My first story on FF! I'm not completely new to writing, so this should be too bad. But who knows? I'm still thinking of the plot any everything, so this story could really go in any direction! Pairing wise, I'm thinking NaruOC maybe. The other characters will be introduced next chapter for sure. Give me your opinion in the reviews! Constructive criticism welcome, but flames will be used to burn my spam email~

Also, please mind my spelling. Feel free to correct me if yah see a wrong word.

I guess, maybe, them coming into my life has been one of the best things that ever happened to me, even if it has caused me trouble… They….they've been there for me, and helped me lots… And who ever heard of a farming ninja? It's kind of funny, really, how ninja's ended up working for me on my farm…

…I miss them….


It was Fall, on the eighth, I think. No, it was the seventh….two days pervious a typhoon had occurred and I'd been so busy tending my new crops and my new goat and cow before that that I hadn't come to town to greet the new arrival, Chase. After the typhoon it took me a couple days of work to clean my fields up and calm my animals down…

So, on the seventh, I finally ventured from my hilltop house to Waffle town. I was only planning to greet the newbie and get myself some medicene because I was feeling a little ill, but…when I got to the Inn that I'd stayed at when I first arrived….

They were there, all of them, and everyone was trying to figure out where to let them stay.

"Jake, what's going on…?" I put my hand on the shoulder of the aged, gray-faced man. I was so confused then.

"Kaya! I'm so glad to see you." The man said back to me and then looked at some people that I'd never seen before. "Everyone, this is Kaya. She owns a ranch just outside of town." The people nodded.

They all looked so very strange to me, then. Who wore such clothes as these? They were kind of skimpy on the girls, and the boys were clothed mostly in heavy clothes that looked kind of….kind of like cosplay. I almost giggled but held it back as best I could, cosplayers on Waffle Island…? I remember back in the city, I'd see them all the time when I go out with my….with my brother…

"Hello." I bowed a little and smiled my most polite smile.

"So, Miss Kaya, we have a bit of a situation on our hands." Jake informed me. "These fine folks are, unfortunately stuck here without a way to return back to where they came from."

I nodded a little at him, going over the strangers with a careful eye.

"And our humble inn is far too small to house them all…so, I know this is kind of an odd request, but could you take some on them in on your ranch?"

Strangers…at my farm? The people in this town trusted far too easily….except Gil. As a city girl, I knew the real dangers of strangers and what they could do to unsuspecting girls. But….stuck here without a home to go back to, I couldn't really say no, could I? It would just be rude.

So I gave in.

"Sure, I guess I could house a few of them." I responded cheerily, the usual fake smile on my face. None of them had better pull anything.

If only I knew what I was getting into…maybe I wouldn't be in this situation.