A/N: Thank you all for still reading and reviewing. It's the little spark that I need to finish this story. Sorry in advance for the extremely long chapter.

Rhett took out his pocket watch and checked it for the third time in the last half hour. Five minutes to two already; if she came home at all, Scarlett would not have any time to change, something that he knew she had planned on.

Gatherings at Melanie's house were still amongst the few things that turned Scarlett into a nervous and – to be honest – vile mood. He had urged her that morning not to visit the site where she was building her cement plant. He assured her that they could do without her presence for one day; he had taken a lot of trouble hiring the right people for the job, hoping to keep Scarlett from interfering with it too much and thus make her stay at home more often to keep him and the children company. But he should have known better; an average woman married to a wealthy man like him would have gladly filled her days with tea parties and attending local charities but such things brought Scarlett little joy. He wondered sometimes if the pretence under which she had followed him to Strawbridge had been nothing but a ruse; now that she had her hands on his large fortune she still felt the need to expand their or - more likely – her riches. Ever since their return to Georgia he had spent many an hour psycho-analysing this behaviour. He had come to the conclusion that this force inside her found its root in the hard times she suffered at Tara. He still felt partially responsible for that; secretly blaming his own cowardice in not accompanying her to Tara after the siege, too preoccupied with protecting his own heart and pride to see her need for him. Even if she did not love him at the time; his own love for her should have forced him to bring her to safety. As a more noble man would have done. He had done his best to right that wrong but something had altered Scarlett's character intrinsically and he had started to understand that she would never fully feel safe and secure again; not even if she had been the Queen of England. All he could do now is provide her with as much peace of mind as he possibly could by providing her with as much love and comfort he could give her.

That did not take away from the fact that her constant absence from their home did not irk him beyond reason. She knew how much importance he put on re-establishing their bonds with Atlanta's old community and so he expected her to work on that cause as diligently as she worked on establishing her factory. Since their return from England he had continued to keep his afternoons free to spend time with Bonnie – and Wade – but he still thought that the child would benefit more from having both her parents present during the day – or at least a part of the day. Now Scarlett came home only in time for dinner and Bonnie went to sleep soon after, giving mother and daughter only little time to bond. A father could do only so much to replace a girl's mother and he knew he needed to sit his wife down and have a word with her about it soon.


Scarlett rushed towards her carriage, hastily tying the bow of her bonnet in the process; she had been so engrossed in her plans for the factory that she had once again forgotten the time. Often she wanted to leave the plant site early in the afternoons, since she longed to spend time with Rhett and Bonnie but just as often time seemed to slip out of her hands and she had to hurry to make it home in time for dinner. She sensed that Rhett was displeased with her on such occasions though he never commented on it. Well, fidlle-dee-dee, he should have known when he married her that she was not a conventional woman, just like he was no conventional husband. Really, what man would leave his job at the bank to spend time with his children, every single afternoon! Not that Rhett was obliged to work; he took enough advantage of the war to never have to work a day in his life. His job at the bank was just a front to regain his respectability, something that he held very dear ever since they returned to Atlanta.

She appreciated the fact that Rhett had made her privy to his reasons for that; after finding Wade sulking in his room one sunny afternoon Rhett had decided upon his new mission. Apparently Wade's only real friend, Beau, had been unavailable that afternoon since he had been invited to a birthday party. A party that Wade did not get an invitation for. After some pressing from his Uncle Rhett, Wade had revealed that it was not the first time he had been left out. Her smart husband had quickly understood that the same fate would befall his Bonnie and he was not willing to let her go through life as an outcast amongst Atlanta's old society. And so with unwavering determination that only a man like her husband could possess, Rhett had set out on re-establishing the place in society that Scarlett once held – and had ironically lost due to her alliance with that same Rhett Butler. Scarlett had not taken his plans very serious at first – was it not him that had told her many years ago that one could do without a reputation? – but she had to admit that her husband excelled at regaining a place in the hearts of the old bats with uncanny shrewdness. He had a marvellous ally in this new battle; Melanie Wilkes. Between the both of them they had secured a place in that old society; much to Scarlett's dismay at times. She had been shocked to learn how unhappy Wade had been since their return to Atlanta; his renewed friendship with Beau did only so much for making him feel at home. And she certainly did not want the same fate to befall her precious Bonnie, but still she resented being forced to attend the kind of gatherings she used to loathe so much; by her former blockader husband's orders no less. While Rhett was lenient with her in pretty much anything – apart from her choice in jewellery and clothes – he opposed his authority on her in that aspect. Oh, how much she hated attending the gatherings at Melanie's house. Having to be polite to all the old peahens – who she knew had disapproved sharply of her marriage to Rhett in the past – and having to deal with Ashley on top of that; her disappointment in him palpable every time she was forced to look at him. It was a small comfort that he felt as uncomfortable in her – and Rhett's – presence as she was.


