AN: So, here's the final part. Glad you guys like it! And so true KayleeLovesMERDER, we ALL need a little O'Malley in our life. Even the people that don't like O'Malley need him to live, because he's apart of Grey's Anatomy, part of the original cast.

Oh, and Red Bess, thanks for the tip. I realize I made it too repetitive in last chapter, and also this chapter…whoops! Sorry it's so repetitive! I just think they'd keep telling him not to give up, but I may have done it too many times… well, other than that little detail, keep reading!

Cristina heard about George crashing from Owen, who she passed by while they ran for surgery, and she tried to keep it from Izzie. The secret lasted about an hour before Izzie caught on that something was wrong.

"What's wrong Cristina? Is it George? Please tell me that he's alright," Izzie asked softly. Alex, after much convincing from Izzie, went to go get some sleep in the on call room, though he promised he'd be back soon. Cristina hedged.

"Um, well, you see," Cristina started before Izzie sighed.

"Just tell me Cristina. Please, just let it out. I deserve to know," she said. Cristina sighed as she looked at Izzie, who was pale and still weak.

"George crashed about an hour ago. They managed to sort of stabilize him and they took him up to surgery right away. I don't know if he'll make it," Cristina admitted. Izzie's eyes shone with tears. She shook her head.

"No, no, he has to make it! He promised he'd fight!" Izzie said. Cristina sighed. She was definitely not good with tears.

"Izzie, I'm sure he'll be fine. If you want, I can go watch the surgery, make sure everything is ok," Cristina offered. Izzie nodded.

"Please just go, and let me know as soon as possible," Izzie whispered. Cristina nodded before hurrying out toward the OR.

She got to the gallery to find Meredith watching the surgery.

"They wouldn't let me in. I don't blame them. I'm too emotional to save George. Owen, Derek, Callie and the other doctors are working very hard to save him, but it doesn't look good," Meredith told Cristina, who nodded.

"I told Izzie that George crashed. She wanted me to watch the surgery and keep her updated. She was going to cry Meredith. I had to get out of there. You know how much I hate tears," Cristina said softly. Meredith nodded, biting her lip.

"I know you do. I hope both of them are ok," Meredith said. Cristina nodded.

"Me too," she admitted as she watched the doctors work frantically. Suddenly, Lexie entered the room, and looked at the surgery.

"He just crashed right in front of me. I tried to save him," Lexie said, almost to herself. Meredith nodded slowly.

"I know Lexie. It's not your fault he crashed. He just lost some of his strength, that's all. He'll regain it any time now and he'll be fine," Meredith told her. Lexie nodded numbly as she watched the surgery.

Bailey entered Izzie's room to find her awake, and alone.

"Stevens, where's Karev and Yang?" she asked curiously. Izzie kept looking at a part of the wall.

"Alex is sleeping in the on call room and Cristina is watching George's surgery to make sure he doesn't die," Izzie answered. Bailey narrowed her eyes.

"O'Malley crashed again? Oh my god. I'm going to have to give him a piece of my mind when he wakes up," Bailey said, praying inside that she could have the chance to actually do that. She liked George. He wasn't a bad guy. Even though he did tell her he was going off to Iraq to be a doctor and she got angry, she still liked him. That was why she and Callie planned an intervention. Too bad they might not ever get the chance to give him the intervention, as if he'd need it after all of this anyways.

Bailey made up her mind to go watch the surgery a little bit later. Izzie offered a small smile.

"I really hope he makes it. He's my best friend. I know we haven't been entirely close since, well, since we broke up, but he's still my best friend," Izzie muttered softly. Bailey nodded as she sat on Izzie's bed, looking at her.

"Well, O'Malley is a survivor, and he will make it. We just have to believe that he will," Bailey said confidently. Izzie sighed.

"He's not going to be the same George we all know and love though. He's going to be different; he's going to look different," Izzie started.

"No, he won't Stevens. We know who he is, and what he looks like. He'll still act like the same George, and who cares if he looks a little bit different? He's still going to be George O'Malley regardless of his physical appearance," Bailey said boldly. Izzie nodded as she took a deep breath.

"I guess you're right. George is always going to be George, if he gets through this," Izzie said softly. Bailey smiled.

"Not if he gets through this, when he gets through this," Bailey corrected her. Izzie smiled shyly.

"You're right," she said as she yawned. Bailey stood up.

