I don't own Naruto or many of the OC's, if you want to add an OC you still can
Chapter 8: Battle of the border.
The border between the countries was a area which was known as a no man land, because of the numbers of shinobi that where moving to and from various small villages along the borderlines. They moved as if they were wanting to know who would make the first move, afraid to make the wrong opening move, they were unsure about attacking, and thus early on, there had still not been a second attack from Iwa, and its allies, or Konoha and its allies. Both sides were generally on edge right at this point unsure what to do.
On the border near the entrance point to Waterfall country, and also Konoha, a ground of Iwa shinobi moved quietly between the trees, at this point in the war, they side had sent out groups of solid shinobi to guard the border, amount Iwa s shinobi was Amya Hari, who was one of the prized Jounin. Amya was of average height around 5 7 with light brown eyes which held a great kindness in them at times, but also which could hold great determination as well. Amya was with a group of her fellow Iwa shinobi, and she was in charge, this cause one of her other personality qualities to come forth in her own actions. She had been careful not to push any one of her men to much as they traveled the border lands, looking for any sign of danger in the woods around the check point.
Suddenly a explosion rocked at area, to the west of where she was, in Waterfall country, Amya blinked as she knew that it was Nendo s style of attack, over aggressive and to the point. She had to respond and help out her fellow Iwa shinobi. Amya quickly looked to her teammates and smiled at them as to try to calm them down with the single look on her face.
Well, my friends, it seems that it is time for us to do our part, she said with a calm cool tone, which reflected well of the faces of those who she was talking to, before she moved off leading the group of 10 Iwa shinobi to the place of attack as quickly as she could move herself.
As she moved she looked ahead at the village, a Waterfall village, she wondered what had drawn the village to the attention of Nendo. She blinked, as she ran she could see more explosion going off in the village and she guessed around the village as well.
On the other side of the village at the same moment an other conversation was going on about the happenings about the villages. A shinobi was looking at the village and he sighed as he looked on at the village, he could care less if the town burned to the ground, it was there own fault for being on the border of the warring parties. They should know better then to be there in his own opinion at least. The shinobi a man with medium length red hair was walking causally at the sight in front of him, as he looked at the burning town.
I guess we better find a better path to go down, I think this one is close to us, sir, A young woman with choppy black hair commented as she looked at her senior shinobi though her large glasses, commented as she turned to looked at the village, looking at a map she had, Well sir, um that is the only village for supplies and I am hungry, she added as she knew what his next comment would be.
Yeah, I know, well lets get this over with, they can t say I have never done anything to help them, Maraharu replied as he looked at the village in front of him, picking up his speed as Hotaru followed behind him quietly as he moved.
Amya looked at the town the outside of the town was burning, the fields on fire as she moved to see, Nendo with his short red hair fighting against a large group of Waterfall samurai. She moved quickly watching Nendo layer clay on one of the samurai s armor blowing it apart with his clay bombs, which first stuck to the armor and then went off. The guy exposed to attack was killed shortly after by a kunai to the heart.
Amya looked and moved into range as she prepared a number of hand seals just in range of the other shinobi, Firel release, fireball jutsu, Amya called out firing a fire ball at one of the samuri drawing his attention away form Nendo as her teammates went in to engage the samurai in combat. Amya looked at the group of her shinobi, moving around using a combination of earth as well as fire jutsu to keep her foes off guard. She poured in the ninjutsu, causing the samurai to fall back losing a large amount of their number.
Amya looked at she noticed that Nendo and her fellow Iwa shinobi looked really confused, like they were trying to get air trapped under water or something. She blinked as she looked at the group, when she saw a shinobi knock out a couple of her teammates. She was not having that but she was not sure what was going on. Amya move forward to where Hotaru was fighting the group of very confused shinobi, each under Masaharu s genjutsu, made to make them think they were stuck underwater. Amya used a grand fireball to force, both Masaharu, and Hotaru away form her friends, she would help them out as she got in the middle of them and used a chain release with the few shinobi who were left standing to break the genjutsu.
Ok, Nendo, we got to get out of here, we can t deal with reinforcements from Kumo, she called to Nendo, knowing that these two were from Kumogakure, or at least Hotaru was from the village, from her protector. She grabbed two of her men, as Nendo grabbed two others and moved out away form the village, and back into the lands or Iwa.
Well, that is over, thankfully, Masaharu commented as he walked into the village ignoring all of the thankful looks he was getting.
Yeah, well at least we can get our food now huh, Hotaru commented following behind Masaharu quietly as she looked at the village, wonder if we can get our goods for free here.