And now I present the FINAL chapter. I toyed with the idea of drawing it out a little more, but I'm pleased with where I'm ending it. I'm considering adding an epilogue, but for all purposes this story will be considered completed.

First off, I'd like to thank everyone who gave this crossover a chance. I've had several amazing reviewers who have stuck with me and kept encouraging me. Your reviews helped me complete this monster every word meant more than you could imagine. This story is dedicated to those people: INNOXIA23, CELINA, WILD DAISIES, SHOPPING-LUVA91, JELLOFANATIC123, JOLLYRANCHER543321, HAZMATT, MWALTER, SEXICINDI, ONLYSOANHOUR, HOUSECALLS, CHARLIEBLUE, CHOCOLATEFAN, KATHIANN, and JOCELYNMC. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

I am planning to revise this story in the future and fix all mistakes and inconsistencies. Another big thank you goes to Innoxia and Celina for helping me find them! I'm sad this journey's over, although I did leave it open enough for a second story to take place! I've lived in this world for the past two months, and I'm planning to start a new Mentalist fic this weekend! Keep an eye out for it! I love all of y'all and thanks for everything! Enjoy!!!!

Chapter 24

"So you're telling me that you managed to save an alien planet from an evil dictator, befriend a group of vampires, and establish trade negotiations with the ruling group in less than a week?" General Hammond said as he looked around the table. He hid a smile as he analyzed the appearance of the four people who had been unceremoniously dumped on the floor of the briefing room an hour earlier.

"Well technically three weeks past while we were on the planet, but that's it in a nutshell," Jack said with a pleased expression. Looking across the table he was greeted with the blank stares of Agents Van Pelt, Cho, and Rigsby. Daniel and Teal'c just looked like Daniel and Teal'c although they both seemed to find the CBI agents amusing.

"Your progress is most pleasing, O'Neill," Teal'c stated. Daniel nodded his head enthusiastically causing his glasses to slip down his nose.

"The whole situation's amazing. I mean to actually observe vampiric society and hierarchy as well as the social customs of the royal family and the species that live on the planet…"

"Easy there, Spacemonkey," Jack said as he flashed his 2IC a smile. Sam grinned as she caught Lisbon's eye. "You'll be able to go and ask all the questions you'd like." Daniel looked down sheepishly.

"Are you guys okay?" Grace asked as she studied her boss. Something was different about Lisbon and Jane, and she wondered if the others saw it too. There was a closeness about the two of them that wasn't there before. Their furtive looks lingered longer than usual and all four of the newly returned group kept sharing bemused glances that spoke of inside jokes.

"Just peachy," Jane said with a grin that didn't quite meet his eyes. He seemed to deflate slightly as soon as the vampire topic was brought up. A frantic thought crossed Grace's mind.

"You weren't bitten were you?" she asked a little hesitantly. Lisbon laughed heartily and the others looked at her in surprise. Their boss rarely allowed herself to loosen up in front of others. What exactly had happened on that planet.

"No need to worry," Jane added as he shared a look with Lisbon. Grace sighed and turned to Cho who just shrugged in response.

"If that's all, then you're dismissed," General Hammond stated. "Agent Lisbon, I'd like to speak to you for a moment." The others filed out of the room and promised to meet her by the commissary later. With a smile, she turned to the base commander.

"What can I do for you, General?" she asked.

"I've spoken to your boss, but seeing how he doesn't have clearance I won't be able to give him the full story of why your team was needed. I'm sure he'll understand the importance of classified material, and so your absence shouldn't be a problem."

"Thank you, sir," she replied feeling a little more at ease about the return to California.

"I've also put in a request for your team to spend several weeks with us out of every year. I'd like to have a bureau team on board with the necessary security clearance if we should ever need you again. You and Mr. Jane played a vital role in our new alliance with the Dreamer planet and Colonel O'Neill has brought to my attention the friendships the two of you have made on the planet."

"We'd like to keep in touch, if possible and would be honored to help out the SGC in any future endeavors," Lisbon answered diplomatically. Hammond smiled. It was easy to see why Virgil Minelli kept a tight hold of the senior agent. She definitely had the potential to go places. With a smile, he offered his hand.