The nurse brought Bonnie to Rhett; she looked lovely in her blue gown with a pink little cape over her shoulders. She looked quite the little lady; the nurse had even managed to tie her hair backwards with a neat ribbon. Rhett hoped it would remain there at least until they had left the Wilkes' modest home; he was familiar with his daughter's displeasure at having anything on her head. She was such a stubborn little girl already - even at this young age – but he would not have her any other way. So much like her mother – he mused fondly – forgetting his own attributions to that part of her character. While she sat on his lap he placed little kisses on her forehead explaining to her that they had to wait for Mommy a little while longer. Bonnie looked up to him with adoration and as always his heart soared; being blessed in many ways he considered Bonnie the greatest treasure he ever possessed. After a minute or so Bonnie decided that they had cuddled enough and she started wriggling to get out of his strong hold. Rhett placed her on the floor and watched her walk on wobbly legs – she had been walking for a few months now but her short and chubby legs did not yet allow her to strut confidently through a room. She walked towards her older brother who was sitting quietly in a chair reading a book. Rhett frowned when he observed the boy; he was acting mature for his age – too mature – and Rhett reminded himself again that he needed to spend more one on one time with Wade to bring out the more feisty side that he was certain the boy possessed. He was Scarlett's child, wasn't he? Rhett was certain that it was his upbringing during the war – by a mother who was practically a child herself – that had turned this handsome little lad into a young man way before his time. Already in Strawbrigde – newly married to Scarlett – he had vowed to turn this young boy into a more balanced person – and not some terrible copy of Ashley Wilkes.

With difficulty little Bonnie climbed up on the settee and sat herself down next to Wade. When he did not give her his attention straight away she reached over to the book he was reading and tried to touch it with her chubby little hands.

'No, Bonnie, don't touch it. Uncle Ashley gave me that book and I would like to give it back to him in one piece.' Wade gently removed her hand and placed it back in her lap. But Bonnie would have none of it. As if the word 'no' had been a red cloth she reacted by sitting up on her knees and – while holding on to Wade's shoulder with one hand – she reached over to try and flip the page as she had just seen Wade do. Of course her little fist was still too clumsy to grasp the delicate page with the right amount of gentleness and when it started tearing Wade quickly pulled it out of her hands with the result that the paper cut Bonnie's finger. The sharp pain made the little girl wail loudly and woke Rhett immediately from his musings.

'What have you done to her?' he said sharply before he took in the whole situation and understood that whatever was ailing Bonnie had not been due to Wade. How could it? Wade was as gentle with her as a big brother could be – reminding him of how he used to treat his own baby sister – and never displayed any kind of jealousy – or boyish roughness for that matter.

'I… I am sorry, Uncle Rhett. I did not mean to harm Bonnie. It is just that she… she…' Wade started stuttering, reverting back to his old ways, making Rhett regret his outburst immediately.

'It is alright, son, I know you did not do it intentionally. Come here, my little princess,' he said, his attention now fully on his daughter. 'Let me look at that finger. Shall Daddy kiss it to make the pain go away? Shall I?' he smiled at her. Bonnie pouted and for a minute looked so similar to her mother that it brought tears to Rhett's eyes. She lifted her tiny hand up to him and when she felt his moustache tickle her while giving her a kiss, she giggled, what encouraged him to kiss her finger once more, then her little hand, her arm and in the end he lay her down on the settee and tickled her all over, her girlish laughter mixing with his teasing voice.

Wade meanwhile studied them with a mixture of adoration and jealousy and all three of them were equally shocked when Scarlett's voice cut through the room.

'For God's sake, Rhett, look what you are doing to Bonnie's hair. She can't go to the Wilkes looking like that. Nurse. Nurse!' Scarlett yelled. The nurse came rushing and Scarlett handed Bonnie over to her, instructing her to fix Bonnie's hair as fast as she could.

Rhett looked at his wife with a semi-apologetic look that was immediately disparaged by the conspiring wink he gave his stepson.

'If that isn't my lovely wife! Good afternoon to you too, Mrs. Butler.' he got up and moved to kiss her. 'If you would have come home twenty minutes earlier, you would have found that we were all looking our Sunday's best. Even Bonnie,' he murmured softly in her ear causing Scarlett to frown and press her mouth tight as if to stop herself from responding.

