Hey guys^^

This is my first fan fiction ever so I hope you like it and please don't be too harsh to it.

Well I'm actually from Germany, but I decided to write this story in English – don't ask me why… so if there are any crucial mistakes (except of spelling errors a.s.o.) it would be nice of you to point it out to me.

So then, the idea of the first chapter is actually from a fanfiction you can find here

www. myfanfiction. de/texte/naruto/a-sasusaku-story.37531.

It's a really good one, but the girl has unfortunately stopped writing on it and since that first part really stuck in my mind, I decided to use that first idea and turn it into my own story, by inserting a new character and so on – I didn't just copy anything but really gave thought to it – so again I hope you like it and by the way I've inserted an OC, but details are explained in the course of the story…


1. Encounter

Nothing made sense anymore. The lack of purpose in her life made her doubt the meaning of her own existence.

She felt lost.

She didn't know anything about herself – or better about the person she had been, before she had become who she was now; if that made any sense…

Her whole life was a mystery to herself; it was just way too confusing:

She had lost her memory when she had been about 12 years old, since then, only little random images of her past, that didn't really seem to fit together had crossed her mind and if that wasn't enough to trouble her, there was also him.

Three entire years had passed since he had left, but to her it felt as if it had just happened yesterday. She had always thought of him as one of the few persons that were able to understand her.

Having had a hard past himself and still being able to cope with it; he gave her hope for dealing with her own life. She had felt a strong connection to him and his betrayal of them – his friends, had hurt her deeply.

By leaving, he had shattered Team7, which she had always considered somehow as a replacement for a family, but he had just taken that little comfort she had away from her and even after all this years, she yearned to get it back.

Days came and days passed, time seemed to have gone out of control. Sometimes it was spinning so fast, that it was hard to keep up with it, while at other times, it didn't seem to pass at all – in fact even people seemed to be moving in slow-motion then.

Today was one of these days. She hadn't done anything special, but all the thoughts that had been running through her head, seemed way too much to fit into one single day.

A worn out smile crossed her face, as she stood there, eyes fixed on some distant place, not taking in anything of their surroundings.

You should think, that after spending years mostly in your head you'd run out of topics, but that was the last thing she had to worry about; she'd be glad if she could just turn her head off and let herself go, but that favour wasn't granted to her. She felt as if she'd been doomed to spend a life imagining how things could have turned out if she had been different, if only she had been a better person – a stronger one, she could have kept her life from going down the stream. But it was too late for regrets now; she couldn't change a thing anyway…

On the outside she always seemed to be a happy girl; she was always very polite and treated everyone with the due respect.

Those traits had made her very popular in the village hidden in the leaves – well after they had stopped avoiding her and gave her the chance to prove herself, at least.

She had made a lot of friends lately, but only few of them were really close to her and even those hardly knew what was going on inside of her and she wouldn't want it to be any different. She always kept her distance to other people; she never let her guard down.

Her recent past had taught her not to show weakness in front of anyone, but not showing weakness doesn't automatically mean being strong.

She had been able to put up a nearly impenetrable disguise that was able to fool even those people closest to her, but nevertheless she had never been able to fool her dearest friend: her dog.

He always seemed to know when she was in one of her moods and tried to cheer her up with a light-heartedness only an animal could show, but lately even her sensitive friend hadn't been able to pull her out of the darkness that seemed to enclose her and gave her a slight feeling of claustrophobia.

It was like one of those dreams in which you were falling down into a bottomless abyss, but since this was reality, the relief of waking up wasn't given to you. It was kind of like a constant state of weightlessness, but instead of enjoying this situation you just timidly waited for the dooming impact with reality that seemed inevitable at this point.

Another night passed with her standing at that cliff, thinking about why she was carrying on anyway.

The main reason that kept her from giving up on life were her friends. It's not like she thought they'd be able to pull her out of that deep black hole, even if she secretly wished for it, but matter of factly they didn't even know she was in it, so how could they possibly do something?

She just didn't want to let them down, she didn't have the highest opinion of herself but she nonetheless knew that there were people that cared for her, people that'd be sad if she wouldn't be there anymore. And so again she was just standing there, ignoring the pouring rain and imagining a fate she wouldn't choose in the end anyway.

Nevertheless she always came back to this place. Even though all she did was standing at the edge of the slope and glancing down into the depth. She figured the reason why she would always return to this place, was to proof to herself that she was living out of her own free will and that she could end it any time she wanted to. She drew strength from coming here, or at least that's what she told herself, but in the end she didn't feel any different than before.

Lost in her thoughts she took another step forward towards the cliff, nearly in trance, when a too familiar voice brought her back to reality:


She just stood there, rooted to the spot, taking a deep breath in, before dazedly muttering:


"You just want to jump? – Pathetic." He said in an expressionless voice, scrutinizing the back of the girl standing just about three meters in front of him.

An insecure smile crossed the kunoichi's lips and she slowly turned around. It seemed like a dream, even though she wasn't entirely sure, whether she should consider it as a good one or a bad one and she didn't dare make any sudden movement because she feared that he would just fade away if she did.

But there he was, just about 10 feet away from her, looking as solid as ever, but still he had changed a lot from the way she remembered him.

He still had the same black hair, which stuck up at the back of his head, somewhat like a duck's back and the same onyx-eyes, even though they seemed to be even colder than they'd already been before, which she had thought to be impossible, but he sure proved her wrong.

He was also more grown up and even better looking than he had been back then, when he was still fighting under the name of Konoha, but still it seemed as if all warmth had faded away from him, and it was hard to read any emotions in his face.

He just stood there, motionless, with a superior air, surrounding his whole appearance, making the petite girl in front of him shudder in awe.

"Why are you here?" She asked not really expecting an honest answer, or an answer at all, but asking anyway. "Why have you come back?"

"Who said I had? What you're doing is stupid…"

"Even if… why would you care anyway? I mean you…" She started, but her voice broke and she was on the verge of tears now. She didn't like that whole thing. As if it wasn't enough that she had been caught in this awkward situation, no – the one who did so, just had to be her former team-mate who had contributed his part to the plight she was in right now, too.

"You better go home now", he said turning away from her and making his first steps back into the dark wood that lay behind them.

"No, wait -", she begged, taking a hasty step in his direction, but in that very second she slipped on the wet rocks and lost her balance.

With a last staggered shriek she fell into the depth – fell into the fate, she had just moments ago considered as infeasible.