Into the Void


Chapter One: Morbid Reality

The T.V. flickered on in the dark room. Its soft luminescence greeting the viewer, a 17-year-old boy named Sean. Sean is a straight-A student at his local public high school in Chicago. He's a junior and it's almost summer. Tomorrow would be the last day of finals, which he didn't have to study for…it was his gym final.

The channel 7 news came on, a breaking news story aired. Sean sighed at the interruption of his late-night comedy show and watched it, it seemed pretty serious. The news never aired a breaking news story this late, it HAD to be good.

A dark-haired news reporter came on the screen, looking very tired and angry, SOMEBODY needed some sleep.

"Breaking news from Illinois State prison…"

Shit, this was serious.

"…prison cells that used to house dangerous criminals have been broken into. The prisoners have all escaped seemingly without a trace. We now cut live to the scene with our on-scene investigator, Cathy Ross"

The image switched to a young blonde-haired woman inside a grim concrete building. Behind her, many cells had bars bent, ripped, torn, or even gnawed apart. Some cells were completely destroyed.

"Tragedy unfolded here tonight as hundreds of felines fled the confining walls of the Illinois State prison. All of the guards were killed in the incident and not one prisoner remains in these walls."

Oh my God…Sean thought.

"Upon further inspection," the cameras zoomed past the blonde and onto the walls, "You can see the blood of the innocent guards dripping down the walls. Also, you can see that some of the bars have teeth marks as if they were chewed away. We have some comments from witnesses of the prisoners fleeing the scene…."

Sean turned off the T.V. He had seen enough. He stood up and walked to his room on the same floor. He stripped down until no clothes were left on his body, revealing his muscular arms and chest. He lay in bed and pulled a single sheet over him. He thought about what he had saw, what was happening in Illinois? 2 corrupt governors, the murder capital of America…his world was screwed. He needed to forget about it. Sean set his alarm and quickly fell asleep.


Sean threw his hand over the snooze button on his alarm. He then turned off his clock. He pulled himself out of bed; it was 6:00AM. The bus came at 6:45, and school started at 7:30.

Too early, Sean thought. Oh well, at least it's the last day, and it's only the gym final. His other finals sucked. His Pre-Calc grade was on the edge of an A or B, and he knew it had dropped. European History was OK, he bombed Chemistry, English was OK, and no other class really mattered. Besides Band, but he was good at the saxophone, he got an A, no doubt.

He dragged himself to his closet and grabbed his shorts and a T-Shirt that shared the logo of his favorite band, Metallica. He walked into his small bathroom and turned on the shower. He let it run until the room was filled with steam. He stepped into the shower and allowed the warm jets to wake him up.

It was in there that he had remembered the news story the night before. He began to wonder what may have caused the incident. But he honestly didn't really care. All he wanted was to get to school, finish the final, and get to the city. He loved Chicago, always alive, never sleeping (he hated sleeping) and filled with stuff to do. He and his friends were going to Navy Pier to celebrate the end of the school year. Maybe there he would find a job for the summer.

He finished his shower, his skin red from the water, and dressed quickly, he opened the door to the bathroom and steam poured out. He went to his kitchen, grabbed a granola bar, saw it was 6:30 and turned on the T.V. It was still on Channel 7.

"…that we lost Cathy last night…" the T.V. said.

"WHAT?" Sean yelled almost loud enough to wake his family. They lost that HOT chick?

"..Attacked by vicious creatures known as Pokemon…"


They didn't exist.

It was just a game. A game that Sean played, granted, but still a game. Pokemon would never attack a human randomly, anyway. Sean shut off the T.V. and thought about it. They had the story wrong, just wait; they'll be broadcasting later today talking about how it wasn't really Pokemon that attacked the woman.

He walked outside and was hit by a wave of noise and smells. The coffee place right down the street had its doors open, clever.

He walked to his bus stop and waited a few minutes for the large yellow vehicle. He looked around and saw a few scenes, a homeless black man offering to clean car windows for 1$/window, another black man but this time in a very pricey tuxedo, a white man jogging down the street, iPod plugged in, and a woman looking for a place to get her breakfast.

The bus came and he stepped onto the vehicle. He sat down and slept for the half hour ride, he was woken by the sudden halt of the bus on the last stop. He stood up and walked off the bus, being pushed by a wave of students. He landed on the concrete and looked upon the school. It was depressing, a two-story building filled with about 2000 students.

Today students were supposed to head straight for their class where their final was. Sean headed for his gym class; he passed by a couple drug deals and fights along the way. He was even offered some weed; he proudly took it and gave it to a passing teacher, pointing out the original owner. The teacher dragged away the student, who gave Sean a grave look. Sean flicked him off. What a bum.

He made it to the gym locker room and went in. There he met his friend, Jordan, a blonde-haired also muscular boy. They have been best friends for years.

"Ready for the final?" he asked, jokingly.


They both laughed. The gym final was a joke, put on your uniform and do whatever you want. Sean was going to walk and socialize; Jordan was going to play some basketball.

They walked into the gym and split their ways, Jordan went to the basketball court and Sean met up with some friends on the indoor track.

He met up with two girls and another guy. The girls were Cassie, A brunette white girl and Lindsey, a strawberry-blonde tan girl. The guy was Bruce, a tall black-haired kid who could be a little psychotic at times. He also loved, "the bitches".

They walked around the track and talked, mainly about sex. Lindsey, you see, has had sex numerous times in the past and Sean and Bruce loved to hear about it. Today, however, Sean didn't want to hear it and wanted to talk about something else.

