheart – tan shecat

Ivorycloud – ivory-furred tom


Brackenpaw – brown splotched tom


Moonfur – white she cat with light grey eyes.



Kindlekit – grey-brown she cat



Leader: Longstar – White tabby tom with dark stripes and a long tail.

Deputy: Thunderclaw – Bright yellow tom

Medicine Cat: Ashwisker – Dark gray tom with yellow eyes


Pantherpelt – solid black, short haired tom with yellow eyes. Mate of Feathertail

Brambleclaw – Golden brown tom.

Barktail – Light Brown she cat with a dark brown splotched tail


Brackenpaw – Dark brown splotched tom


Feathertail – long haired white she-cat with brown splotches

Rainpool – light grey with siler she cat with grey eyes.



Patchkit – Black and White tom



Leader: Miststar – misty grey she cat with a silver muzzle

Deputy: Spottedleaf – pretty tortie she-cat

Medicine Cat: Mothwing – pale yellow she cat


Foxpelt – orange tom with a white underside, paws and tail tip(think a cat with fox coloration).

Stormclaw – Dark grey tom

Otterfur – sleek grey she cat


Thronpaw – white tom with brown plotches


Frostfur – pure white she cat with green eyes

Thistletail – brown furred she cat



Leafkit – light brown she cat with white paws
