A/N: I know that in the previous chapter it says that Narcissa was a Black but I changed my mind and now I'm saying that Narcissa is NOT a Black or closely related to them. Later on in the story this will be important.

WHOOOOO! I'm back! Again!

Right, now seriously, I'm sorry that it's been like probably over two years since I've updated this story. I'm not exactly sure. I didn't bother to check. I was doing an english assignment and my mind started going like a mile a second, coming up with great ideas. I finished that and my creative juices were still flowing so I decided to crack open one of my old stories. I just quickly reread it and started typing. It took me a little over an hour to come up with this chapter, including proofing. I don't know what's got me inspired again but hopefully it'll stick around for a while.

With that, I should also tell you once again, that updates will likely still be random. I am, after all, in high school still. It's my senior year so I have less classes and as of right now, no job (hopefully that will change soon). I do play volleyball though, and we're hoping to get not only to zone, but go on to state this year so until November, I'll be spending a lot of time at school and practice. After that though, I should have a much lighter load and be able to work on my stories more often. Then again, towards the end of the year, I'll be busy with senior stuff. And isn't that weird? I started this story in the 8th grade and now four years later I'm a senior but I only have six chapters on this story. I'm sorry.

Anyway, this chapter is for anyone that's still willing to read it after all this time. Enjoy.

Previous Chapter:

Sirius sighed again and said, "Alright. So, what did it say?" Ginny hesitated before answering, "It said that the magic of The Book, which is what it's called, would only work if you were a Black." As she finished, she looked away from Sirius and at the wall so she didn't have to watch his reaction.

Sirius' eyes grew wide and he tensed up. He quickly thought about all of the Blacks in his family. Andromeda would never watch one of her children be taken from her. Bellatrix was infertile. Regulus had died in 1978. All the other Blacks were dead as well. Except for him.

Chapter 6: A Black Rose

Remus used to say that he, Sirius, was a player when he was younger. And for the most part, that had been true. Not that he would have admitted it back then. Sirius had been with so many girls that no one, even his friends who had kept count during school, knew how many girls he had been with. He didn't even know.

But he did know this. He had been so confident- cocky actually- when he was younger, that he had made a big mistake. He never bothered to use a contraceptive preventative; muggle or magical. Any one of those girls that he had slept with could have gotten pregnant. In this, he was both lucky and unlucky though. Of all of them, only one ever came to him, wand trained on him with the threat to prevent him ever having more kids. Unfortunately, the one girl he got pregnant was the one he had prayed to never have to remember sleeping with.

Lily Potter nee Evans.

In a moment of desperation and under the influence of far too many firewhiskeys, he and his best mate's wife had made one of the biggest mistakes of their lives. Now the consequence was staring him in the face.

Sirius sat in a daze as he took in what Ginny had said.

"Sirius." Hermione snapped to get his attention and Sirius jerked his head up with wide eyes. He looked at them and saw looks of concern on their faces.

"Uh, so why were you sneaking into my room?" He asked still slightly dazed from the memory.

"Oh. We were hoping that you would have some sort of file or something." Hermione answered, "Something to help Ginny find her real parents." Sirius leaned back in his chair and sighed with closed eyes. He was afraid of what their reactions would be.

Sirius swallowed as he said, "I know who your parents are." Ginny gasped in and smiled. Breathlessly, she asked, "Who? I need to know, Sirius please." Sirius winced at hearing his name. He should have been hearing 'Dad'. Ginny stared in anticipation.

He stared at his lap. "There are only six possible people. Tonks and her mother but Andi would have never given you up and Tonks was only about 5 when you were born. Bellatrix-"

Ginny cut him off panicked, "No! That madwoman cannot be my mother!" Sirius gave a small, quick smile and then looked down again.

"No. No, she's not. She can't have kids." Sirius assured her. Ginny sighed and said, "And the other two people?" Sirius' stomach twisted. "My brother-"

He was once again cut off, but this time by Hermione. "But you said your brother died before he finished school. He died too early to be Ginny's father."

Sirius looked up and nodded slowly. "Yes. He did. She would have been conceived after his death."

"So then who?" she got off the bed and stood in front of him. "Who are my parents?" She looked at him pleadingly.