"Did anyone see the news last night?"

"What?" Bruce asked, obviously shocked he didn't make a comment on having an orgy.

"Yeah, all of the criminals in Illinois state prison broke out, all of the guards were killed, and a news reporter who was on the scene was killed."

"You don't say…" Cassie said.

"And…" Sean began, "The odd thing was, they say pokemon killed the guards and the reporter."

"WHAT?" They all said. Bruce was the only one who played the games, but everyone was familiar with what Pokemon was.

"Impossible! You're pulling our legs!" Lindsey said.

"No. I'm no-"

He was cut off by a loud BOOM! They all spun around. A huge crack was forming in the wood floor of the gym. The crack was moving towards Jordan.

"Look out!" a kid yelled as the crack widened. Jordan was trapped by a sea of kids running to get away. He was stuck. He couldn't move.

Sean had to do something. He sprinted towards his friend, the crack was fast, but Sean was determined to get to his friend first. He shoved everyone out of the way; he ran into a teacher and punched him, knocking him to the ground. He got to Jordan and pulled him out of the way of the crack, they both fell onto the ground, Jordan hit his head, but Sean landed on his hands. He lifted Jordan up, who was cradling his head in pain, and looked to where he once was. The crack was a huge fissure now, wooden panels falling into the abyss. Students were falling in; some were still hanging onto the edges. Sean ran and helped as many up as he could. The crack seemed to stop spreading.

"What could have caused that?" Jordan asked.

Sean looked down, and got his answer.

A least a dozen Dugtrio burst from the fissure, sending panels everywhere. They moved toward anyone they could; men and woman, freshman and teachers, and tossed them into the fissure, surely killing them. Sean looked around and couldn't see any of his other friends anywhere. He hoped they were alright.

Jordan ran up to Sean, "These are Dugtrio! We have to get away!"

Sean ran with Jordan out of the gym to find a dismantled hallway. Lockers were hanging off the walls, bodies of teachers and children were laid everywhere. It smelled like death. Sean even saw some brains on the wall.

"Oh my God…" Jordan said.

A bright red light flashed before Sean's eyes, a pain seared through his head, and he began to move. He didn't know where he was moving, but he moved. Jordan followed him, Sean was walking at first, holding his head, but soon he ran, faster and faster, dodging falling lockers and jumping over holes in the floor. Jordan was struggling to keep up, Sean had an inhuman quality to him now, it was his instinct to survive.

He ran as fast as he could until he stopped. He looked around, he was in a basement, and a safe was in the corner, it was unlocked.

Jordan was right behind him, "dude, where were you going?"

Sean looked at the safe, "I think here."

He walked over to the safe and opened it. Inside were two Pokedex.

"WHAT?" Jordan yelled.

"I think this is why I came here…" Sean said. He pulled them out and handed one to Jordan.

"What do you mean you-" All of the sudden a white flash happened between them; and two bags appeared. They opened the bags to find seven pokeballs, one a luxury ball, and a poketch.

"Are these…" Jordan asked. Sean interrupted him.
"Yes." He grabbed the luxury ball, "And I believe…" he threw the ball and a white beam hit the floor, an Eevee came out.

"Why is this happening?" Sean asked.

Jordan threw his luxury ball and a Vulpix came out.

"What's going on?" Jordan asked.

Their questions would have to wait. A huge hole burst in the ceiling above them, they grabbed their bags and their pokemon and pulled them away from the rubble. A Hitmonlee jumped down from the hole.

"That's a Hitmonlee!" Jordan yelled.

"We have to fight it before it kills us!" Sean whipped out his pokedex to learn that Eevee knew tackle, tail whip, and the one move he needed, bounce.

"Eevee! I know we just met, but in order to survive you have to beat this guy! Use bounce!"

Eevee leaped into the air right before Hitmonlee kicked out, missing Eevee, Sean dived out of the way. Hitmonlee was hit by a barrage of fire. Knocking it off-guard for Eevee's attack. Eevee easily hit Hitmonlee, knocking it out.

"We got it!" Sean yelled.

"Let's go before it gets up!" Jordan yelled back. They both picked up and ran; pokemon on their backs.

They ran up the basement stairs and ran out of the school to a perfectly normal city, minus the groups of the few survivors on the front lawn of their school. The pokemon jumped off their trainer's backs. Sean and Jordan searched the groups of survivors for friends, Sean found Cassie and Bruce, but Lindsey fell into the fissure. Jordan didn't find any of his friends.

Sean, now trying to hold back the tears at news of the loss of his friend, met up with Jordan, who was trying to do the same thing. They hugged each other, best friends. They will not lose each other.

After their short embrace was over, Jordan said that only three of his friends made it. Sean felt lucky only to know of the loss of one. A lot of his other friends skipped school today because the final today was their study hall- they didn't have to show up.

"I want some answers." Sean said, now angry, "Why did the pokemon attack OUR school and not the rest of Chicago? Why did they attack in the first place? "

"I don't know…"

"The question was rhetorical. We have to go to Illinois State prison."


"No not now. But soon. We'll explain what's going on with our families, tell them that they can't stop us, and go."

"Are you sure?"

"You want your friends to die in vain?"

A tear ran down Jordan's cheek, he shook, "No….."

"Tomorrow. Meet me at the train station by my house. We're heading to State Prison."

Well, how is it? Should I continue? Please comment!