"Get some rest Stevens. We'll let you know how George is when you wake up," Bailey said. Izzie nodded, but something felt different to her, like she was going to crash again. She just wasn't sure.

"Ok. Tell Alex I love him, ok?" Izzie murmured. Bailey nodded.

"Of course," she said before Izzie drifted off to sleep. Bailey sighed as she put down Izzie's chart to go watch George's surgery.

Alex awoke a few hours later to find himself in the on call room. At first, he was confused. What happened? What time was it? Then he suddenly remembered. Izzie, his wife, with cancer, almost died, stabilized, George, John Doe, almost dead. Standing up, Alex stretched and then exited the room to go to see Izzie. He found her sleeping peacefully in her room. Sighing, he sat beside her, taking her hand and stroking it. Everything was so wrong. Nothing was going good for them.

"Iz, I love you so much. Don't die on me, please," he told her softly. Izzie remained asleep, breathing on her own, even if it was a little irregular. Alex sighed as his head hit the blankets on her bed. He started crying again softly.

"Don't die Izzie, don't die. I'm sorry," he told her. Izzie didn't answer; she just kept still, and Alex could see she was dreaming a nice dream. Probably of a time before she got cancer and before George was dying. Alex sighed. He wished he could have those dreams, but he just couldn't. Alex sighed again as he looked at his wife sadly, wishing everything would be ok.

Alex was so out of it, he almost didn't hear Izzie flat lining until he looked up. His eyes grew wide with panic. Not again, he pleaded. He stood up and yelled, "GET A CRASH CART! HURRY! PAGE THE CHIEF AND BAILEY!" He immediately tried to save her, by doing chest compressions.

Meanwhile, Lexie sighed as she stood up in the gallery, unable to watch them try to save George.

"I'm going to check on Izzie," she said to Cristina and Meredith, who nodded blankly as she hurried out. She let herself cry once more and she moved past all the patients and doctors. On her way to Izzie's room, however, she saw Amanda, still sitting in the chair, looking down. Lexie sighed as she stopped and sat beside her.

"Hey Amanda. Still waiting?" she asked. Amanda nodded.

"Yeah. Is George going to be alright? I really want to thank him, and apologize," Amanda asked. Lexie shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. I think we're all hoping he pulls through. You should go home and rest Amanda. He won't be out of surgery for a while," Lexie coaxed her. Amanda shook her head.

"I'm not leaving until I know he's alright. I caused him to be in this position, and I can't just leave him like this. If he dies, I'll feel incredibly guilty. I mean, if I had just looked both ways instead of just barreling across the street like that, George would be ok!" Amanda cried out. Lexie sighed as she tried to console the hysterical girl.

"Listen Amanda, whatever you say, it's not your fault. Things happen, sometimes for the better, others for the worst. Nobody could have stopped this from happening. You made a choice to walk across the street, and George made the choice of saving your life, simple as that. I know you feel guilty, but it's not your fault!" Lexie told her. Amanda sighed.

"Yeah, but your friend and fellow doctor is in there, dying. Don't you feel angry at me?" Amanda asked. Lexie shook her head.

"Of course not. It's not anyone's fault, and playing the blame game won't help anyone. It's ok Amanda, it'll all be ok. George will make it through, I know he will," Lexie said. Amanda sighed.

"Thanks Dr. Grey. I'm going to stay though. You should get back to work," Amanda said. Lexie nodded, giving her a hug before leaving and continuing to Izzie's room. Once she saw nurses in there, Lexie took off in a run. She walked in to see nurses and Alex trying to revive her. Lexie sighed as she started crying again. Izzie signed a DNR, she heard, so why were they breaking it? Lexie pushed back the nurses, telling them to back off as she touched Alex's shoulder softly. He flinched but kept trying to revive her with the paddles.

"Charging to 360! Clear!" he yelled as he jolted her body. Lexie's heart broke, watching Alex trying to save his wife. Lexie shook her head.

"Alex," she said softly. Alex ignored her and started charging the paddles again.

"Clear!" he cried as he jolted her body again. No change, Lexie nodded as she spoke up again.

"Alex, this isn't what she wants. She signed a DNR," Lexie cried. Alex shook his head.

"Screw the DNR. I want to save my wife; I have to save her," he said. Lexie shook her head as she took the paddles from his hand and set them down, pushing the cart away. Alex tried to grab them again, but Lexie refrained him with all her strength.