"Your mother. . . was a wonderful woman who I made the mistake of sleeping with." Sirius said as he looked her in the eyes praying that she would understand. Ginny took a deep, shaky breath and slightly shook her head. Harry and Hermione looked at each other wide-eyed.

Ginny stammered and said, "You-. . . I-I don't . . . does- . . ." She took a steadying breath and asked, "Are- Are you saying, that you're-" Sirius cut her off. "Your father. Yes. I am. I'm your father."

"No. No you can't be." Ginny denied. Sirius sucked in a breath and looked over at the wall as the pain of rejection hit him. "I have six older brothers. Nobody could go 14 years in that household without having to go to St. Mungo's. They'd have taken my blood. They would have realized I was adopted and talked to my- to Molly and Arthur. The healers would have told them who my real parents are. They know. And they would have told me when we came here if you were my father."

Sirius looked over at her. "There's a birthmark on your right shoulder in the shape of a flower. It's why I named you Rose." She shook her head. "I don't have a birthmark." He furrowed his brows and then straightened up in his chair. He looked over at Hermione.

"Hermione, I don't think you'll have learned it yet in class, but do you know what a glamour charm is?" She used a clear voice as she defined, "A glamour charm is a charm that allows the person the charm is being placed on to change their looks. The spell is 'Glamorous'. To take the glamour charm off, the incantation would be 'Glamaratus'."

Sirius looked impressed. "Very good, Hermione. Well, as you know the charm, it's incantation, and it's effects, I'm going to do the reversal spell on Ginny." He turned to her and said, "I can prove I am your father." Ginny opened her mouth to say something but then shut it and nodded her head.

Sirius pulled out his wand (the one he took off Snape) and pointed it at Ginny. She closed her eyes as he said very clearly, "Glamaratus." Ginny felt a feeling of icy water trickling down her back. She opened her eyes as Hermione gasped.

She looked at them and said, "What? Why are you staring at me like that?" Sirius grinned and said, "Well, you weren't always a Weasley." Ginny stared for a moment and then spun around and dashed over to his mirror. She stared wide-eyed at her reflection. She looked completely different.

She stood several inches taller at 5"9'. She had grown from a B to a D cup which had pulled her shirt tightly against her chest and showed an inch of skin between her shirt and shorts which were, as Sirius noticed with a frown, entirely too short. There was no sign of freckles on any part of her skin. Her hair was the same jet black as Sirius'. She had sharper cheekbones that simply screamed 'heir of a pureblooded and noble family'. And most noticeably, "I have your eyes." She turned around and looked into Sirius' own stunningly ocean, blue eyes as she smiled.

He smiled back and said, "Yes. You do, but you have your mother's smile. It's something I haven't seen in a very long time. And if you look, you'll see a flower-shaped birthmark on your right shoulder."

Ginny pulled her sleeve up and revealed the mark. She looked up at Sirius and gestured to her shoulder. "This is the. . . inspiration for my name?" Sirius smiled, "Sort of. See, Rose was one of the names I had thought of anyway. When I saw that, I took it as a sign that your mother was right."

Hermione frowned, "That her mother was right about what?" Sirius sighed. "Maybe it would be better if I started at the beginning. Actually, I should probably tell you first, your mother was- was, well, Lily Potter"

Harry;s eyes widened. "WHAT!" He shook his head muttering that it wasn't true. Sirius looked over at him and said, "I'm sorry, Harry. I know that you don't want to believe it but let me explain." Harry stared at him blankly. "Please." Harry reluctantly nodded his head slightly.

Sirius took a deep breath and began to explain, "It was October. James had been on a mission for the Order. He had told us the general location he would be at to try and reassure Lily as much as possible. But a few days later, Lily came bursting into the apartment I shared with Remus in tears with the daily prophet in her hand. She threw it at us and managed one word before she collapsed onto the couch, crying; 'James'. I read it to Remus as he tried to comfort her. It reported a fire and 16 deaths at a campsite in the area James said he would be at.

"We went straight to Dumbledore. Of course, he had already heard and had an Order meeting called. Four of the Order had escaped and returned to the place we were using for headquarters at the time. James wasn't one of them.