Fifteen minutes later they arrived at Ashley's humble home; the other guests had already been served tea and biscuits and Rhett entered the room confidently; jokingly informing Dr. Meade that it was his cross to live with two women who took forever to get ready. As always he quickly left Scarlett's side to mix with the other guests, carrying Bonnie proudly on his arm. Scarlett found herself a seat next to Maybelle Merriwether, as far away from Maybelle's mother as possible. As always Wade stayed close beside her until Beau beckoned him over to play with him. He waited for his mother's approval before he joined Beau and the other young boys at the other side of the room.

Scarlett drank her tea and nibbled on some biscuits – suddenly aware of the fact that she had not eaten anything since breakfast. She pretended to be interested in a conversation that Maybelle and Melly were having regarding the latest charity event for the Confederate veterans. She was relieved when Maybelle left her seat to help out her son Raoul who had managed to spill some lemonade over his best suit. Melly asked her about the factory and when she was done telling her she was surprised to find out from Melly that Ashley had been offered the clientele of a rich planter from Virginia.

'Uncle Henry says that the plantation owner asked for his affairs to be handled by Ashley specifically; apparently the man's late son was in Ashley's regiment and he had written to his father frequently about Ashley's kindness to him. Ashley claims that he does not remember the boy – in fact he claims he never served with anyone from Virginia – but I am sure that is just modesty on his part.'

'Yes, I am sure it is,' Scarlett said, trying to sound convincing. She could not picture Ashley being brave – not after all the cowardice he had shown her in the past – let alone being so courageous that somebody would be willing to let him handle a fortune. She hoped that this good fortune would keep Ashley too busy to handle the daily running of her plant too. She promised Melly as much when they were all still living at Tara but she knew Rhett would not be pleased when Ashley and she would be working this close. Not that it was something she desired herself. Not anymore.

'This will mean that we will be able to afford a bigger house very soon, Scarlett, though I will miss Auntie Pittypat's place.' Melly said while staring at the sober interior fondly. Scarlett felt sympathetic towards her; the home the Butlers rented now was big and luxurious but even she sometimes longed for the simple life that she shared with Rhett in Strawbridge.

'That is very fortunate indeed,' Scarlett murmured, secretly observing her husband. Rhett had been talking to Grandpa Merriwether and a few other men across the room, but she got the distinct impression that he had heard everything Melly said and somehow a very satisfied look appeared on his face before his features assumed those of strict politeness once more. Scarlett wondered why that was.

'Yes, it is, ' Melly replied, 'However, this means that Ashley will be too busy to take over the running of your plant as soon as it is built, Scarlett. I hope you don't mind. I know Ashley is terribly nervous to tell you this so I thought I would smooth the way for him.'

'Oh, that is quite alright, Melly. I am sure that Rhett can find me somebody else. You can always count on him to find the right solution to a problem.' While she said that she did not look at Melly but looked in Rhett's direction instead. Her eyes inquisitive on him. It wasn't long before he caught her look and winked at her.

'He wouldn't have…' she wondered. She was so preoccupied with Melly's news that she failed to notice Mrs. Merriwether making her way over to her. Not until the woman's voice made her presence noted.

'Oh, Scarlett! What a joy little Bonnie is. Her father just told me that she says 'dada' now. I remember Maybelle at that age; though her first word was 'mama' of course but they are so adorable at this age. Though I have to warn you, Scarlett…' she started saying, while taking the empty seat next to Scarlett, much to her dismay.

'…that you should start teaching them manners from a young age already. And you can't leave that at the hands of Captain Butler, fine gentleman that he is.' At this Scarlett coughed to mask the laugh that bubbled up.

'He might be the most loving father I have ever witnessed but he will be too forgiving when it comes to his little girl. I don't 'have to tell you how men are,' she continued, frowning at Scarlett – Scarlett was certain that in her mind she recalled the days that the new widow Hamilton flirted with every eligible man in sight.

'I know you try your best with Bonnie, but there is no reason to let her run around outside without a proper cap on.' Scarlett frowned and Mrs. Merriwether continued. 'I was driving by the park the other day and I witnessed her running amongst the daisies, her hair flying loosely in the wind, now I know it is hard to keep a vivacious child like Bonnie from running around like a little tomboy but surely you understand the dangers of letting a child as little as her running around like that; what if she were to catch a cold.'