"Alex, she signed the DNR, meaning she wanted to die if this happened. I know you love her and want to save her, but it's over. You have to respect her last dying wishes," Lexie said to him. Alex shook his head, tears falling.

"She's my wife; she didn't know what she was doing when she signed the DNR. She wasn't in the right frame of mind," he said to Lexie. Lexie shook her head, crying as well as she pushed Alex back.

"She was in the right frame of mind Alex. She knew this would happen, and you saved her once, but do you think she wanted that? She wanted to die. If she didn't still, she would have told you to rip up the DNR after you saved her the first time. Alex, she's gone. She wants to be gone. I'm so sorry!" Lexie cried. Alex stopped resisting and started to cry. Lexie hugged him as she rubbed his back.

"Why her? Why Izzie?" Alex sobbed. Lexie couldn't help but sob as well. Alex was so broken; Izzie was dead, and there was nothing to be done. Lexie looked at Izzie's pale body and started crying even harder. She looked so peaceful, like she was just sleeping, but her machine kept beeping evenly. She was gone, and they couldn't just not respect her wishes to die. Alex and Lexie held each other as Chief entered the room.

"What's going on?" the Chief asked. One look at Alex and Lexie crying, Izzie on the bed, and he knew.

"She's dead," Lexie replied brokenly. The Chief shook his head.

"No way is she dying! Come on Stevens!" he yelled as he grabbed the paddles. Lexie let go of Alex and made a move to stop him, but Alex did instead.

"She wanted to die Chief. We have to respect her wishes," Alex said mournfully. The Chief shook his head in denial.

"No. We're losing George right now, we can't lose Izzie either," he said sorrowfully. Alex shook his head, still crying.

"She's gone Chief, she's long gone. We have to let her go," Alex replied brokenly. The Chief shook his head, his own eyes with tears as he reached for the paddles again. Lexie shook her head as she backed up against the wall, sliding down and crying.

"Just let her go Chief. She doesn't want us to revive her. Just let her go," Lexie begged. The Chief shook his head as he pushed Alex back and grabbed the paddles, charging them and jolting them against Izzie's body.

Izzie stood in the elevator, it just reaching the top floor. She could faintly hear the beeping from her monitor. She was aware that they were trying to save her, but she didn't want to be saved anymore. She wanted to be let go. Izzie gripped her pink dress tightly as she exited the elevator on the top floor, seeing the door to go out into heaven. But she paused, waiting. She had a strong feeling she had to wait. Last time, she didn't reach the top floor; she was on the floor lower, with George. But she made it to the top. She should just walk toward the light. Suddenly, Izzie spun around, seeing the doors close.

She felt another presence there, so she turned back around to see Denny standing there sadly. Izzie knew her time was up.

"Hey Iz. I'm sorry you have to see me like this," Denny told her. Izzie nodded.

"Me too. It's my time to go, isn't it?" she asked. Denny nodded.

"Before you do, you have to help someone make a choice to live or die," Denny told her, Izzie knowing exactly who it was: George. Izzie nodded as she wiped the oncoming tears away.

"I know," she said as she turned around again, Denny taking her hand. They waited for a minute for George to arrive. Denny's presence made Izzie feel a lot better. She sighed as she looked up to see the elevator climbing, George clearly in it. Suddenly, the warm hand against hers slipped away and she turned to Denny who was walking toward the light.

"You have to do this on your own Iz. I'll see you on the other side, alone or not," Denny said before disappearing into the light. Izzie nodded sadly as she turned to the elevator which was just opening. Inside, George looked exactly how he did the last time she saw him; he was in his uniform and was smiling sadly. He looked at her sadly.

"You're dead," he realized.

"Almost. I've given up. You've fought George, I know it. But have you fought hard enough?" Izzie asked him. George shrugged.

"I've tried, but I'm just too tired," George admitted. Izzie nodded.

"It's your choice to live or to die George. I know you'll make the right choice," Izzie said. George smiled a little bit as he tugged on his uniform, thinking.

"I never got to say goodbye to anyone," he realized. Izzie nodded.

"Me neither. It's ok; they know we love them all," she said. George nodded.

"I don't want to die," he told her.

"I know you don't. So, hold on then," Izzie told him. George nodded sadly.