"The Death Eaters had found them and set fire to half the camp before they had even known they were under attack. The four Order members that escaped did so by luck and luck only.

"As the Order gathered, Dumbledore went to try and identify the bodies. Some of them were severely burned. Anyway, he came back two hours later, though it felt like much longer.

"He had sent twenty members. Only four returned and there were sixteen bodies. All twenty of them were accounted for. He had been able to identify most of the bodies so they could be sent back to their families. All but three of them. They had James' and the Prewitt twins' wands near them though so it was obvious it was them."

Hermione spoke up at this, "But it can't have been. Harry hadn't been conceived yet had he?" Sirius let out a breath. "No. No, he hadn't. We all just assumed it was James because it was his wand.

"Anyway, Dumbledore brought back the wands of the fallen and handed them out to their family members. We all sat in silence as we waited to see if we would be presented with the wand of a loved one.

"Dumbledore handed out 13 wands before he turned to Molly. He held out her brothers' wands and gave her a few comforting words. She took them and the tension rose a little. There was only one wand left and no one wanted it to be for them. But of course, someone had to receive it.

"Dumbledore turned to us; me, Remus, and Lily, and held out James' wand. Lily just stared at it for a second before she turned to me and buried her head in my neck as she cried. I held her and Remus took James's wand. He used it to ground himself, to not get overwhelmed. Lily had me. And I couldn't- wouldn't lean on her. So, I grieved in silence. It could have been minutes or hours, I don't know but she turned to me and asked me to take her home."

Before he could continue, Remus walked in. "Sirius, you said you'd be back in a few minutes. It's been a half an hour. What are you doing?" Sirius smiled at him sheepishly. "Oops?" Remus gave him a look. "Uhh. . ." Sirius glanced over at Ginny. She threw her hands up in mock defeat, "Why not? He already knows some of it." She shrugged. "Might as well tell him the rest." Remus looked at her in surprise. He looked back at Sirius questioningly as if to say, 'Who's she?' with a very confused look on his face. So, Sirius quickly filled him in on the fact that it was Ginny, that she's his daughter, and what point in the story they were at.

Sirius was about to begin again when he saw the look Harry was giving him and said, "What you've got to understand, is that before each mission that James went on, he would turn to me. And he would say 'If anything happens, if I don't come back, you promise you'll take care of her.' And I would nod and say 'I promise. I will be here for her if you can't be. But dammit, she drives me nuts so you had better come back'"

Harry gaped. "You did not say that!" Sirius nodded as he grinned, "Oh yes I did. It was actually a standing joke between your father and me in our first year as aurors. We were partners in the beginning and when I could see that he was about to do something brave, noble, and idiotic, I would say something to him like 'If Lily drives me crazy, I'm taking the money out of you're vault to pay for the therapy bills'. Harry grinned and Sirius continued again.

"Anyway, I was doing what James asked. I was trying to take care of her. So, I picked her up and used the Floo to take her back to Godric's Hallow. When we got there, I set her down on the couch and slid down the wall to the floor next to her. She cried, screamed and yelled at the world, cursed and swore at the Death Eaters. And then she just stopped. She spotted James' coat on the table in the other room and I could tell, it was just too much so I took her to my flat instead and she collapsed onto the couch again. I grabbed a couple bottles of firewhiskey and settled down next to her. I passed one to her and we- we got drunk.

"I don't know how many bottles we went through, just that it was a lot. I remember one second we were sitting there drinking in silence and the next we were kissing. Then we were in my room, in my bed and. . . " Sirius looked down.

Remus blinked and asked, "Why didn't you tell me? I mean. . . " Remus struggled for words but Sirius understood. He swallowed. "What was I supposed to say? Hey morning Remus. I know James just died yesterday but I slept with his wife last night. I mean come on. Besides, Lily and I had agreed to forget it had ever even happened."

"Obviously didn't work out too well." Remus muttered. Sirius shot him a look.

"Anyway, we went back to headquarters. Everyone that received wands had left, except for Molly, and nearly everyone else was still there. We sat down and helped with the planning to storm the death eaters' hideout. We were there for about an hour before we were interrupted with a yell of 'Somebody give me a wand so I can kick some damned death eater ass!'"