Catch a cold? Scarlett thought. Bonnie was not some ailing child, she was strong and healthy, nothing at all like little Raoul had been. Besides, the temperature was very pleasant during the day, surely nobody could catch a cold in that weather. She was about to tell to mind her own business when suddenly Rhett appeared by her side.

Giving Scarlett a quick warning glance – one that only she noticed – he started praising the old woman for her 'invaluable' advice and engaging her in a long conversation about how it was a parent's biggest worry to keep one's child from contracting various illnesses. Apart from a tiny cold, Bonnie had not been sick a minute in her young life and by the looks of it she would not be any time soon, so Scarlett found it all rather ridiculous but at Rhett's urging glances she still hummed in agreement when necessary.

Scarlett was very quiet in the carriage on the way home and when they entered the front door she sent the kids quickly up to the nursery to play. Still peeling off her gloves she started sputtering to her husband.

'That nosy old woman, how dare she tell me how to take care of my own child. And if I remember correctly, it was you that took her to the park and let her run around like a banshee, so I really don't know why I get the blame.'

'That is only because you are never around in the afternoons to take her to the park. Thankfully Mrs Merriwether is not aware of that fact or else she would give you a sermon of quite a different kind altogether.'

'Well, I am not married to Mrs. Merriwether, I am married to you and you always told me that you are proud of a woman that has a head on her shoulders.'

'Yes, I am, next to your beauty your mind is the one part of you that I adore the most, my dear, but that does not mean that I think you should be tied to your business from Monday till Saturday. You could try and spent some time with the three of us, we are quite good fun, you know,' he said softly while placing both his arms behind her back, showing her his affection.

'Oh, I will, Rhett, once this factory is up and running I promise you I will spend more time with you and the children.' This did not seem to appease Rhett.

'Are you sure, Scarlett? Bonnie is growing so quickly, she needs a mother now and no matter how much attention Miss Melly bestows on our little child, she is no replacement for you.'

Those words stung Scarlett because even when Wade had been little she had felt envious of Melly's patience with little children.

'Well, it is easy for Melly to spend all her time organising tea parties for Bonnie and her dolls, she does not have the burdens that I have.' She turned away from Rhett, determined not to show him the hurt in her face.

He came to stand behind her and placed his hands on her shoulder.

'Yes, my love, I know that during the war you had the responsibility of all of Tara and its inhabitants on your shoulders. I can't change anything about that now, however, nothing or nobody is forcing you to work day and night on that factory. In fact, you could leave it all up to a manager and spend your days idly, making love to me, for example.' He kissed the back of her neck immediately after but Scarlett took one step forward, not willing to end this particular discussion in the bedroom.

'So it is true then?' Her eyes flickered while staring at him. 'You don't want me working there. Even now that you have made sure that Ashley won't be working alongside me?'

She saw him take a moment to decide if he was going to keep his involvement in Ashley's new career from her, but the pledge of honesty he had made her stopped him from doing so.

'I assumed that I was doing you a favour, getting the esteemed Mr. Wilkes off your hands?' He said, sharper than he had intended at first.

Scarlett took a few moments to process this new information: so he had used his influence to keep Ashley from starting working on her factory. She should be angry with him for plotting behind her back but strangely enough she wasn't.

'Yes, you did actually, I am more bothered by the fact that you seem to want me to be like Melly while you knew I was nothing like her the day you married me.' To her annoyance he started laughing.

'While I have tremendous respect for Miss Melly, such a woman could never hold me captivated like you can, my pet. It is just your savviness and shrewdness that I admire the most, so no, I would not want you to lose any of the two. Maybe it is the fact that I am older than you, ' – Scarlett raised her eyebrows at this remark, Rhett never mentioned their difference in ages and he never showed it either – 'but I think you are missing out on the joy that family life can be, staying away till all hours. Besides…' he said while he moved to be near her once more, 'I don't like being away from you that long and I had hoped you would feel the same about me.' The last words were spoken while he pressed little kisses just below her right ear and for a moment Scarlett wanted to forget about the discussion and just give in to the silent seduction that his kisses were. But she forced herself to keep a clear mind.

This was too important a subject to let go. If she had to be supportive of his quest to re-install their respectability in society, he could damn well be supportive of her quest to establish a business that would be profitable under all circumstances – people always needed houses built - and thus provide them with money, food and shelter no matter what the future would hold.

She broke free from his kisses and reached for his hands at the same time – trying to show him that she was not angry with him. His face darkened nonetheless.

'Can we not discuss this some other time, Scarlett?' he said, his impatience now evident in the tone of voice.