"But you're dead. What am I going to do without you? You're my best friend; the person that understands me the best," George asked. Izzie sighed as she stepped forward, and hugged him tightly.

"You'll figure it out George. I promise you that you'll be alright, even if I'm gone. You have a lot more to live for George. It's my time to go anyways; I have cancer, and I'd die eventually. You have to stay strong and be that one miracle case that Owen and Derek and everyone at Seattle Grace wants. You have to live; it's your time George. Be strong, and hold on. Don't let me see you here again in the next year, alright?" Izzie asked as she pulled back. George nodded as Izzie left the elevator.

"I'll try for you Iz. I'll miss you. It's not going to be the same without you," George told her. Izzie nodded sadly.

"I know. I'll be watching over all of you, just remember that," she said. Before she could stop herself, she stepped into the elevator again and planted a soft kiss on his cheek. Izzie smiled as she stepped off the elevator.

"Goodbye George O'Malley. You are truly a brave and strong hero. Never forget that," Izzie said before the elevator doors started to close.

"Goodbye Isobel Stevens. You are truly an angel at heart," he said to her before she disappeared forever, the elevator moving back down toward life. He heard the beeping getting louder and louder, the voices coming closer to him. George sighed as the pain started to come slowly, but then moved quicker before there was darkness.

"Oh thank god! He's stabilized again! Stay with us O'Malley!" Owen yelled as they quickly worked to keep him stabilized. The only answer was the steady beeping of his heart monitor. Derek's hand shook a little bit, but he steadied himself as he worked alongside Dr. Abbott. Derek looked up to see Meredith and Cristina watching, Meredith shedding tears as Cristina held Meredith's hand, looking upset as well. Owen glanced up and gave them a small smile before turning back to George.

They managed to stop the bleeding and worked on him for several minutes. They finished the surgery half an hour later and they wheeled him to Recovery. Meredith hurried with Cristina to Recovery. Once there, she took George's hand and stroked it.

"You made us all have a scare there George. Don't die on us again, ok? We care about you too much to lose you. You're a hero George, and it would be a disappointment if we lost you," Meredith told him softly. Derek entered a few minutes later with Mark and Owen. They looked down on George, sighing.

"Let's hope he stays with us for the next six hours," Derek prayed. Owen nodded as he wrapped his arm around Cristina, who leaned against him. Derek placed his hand on Meredith's shoulder, as she looked at him. Suddenly Mark turned to find Lexie walk in, tears streaking her face.

"I heard the surgery just ended. How is he?" she asked brokenly. Mark frowned as he walked over to her, hugging her.

"He'll be fine, but the next time he crashes, we won't be able to save him. What's wrong Little Grey?" he asked her. Lexie wiped her tears away but they kept falling.

"Izzie's dead. She crashed again and well, she's gone. She's not coming back," Lexie told them all, leaning against Mark's chest, sobbing.

"What? But she was fine a few hours ago! She was resting, she was getting better!" Derek exclaimed, in shock. Lexie shook her head.

"We decided to respect her wishes to be let go. She's gone! She didn't even get to see George!" Lexie sobbed. Mark sighed as he rubbed her back.

"It's not true. Izzie can't be dead. I just saw her an hour ago. I promised I'd tell her about George," Cristina said in denial. Meredith just sat, stunned as she looked at Derek.

"Izzie's dead," she said blankly. Derek sighed deeply, looking down.

"I know. I can't believe it. What did I do wrong?" he wondered. Meredith shook her head as she cried.

"It's not your fault Derek. You saved her, even for a little while. None of this is your fault," Meredith said to him. The three couples in the room were too preoccupied with Izzie's death that they didn't notice the person on the bed open his eyes. Not until George squeezed Meredith's hand softly that they all noticed. Meredith glanced down and saw George awake. She smiled softly.

"Hey, you're awake. Guys, George is awake. Welcome back," she told him. Everyone immediately crowded around his bed, looking down at him. It was the first time for everyone, excluding Meredith, seeing him awake before knowing it was actually George. George just looked back, blinking, but everyone saw his mouth curve up into a small smile.

"We were worried about you for a second O'Malley. We're so glad you're awake," Owen told George. Cristina nodded slowly.

"Yeah, don't scare us like that again, ok?" Cristina asked. George paused before a very small nod. Meredith smiled as she squeezed his hand. She felt him slip his hand out and started to trace her palm.