After a quick handshake she found herself wandering down the corridors of the base until she found herself in front of the quarters she'd been assigned. Glancing at her watch, she decided she had time for a quick nap before meeting the others. Opening the door, she groaned when several pieces of paper rained down on her. Flipping on a light, she closed her eyes and counted to ten. She was covered in glitter and hundreds of paper snowflakes were strewn about her room. Some things would never change, she decided.


"Why you're sure looking shiny today Lisbon," Jane said with a blinding smile as he took in the presence of a very annoyed Teresa Lisbon. "It's a good look for you."

"Shut it, Jane," she snapped while the others looked on in amusement. "Do you know how hard it is to get glitter out of anything? And just how did you get into my room to begin with?" She pointed a finger at him and turned to see Jack O'Neill with a smirk gracing his features. Lisbon's eyes narrowed and she caught Sam's eye.

"You will both pay for this," she stated firmly before walking off with her old friend.

"I'd be a little worried if I were you," Daniel said with a slightly wary tone. "Sam can pull almost any prank you'd never imagine and she never gets caught." Jack and Jane exchanged a look.

"Maybe I should apologize," Jane said before striding off with Jack in the direction Lisbon and Sam had taken moments before. The others shook their heads at the childish antics of the senior staff.

The rest of the day was uneventful although it amused Cho and Rigsby to no end to watch Jane constantly looking over his shoulder. He seemed to get more nervous whenever Lisbon entered the room, but she'd just smile sweetly before carrying on with her business as she booked their return flights home.


Lisbon raised her beer as she smiled at the people surrounding her. Jack had invited both teams to his house for a cookout before the CBI agents left the next morning. The atmosphere was pleasant as everyone enjoyed the company and relaxation the dinner provided.

"It sure is great to see you guys," Lisbon said with a smile as she nodded to her team. "You'll have to join us for a return journey." Van Pelt perked up at that tidbit.

"We're coming back, boss?" Cho asked.

"We've been requested to spend a few weeks to keep our security clearance up to date in case they need us later. Plus, Jane and I requested to keep in touch with Divinia and Cayt." Her features lightened as she remembered the events of the last few weeks.

"Jane seems a little more relaxed," Rigsby added as he watched the man try to get a smile out of Teal'c. The effect was quite comical as the alien stared at the consultant with a raised eyebrow.

"The vampires helped him a lot," Lisbon started as her eyes flickered to the blond haired man. "We'll have to tell you the whole story some time. It was quite an adventure." She was quiet for a few moments as she watched her friends. Jane suddenly appeared by her side a pressed a discrete kiss to her cheek. She shot him a glare when she looked up to see her team exchanging knowing glances.

"Is there something you'd like to share with us, boss?" Cho asked with a small smile flickering across his normally stoic features. It was good to see her happy, he thought as he watched her blush slightly. She laughed and rolled her eyes while Jane just beamed. Cho grinned. Rigsby owed him a hundred bucks.

Jack was standing near the grill while Daniel stared at him with a grin. Jack looked up and glared at his friend while he flipped the burgers over.

"I never would have thought we'd have become friends," the Colonel stated out of the blue as Carter walked up beside him.

"Tess called you a bastard when you first met, didn't she?" Sam said with a grin as they laughed. "It's hard to believe we were only gone for a week." she added.

"It was definitely an interesting experience," Jack replied as he piled the burgers on a clean plate. After everyone had fixed their plates, he raised his beer. "To new friends."

"To new friends," they all replied. The rest of the night was filled with good company, great food, and lots of alcohol until Lisbon found herself alone on the deck with Jane. Staring up at the stars, she leaned against the man behind her. Wrapping his arms around her, he rested his chin on her head.

"It's so weird to think that we were up there," she said softly. "I never dreamed anything like this would happen to me."

"Neither did I," Jane responded and Lisbon got the feeling his was talking about more than their alien adventure. Relaxing into his warmth, she sighed happily as they continued to stare at the stars above.

They stood there, unmoving as time passed without notice. Breathing in the comforting scent of Lisbon's citrus shampoo Jane smiled. For the first time in a very long time he felt at peace with himself and the world. Silently, he thanked the vampiress for the second chance she had unknowingly given him and he promised himself they would meet again.

The End.