'No, we can't. This is too important for me, Rhett. You see, no matter how many times I tell you what it was like at Tara during the war, you will never fully comprehend it. You don't know what it was like, not really, not what it was like in my darkest hour. I had stopped being Scarlett O'Hara, belle of Clayton County, daughter to Gerald O'Hara, wealthy plantation owner and Ellen O'Hara nee Robbillard. I lost everything: my dignity, my pride and at times my sanity. And I vowed then – just as I will vow now – to never, never, be hungry again and I promised myself I would do anything in my power to assure that and I have ever since, no matter what the odds were. I can't give up now, Rhett, I can't. '

Silence followed her emotional outburst. A silence that was charged as well as painful.

Rhett was the first to speak and his voice sounded strange.

'I do, Scarlett, I do understand all too well. You must think I am blind. That I have not seen the change in you, that I was not the one who was by your side at night when your nightmares tormented you the most. Was it not me that you came to in that jail, selling everything you owned to me – your dignity last? I know you are willing to do anything to stop yourself from experiencing hunger and desperation ever again. But, honey, you are blind too. You are blind if you still cannot see that it is my sole purpose in life to keep you and the children out of harm's way. I would lay down my life for you if I had to. I know I have been selfish and careless in the past – something I won't apologize for since I had not learned to understand love at the time – but why can't you just accept now that I have made sure you are well looked after – whether I am alive or dead – why can't you do me the honour that every wife should do her husband and put faith in the fact he will provide for her, no matter the circumstances. I am sure that Melanie Wilkes puts such faith in her husband – as unjustified as that may be – am I so bad a person that you can't find it in your heart to rely on me too?'

After a short silence, Scarlett let out a strangled sigh.

'I wish I could, Rhett, I really wish I could, but then I remember how my father put all his faith in Confederate bonds and how his fortune was gone overnight and I just… just…'

'Not meaning to belittle your father, Scarlett, but I count myself a hell of a lot smarter than him. Now if you will excuse me, I think it is time for our daughter to be brought to bed.'

He tried to step past her towards the staircase but she held on to his arm to stop him. His face was blank but she had the distinct impression that her last words had hurt him. Hurt his male pride beyond repair.

'Will you meet me for a drink downstairs later on, Rhett?' she asked sweetly, trying to lighten the atmosphere between them.

'Of course I will, my dear, ' he replied politely but she knew that the evening could not be saved. She had seen him before like this; it was almost as if a door locked inside him and it would take a while for him unlock it again, if at all. They would share a drink in polite silence and then they would go up to bed, both their hearts heavy but neither willing to make the first move. She had spoken the truth, the one thing he claimed he always longed to hear from her. But sometimes the truth could hurt more than any lie ever could.


After a troubled night Scarlett woke up to find that Rhett had already left for the bank. He always woke before her but he never left for the bank without returning to the bedroom first to give her a goodbye kiss. Maybe she had been too fast asleep but she was certain he had skipped that ritual today. This did not improve her mood which was one of sadness.

The rest of the morning she tried to concentrate on her work, but when the architect was forced to repeat his words for the third time she knew she could just as well go home; her mind was too preoccupied to focus on anything. She surprised her driver by returning so soon and told him to head home – Rhett had hired a man especially to escort her to her place of business or anywhere else she longed to go; according to her husband it was too dangerous for any woman to be driving around town on her own. That had been one demand he had not been willing to compromise on; for a non-conventional husband he could be very traditional at times and this time she knew his concern was for her and not so much to keep up appearances for the rest of town. It all was rather sweet really. Just like some of his words – in retrospect – had been last night. Maybe she was wrong for still assuming her husband to be a selfish wretch of a man; he might have been one during their courtship or even the early days of their marriage but then she had not given him must chance to be anything else to her; pushing him away from her time and time again by her own carelessness. And he had always been a generous man; willing to share his good fortunes with her and her loved ones. She had no real reason not to trust the fact that he would look after her, come hell or high water. Yes, she had been through hard times with no one to rely on but herself but did that mean that she had to go through the rest of her life not putting any real faith in another person? Maybe she could try to learn relying on Rhett. All it would take was letting go of her deep rooted fear – and memories of times that Rhett failed her. They were married, in love and parents to a wonderful little girl; she had every reason to feel safe and secure.

