A series of ItaSasu fluff drabbles. Can also be viewed as a kinda long oneshot. May or may not be incest. Ages altered so it can be viewed as an AU. Child!Itachi and Toddler!Sasuke moments.


#1 - Night

The soft pitter-patter of rain lulled a young boy slowly into slumber, drumming quite silently on the roofs atop the homes. It was finally the rainy season in the hot village of Konoha, and Uchiha Sasuke was very much happy that he wouldn't be experiencing the sweltering heat waves of summer for a period of 5 months.

Sasuke sighed quietly and grasped his blanket more tightly. Tomorrow would be the last day he would see his brother. Itachi had a week-long mission assigned to him since he just recently became a Chuunin. At the age of just 10, he had enough accomplishments to even beat that of a well-aged Jounin.

There was an audible click that came from the door and it swung open, revealing a tired-looking Itachi with half-lidded eyes. Sasuke smiled. "Nii-san, you're finally here!"

"Sasuke, what are you doing on my bed?" the older Uchiha inquired, suddenly feeling a necessity to just collapse on the bed and fall asleep.

Sasuke promptly leapt off the mattress and rushed off to his brother, embracing him in a tight hug. "Can I sleep with you again, nii-san? Can I, can I, can I? I know tomorrow's the start of your mission so I wanted to spend the night with you here! Is that okay, nii-san?"

Smiling gently, Itachi nodded as he pried Sasuke off his body and went off to the direction of his bed where he lied down swiftly, not even bothering to change his clothes. Sasuke followed him almost immediately.

"Good night, nii-san!" Sasuke blurted out, stirring Itachi from his slumber.

"G'night, Sasuke," he managed softly, carefully wrapping his arms around the small torso of his 5-year-old brother.


#2 - Just Before

When Sasuke opened his eyes, he realized that there wasn't anyone beside him anymore. He patted the empty side of the mattress and was quickly disappointed to find out that there wasn't any trace of warmth left. His eyes widened and he jumped up from the bed, face contorting into a frown.

"Nii-san! Nii-san!" He dashed directly to the main door of their house, hoping to at least catch a glimpse of his brother before he would leave for his mission.

"Nii-san, wait!" He skidded to a halt before the half-opened door, surprised to find his father greeting the neighbors a pleasant morning. Fugaku looked quizzically at his son.

"Is there a problem, Sasuke? You look shaken."

"Where's nii-san?!" Sasuke cried out, looking disappointed and desperate. His father took note of this and sighed.

"He's in the kitchen."

And without even thanking his father, Sasuke ran as fast as he could to the kitchen, where he found Itachi sipping tea solemnly. Itachi's voice soothed his mind in a jiffy.

"Good morning, Sasuke."

Sasuke smiled gently in reply.


#3 - Present

"Would you like some tomatoes, Sasuke?" Mikoto's airy voice filled the dining room in a gentle way. Sasuke nodded in response as his mother handed him the crimson fruit.

"Thanks, kaa-san!"

Mikoto then handed Itachi a tomato before leaving the room to find her stoic husband. Itachi munched on the tomato for a few minutes before he felt a light tug on his arm.


"Nii-san, I wanna give you something before you leave for the mission later."

Itachi nodded silently as Sasuke fished something from his left pocket. He felt Sasuke's hand on his own, taking note of the coldness of metal and string in his palm.

"I bought it in the festival last Monday with Uruchi-obaa-san, nii-san!" Sasuke chirped, grinning expectantly at his older brother.

Itachi held the thing up. It was a simple necklace, made of black nylon and a few silver charms. He smiled lightly at Sasuke as he put on the necklace. "Thank you."

"Think of it as a good luck charm, nii-san! So that you know I'm always with you wherever you go! Will you promise me that you'll never take it off?"

"I promise, Sasuke," Itachi replied quietly as he took a last sip of his tea. He stood up with much more swagger than usual and ruffled Sasuke's hair. "Anyway, where'd you learn that cheesy line?"

Sasuke scowled at him. "Y'know that show that kaa-san always watches? The one with the black woman who interviews people? I think her name was Oprah."

Itachi chuckled inwardly.



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