"Oh, you're trying to talk again? Ok, I'm listening," Meredith said. George traced a line.

"I?" Meredith wondered. George traced the second letter Z with a question mark.

"Iz? Oh, Izzie? She's, um, well," Meredith hedged.

"I'm not exactly sure. I'll go check on her in a few minutes," Derek said. It was a fib, but not a lie, because he wasn't exactly sure what happened. George nodded, though he did look a little upset.

George traced the letters M-E onto Meredith's hand and pointed weakly at himself.

"You're fine, for now. You've been crashing all day, but we managed to stop the bleeding and we're going to be repairing your arm. Next week, Dr. Sloan here will be starting to reconstruct your face. Other than that, we're going to be taking this all slowly. We're not going to rush anything; we're going to be precise, and we're going to make sure you're alright every step of the way," Derek told George, who managed a small smile. George nodded as Derek sighed deeply.

"It'll be ok George. You'll make it through," Lexie said from where she stood with Mark, facing away from him and trying not to cry. George gave out a little exhale of breath as he squeezed Meredith's hand as tightly as he could.

"You should get some rest, so you can save your strength. We'll be here when you wake up, ok?" Owen said. George nodded as he let himself sleep. Everyone exhaled as soon as George fell asleep.

"I have to go," Lexie told them, hurrying out of the room, Mark following. Derek sighed as he walked toward the door.

"I'd better, um, check on Izzie's body, and stuff," he murmured before walking out. Owen nodded.

"I'm going to talk to Dr. Abbott. We've gotten through the worst part of George's injuries so we don't need them anymore. I'll be back to check on George," Owen said, giving Cristina a kiss before exiting the room. Cristina nodded as she turned to George's bed, her arms crossed but in a vulnerable way, as she tried to get out the image of Izzie, dead on her bed, of her mind.

Meredith sighed as she stroked George's hand gently.

"I hope he's alright," Meredith murmured, though in tears of hearing that Izzie died. Cristina nodded.

"Me too," she said as they gazed over the sleeping man.

One Week Later

It was a sunny day, Meredith remembered, as she sat in George's room before Izzie's funeral. He was just starting to wake up from the anesthetic they gave him before his surgery hours prior. She was already dressed, in black of course, waiting for George to fully wake up. Derek was just getting dressed after his surgery with George. Things were looking up for him. He was doing better each day, getting stronger. His left hand didn't have much function currently, but as soon as George was out of the hospital, he would go to rehab for that, to regain full function. The damage was bad, but not as bad as they thought. Dr. Abbott, before he left, predicted that he would eventually have full use of his hand within the next year. Derek managed to fix his skull, and even though it would take some weeks, George would be better. Owen also managed to stop the bleeding, and he was going to be fine internally. Mark was also making plans for George's facial reconstruction. In a week, he would be starting the construction, and hopefully within the next three weeks, George would look somewhat like himself again. All in all, George would eventually be fine, even if it took a lot of time. He would have to take a lot of time off, but Owen, Derek and even Mark thought that George would be able to become a doctor again, just not for a while.

George didn't know all of this yet. Meredith wanted him to rest and just focus on getting better. The good news could wait for a few days until he was on the road to recovery. Meredith smiled as George opened his eyes. The swelling from his eyes had gone down a little bit, and Meredith noticed George's big brown eyes again. He managed to smile. Now he could talk a little bit. He could really only say a few words at a time, but it was better than nothing.

"Hey, Izzie's funeral?" he whispered. Meredith nodded quickly. They told George of Izzie's death two days after she died. To their surprise he knew she died. None of them were quite sure, but he apparently saw her, though he didn't really explain, not that he could.

"Yeah. Derek will come to get me in a few minutes. I just wanted to tell you that the surgery was a success, and over time, you'll get better. You'll be able to get full function of your left arm in a year, maybe even more, and Sloan is already working hard to start your facial reconstruction. You're going to be fine George; you're going to live, hopefully for a long time," Meredith told him happily. He managed a bigger smile as he squeezed her hand.

"That's great," he told her. She nodded.

"I'm sure Izzie would have wanted you at the funeral. When you're better, we'll take you to her grave. And when we get back, I'll tell you all about the funeral," Meredith told him. George nodded.

"Great," he whispered. Meredith smiled as she kissed his hand.