Suddenly the carriage could not move fast enough – so great was her longing to get home, to see her husband and talk about the things that were on her mind. Finally, after what seemed hours instead of just the half one, they arrived at her front door. Before the driver had the chance to open the door to her she had burst out of the carriage, barely touching the steps that lead to their front door since she seemed to be flying. She stood in the hallway for a moment, her chest heaving both from excitement and exertion, while she listened to the noises of the house. Within a few seconds she had identified Rhett's deep voice drifting down from the upstairs nursery. She ran upstairs as if she was a little girl and flew open the door to the nursery. What she saw left her confused for a moment. Rhett was sitting in Lotus pose in the middle of the room, his face strangely painted, a feather askew on his head, while the two children were running circles around him – Bonnie just barely managing to keep up with Wade's long legs – while they hollered loudly. When she noticed that both kids were adorned with feathers and face paint too it dawned on her what game they were playing and she decided that Rhett looked and acted decidedly foolish, playing Indians at his age. They were so caught up in their game that they did not notice them at first until Wade abruptly stopped in his tracks and said: 'Mother!'

Bonnie could not stop herself in time in came into full collision with her big brother. The scene that ensued almost made Scarlett wish she had not come home. It took a while before Rhett managed to stop his daughter from wailing while he shot angry glances at Scarlett, somehow blaming his daughter's misery on her. Meanwhile Wade stood in a corner, obviously feeling responsible plus clearly embarrassed to have been caught by his mother while playing such a childish game.

'Really, Rhett, 'Scarlett said when she could make herself be heard over her daughter's cries. 'If Atlanta's finest could see you now!' Rhett smirked at her.

'They did already; Bonnie insisted on having a blue feather – the one colour we didn't have - and so we popped over to old Frank Kennedy's store to get one. I am afraid none of us cared to wash our faces before going there.'

Scarlett's eyes grew big and for a moment she was lost for words.

Rhett placed Bonnie on the floor while he walked over to her. His suit was all rumpled and any other man would have looked ridiculous with stripes across his face and hair hanging in front of his eyes, but somehow Scarlett's heart missed a beat when he approached her; apparently her body thought his savage look not unbecoming.

'You should try to lighten up too, Scarlett, it might do you the world of good. Why not join the children and me? We could do with another squaw in our game. Maybe I will even let you sit in our tipi,' he said softly. Only then did Scarlett notice the provisory tent they had built from a couple of white sheets.

Scarlett put up her chin as a sign that playing games was beneath her but before she could utter het disapproval Rhett had already returned to the children, clearly no longer interested in her response. Immediately Bonnie demanded all of his attention and Scarlett soon concluded that he had been merely jesting about joining in; he had known that she would never take him up on his offer.

'Come on, Wade, don't stand there like that; you forgot that we have a meeting with the other chiefs to decide what to do about those darn rangers that keep invading our territory.' Rhett ushered his stepson but the boy in question looked hesitantly towards his mother and for the first time in her life Scarlett loathed the look of trepidation that was on his face. She quickly turned on her heels and left the nursery without as much as a murmured goodbye. While she ascended the large staircase she tried to tell herself that it was all good and nice for Rhett to play games with Wade, as he had always done, and leave the worries and burdens that children brought to her but even to her own ears her excuses started sounding false.

Rhett had been right last night; she needed to let the past go, at least somewhat. One of the best moments in her day usually was the one in which she was greeted by a smiling husband and a bouncy baby girl both equally happy to see her. She would hate it if Bonnie grew up and started seeing her the same way Wade saw her; a mother to be feared and adored in equal measure.

Once in her room she stepped into her dressing room, planning to change for dinner. But while she went through her closet deciding which dress to wear her eye fell on the leather skirt that she used to wear in Strawbridge. She had no idea why she kept that thing; maybe because of some very fond memories that were attached to it. She smiled, recalling one particular memory. There was no way she could wear something like that here in Atlanta; not only did the skirt cling unto the shape of her hips in a somewhat indecent manner, the skirt could be turned into trousers, something that would make Mrs. Meade die of shock when she happened to witness it. The fabric soft leather – felt very pleasant under her fingers, bringing back more memories of times when life seemed so much simpler.

She sighed and moved to the compartment in her closet that contained more appropriate clothing. She was about to call for Prissy to help her change when she suddenly got a better idea.


With her heart beating in her throat she approached the door of the nursery. She kept telling herself that she was just showing Rhett and the children that she could be just as much fun as they were. But as soon as she stepped out of her room she had felt foolish. She prayed none of the servants would see her now; her face covered in red and black stripes, the only colours available to her. The pheasant feather she retrieved from an old bonnet and the leather skirt – that seemed to be much tighter than she remembered – hardly qualified her a squaw. She decided to quickly knock on the door before she lost her nerve completely. She mustered a wide smile and burst into the room.