Remus chuckled in remembrance as Hermione asked who it was. Sirius grinned. "Then two slightly burnt, very angry, identical wizards walked in as one of them said 'What my dear twin, Fabian here, meant to say was give US wands so WE can kick some death eater ass!'"

Ginny grinned, "Uncles Fabian and Gideon. Mu-Molly's brothers. She's always said that Fred and George are just like them. Usually she's yelling it as an insult after they've pulled a prank but you know what I always say? I say it's her own damn fault for naming them after them. I mean, what did she expect?" Remus grinned with her as he was the only one that knew both sets of twins well.

"Yes. Molly was thrilled of course. She nearly strangled them, she was so happy. That's when we heard another voice say 'You know Molly, I've found it's easier to kick death eater ass if you can breathe.'

"I looked around Molly to see James. Lily sprang out of her seat and threw herself into his arms. He caught her and grinned like the madman he was. Then Remus stood up and said, 'Well, that's true. Molly let them breathe. As you can see, they're, miraculously, fine.' Then he turned to James and said, 'Hey, Prongs. Catch.' and tossed him his wand. And you know what I said? 'Thank god. I hate therapists. They're creepy.'"

Ginny's jaw dropped. "You are lying!" He grinned. "Of course I'm not. They really are very creepy." She slapped his arm slightly as she smiled. "That is not what I meant."

"I know. But that really is what I said to him and you should have seen his reaction. He started laughing harder than a hyena. Anyway, we captured 11 death eaters and things got back to as normal as they ever are. At least it did until Lily came to see me seven weeks later to tell me she was pregnant." Sirius exhaled before continuing.

"She went to the hospital, had a paternity test, found out about the two of you, told James he was having a boy, and hid her second child from everyone's knowledge except my own and the hospital's. James was on an auror raid when Lily went into labor so he didn't find out until, luckily, after Rose had been born. I took her and told everyone that her mother left her on my doorstep because she didn't want her. And I was at Godric's Hallow so often and she babysat you while I worked that it was never a problem for Lily to see you.

"Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that we were drunk and we were grieving. And while that doesn't excuse our actions, I think it justifies them. I never meant for it to happen. Neither of us did." He finished with a small sigh.

Hermione looked at him, contemplating. "Do you regret it?" Ginny and Harry looked up at Sirius. He tilted his head in thought. "Do I regret it? I regret that I got drunk. I regret that I allowed her to get drunk. I regret that I slept with my best mate's wife. I don't regret finding comfort after learning that the man I thought of as a brother was dead. And I certainly don't regret you, Rose." He finished looking over at his newly found daughter.

She smiled. "Rose. I like it. And you said that Mum helped choose it?" Sirius leaned back with his eyes closed in remembrance. He opened them with a smile on his face. "Your mother's family has a tradition of naming the girls after flowers. She wanted you to have one too. She suggested Daisy." Ginny wrinkled her nose at the name.

Seeing the look on her face, he chuckled and continued, "I suggested that she was out of her mind. I told her I'd consider a flower name to get her off my back but I'll admit I had actually picked out a name for you before you were born; Alina."

He chuckled again. "Lily beat me down though. She was adamant that you got part of your name from her family. Meaning she wanted you to have a flower name or Marie, her own middle name." Ginny's nose scrunched up again. She was definitely not a Marie.

Sirius snorted. "She actually told me I would name you one or the other while she held her wand pointed straight at my . . . bits. There was no uncertainty of what she was threatening to do if I didn't." Harry tried to smother his smile as he silently laughed.

Sirius caught Harry's laughing out of the corner of his eye and spoke to him frowning. "It's not funny. She had, of course, threatened to castrate me multiple times over the years, but never that believingly. She looked down-right scary. I truly believed that she would do it if I didn't agree. And as soon as I did, you know what she did?"

Remus smiled fondly as the teens all shook their heads, grinning. Sirius paused for dramatic effect. "She replaced her wand, smiled all sweet and innocent, and walked calmly out of my apartment while I stood there floundering like a fish out of water."

Sirius continued as the teens laughed. "So, Lily got her way and you were named Rose Alina Black."