"Izzie… she would have been so proud of you for saving Amanda. You're a true hero George, and you definitely don't need to go to Iraq to prove that, not like you can go anyways. You're the bravest, and the kindest guy I know, don't you forget that," Meredith told him. George nodded again, looking at her.

"Thanks Mer…for realizing," he said thickly. Meredith nodded, knowing what he meant. Thanks for realizing who he was in time, and just figuring it out before he died. Meredith felt a presence at the door and she turned to see Derek in his suit.

"Hey George. You ready to go Mer?" he asked his almost wife. She nodded as she looked back at George.

"I'll be back later George. Get some rest and take in the good news. We love you so much," Meredith said, Derek nodding. George smiled.

"Thanks," he said just as Mrs. O'Malley and Amanda walked through the door. She arrived a day after Izzie's death after Lexie called her. She remained by his side in tears, just thankful he was alright. She refused to leave his side until good news arrived, and when it did, she just was thankful. Amanda was thankful too, and didn't want to leave either. She blamed herself and wanted to get to know George and to help him through it. Even thought she was a good seven years younger than him, she still really liked him. After all, Mark and Lexie were several years apart, about fifteen, so age didn't really matter.

George smiled as his mom and new friend walked up to him. Meredith stood and backed off as Mrs. O'Malley took her son's hand, Amanda placing her hand on the bed, where George's legs were.

"Hi honey," Mrs. O'Malley greeted her son. Meredith smiled as she walked over to Derek, who took her hand. Both turned and waved at George, who, with Amanda's help, waved with his left hand. Meredith nodded through her tears and walked out with Derek toward the car.

"He's getting so much better every day. He's going to make it," Meredith said happily. Derek nodded.

"Yeah," he said distantly. Meredith knew he blamed himself for Izzie's death. She hugged Derek and squeezed his hand.

"It's not your fault Derek. She was meant to die, you know that. You did all that you could. Be proud that you saved George," Meredith told him. Derek nodded.

"I am," he said. Meredith sighed as the two took the silent drive to the cemetery where Izzie would be buried. It wasn't far from the hospital, only about twenty minutes.

The service for her was truly beautiful and Izzie would have definitely approved. Everyone, with the exception of her mom, Robbie who was in a dark blue outfit, were wearing black. Meredith stood in between Derek and Cristina, who was situated beside Owen. Cristina was so close to Owen, Meredith swore they were like one person. Meredith didn't think Cristina was ever going to move away from Owen. She saw Cristina's bottom lip tremble, and knew she wanted to cry, but held it in.

Not that far away was Lexie with Mark. Mark looked straight ahead, but he had his arm around Lexie as she sobbed. Meredith knew it was hard for Lexie, she wasn't the strongest person ever, and Mark was just there for Lexie. He didn't want to be there; he hated funerals. Everyone hated funerals. Callie was there with Arizona, both just completely stunned. Meredith knew Callie didn't like Izzie that well, but she did have a growing respect for her. The Chief and Bailey were also there. Bailey was with her husband and her son, hugging both for dear life as she looked at Izzie's coffin. The Chief stood alone, gazing down on Izzie's coffin in disbelief.

As for Alex? Well, Meredith was surprised he was even holding it all together. He was sobbing silently as he got as close as he could to Izzie's coffin. He was an utter wreck, and Meredith didn't know how he would come back from this.

The funeral flew by fast for Meredith. She stuck beside Derek as she gazed mournfully at the closed box that Izzie was currently in. Her friend was dead, Meredith realized with a gasp. Izzie was truly dead.

Derek heard the gasp and rubbed her back lovingly. Meredith was glad Derek was here, or else she would not know what to do. After the funeral, Meredith took Derek's hand and led him out, not wanting to be there a second longer. Derek followed her silently until they reached the car.

"Are you ok Mer?" he asked her. Meredith nodded.

"Yeah, I just can't be there anymore. Things are going to change now, aren't they?" she asked him. Derek nodded as he stroked her hand.

"Yeah, they are. But we'll get through them, I promise," he told her. Smiling, Meredith allowed herself to sink into his arms as she let the tears flow quickly and silently. But somehow, she knew it would be alright eventually.

Ok, bad ending. I just didn't know how to end it. Thanks for reading guys! I don't know why I killed Izzie, I just did. I ALMOST killed George too, but I shut down the program, and waited a day before writing with a clear and positive mind. I hope you enjoyed this.