'Look, Children, Mommy has…' Then she became quiet. Somehow the kids had disappeared from the nursery and the only person in the room was her husband; most of his large frame was hidden from view by the sheets that made up the Indian tent. He seemed to have been gathering various toys that had been scattered there – by Bonnie most likely – and he looked rather foolish sitting there on hands and knees, the feather still askew on his head. At the sound of her voice he turned and when he saw her he revealed a row of perfect white teeth.

Smoothly he got up and walked over to where she was still standing in the doorframe.

'Well, well, what have we got here? Hmm, very attractive Mrs. Butler.' He said, grinning, while his eyes roamed her entire body.

'I was… I wanted to…' Scarlett stuttered, feeling awkward and utterly stupid now. 'Where are the children?' she finally managed to say with a bit of dignity. 'Oh, Bonnie was hungry; the nurse has taken her downstairs. Wade has joined them and I offered to clean all this up while they were gone.'

'Well, it seems I am too late then,' Scarlett said with a forced smile on her face. 'No, I would say you are just in time,' Rhett replied, his voice deep and vibrating.' He took her hand and moved her away from the door while he closed it with a loud click.

He leaned against the closed door, his arms folded in front of him, while he kept eying her with a devilish smirk on his face.

'Rhett, I…' Scarlett said nervously but he interrupted her.

'I remember another occasion where you gave the term 'fancy dress' a whole new meaning…' Scarlett looked at him incomprehensively.

'You don't remember the time when you dressed up like a Greek goddess for some tableau during the war? Well, I do. In fact, I will never forget. At the time I wondered if you did that only to torment me…' He still stood by the door, unmoving and to the untrained eye he might appear calm and collected but Scarlett had not missed the fact that his breathing got a little heavier while recounting that particular tale.

Having gained intimate knowledge of everything Rhett Butler in the last year or so had made her aware of the fact that it was subtle signs that gave away his true mood. And somehow she had touched a nerve; back then when she only had a cloth draped around her and maybe now too, dressed in this flimsy skirt and a blouse that seemed to strain somewhat around her breasts.

Gaining confidence from this knowledge she pouted her lips somewhat and let her hand trail the single long braid that she had made in her hair. There was nothing better than have her once so mysterious husband recall times when her mere presence had driven him to the brink of insanity. She remembered the tableau; she remembered it vividly. She had felt very pretty that day and she particularly recalled how much she wanted Rhett to think her pretty too. Even back then. But it had all gone wrong. Somehow Rhett had managed to sour the whole atmosphere at that party. He even had managed to insult Mrs. Elsing beyond compare.

'Why, Rhett, ' she said while looking at him from underneath her long lashes, 'you did find me pretty that day then. So very ungentlemanly of you not to say as much.'

'Well, honey, I was as much of a gentleman as I could be at the time. You were practically naked underneath that sheet; I was surprised Miss Pittypat let you out of the house looking like that.'

'Well, I hardly went out in the street looking like that. Besides, it was for a good cause. Only your vulgar mind would think something of it, ' she said, bobbing her head innocently.

'I think the room was full of men with unsavoury thought that night, Scarlett. Anyway, that night you took away my whole joy in fooling Mrs. Merriwether and the like. If I wasn't sure that I wanted to have you before; I definitely made up my mind that night. And I can reveal to you now that that thought did not please me. It did not please me one bit.'

All of a sudden Scarlett realised something.

'Is that why…? I mean, what you said to Mrs. Elsing, it was…'

'Yes, it had everything to do with you and what you were doing to me, Scarlett, but enough about that. Let's talk about the here and now, darling. You do realise that you can't get away with this a second time, do you?' He had taken one step closer and when he spoke she could feel his hot breath on her face.

'But, Rhett, this is hardly the same as a having a cloth draped around me, besides, we are in the nursery; the kids can come back any minute and…'

'You are underestimating the servants, Scarlett. They know everything that goes on in this house and I am pretty sure they won't disturb us for the next hour or so…'

Scarlett was not sure if she liked that idea but she did not have much time to contemplate on it because in the next instance Rhett's lips were on hers. His kiss was commanding and she could not help but answer his unspoken demands. Before she knew it he had manoeuvred her towards the artificial tipi. She protested weakly; certain that she would burn in hell for what they were about to do in their children's sanctuary but he told her to hush. He forced her to sit on her knees and turned to close the flaps of the tent. Suddenly they were in their own cocoon and the world outside no longer existed.

At first Scarlett listened intently if she could hear one of the children or servants approaching but by the time Rhett was kissing that spot in her neck that always gave her goose bumps she gave up. His hands started fondling the tiny buttons on her blouse and he lifted his head to look at her while he bared her skin. In the shadows of their hiding place his skin looked even darker than usual and with the wild paint on his face she had no trouble picturing him as a savage. She had no idea why this idea of him tantalized her so much but it did and by the time he was loosening her skirt she was squirming under his touch, her body begging him to hurry. He laughed when he noticed and she could see the white of his teeth flickering in the semi-darkness. When she heard him unbuckle his belt she stared at the shadows of his own body without shame. This time he gave her a gentler smile and this encouraged her to sit closer. For a moment they stared at each other, none of them moving to make contact, but despite the short distance between them, they could feel the energy that pulsated from their bodies. Scarlett's blood started rushing through her veins at such speed that Scarlett wondered how long she could sustain before the overwhelming force would take the better of her. That was the moment that Rhett lunged forward, placing one of his large hands possessively at the back of her skull, his fingers slipping in between the thick tied locks of hair, carelessly loosening them while his mouth explored hers and his other hand found its way underneath the opened fabric of her blouse.

Scarlett moaned – as always she was unable to withstand the force that was Rhett Butler – and soon her small hands were clawing the few buttons that still held his own shirt together.

They continued kissing and groping each other until Rhett had somehow managed to get rid of the most vital obstructions and pulled Scarlett on his lap. The feel of her most sensitive flesh against his own made Scarlett pull out of their dreamlike state for a moment. She looked Rhett in the eye, surprise evident in her face but he just grinned – teeth flickering in the darkness – before he shifted her in the right position to receive him.

Her body must have revealed to him how much she wanted him because he took her in one flowing movement – giving her only a short moment to adjust to him – before he engaged her in that rhythm that is as old as time.

Her hands loosely wrapped behind his neck, Scarlett let her head fall backwards while her hips moved on their own accord – completely in tune with his own motions. For a while they simply enjoyed the pleasure they were giving each other until Rhett felt a subtle change in Scarlett grasp which he always took as his cue.

One of his hands shot up and closed around her left breast, gently massaging it – something that made her groan with pleasure. He chuckled before his mouth captured the nipple - which stood invitingly erect – and started sucking on it; his hand meanwhile intensifying its kneading. Scarlett moaned and her hips started rocking him more forcefully. He needed his other hand to hold her by the small of her back otherwise he was sure to lose her and he intensified his own grinding too. As always he tried to keep his eyes open to feast on the gorgeous image that his wife always made at such moments. He managed to look on until she let out a gurgled cry, announcing her imminent release but feeling her softness closing in on him he was forced to shut his own eyes and enjoy the intense feelings she triggered inside him until he was forced to surrender too.

Afterwards her cheek lay against his shoulder for a long time, while he held her body gently in his arms. For a long while they did not speak, both enjoying the afterglow, but both their thoughts soon returned to the argument they had the night before.

Suddenly they started speaking at the same time.



They laughed, looking at each other fondly.

'You go first,' Scarlett said, while she observed that his chest that was still glistening from the earlier exercise.

Rhett smiled, secretly wondering if he would ever tire of seeing his wife naked.

'I only wanted to promise you that I shall be more patient with you, from now on.'

She looked at him inquisitively.

'I will try to be more understanding for your need to establish your business, Scarlett. A business that might give you the security you are looking for. I may not fully comprehend your reasons for it, but I will respect the fact that it is of the utmost importance to you.'

'Oh, Rhett, I realise that I might have been a bit unfair to you. Sometimes I still see you as the man you once were not the man you are today. Deep in my heart I know you would do anything to make Bonnie and me happy. To ensure that we are safe and secure. Please understand that my need to make my own money has nothing to do with that fact. It is a fear that I carry deep inside me; a fear that I might never conquer.'

The last words had been a mere whisper, but Rhett heard them nonetheless.

'I know, darling. I know,' he murmured while he hugged her close. Something that Scarlett found comforting at first until the stickiness of their bodies started making her feel uncomfortable. Somehow Rhett must have sensed this because he soon released her, drew her up on her feet, while he remained seated and told her to escape to their bedroom. As a sign that all was fine between them again, he gave her a friendly tap on her naked behind before he gave her a little push in the direction of the door. Scarlett quickly dressed in her now rumpled clothes and quickly fled to their room after giving Rhett a smile that rendered all words unnecessary.